LP3067. Anderson, Poul. Masters of Science Fiction, Volume 9: Poul Anderson: "The Star Beast" And Other Tales. Armchair Fiction, 2014. First edition trade paperback original (POD), a Fine copy. Short story collection. "The Long Return" and "World of the Mad" haven't been reprinted since their original magazine appearances. $16.
LP3068. Anderson, Poul with Lester Del Rey and Frederik Pohl. A Twelvemonth and a Day b/w Preferred Risk. Armchair Fiction, 2016. First edition trade paperback original (POD) for the Anderson, a Fine copy. $12.
LP3604. (Arkham House) Herron, Don, and John D. Haefele. Arkham House Ephemera: The Classic Years 1937 —1973: A Pictorial History & Guide For Collectors. Cimmerian Press, 2024. First edition trade paperback original (a POD book). Just what the title says, a pictorial history of Arkham House ephemera (catalogs, review slips, etc.) issued from the press's founding up through 1973. The book is actually useful even if you don't collect ephemera, as the full catalogs show when books went out of print and how much they were going for, etc. This book seems to be available through Amazon only, and if you need it, you need it, so I'm putting it here with a link. LP3160. Asimov, Isaac (read by Dan Lazar). Foundation and Empire. Books on Tape, 1979. First? edition audiobook, eight cassette tapes in a plastic library case the size of a hardback book, a Near Fine copy with some surface wear to the transparent plastic wrapper, some transfer from the printer inserts to the inside of that same wrapper (you could probably clean that off with some time and effort), and what appears to be small library ID stickers ("T-787") on each cassette. I get the impression these were done for libraries and the blind before the audio book market took off. I'm not seeing this particular edition available anywhere online. $10.
LP3161. Asimov, Isaac. The Foundation Trilogy. Unknown publisher, unknown date. Eight audiobook CDs with color printed labels in paper sleeves. Looks vaguely LibraVox-ish (see below), but I'm not seeing it in their catalog. At that length it's surely abridged. You pays your money and you takes your chances... $3.
LP2855. Attanasio, A. A. Radix. William Morrow, 1981. First edition trade paperback original, a Near Fine- copy with spine fading, one spine crease and traces of dust soiling along the edge of the rear cover along the spine, otherwise a nice square copy. Simultaneous with the hardback edition. Nebula Award finalist. $20.
LP2220. Aylett, Steve. The Inflatable Volunteer. Indigo, 2000. Trade paperback reprint, a Near Fine- copy with a 1/8" x 3/8" sticker pull on top front cover, otherwise apparently new and unread. More Aylett weirdness I'm sure... $5.
LP1194. Aylett, Steve. Toxicology. Gollancz, 2001. First edition trade paperback original (simultaneous with the hardback) thus, with six stories (two original to this edition) not in the Four Walls Eight Windows edition, a Fine- copy with a tiny bump at head, otherwise new and unread. Very weird postmodern slipstream stories. $8.
LP3469. Bacigalupi, Paolo. The Windup Girl. Night Shade Books, 2010. Trade paperback second printing, a Fine- copy with wear at points, inscribed by Bacigalupi: "For Spencer,/here's hoping we/find our way to a/better future than this one!/All by best,/Paolo Bacigalupi. Note: There is also an underlined sentence on the first page and "Awkward!" written beside it in what appears to be Bacigalupi's handwriting. A chance to pick up a signed copy of a Hugo and Nebula winner cheap. $20.
LP807. Barnes, Steven. Charisma. Tor, 2002. "Advanced uncorrected proofs" of the first hardback edition, A Fine copy save for a trace of glue flash (binders flaw) near authors name on spine. $3.
LP3470. Barrett, Neal, Jr. Slightly Off Center. Swan Press, 1992. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine- copy with just a trace of wear, inscribed by Barrett: "To Linda!" (in purple)/Neal Barrett, Jr. (in black). Short story collection. Recommended. $10.
LP2222. Bear, Elizabeth. Shoggoths in Bloom. Prime, 2012. First edition trade paperback original, a Near Fine- copy with a thin 1" cut to left side of cut and a 1" lamination pull to bottom rear just below UPC code, otherwise new and unread. Short story collection. $5.
LP1991. Bester, Alfred, and Roger Zelazny. Psychoshop. Vintage, 1998. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine- copy with traces of wear along spine edge and a few other touches of wear. Collaborative novel, started by Bester and finished by Zelazny. $12.
LP3605. Bishop, Michael (Lewis Shiner). Apartheid, Superstrings and Mordecai Thubana. Axolotl Press/Pulphouse, 1989. First edition trade paperback original (simultaneous with the hardback states), a Fine copy, signed by Bishop and introduction author Lewis Shiner. $10.
LP1439. Bishop, Michael. Within the Walls of Tyre: A Screenplay. Kerosina Books, 1989. First edition chapbook, one of only 650 copies, a Fine copy, new and unread. Mike is such an amazingly nice guy that it surprises you he can come up with stories as nasty and twisted as this... $5.
LP532. Blaylock, James P. Thirteen Phantasms. Edgewood Press, 2000. An "Advance Uncorrected Proof"; of the first hardback edition, F with a glue bump at heel (as bound) and a blue ballpoint pen correction to the zip code on the cover (presumably by the publisher). $10.
LP1104. Block, Francesca Lia. Ecstasia. Roc, 1993. First edition trade paperback original (TPO), a Fine- copy with just a trace of wear at corners and exceptionally tiny edgewear. A very well-regarded fantasy, and a very desirable TPO, as there was no hardback edition. $30.
LP2655. Berthed, Berke. Bloom County: Tales Too Ticklish To Tell. Little Brown, 1988. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine- copy with a trace of wear. I pick up anthologies for comic strip s I like when I find them cheap, and I accidentally picked up two copies of this somewhere along the way. Includes an introduction from "Mikhail Gorbachev." With The Frontrunner, maybe there's a market for reliving those halcyon days of 1988! $5.
LP3162. Buckell, Tobias S. Shoggoths in Traffic and Other Stories. Fairwood Press, 2021. First edition trade paperback edition, a Fine copy, new an unread. Stories by the author of Crystal Rain. $17.99.
LP3332. Campbell, John W. Frozen Hell. Wildside Press, 2019. First? edition trade paperback original (this was originally done through a Kickstarter, with both hardback and trade paperback editions at different pledge levels; the copyright notice is identical on this and my hardback edition obtained through the Kickstarter, and it lacks the inner last page barcode that typically denotes a print-on-demand book (as so many of Wildside's are), making me tentatively believe that this was part of the same initial printing done for the Kickstarter), a Fine copy. The original text of John W. Campbell's "Who Goes There?", which adds 45 pages of text excised story. $15.
LP3069. Campbell, John W. and Aladra Septama. When the Atoms Failed b/w The Dragons of Space. Armchair Fiction, 2016. First edition trade paperback original (POD), a Fine copy. Contains "When the Atoms Failed" (one print reprint) and "The Metal Horde" (no print reprints) from Campbell, and the Septama has never been reprinted previously. $12.
LP3333. Chizmer, Richard, editor (Charles L. Grant, T.E.D. Klein). Cemetery Dance issue #58. Cemetery Dance, 2008. First edition magazine, a Fine- copy with a trace of wear at top and bottom of spine. Charles L. Grant tribute issues, with tributes from a variety of horror writers, plus interviews T.E.D. Klein, Stephen Graham Jones and David Morrell, plus fiction by Grant, Jones and Morrell. $9.
LP3334. Chizmer, Richard, editor (Stephen King, Bentley Little). Cemetery Dance issue #64. Cemetery Dance, 2010. First edition magazine, a Fine- copy with a trace of wear at top and bottom of spin and a few traces of wear to rear cover. Bentley Little Special Issue, with two stories by him, plus fiction by Stephen King (an excerpt from Blockade Billy), Douglas Clegg and Brian Knight, plus a roundtable on The New Dead featuring Joe R. Lansdale, Rick Hautala, Max Brooks, etc. $15.
LP3335. Chizmer, Richard, editor (Edward Lee, Terry Dowling). Cemetery Dance issue #66. Cemetery Dance, 2012. First edition magazine, a Fine- copy with a trace of wear at top and bottom of spine. Review of Stephen King's The Wind Through the Keyhole, interviews with Edward Lee and Terry Dowling, fiction by Dowling, Steve Rasnick Tem, Bill Prozini, etc. $9.
LP925. Clement, Hal. Noise. Tor, 2003. Advanced Uncorrected proof of the hardback first edition, a Fine copy, unread. His last novel. $10.
LP3336. Clute, John. Sticking To the End. Beccon, 2022. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine- copy with a bump at head. Collection of reviews, essays, etc. Supposedly both Beccon and Clute's last book. Bought from the publisher at the usual discount. $35.
LP3163. "Conrad, Joseph" (Adam Newell). At the Door of Darkness. Sangrail Press, 2020. First edition chapbook original, one of 100 numbered copies, a Fine copy in white envelope and numbered brown cardboard mailer, as issued. Somewhat elaborate production, with tipped-in linocut frontispiece and tissue guard and duplicated pages from the "original" manuscript for Heart of Darkness featuring a deleted scene. A very sly literary endeavor. $35.
LP926. Constantine, Storm. Three Heralds of the Storm. Meisha Merlin, 1997. First edition chapbook, a Fine copy. Three short stories. Blurbs by Neil Gaiman and Michael Moorcock. $5.
LP3536. Crowley, John. A Conway Miscellany (four books): Seventy-Nine Dreams. Ninepin Press, 2024. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy. A dream journal. 5" tall by 5" wide. WITH The Sixties: A Forged Diary. Ninepin Press, 2024. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy. A reconstruction of Crowley's life in New York City in the 60s. "After taking a job with a photography studio, he soon crosses paths with the likes of Andy Warhol and Richard Avedon, Claudia Cardinale and Raquel Welch." 8" tall by 6" wide. WITH Two Chapters in a Family Chronicle. Ninepin Press, 2024. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy. Two stories, "Percy and Lulu Go to Vermont" and "Poker Night at the Elks Club 193" that "link three generations of John Crowley's family." 7" tall by 5" wide. WITH Crowley, John. Two Talks On Writing. Ninepin Press, 2024. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy, with signature plate by Crowley laid in (only one per set). Two speeches, "Practicing the Arts of Peace" and "The Uses of Allegory." 6" tall by 4" wide. WITH Crowley signature plate. The four books, which are all different sizes, were offered as a set on Kickstarter and can be laid out together to form a single image. Complete sets with the signature plate might be hard for Crowley fans who missed the Kickstarter to find going forward. For the set: $95.
LP1195. Crowther, Peter (Alastair Reynolds, Barry Malzberg & Paul Di Filippo, Jack Dann, Adam Roberts, Zoran Zivkovic, Lawrence Person, Eric Brown). Postscripts Number 4: Summer 2005. First edition magazine, trade paperback format (simultaneous with a very limited and fairly pricey signed hardback state), a Fine copy, new unread. Contains my story, "Master Lao and the Flying Horror," a homage to Barry Hughart, Ernest Bramah, and Hong Kong supernatural action films. I think you'll enjoy it. Signed and/or inscribed upon request. $10 Net (cover price; a very short discount on these)
LP2803. Dann, Jack. Counting Coup. Tor Forge, 2001. Proof, trade paperback format, of the first hardback edition (preceded by an Australian PBO under the title Bad Medicine), a Fine- copy with slight crease across bottom rear corner and a pinprick of dust soiling along top glue join, otherwise unread. For a long time this was one of the science fiction field's great unpublished novels, a mainstream novel about a janitor and an Indian on a binge road trip. $10.
LP1196. Datlow, Ellen, and Terri Windling. The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Third Annual Collection. St. Martins, 1990. First edition trade paperback original (simultaneous with the hardback edition), a hardbound-ized Ex-Library copy, with all the usual flaws, otherwise a NF- copy with spine lean, dust staining to page block edges, and a line at heel. Sturdy reading copy of this volume. $5.
LP874. Datlow, Ellen & Windling, Terri. The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Sixteenth Annual Collection. St. Martin's Griffin, 2003. First edition trade paperback original (simultaneous with the hardback edition), a Fine- copy with one small, faint, tackhead-sized dust stain to lower fore-edge, otherwise new and unread. Lots of the usual suspects, including Neil Gaiman, Elizabeth Hand, Karen Joy Fowler, etc. These are always worth picking up. $9.
LP1197. Datlow, Ellen, Kelly Link and Gavin J. Grant, editors. The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Eighteenth Annual Collection. St. Martins, 2005. First edition trade paperback original (simultaneous with the hardback edition), a Fine copy, new and unread. $15.
Davidson, Avram. AD 100: Volume I and AD 100: Volume II. Or All the Sea With Oysters Publishing, 2023. First edition trade paperback originals (print on demand), as new. The Avram Davidson Society has set these up as Amazon print on demand originals. Together they include 100 unpublished or uncollected Avram Davidson stories. If you're interested in picking them up, click the links.
Davidson, Avram. Dragons in the Trees: A Visit to British Honduras (Belize). Or All The Seas With Oysters Publishing, 2023 (i.e. 2024). First edition trade paperback original (this is a Print-on-Demand book fulfilled through Amazon), a Fine copy. Non-fiction. "This unique travel journal, born from Davidson's travels between December 1965 and January 1966, showcases his unparalleled imagination and erudite commentary. Known primarily for his fantastical fiction, Davidson proves to be a masterful travel writer, capturing the essence of his experiences with vivid prose and introspective reflections." Since it's an Amazon POD book, I'm just providing a link to it here.
LP2341. Davidson, Avram. The Last Wizard. The Nutmeg Point District Mail, 1999. First edition chapbook original, one of 125 numbered copies, a Fine copy, new and unread. A very short story and a letter of explanation. $13.
LP3471. Dawidziak, Mark. The Klochak Papers: Grave Secrets. Cinemaker Press, 1994. First edition trade paperback original, a Very Good+ copy with beverage stains across bottom pageblock edge, plus one very light dime-sized spot on top and side, and what looks like a small bump at the very corner of the heel, otherwise a nice, square copy. Based on the Jeff Rice/Richard Matheson Night Stalker movies and TV shows of the 1970s featuring dogged, wise-cracking reporter Carl Kolchak. $35.
LP1440. Delany, Samuel R. Silent Interviews: On Language, Race, Sex, Science Fiction, and Some Comics. Wesleyan University Press, 1994. Second printing of the trade paperback edition, a Fine- copy with a trace of haze rubbing and a few pinpricks of wear, otherwise new and apparently unread. A quick look shows this a few orders of magnitude more accessible than Delany's deconstructionist "close reading" criticism. $8.
LP2608. Delany, Samuel R. Wagner/Artaud: A Play of 19th and 20th Century Critical Fictions. Ansatz Press, 1988. Second printing, trade paperback original, a Very Good+ copy with quarter-sized abraded area near bottom of back cover, long faint crease down rear cover, and general wear. Compares the lives and works of opera composer Richard Wagner and "theater of cruelty" playwright Antonin Artaud. I mistakenly bought this as a first, and I'm passing it along for cost as a reading copy of one of Delany's less common critical works. $15.
LP1198. De Lint, Charles. Someplace to be Flying. Orb, 2005. First printing of this trade paperback reprint, a Fine copy, new and unread. Signed by De Lint. $14.
LP3607. Dick, Philip K. Confessions of a Crap Artist. Entwhistle Books, 1977. First trade paperback (following the hardback edition by two years), a Very Good copy with brown stain to bottom outer corner and first 10 pages or so and a bit of age toning around edges. Mainstream novel of a protagonist who's just a little bit off, but his manipulative sister is one of the most terrifying Dick characters ever. $25.
P2804. Dick, Philip K. The Eye of the Sybil and Other Classic Stories. Citadel Press, 2002 (stated). Trade paperback reprint, a Fine copy. Short story collection. Reprint of Volume 5 of The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick. $4.
LP2805. Dick, Philip K. The Minority Report and Other Classic Stories. Citadel Press, 2002 (stated). Trade paperback reprint, a Fine copy. Short story collection. Reprint of Volume 4 of The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick. $5.
LP2806. Dick, Philip K. The Philip K. Dick Reader. Citidel Press, 1997 (stated). Trade paperback reprint, a Fine copy. Short story collection. Lots of good stories in here: "The Golden Man," "Second Variety," etc. Recommended, at least if you don't have the Collected Stories. $4.
LP2807. Dick, Philip K. Paycheck and Other Classic Stories. Citadel Press, 1990 (stated). Trade paperback reprint, a Fine copy. Short story collection. Reprint of Volume 1 of The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick. Dick wrote something like a short story every two weeks for a year, many very interesting. Recommended. $4.
LP1708. Dick, Philip K. Puttering About in a Small Land. Tor, 2009. Advanced Uncorrected Proof of the first Tor edition, trade paperback format, a Fine copy, new and unread. Good to see Tor bringing back some of the more obscure mainstream Dick titles into print. $10.
LP2808. Dick, Philip K. Second Variety and Other Classic Stories. Citadel Press, 2002 (stated). Trade paperback reprint, a Fine- copy with a touch of wear. Short story collection. Reprint of Volume 3 of The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick. Lots of great stories: "Second Variety," "The Father Thing," "War Veteran," etc. Recommended. $4.
LP533. (Dick, Philip K.) Levack, Daniel J. H. PKD: A Philip K. Dick Bibliography. First edition trade paperback original (simultaneous with the hardback edition), a Fine copy. Essential and highly recommended if you collect Dick, and increasingly hard to find. $45.
LP3608. (Dick, Philip K.) Williams, Paul. Only Apparently Real: The World of Philip K. Dick. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy with just a trace of toning to the pages. Biography of Dick by his longtime friend and literary executor. $20.
LP1300. Di Filippo, Paul. Shuteye for the Timebroker. Thunder's Mouth Press, 2006. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy, new and unread. With signed bookplate laid in. Short story collection. $14.
LP3609. Dozois, Gardner, editor (Octavia Butler, William Gibson, Gene Wolfe, Bruce Sterling, R.A. Lafferty, etc.). The Year's Best Science Fiction: Second Annual Collection. Bluejay, 1985. First edition trade paperback original (simultaneous with the much smaller hardback run), a Near Fine with spine just starting to crease and slightly concave, otherwise a very nice copy. Great early Dozois, with classic stories like "Bloodchild," "PRESS ENTER â– ," etc. Getting hard to find in any edition. Recommended. $75.
LP3610. Dozois, Gardner, editor (William Gibson, Howard Waldrop, George R. R. Martin Bruce Sterling, James Tiptree, Jr., etc.). The Year's Best Science Fiction: Third Annual Collection. Bluejay, 1986. First edition trade paperback original (simultaneous with the much smaller hardback run), a Very Good only copy mainly because the last few pages are slightly dampstained, spine just starting to crease and slightly concave. Another great collection, with "Dogfight," "Paper Dragons," "Flying Saucer Rock'N'Roll," etc. Recommended. $35.
LP1756. Dozois, Gardner, editor (Greg Bear, William Gibson, Tim Powers, Michael Swanwick, Bruce Sterling, Kim Stanley Robinson, Howard Waldrop, etc.) The Year's Best Science Fiction: Fourth Annual Collection. St. Martins, 1987. First edition trade paperback original (simultaneous with the hardcover), a Near Fine- copy with several non-breaking spine creases and slight wear at head, otherwise fairly square. $25.
LP3337. Dozois, Gardner (Michael Swanwick, interviewer). In His Own Words. Dragonstairs, 2022. First edition chapbook original, #56 of 60 numbered copies signed by Swanwick, a Fine copy. Condensed transcription of an interview Swanwick conducted with Gardner at the 2001 Capclave. Instantly out of print from the publisher. Only have one. $50.
LP2585. Effinger, George Alec. The Exile Kiss. Doubleday Foundation, 1991. Uncorrected proof of the hardback first edition, a Fine- copy with spine fading. The third Maurid novel, and not a terribly common proof. $25.
LP1301. Ellison, Harlan (edited by Andrew Porter). The Book of Ellison. ALGOL Press, 1978. First edition trade paperback original (simultaneous with a very small hardback run), an Ex-Library copy with all the usual flaws (stamps, interior stickers & pocket, exterior tape ghost) etc., otherwise VG- with bent bottom back corner and spine fading. Decent reading copy. Includes multiple introductions by such luminaries as Isaac Asimov, Robert Silverberg, etc., as well as Leslie Swigart's "Harlan Ellison: A Non-Fiction Checklist." $20.
LP876. Eskridge, Kelley. Solitaire. Eos, 2002. Uncorrected Proof in trade paperback of the first edition form of the hardback, a Fine copy, new an unread. I heard this was a very good first novel. Nebula finalist. $5.
LP1656. Farmer, Philip Jose. A Barnstormer in Oz. Berkley Books, 1982. First edition trade paperback original, an Ex-Library copy with the usual flaws whose covers have been rebound into a library hardback, otherwise Near Fine. Nice sturdy reading copy. $5.
LP460. Files, Meg. Meridian 144. SOHO, 1991. Uncorrected Proof of the first edition, Fine. If I remember correctly, this is a literary post-apocalyptic novel, possibly slipstream. Ed Bryant blurbs it. First novel. $5.
LP3164. "Fitzgerald, F. Scott" (Adam Newell). Gods of Darkness. Sangrail Press, 2021. First edition chapbook original, one of 250 numbered copies, a Fine copy in numbered brown cardboard mailer, as issued. Another elaborate production, with tipped-in frontispiece illustration. "F. Scott Fitzgerald's forgotten tale of a Lovecraftian witch cult, not in any edition of his collected works." Now sold out from the publisher. $49.
LP703. Friedman, Kinky. Steppin' on a Rainbow. Simon and Schuster, 2001. An Advanced Uncorrected Reader's Proof (side-bound trade paperback format), Fine- with a trace of handling to front cover. Mystery set in Hawaii. The latest weirdness from this gonzo country music singer turned author. $9.
LP3338. Fry, Daniel W., Ph.D. To Men Of Earth (including The White Sands Incident). El Cariso Publishing, 1973. First edition trade paperback original thus (there was an original printing of To Men Of Earth in 1954 than ran some 40 pages long; this book is 118 pages, and includes the White Sands Incident, originally published separately in 1966), a Very Good copy with two dime-sized abrasion rubs on front cover, mild blue rubbing to rear white cover (possibly from another copy), slight age darkening to spine, and a few other touches of general wear, and an "Understanding Inc." (Fry's own group) sticker at the bottom of the title page. UFO book, purportedly of alien contact with the author. Shows up in various UFO bibliographies and Fry has a Wikipedia entry, which notes "Fry became the 1972 vice-presidential nominee of the Universal Party along with the presidential nominee and fellow contactee Gabriel Green." $35.
LP256. (Gabriel, Peter). Rabid Chalk. Deerfield Press, 1983. Poetry chapbook (presumably a first edition), Edited by Melina Costello. VG-, with considerable rubbing to the black cover, an address sticker for "Mg" (who contributed two poems), and an inscription (and two gold stars!) by "MG" to "Jeff." Reprints ("with permission") the lyrics to Peter Gabriel's "Modern Love", a song off Peter Gabriel (aka Peter Gabriel I). Personally I would have preferred "Here Comes the Flood." Actually a pretty ugly package, but this sucker has got to be rare. Somewhere out there, some fanatical Genesis/Peter Gabriel collector needs this to complete their collection . . . $10
LP3165. Gaiman, Neil (read by Lenny Henry). Anansi Boys. Harper Audio, 2005. First audiobook edition, 8 CDs, in a Near Fine light cardboard case with slight creasing to three sides, trace of wear at points, and slight price sticker remnant over UPC code. At a Gaiman signing for Anansi Boys, and he said Lenny Henry (best known over here for Chef!, and a longtime Gaiman friend and comics fan) did a much better job reading (especially for the Caribbean voices) than he could have done. $10.
LP3072. Gaiman, Neal. Fragile Things. Harper Perennial, 2007. Trade paperback reprint, a Near Fine copy with crease running the length of the first ten pages, signed by Gaiman. Short story collection. Not a lot of signed copies of this title online in any state. $25.
LP3166. Gaiman, Neil (read by Gary Bakewell). Neverwhere. HighBridge Company, 1997. First U.S. edition audiobook, two cassettes in plastic cases inside a light cardboard retail sleeve, Near Fine+ with thin line across UPC code and light wear at corners. "2 hours on two audiocassettes," so it's obviously abridged. Read by actor Gary Bakewell, who played Richard Mayhew in the BBC miniseries. There is evidently a three-hour BBC version in the UK that includes music by Brian Eno and additional commentary by Lenny Henry, who suggested an idea to Gaiman that original became the script and novel. Not seeing a copy of this edition anywhere online. $7.
LP3394. Gaiman, Neil. Words of Fire. Arete Editions, 2022. First edition trade paperback original with flaps, simultaneously with two ridiculously small hardback runs that were already sold out when I heard about it, one of 300 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy. Poetry collection, now out of print from the publisher. My last Arte edition, The Case of Death and Honey, didn't last long, and unlike this one, it wasn't signed by Gaiman. $395.
LP2344. Gibson, William. Spook Country. Berkley, 2008. Trade paperback reprint, a Very Good copy with general wear at extremities and waviness to first 30 pages or so. Signed by Gibson. Actually didn't get Gibson to sign this one, I found it pre-signed in the clearance rack at Half Price Books. Buy a cheap signed reading copy! $7.
LP265. Godwin, Parke. The Last Rainbow. Bantam Spectra, 1985. TPO (Trade Paperback Original) first edition, Fine-, with the usual page yellowing and only a few scratches (one 1" long, the others tiny) to reflective foil cover. Actually, this is phenomenal shape for this particular title, about which a bookstore clerk once said "you only had to look at one of these for the foil to start flaking off." Fantasy about St. Patrick. $10.
LP266. Grundy, Stephan. Atila's Treasure. Bantam, 1996. Uncorrected Proof, Fine with contact sticker on cover. Please take this off my hands $1.
LP2124. Gunn, James. The Unpublished Gunn Part 2. Chris Drumm Books, 1996. First edition chapbook original, a Fine copy. Uncollected work by this Nebula Grandmaster. $5.
LP3167. Harrison, Harry (read by Gregg Margarite). Deathworld. LibraVox/Wyndham Books, 2009. Five audiobook CDs with printed labels in a white cardboard mailer hand-labeled "DEATHWORLD." LibraVox offers public domain recordings of works, so what you're paying for here is not having to download the individual chapters from their website. $3.
LP3537. Heinlein, Robert A. For Us, The Living. Scribner, 2004. Advanced Uncorrected Reader's Proof of the hardback first edition, trade paperback format, a Near Fine+ copy with slight bumping to points and a thin, pixelated line on the inside front cover about 1/2? from the outer edge, possibly a printing process byproduct, otherwise a nice copy with an unbroken spine. ARC of this early but posthumously published Heinlein novel. Not seeing any copies online, and I don't remember seeing ARCs back when it was published. $49.
LP3538. Hendrix, Grady. Paperbacks From Hell. Quirk Books, 2017. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine- copy with a couple of tiny nicks to spine and a trace of edgewear at head, heel and points, but the spine is unbroken, the raised red foil lettering is bright and unknicked, and the self-wrapper flaps are perfectly crisp; a very nice copy. Engaging, chatty non-fiction book on the horror paperbacks of the 70s and 80s, arranged by topic (When Animals Attack, Creepy Kids, etc.). Though not a bibliography per se, many of the titles covered seem to have gotten a lot more collectable after the book came out. Reprints are common, but nice firsts considerably less so. $35.
LP1921. Hill, Joe. 20th Century Ghosts. PS Publishing, 2005. First edition trade paperback (simultaneous with the hardback states), one of 1000 copies, a Fine copy, new and unread. A very solid short story collection. At the 2011 World Horror Convention in Austin, Peter Straub and I talked about how we're both fans of the story "Pop Art." This copy has been signed (with a simple drawing) by Hill at that convention. $45.
LP1303. Holkins, Jerry & Krahulik, Mike (aka John "Gabe" Gabriel & Tycho Brah). Penny Arcade 1: Attack of the Bacon Robots. Dark Horse, 2006. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy, new and unread. Collection of the online Penny Arcade comic strip, which casts an appropriately jaundiced eye on the world of computer gaming. Recommended. $9.
LP1368. Holkins, Jerry & Krahulik, Mike (aka John "Gabe" Gabriel & Tycho Brah). Penny Arcade 2: Epic Legends of the Magic Sword Kings. Dark Horse, 2006. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy, new and unread. Collection of the online Penny Arcade comic strip, which casts an appropriately jaundiced eye on the world of computer gaming. Recommended. $9.
LP1441. Holkins, Jerry & Krahulik, Mike (aka John "Gabe" Gabriel & Tycho Brah). Penny Arcade 3: The Warsun Prophecies. Dark Horse, 2007. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy, new and unread. Collection of the online Penny Arcade comic strip, which casts an appropriately jaundiced eye on the world of computer gaming. Recommended. You should read the rip on Harry Knowles in here... $9.
LP1442. Holkins, Jerry & Krahulik, Mike (aka John "Gabe" Gabriel & Tycho Brah). Penny Arcade 4: Birds Are Weird. Dark Horse, 2007. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy, new and unread. Latest collection of the online Penny Arcade comic strip. Still amazingly funny, and better drawn than ever. Recommended. $9.
LPPA1. Special deal! Pick up all four Penny Arcade books for $32, $4 off the sale price (only one available). $32.
LP3006. Holkins, Jerry and Mike Krahulik. Penny Arcade 6: The Halls Below. Del Rey, 2010. Trade paperback reprint, a Fine- copy with a touch of edgewear at heel. Collection of Penny Arcade cartoons. Got sent this by mistake (I ordered the signed/limited hardback). $5.
LP706. Hopkinson, Nalo. Midnight Robber. Warner Books, 2000. First edition trade paperback original, NF with 1/4" nick to spine and some slight wear. The second novel from this acclaimed new writer, and a Hugo and Nebula finalist. $5.
LP3073. (Howard, Robert E.) Charles Hoffman and Marc Cerasini. Robert E. Howard: A Closer Look. Hippocampus Press, 2020. First edition trade paperback original thus, a Fine copy. Critical companion on Howard's work greatly expanded and revised from a 1987 Starmont Reader's Guide. $20.
LPCP1. (Robert E. Howard) Lansdale, Joe R., and Scott A. Cupp, editors (Howard Waldrop, Bradley Denton, Lawrence Person, Michael Moorcock, etc.). Cross Plains Universe: Texans Celebrate Robert E. Howard. MonkeyBrain Books/Fandom Association of Central Texas, 2006. First edition trade paperback original, Fine, new and unread. Signed by editor Scott Cupp and contributors Howard Waldrop, Christopher Brown, Lawrence Person, Mark Finn and Jayme Lynn Blashke, with a signature plate signed by Lansdale laid in. Inscribed upon request. Back in stock! $15.
LP707. Hughart, Barry. Eight Skilled Gentlemen. Foundation/Doubleday, 1991. First edition trade paperback, issued simultaneously with the now difficult (and expensive) hardback edition, Fine- with a trace of wear at head and heel, a trace of dust soiling, and pinprick of wear to front cover. Still a very attractive copy of the Third Master Li and Number Ten Ox novel. Great fun. Highly recommended. $25.
LP275. Jeter, K.W. The Glass Hammer. Bluejay, 1986. TPO (Trade Paperback Original) first edition, Fine-, with the usual darkening of the white spine and back cover. A very nice copy of Jeter's masterpiece, and perhaps the most structurally ambitious SF novel ever published. Highly recommended. $14.
LP3539. (Joyce, James) Scripsi November 1982 No. 1/Vol. 2, James Joyce (1882-1982). First edition literary journal, trade paperback format, a Near Fine copy with spine wrinkling (looks like from the gluing process) in a Very Good slightly grubby dust jacket with the same spine wrinkling and about 1/8? loss at head. Literary journal out of Melbourne University in Australia focused on the life and work of James Joyce on the centenary of his birth. Not the usual thing I carry, but it was one of the few interesting things I saw at a 50¢ a pound booksale, and Joyce scholars are a dedicated lot. $25.
LP2115. Klaw, Rick, editor (Joe R. Lansdale, Howard Waldrop, Neal Barrett, Jr., Lawrence Person, Bruce Sterling, Michael Moorcock, etc.). Rayguns Over Texas. Fandom Association of Central Texas, 2013. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy, new and unread, signed by Lansdale, myself, and Scott Cupp. Anthology of SF stories from Texas writers published for the 2013 Worldcon in San Antonio. I have a story in here, "Novel Properties of Certain Complex Alkaloids," that's like a Greg Egan story by way of H. P. Lovecraft and Timothy Leary. Introduction by Bruce Sterling. $17.
LP3395. Kuttner, Henry, and C. L. Moore (as Lewis Padgett). Well of the Worlds. Galaxy Publishing Corp., 1953. First edition digest-sized trade paperback original, a Near Fine copy with slight spine creasing and the usual age-darkening to pages, otherwise nice and square. Galaxy Science Fiction Novel #17. Sayeth Amazon: "Clifford Sawyer, investigating ghosts in a mine, finds ancient beings from another world - and gets swept up in a titanic struggle between for control of a parallel dimension." Haven't read this one yet, but I really like both Kuttner and Moore, either solo or together. Not a hard book to find, but this is in better condition than usually found. $10.
LP2126. Lake, Jay, and Frank Wu, editors. The Exquisite Corpuscle. Fairwood Press, 2008. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy, new and unread. Signed by Jay Lake at the 2013 San Antonio Worldcon. Weird-ass literary game-playing anthology (Oulipo?). $20.
LP3396. Lafferty, R.A. Strange Skies. United Mythologies Press, 1988. First edition chapbook original, #96 of 300, signed, numbered copies, a Near Fine copy with an ancient $2.50 price sticker and small, light, tackhead-sized elliptical stain to rear cover. I put in two multi-item Lafferty orders to two different sources and this is the only thing that ended up getting duplicated. Twenty years ago you could pick up just about all the Lafferty chapbooks for a song, and now they're nearly unobtanium. $75.
LP2856. Lansdale, Joe R. Batman: Terror on the High Skies. Little Brown and Company, 1992. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine- copy with just a trace of wear at heel and bottom rear point, signed by Lansdale. Young Adult Batman novella. Isajenko, The World Lansdalean, C06.a. $25.
LP3225. Lansdale, Joe R. Born For Trouble. Tachyon, 2022. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy, new and unread, signed by Lansdale. The latest Hap and Leonard collection. $16.95.
LP3611. Lansdale, Joe R. Captains Outrageous. Vintage Crime/Black Lizard, 2009. Trade paperback, "First Vintage Crime/Black Lizard Edition" (preceded by the limited and trade hardback editions), a Fine- copy with trace of wear at points, signed by Lansdale. Hap and Leonard take a cruise ship. They don't enjoy it. Recommended. $15.
LP1486. Lansdale, Joe R. The Drive-In 2 (Not Just One of Them Sequels). Bantam Spectra, 1989. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format, of the paperback original, a Near Fine- copy with spine fading, uneven fading to front and rear covers, and phantom crease to rear cover, otherwise a nice square copy of a fairly uncommon proof, with signature plate by Lansdale laid in. $35.
LP3007. Lansdale, Joe R. Flaming Zeppelins. Tachyon, 2010. First edition trade paperback original thus, an omnibus edition of Zeppelins West and Flaming London (both originally published by Subterranean in hardback), a Fine copy, new and unread, with signature plate by Lansdale laid in. The first two steampunk Ned the Seal adventures. $14.
LP2573. Lansdale, Joe R. Hap and Leonard: Blood and Lemonade. Tachyon, 2017. Signed by Lansdale. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy. Looks like a compilation of Hap and Leonard stories crafted together into a mosaic novel. $15.
LP3612. Lansdale, Joe R. In The Mad Mountains. Tachyon, 2024. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy, with signature plate signed by Lansdale laid in. Stories inspired by H. P. Lovecraft. $16.95.
LP3613. Lansdale, Joe R. Lost Echoes. Vintage Crime/Black Lizard, 2007. Trade paperback reprint, a Fine- copy with slight wear at head and heel, signed by Lansdale. $10.
LP2856. Lansdale, Joe R. Of Mice and Minestrone. Tachyon, 2020. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy, signed by Lansdale. "Hap and Leonard: The Early Years." $15.00.
LP3472. Lansdale, Joe R. Shooting Star. Pandi Press, 2023. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy with signed Pandi Press plate laid in. Signed editions of this were offered through the Pandi Press website, but I don't think signed copies are still available. Novella about survivors being hunted down by aliens from a flying saucer crash. $35.
LP3473. Lansdale, Joe R. Things Get Ugly: The Best Crime Stories of Joe R. Lansdale. Tachyon, 2023. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy, with Lansdale signature plate laid in. Just what it says. Recommended. $18.95.
LP3008. Lansdale, Joe R. and Keith Lansdale. Red Range: Pirates of Fireworld. It's Alive Press, 2019. First edition comic book original, a Fine copy, with a signature plate signed by Joe and Keith Lansdale laid in. Continues the Red Range weird western hollow-earth-and-dinosaurs story (see hardbacks). Artwork by JOK. $6.
LP3397. (Lansdale, Joe R.) Andrew J. Rausch and Mark Slade, editors. Conversations with Joe R. Lansdale. University Press of Mississippi, 2022. First edition trade paperback original (simultaneous with the much smaller hardback run), a Fine copy, signed by Lansdale and myself. Collection of interviews with Lansdale, including the one Dwight Brown and I did with Joe for Nova Express. $30.
LP2609. Leiber, Fritz. The Moon is Green and Other Tales. Armchair Fiction, 2013. First edition trade paperback original (a POD production, like all Armchair Fiction books), a Fine copy, new and unread. Collection of Fritz Leiber's fiction, some long out-of-print or never collected. A decent amount of Leiber for your money. $16.
LP1893. Leicht, Stina. Of Blood and Honey. Night Shade Press, 2011. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy, new and unread. Fantasy set against the Troubles of Northern Ireland in the 1970s. Signed by Leicht $10.
LP2810. Lofficier, Jean-Marc and Randy. Tales of the Shadowmen: Grand Guignol. Black Coat Press/Hollywood Comics, 2009 (or possibly 2010; both dates are present on different parts of the copyright page). First edition trade paperback original (no additional printings listed), a Fine- copy with a thin line of wear at head, otherwise new and unread. Original horror anthology. Brian Stableford, Brad Sinor and Win Scott Eckart are among the authors included. $10.
LP2575. Lovecraft, H.P. (David E. Schultz and S. T. Joshi, editors). H. P. Lovecraft: Letters to C. L. Moore and Others. Hippocampus Press, 2017. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy, new and unread. The latest Hippocampus collection of Lovecraft letters, and it should be quite interesting, as I think Lovecraft heavily influenced Moore's early work. $24.
LP3075. Lovecraft, H.P. (S.T. Joshi and David E. Schultz, editors). Letters to Alfred Galpin and Others. Hippocampus Press, 2020. First edition trade paperback original thus, a Fine copy. "A new edition, augmented here with over 200 new pages of material." Primarily letters Lovecraft wrote to his amateur press association correspondents. $25.
LP3076. Lovecraft, H.P. (S.T. Joshi and David E. Schultz, editors). Letters to E. Hoffman Price and Richard F. Searight. Hippocampus Press, 2020. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy. Hoffman was an acclaimed Weird Tales writer in his own right, and also friends with Robert E. Howard (who is a frequent topic in these letters). Searlight also had pieces appear in Weird Tales. $25.
LP3077. Lovecraft, H.P. (S.T. Joshi and David E. Schultz, editors). Letters to Family and Family Friends Volume 1 with Letters to Family and Family Friends Volume 2. Hippocampus Press, 2020. First edition trade paperback originals, both Fine copies. Over 1,000 pages of letters, with page numbers across both volumes, plus a Glossary, an Index, etc. $60.
LP3078. Lovecraft, H.P. (S.T. Joshi and David E. Schultz, editors). Letters to Rheinhart Kleiner and Others. Hippocampus Press, 2020. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy. "A new edition, augmented here with nearly 250 new pages of material." Letters Lovecraft wrote to one of his oldest friends, having known Kleiner since 1915. Other correspondence includes letters to other amateur journalists and members of the New York City-based Kalem Club. $25.
LP2658. (Lovecraft, H.P.) Ambuehl, James, editor (Richard Lupoff, Cody Goodfellow, C.J. Henderson, etc.). Hardboiled Cthulhu . Dimensions Books/Elder Signs Press, 2006. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy. Just what it sounds like: an anthology of hardboiled detective Cthulhu Mythos stories. $15.
LP2346. (Lovecraft, H.P.) Derie, Bobby. Sex and the Cthulhu Mythos. Hippocampus Press, 2014. First edition trade paperback original, Fine. Great Gahan Wilson cover. Non-fiction work examining sexual themes in a wide variety of Cthulhu Mythos-related work. $17.
LP3614. (Lovecraft, H.P.) Joshi, S.T. and David E. Schultz. Lovecraft's Library: A Catalogue: Fifth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Hippocampus Press, 2024. Trade paperback original thus of this newly revised and enlarged edition, a Fine copy. Non fiction book detailing Lovecraft's own personal library. "This fifth revised edition provides comprehensive information on 1129 books owned by Lovecraft…In this new 2024 edition, forty-four new titles have been added to the list of books owned by Lovecraft, and additional information has been supplied on all titles listed." $15.
LP3168. (Lovecraft, H.P.) Sammons, Brian M and Glynn Owen Barrass, editors. Summer of Lovecraft: Cosmic Horrors in the 1960s. Dark Regions Press, 2021. Trade paperback reprint (a POD edition), a Fine copy. $15.
LP2811. Mennenga, Michael R. Mistress of the Dragon. America House, 2001. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy, with review materials and signed letter laid in. Inscribed to Moorcock by the author, who evidently used to be part of a podcast that had Mike on as a guest. $10.
" LP2812. Moorcock, Michael. Hawkmoon. White Wolf, 1996. First trade paperback edition (a reprint of the White Wolf hardback, which was a reprint of the Millennium edition, etc.), a Fine copy, signed by Moorcock. Not seeing any signed copy of this particular edition, if that's what you're looking for. $25.
LP928. Moorcock, Michael. The Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius. Four Walls Eight Windows. First edition trade paperback original (TPO), a Fine copy, new and unread. Previously uncollected Jerry Cornelius stories. $9.
LP2577. Moorcock, Michael. London Bone and Other Stories. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2016. Trade paperback reprint (of an earlier Simon & Schuster UK trade paperback original), a Fine copy. Collection of Moorcock stories set in various London eras. This may have slipped under Moorcock fans' radar. $9.
LP2813. Moorcock, Michael. London Peculiar and Other Nonfiction. PM Press, 2012. First edition trade paperback original (numberline ending in 1), a Fine copy, new and unread, signed by Moorcock. Nonfiction collection, on a wide variety of topics (London, literature, famous friends, music, politics, etc.). With a photo of Mike on the cover. No hardback edition, and no other signed copies online. $75.
LP2815. Moorcock, Michael and James Cawthorn (the latter as Philip James). The Distant Suns. Unicorn Books, 1975. First edition trade paperback original (graphic novel format, thought it's 90+% text), a Fine- copy with a touch of edgewear, faint nicks to white perfectbound spine, and a slight bit of waviness; actually quite nice, and signed by Moorcock. Novel printed on 45 double-column pages. Tanelorn Archives, page 16. Currey, page 369. $49.
LP2816. Moorcock, Michael, and Joe R. Lansdale. Sojan the Swordsman with Under the Warrior Star. Paizo Publishing/Planet Stories, 2010. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy, signed by Moorcock. The Moorcock piece is revised from it's first appearance (in Moorcock's own self-published Tarzan fanzine!), while the Lansdale is original to this volume. $25.
LP2610. Moore, Ward, and Geoff St. Reynard. RX Jupiter Save Us and Beware, The Usurpers! Armchair Fiction, 2011. First edition trade paperback original (a POD production, like all Armchair Fiction books), a Fine copy, new and unread. Two short novels in one package, Ward Moore's RX Jupiter Save Us, and Beware, The Usurpers! by Geoff St. Reynard (which the SF Encyclopedia says was a pseudonym for Robert Wilson Krepps). Mainly offering this for the far future SF novel by Ward Moore, author of at least three notable SF novels (Bring the Jubilee, Greener Than You Think, and (with Avram Davidson) Joyleg), along with two little-known mainstream novels before he wrote SF. This does not appear to have been reprinted since its appearance in Future Science Fiction in 1954. $12.
LP2611. Moore, Ward and George O. Smith. Transient and The World-Mover. Armchair Fiction, 2013. First edition trade paperback original (a POD production, like all Armchair Fiction books), a Fine copy, new and unread. Two short novels in one package. Ward Moore's Transient has a cover blurb says "lost in a landscape of confusion and distorted reality" and features a unicorn rearing above a guy in a spacesuit. As for George O. Smith's The World-Mover, the blurb says "Three parallel Worlds on a collision course with destruction." Smith had quite a nice career in the 40s and 50s, with books from Gnome Press, Prime Press, etc. Neither of these seems to have been reprinted since their original magazine appearances (1950 for the Smith, 1960 for the Moore). $12.
LP2857. Morrow, James. The Madonna and the Starship. Tachyon, 2014. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy. $14.
LP2858. Morrow, James. Shambling Towards Hiroshima. Tachyon, 2009. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy. Alternate World War II novel where a Godzilla-like monster is faked by the U.S. government in order to convince Japan to surrender. $14.
LP3474. Ochse, Weston. Lord of the Lash and Our Lady of the Boogaloo. Bad Moon Books, 2009. First edition trade paperback original, #183 of 200 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy. Not seeing any copies online. $49.
LP3229. O'Leary, Patrick. 51. Tachyon, 2022. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy, new and unread. New Alien/Area 51/Roswell/conspiracy theory novel by the author of Door Number Three. $16.95.
LP3169. Peake, Mervyn (read by Edmund Dehn). Gormenghast. ISIS Audio, 2009. First edition audiobook, 21 CDs in a heavy plastic library-style binding, a Fine- copy with just a trace of staining to top of front plastic wrapper. Audiobook version of the second volume in the Gormenghast trilogy. From a UK company which I assume has probably changed their name since. I was only able to locate one copy in the UK at a hefty £149! For you: $20.
LP3170. Peake, Mervyn (read by Simon Vance). Titus Groan. Blackstone Audio, 2000. First edition audiobook, fifteen CDs in a Near Fine+ lightweight cardboard retail case with small crease at bottom front join and two even smaller creases on left front join, plus slight wear at tips. Audiobook version of the first volume in the Gormenghast trilogy. $15.
LP3171. Powers, Tim (read by Bronson Pinochet). Last Call. Blackstone Audio, Inc., 2010. First audiobook edition, sixteen CDs in a lightweight cardboard retail case that is intact but unfortunately has gotten smushed and slightly creased on all four sides, though the front and back look nice, so Near Fine-, with three Fine cardboard CD holders inside. A professional production that originally retailed for $34.95. Audiobook of Powers celebrated "playing poker with tarot cards" novel. Not in Berlyne. $10.
LP2612. Reynolds, Alastair. Slow Bullets. Tachyon, 2015. First edition trade paperback original, a Near Fine copy with a 1" non-breaking crease to bottom rear cover. Precedes the WSFA signed/limited hardback (which I also have). $15.
LP1444. Roberts, Keith. The Event. Morrigan Publications, 1989. First edition chapbook original, one of only 300 copies, a NF copy with slight dust soiling and penciled number on front cover. $3.
LP775. Rucker, Rudy. Gnarl! Four Walls Eight Windows, 2000. First edition trade paperback original, simultaneous with the hardback edition, a Fine copy. Short story collection. $8.
LP332. Sammon, Paul (Ray Garton, Joe R. Lansdale, Clive Barker, John Skipp, Richard Christian Matheson, Edward Bryant, George R. R. Martin, Wayne Allen Sallee, Rex Miller, Nancy Collins). Splatterpunks. St. Martins, 1990 Trade paperback issue (simultaneous with hardback) Near Fine, with very light staining to fore-edge (maybe dirt). Has the "suppressed" chapter from Ray Garton's Crucifax Autumn that was omitted in the paperback (Crucifax) edition, among other tasty bits. I'm cited as an expert here. $9.
LP1757. Scalzi, John. Judge Sn Goes Golfing. Subterranean Press, 2009 (though not received until 2010). First edition chapbook, one of 1500 copies signed by Scalzi, a Fine copy, new an unread. Features a character from The Androids Dream who is, shall we say, "golf challenged." Illustrated by Gahan Wilson. $17.
LP1204. Shan, Darren. The Vampire's Assistant. HarperCollins, 2000. First edition trade paperback original (preceding the American), a Fine- copy with just a trace of wear to matte black cover and phantom crease to top rear corner. Book two of The Saga of Darren Shan and sequel to Cirque du Freak. Well-regarded YA vampire series. $5.
LP3079. Shaver, Richard S. The Shaver Mystery Books One through Eight. Armchair Fiction, 2011-2020. First edition trade paperback originals, all Fine copies. Collects stories and ancillary material from the "Shaver Mystery," Shaver's weird, strangely compelling conspiracy theory/alternate reality in which a hateful race of "deros" ("detrimental robots") lived inside the earth, beaming mind-control rays at surface dwellers (and occasionally kidnapping them for torture, food, or sport). Shaver's elaborate, unhinged vision brought a vast legion of cranks out of the shadows and onto the subscriber ranks of Amazing, whose editor Ray Palmer started publishing Shaver's stories in 1947, which was to have a considerable impact on SF fandom. I doubt much of this has seen print since original appearances in Amazing, or in Palmer's subsequent The Hidden World. If you're a connoisseur of crank literature, Shaver is up there with the wackiest. $95 for the set.
LP3615. Shea, Michael. Momma Durtt. Hippocampus Press, 2024. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy. Previously unpublished Cthulhu Mythos novel. $20.
LP776. Shirley, John. Black Butterflies. Mark V. Ziesing, 1998. First edition trade paperback original, Fine- with a neat former-owner's signature on the inside front cover. Some of Shirley's darker stories. $12.
LP2225. Shirley, John. Borderlands: The Fallen. Gallery Books/Simon & Schuster, 2011. First edition trade paperback original, a Near Fine- copy with light remainder mark and dust staining to head. Based on the video game. "What kind of man makes a living in hell?" $5.
LP2226. Shirley, John. City Come A-Walkin. Eyeball Books, 1996. First edition trade paperback original thus, with a new Forward by William Gibson, a Fine- copy with the barest traces of wear at tips, otherwise new and unread. Reprint of this acclaimed PBO novel featuring the living embodiment of San Francisco as a character, more punk American magical realism than cyberpunk. Signed by Forward author William Gibson at the Austin bookstore BookPeople in 2014. $20.
LP3475. Shirley, John. Eclipse. Bluejay Books, 1985. First edition trade paperback original, a Very Good+ copy with one crease (looks like a machining flaw or glue bunching) meandering up the spine, otherwise right and square. First volume of the cyberpunk A Song Called Youth trilogy. $15.
LP3080. Shirley, John. A Sorcerer of Atlantis with A Prince in the Kingdom of Ghosts. Hippocampus Press, 2021. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy. Shirley doing weird adventure pulp! The first story features two adventurers in Atlantis battling bizarre monsters accompanied by a Princess of Mu. The second features a murdered Korean American who finds himself a prince in the afterlife. Looks like great fun. $20.
LP2227. Shirley, John. Living Shadows. Prime, 2007. First edition trade paperback original, a Near Fine copy with a 1" x 2" lamination pull on the front cover (OK, I'm not buying any more Prime paperbacks from Half Price Books). Short story collection. $5.
LP1369. Skipp, John & Craig Spector, editors (Dan Simmons, Poppy Z. Brite, Nancy Collins, K. W. Jeter, etc.). Still Dead: Book of the Dead II. Bantam, 1992. Uncorrected proof of the Bantam Paperback edition, a Fine- copy with spine fading, otherwise unread. Can't imagine there were terribly many of these produced. $49.
LP3340. Smith, Clark Ashton. The Double Shadow and Other Fantasies. Auburn Press Journal, 1933. First edition oversized (11 1/2" x 8 9/16") chapbook original, a Fine- copy with what looks like two very small stray fountain pen marks on either side of "and" on front cover, some mild phantom creasing along rear cover near spine, and a trace of edgewear, hand corrected (but not signed) by Clark Ashton Smith. Of the two copies of this that has passed through my hands, this is by far the nicer copy, and the handwritten corrections look just like the ones in my copy, so I feel confident in judging them to be Smith's. (Also, not all of them are the same as the ones in my copy.) Though 1000 copies were printed, this is a fragile item, and I can't imagine that terribly many have survived at all, much less in such nice condition. $300.
LP3082. Smith, Clark Ashton, and August Derleth. Eccentric, Impractical Devils: The Letters of August Derleth and Clark Ashton Smith. (David E. Schultz and S.T. Joshi, editors). Hippocampus Press, 2020. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy. Derleth, of course, published many of Smith's collections at Arkham House, and both men were appearing in the pages of Weird Tales in the 1920s, but they didn't correspond until Lovecraft introduced them to each other in 1930. $30.
LP3083. (Smith, Clark Ashton) S.T. Joshi, David E. Schultz and Scott Conners. Clark Ashton Smith: A Comprehensive Bibliography. Hippocampus Press, 2020. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy. Much-needed comprehensive bibliography for Smith's works, especially since Donald Sidney-Fryer's Emperor of Dreams is not only out of date, but so poorly organized as to be nearly useless. $30.
LP353. Somtow, S. P. (Somtow Sucharitkil). Moon Dance. Tor, 1989. Uncorrected proof of the first edition, Near Fine with some glue bumping along back spine (a binding flaw common to many proofs) and a 1/2" tear between spine head and front cover. Western werewolf novel that helped kick off the modern werewolf revival. $5.
LP354. Somtow, S. P. (Somtow Sucharitkil). Valentine. Tor, 1992. Uncorrected Proof of the first edition, Fine-, with some glue bumping along back spine and publicity business card stapled to front cover. Second in the Vampire Junction trilogy. $5.
LP2409. Stapledon, Olaf. Last and First Men and Star Maker. Dover, 1968. Trade paperback omnibus reprint, Near Fine with wear at points. Two of the most influential "big concept" SF novels of the first half of the twentieth century. $5.
LP1820. Stephenson, Neil. The Big U. Vintage, 1984. First edition trade paperback original (TPO), a Near Fine copy with thin red remainder line at head, the usual glue bunching to pages (a publisher's flaw present on every copy examined), a very faint sticker ghost to FFE (you might not see it unless you were looking for it),almost invisible phantom crease at top front cover along spine and a small, slight crease at bottom front corner. A fairly presentable copy of Stephenson's first novel, which has never had a hardback edition. $49.
LP1207. Stephenson, Neal. The Big U. Vintage, 1984. First edition trade paperback original, a Near Fine- copy with slight creasing at bottom front corner, a longer, very shallow crease above that (I missed it the first time I looked at it), two phantom creases on top rear cover, a slight half-dime sized discoloration at bottom rear cover edge, and a few very slightly dog-eared pages at front, plus the usual glue bunching of pages seen on all copies of this title. Better looking overall than this list of flaws would lead you to believe, and the spine is bright and unbroken. Not perfect, but still a collectable copy of Stephenson's first novel. $95.
LP3341. Stephenson, Neal. In The Beginning...Was The Command Line. Avon Books, 1999. First edition trade paperback original, a Near Fine copy with a previous owner's blind stamp and a very faint spine crease. Long non-fiction essay on the development of computer interfaces and the competition between Windows, Mac and Linux. $10.
LP536. Stephenson, Neal. Zodiac. Atlantic Monthly Press, 1988. Trade Paperback Original (TPO) first edition, a Fine- copy with creasing a faint 1" scratch to cream background on back cover, and some traces of general wear, but otherwise quite nice. Signed by Stephenson. His second novel. $45.
LP1208. Stephenson, Neal (with J. Frederick George) as Stephen Bury. The Cobweb. Bantam, 1996. First edition trade paperback original (no hardback edition), a Ex-Library copy plasticized as a hardback, otherwise a Fine- copy with a line at heel, apparently unread. With a little effort, the Ex-Lib cruft could be probably removed from the exterior cover without damage, make this both an attractive and a sturdy copy of a book that's getting surprisingly scarce. $20.
LP463. Stephenson, Neal and J. Frederick George (as Stephen Bury). Interface. Bantam, 1994 Second printing, NF+ with pinhead-sized spot on heel, phantom crease to rear corner, and spine slightly concave (usual for this title). Signed by Stephenson. Pseudonymous futuristic political thriller written by Stephenson with his uncle about a presidential candidate who's mind is wired to a computerized polling system. $45.
LP3616. Sterling, Bruce. Schismatrix Plus. Ace, 1996. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine- copy with extremely tiny bumping to points and a trace of edgewear. Omnibus that combines all Sterling's cyberpunk Shaper/Mech stories, including the title novel. Recommended, especially if you don't already have Schismatrix and Crystal Express. $20. LP13050. Sterling, Bruce. Visionary in Residence. Thunders Mouth Press, 2006. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format, of the trade paperback first edition, a Fine- copy with a moderate crease to rear outer corner (there is also a black marker mark on the spine that appears to have crossed out the name of another press; all copies seen so marked), with review materials laid in. Signed by Sterling. Short story collection. $20.
LP1305. Sterling, Bruce. Visionary in Residence. Thunders Mouth Press, 2006. First edition trade paperback original (no hardback edition), Near Fine with a faint, non-breaking crease along the spine, despite it being a new, unread copy. Short story collection. Signed by Sterling. $15.
LP2410. Sturgeon, Theodore. The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon 7: A Saucer of Loneliness. North Atlantic Books, 2000. First edition trade paperback original (simultaneous with the hardback), a Near Fine+ copy with area around UPC code slightly lighter shade than the rest of the rear cover. $10.
LP464. Stewart, Sean. Mockingbird. Ace, 1998. Uncorrected proof of the hardback first edition, F in decorated blue wraps with a significantly different cover than finally appeared on the hardback. A Nebula finalist. Nova Express Slipstream List. $15.
LP3476. Stross, Charles. Toast. Cosmos Books, 2006. Trade paperback reprint, a Fine copy. His first short story collection, including "A Colder War." $15.
LP3009. Swanwick, Michael. Blue as the Moon. Dragonstairs Press, 2020. First edition chapbook original, one of 69 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy. Produced and offered for sale starting at moonrise on October 30th to celebrate the blue moon. Out of print upon publication. $49.
LP3477. Swanwick, Michael. Brief Essays on Genre. Dragonstairs Press, 2023. First edition chapbook original, one of 75 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy. Just what it says, extremely brief essays on aspects of genre (SF or otherwise). Out of print upon publication. $35.
LP3617. Swanwick, Michael. Brief Lives. Dragonstairs Press, 2024. First edition chapbook original, one of 50 signed and numbered copies, a Fine copy. Brief essays on writers who died young, including Octavia Butler. $49.
LP2859. Swanwick, Michael. The Death of Aubrey Darger. Dragonstairs Press, 2020. First edition chapbook thus, one of 100 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy. Excerpted from the 2015 novel Chasing the Phoenix. Just went out of print from the publisher. $12.
LP3173. Swanwick, Michael. Rainbow Clause. Dragonstairs Press, 2020. First edition chapbook original, #72 of 120 copies, a Fine copy with multicolored snowflakes appliqued to the front cover. Collection of extremely short stories about various Santas ("Red Santa," "Orange Santa," "White Santa," "Blue Santa," "Black Santa," "Yellow Santa," "Purple Santa" and "Green Santa"). $25.
LP3479. Swanwick, Michael. Red Fox, Blue Moon. Dragonstairs Press, 2023. First edition chapbook original, one of 69 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy. Vignettes about a fox, inspired by a fox that visited Swanwick's backyard. "This is the story of how she saved the world. Well, her world." $35.
LP3086. Swanwick, Michael. Reindeer Season. Dragonstairs Press, 2019. First edition chapbook original, one of 120 signed, numbered copies. "It includes ten very brief musings on the magical nature of reindeer and their relationship with Claus-tse. Issued in an edition of 120, Reindeer Season is 4 1/4" x 5 1/2", hand-stitched, numbered, and signed by the author. Most copies have been given to friends, family, and colleagues, but 37 are offered for sale." There are two states of the chapbook: a.) A cream colored wrapper (as this copy), and b.) a mottled beige cover. All copies for sale sold out the day they were offered. $35.
LP3342. Swanwick, Michael. Solstice Veritas or The Christmas Cat and Other Memories. Dragonstairs Press, 2021. First edition chapbook original, one of 120 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy. Printed last year, but only offered for sale this year. "A collection of eight, well, true stories, memories and musings on holidays past." Now sold out from the publisher. $30.
LP3478. Swanwick, Michael. The Vinter's Guide to Remarkable Wines. Dragonstairs Press, 2023. First edition chapbook original, one of 55 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy. Collection of vignettes around wine themes. Out of print upon publication. $35.
LP3618. Swanwick, Michael. The War with the Zylv. Dragonstairs Press, 2024. First edition chapbook original, one of 100 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy. A story based on the piece of art used as the cover. Quickly sold out from the publisher. $35.
LP3542. Swanwick, Michael. Winter Songs. Dragonstairs Press, 2022 (not offered for sale until 2023). First edition chapbook original, one of 115 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy. LAST COPY! $25.
LP3174. Swanwick, Michael and Greer Gilman. The Lonely and the Rum: A Conversation. Dragonstairs Press, 2021. First edition chapbook original, #50 of 125 copies, a Fine copy with hand-made, uneven (intentionally) covers. Transcription of a conversation between Gilman and Swanwick on the topic of fantasy. $15.
See also (James Tiptree, Jr.) below. LP1925. Taylor, H. P. Shadowmancer. Putnam, 2004. Advanced Reading Copy of the hardback first edition (trade paperback format), a Fine- copy with a few faint scratches on the lower spine, otherwise new and unread. Well-received young adult fantasy novel. $49.
LP1926. Taylor, H. P. Wormwood. Putnam, 2004. Advanced Reading Copy of the hardback first edition (trade paperback format), a Fine- copy with a tiny bump at heel, otherwise new and unread, with review materials laid in. Second in the series following Shadowmancer. $49.
LP2863. (James Tiptree, Jr.) Dozois, Gardner, with Michael Swanwick. 'She Saved Us From World War Three': Gardner Dozois Remembers James Tiptree, Jr. Temporary Culture, 2020. First edition chapbook original, one of 225 copies printed, a Fine copy in a Fine black envelope, as issued. Swanwick interviews Dozois on the subject of the reclusive Alice Sheldon AKA James Tiptree, Jr., who corresponded with Dozois and met him in person at least once. Haven't read it yet, but the story Gardner told was that as a CIA analyst, Sheldon was told to look at satellite photographs the government, fearful of a nuclear first strike, thought showed hundreds of mobile Soviet missile launchers. She told them they were hay drying carts for the fall harvest. (Neal Barrett, Jr. used to tell a story about how he had prevented World War III. He was with the army in West Germany in the late 1950s, and his night watch superior had gotten liquored up and wanted to invade East Germany. "I don't think that's a very good idea, sir.") $20.
LPMYS1. Tompkins, Walter A. Death Valley QTH. American Radio Relay League, 1985. First edition trade paperback original, a Near Fine copy with slight spine fading, slight bumping at points and two small abrasion spots to rear. "Tommy Rockford, K6ATX is back on the trail of high adventure!" A ham radio mystery. Others in this ARRL series of Tompkins radio mysteries were reprints, but this one is the true first edition. Not in Hubins. $15.
LPMYS2. Tompkins, Walter A. DX Brings Danger. American Radio Relay League, 1988. Trade paperback reprint, a Fine- copy with pinhead nick to top front edge, pme tiny wrinkle near head, and touch of edgewear at head and heel. "Tommy Rockford, K6ATX is back on the trail of high adventure!" A ham radio mystery. Not in Hubins. $15.
LPMYS3. Tompkins, Walter A. Murder By QRM. American Radio Relay League, 1988. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine- copy with with a few traces of edgewear and a couple of pinprick rubs. "Tommy Rockford, K6ATX is back on the trail of high adventure!" A ham radio mystery. Others in this ARRL series of Tompkins radio mysteries were reprints, but this one is the true first edition of the title. Not in Hubins. $24.99.
LP1209. Utley, Steven (Tuttle, Lisa). The Beasts of Love. Wheatland Press, 2005. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy, new and unread. Short story collection by this talented and prolific ex-Austinite, most famous for his collaborations with Howard Waldrop, who died in early 2013. Introduction by Lisa Tuttle. $15.
LP2509. Vance, Jack. Araminta Station. New English Library, 1988. First UK edition and first trade edition, trade paperback edition (as per Hewett A79c, the trade paperback edition also precedes the Tor hardback), a y with light spotting at head and characteristic darkening of pages due to the paper used. First book in the Caldwell Chronicles. $5.
LP3480. Vance, Jack. The Augmented Agent and Other Stories. Underwood-Miller, 1986. First edition trade paperback proof, a Fine- copy with one small indentation to rear cover. Vance proofs are quite hotly collected. $125.
LP2510. Vance, Jack. Ecce & Old Earth. New English Library, 1992. First UK edition, trade paperback edition, a Fine copy with only a trace of dust soiling to head. Second book in the Caldwell Chronicles. Hewett A84db. $5.
LP3011. Vance, Jack. Sjambak. Wildside Press, no date (2009). First edition chapbook (usual Wildside POD caveats apply), a Fine copy, new and unread. Reprint of a 1953 Jack Vance story, with a two page "About the Author" note and a four page select bibliography. I suspect Wildside printed this because the copyright wasn't renewed and it fell into the public domain. $15.
LP2511. Vance, Jack. Throy. New English Library, 1993. First UK edition, trade paperback version, a Near Fine copy with slight spots of spotting to page block edges. Third book in the Caldwell Chronicles. Hewett A85cb. $5.
LP3481. Vance, Jack (Michael Lugo, compiler). The Wit and Wisdom of Jack Vance. Author House, 2011. Trade paperback, a likely reprint (back pages say "Lightning Source UK" rather than "R.R. Donnelley"), a Fine copy. A selection of passages from Vance's various works. $20.
LP3482. (Vance, Jack) Offutt, Jr., Robert. The Many Worlds of Jack Vance. First edition fanzine original, #192 of 300 numbered copies, a Fine copy. Includes an appreciation by Poul Anderson, a lengthy interview by Tim Underwood, and some bibliographic material. Hewett, M31a. $65.
LP1564. Vinge, Vernor. A Deepness in the Sky. Tor, 1998 (date is correct). Advanced Uncorrected Bound Manuscript of the first edition hardback (which did not come out until 1999) bound by Tor in red covers (just like a proof), a Fine- copy with slight wear at the corners and a couple of pinhead spots of abrasion, but otherwise obviously unread. A huge 990 page long monster, copied directly from Vinge's original manuscript, including his e-mail address, page count, and word count (266,000!) crossed out on title page of manuscript. Amazing shape considering how large this is. His Hugo-winning prequel to the (also Hugo-winning) A Fire Upon the Deep, and a great book in it's own right. Highly recommended. $95.
LP930. Vinge, Vernor (edited by James Frenkel, with Marvin Minsky, Richard Stallman, etc.). True Names and the opening of the cyberspace frontier. Tor, 2001. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine- copy with just the barest trace of haze rubbing to the rear cover, otherwise new and unread. Vinge's groundbreaking proto-cyberpunk novella (second in influencing the shape of cyberspace only to Neuromancer) along with a collection of essays on the real cutting-edge of cyberspace by the likes of Marvin Minsky and Richard Stallman. $12.
LP1032. Volsky, Paula. The Grand Ellipse. Bantam Spectra, 2000. Advanced Reading Copy (trade paperback format) of the first hardback edition, a NF+ copy with bumping at heel and slight bumping at head, otherwise new and unread. Looks vaguely steampunkish. $5.
LP2662. Walton, Jo. Starlings. Tachyon, 2018. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy. The first short-story collection by this award-winning UK author. Only have one. $15.95.
LP2663. Watts, Peter.The Freeze-Frame Revolution. Tachyon, 2018. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy. New novel. "How do you stage a mutiny when you're only awake one day in a million? How do you engage an enemy that never sleeps, that sees through your eyes and hears through your ears and relentlessly, honestly, only wants what best for you?" Looks interesting. Only have one. $15.95.
LP711. Webb, Don. Stealing My Rules. Cyber-Psychos AOD, 1997. First edition trade paperback original, A Fine copy signed by Webb. Another collection filled with Don's weird short stories, blurbed by Paul Di Filippo, K. W. Jeter and Steve Rasnic Tem. $9.
LP2354. Webb, Don. Through Dark Angles: Works Inspired by H. P. Lovecraft. Hippocampus Press, 2014. First edition trade paperback original, Fine. Signed by Webb. $17.
LP1994. Wellman, Manly Wade. The Invading Asteroid. Stellar Publishing Corporation, 1932. First edition chapbook original, a Very Good copy with a tiny bit of "rounding" at head, i.e. a tiny bit of paper loss where it looks slightly nibbled, but it's only about a 1/16 of an inch, and less browning than usual to paper stock. No. 15 in Hugo Gernsback's Science Fiction Series, and Wellman's first separate publication. $49.
LP2620. Wellman, Manly Wade, and Stanton Coblentz. Warrior of Two Worlds and Enchantress of Lemuria. Armchair Fiction, 2017. First edition trade paperback original (a POD production, like all Armchair Fiction books), a Fine copy, new and unread. Two short novels in one package. Warrior of Two Worlds, in which a dead warrior is resurrected to defend his planet from invaders, is a Wellman novel that evidently hasn't been reprinted since it's original 1944 appearance, whereas Coblentz's Enchantress of Lemuria has only had one reprint in a paperback anthology back in 1971. Wellman was an extremely good horror writer, and I'm trying to collect all his work. Coblentz was a prolific and well-regarded early-to-mid 20th science fiction writer whose work was published by Fantasy Press and FPCI. $12
LP1993. Westerfeld, Scott. Evolution's Darling. Four Walls Eight Windows, 1999. First edition trade paperback original (TPO), a Fine copy, apparently new and unread. Tale of a sentient ship seeking out a dead artist who may not be dead after all. Also has a healthy dusting of sex. Really hard to find now that he's a big YA author. Can't find another collectable first online at all. $55.
LP1710. Westerfeld, Scott. Evolution's Darling. Four Walls Eight Windows, 1999. First edition trade paperback original (TPO), a Fine- copy with a non-breaking phantom crease to top front corner, otherwise apparently new and unread. Slightly less perfect than the above. $35.
LP3089. Williams, Liz. A Glass of Shadow. NewCon Press, 2011. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy. Short story collection by the author of the Detective Inspector Chan novels. $25. LP373. Willis, Connie. Doomsday Book. Bantam, 1992. Trade paperback 1st, simultaneous with hardback edition, Near Fine with bookstore stamp on head (but no spine creasing). Signed by Willis. Hugo winner. $25.
LP374. Willis, Connie. To Say Nothing of the Dog. Bantam, 1997. ARC of the hardback first edition, Fine- with bumps to head and heel and promotional contact stickers on front cover. Hugo winner, Nebula finalist. Signed by Willis. $95.
LP3399. (Wolfe, Gene) Michael Andre-Druissi. The Wizard Knight Companion. Sirius Fiction, 2009. First edition trade paperback original, simultaneous with the hardback run, a Fine- copy with just a couple of pinpricks of wear to the bottom front edge. Critical companion to Gene Wolfe's The Knight and The Wizard, including a forward from Wolfe. $25.
DB4. Wood, Edward D., Jr. Killer in Drag. Angora Press, no date (but evidently 1989). Trade paperback reprint of a pulp sleaze novel that come out in 1965 and now brings ridiculously big bucks, a Near Fine copy with a few touches of wear. Pulp novel about a transvestite hitman for the mob. Formerly Don Webb's copy. $10.
LP3175. Zelazny, Roger. Blood of Amber. Sunset Productions, 1993. First audiobook edition, two audiobook cassettes in Fine- plastic packaging with traces of wear, slightly blunted tips, and partial label erasure on title and author of cassette side four. Kovacs I.2.i. $5.
LP3176. Zelazny, Roger. The Courts of Chaos. Americana Audiobooks, 2003. First CD edition (reissue of a cassette release), three audiobook CDs in a Near Fine+ plastic snapcase with two stickers (and the ghost of a third) to rear cover that could probably be removed without too much effort, and touches of wear at point. Abridged audiobook of the fifth Amber novel, read by Zelazny. Kovacs I.8.h.i. $5.
LP3176. Zelazny, Roger. The Hand of Oberon. Americana Audiobooks, 2003. First CD edition (reissue of a cassette release), three audiobook CDs in a Fine- plastic snapcase with slight wrinkling at top front and trace of wear at heel corners. Abridged audiobook of the fourth Amber novel, read by Zelazny. Kovacs I.23.l.i. $5.
LP3012. Zelazny, Roger. The Illustrated Roger Zelazny. Baronet/Byron Price, 1978. Trade paperback, book club edition, a Near Fine+ copy with wear at head, heel and points and a touch of edgewear to bottom, signed by Zelazny. Illustrated by Gray Morrow. Nice signed copy if you don't want to spring for the signed/limited hardback. Levack, 20c. Kovacs, V.14.c. $49.
LP3177. Zelazny, Roger. Knight of Shadows. Sunset Productions, 1996. First edition, two audiobook cassettes in Fine- plastic packaging with slight waviness to rear cover insert. Abridged audiobook adaptation of this Amber novel ("with Music and Sound Effects"), 180 minutes long, read by Zelazny himself. Kovacs, I.27.a. $5.
LP3013. Zelazny, Roger. Madwand. Ace Books, 1981. First mass market edition (the Phantasia limited precedes; see above), trade paperback original, a Near Fine copy with faint spine creasing, slight wear at head, heel and points, and a trace of edgewear; looks like it's been read carefully once. Sequel to Changeling. Levack, 26b. Kovacs, I.30.c. $5.
LP3178. Zelazny, Roger. 9 Princes in Amber. Americana Audiobooks, 2003. First CD edition (reissue of a cassette release), three audiobook CDs in a Fine- plastic snapcase. Abridged audiobook of the first Amber novel, read by Zelazny. Kovacs I.34.l.i. $5.
LP3179. Zelazny, Roger. Sign of Chaos. Sunset Productions, 1994. First audiobook edition, two audiobook cassettes in Fine- plastic packaging with slight touches of wear and age darkening to inner white surfaces. Abridged audiobook adaptation of this Amber novel ("with Music and Sound Effects"), 180 minutes long, read by Zelazny himself. Kovacs, I.38.h. $5.
LP3180. Zelazny, Roger. Sign of Chaos. Americana Audiobooks, 2004. First CD edition (reissue of a cassette release), three audiobook CDs in a Fine- plastic snapcase. Abridged audiobook of the eighth Amber novel, read by Zelazny. Kovacs I.38.h.i. $5.
LP3181. Zelazny, Roger (read by Victor Bevine). This Immortal. Brilliance Audio/Audible Inc., 2010. Reprint of a 2008 release of 6 CDs, in a Fine white plastic library binding. Unabridged audiobook version of Zelazny's Hugo-winning novel, apparently produced for the library market (at a hefty list price of $79.97). Though earlier versions of this are listed in the Kovacs bibliography, this one is not, possibly because it came out the same year the bibliography was published. $10.
LP3182. Zelazny, Roger. Trumps of Doom. Americana Audiobooks, 2003. First CD edition (reissue of a cassette release), three audiobook CDs in a Fine plastic snapcase. Abridged audiobook of the sixth Amber novel, read by Zelazny. Kovacs I.43.i.i. $5.
LP3014. Zelazny, Roger. When Pussywillows Last in the Catyard Bloomed. Nostrilia Press, 1980. First edition trade paperback original (simultaneous with a small hardback run), a Fine copy. Poetry collection. Levack, 39b. Kovacs, VII.5.a.ii. $75.
LP2102. Zelazny, Roger. (and Thomas T. Thomas). The Mask of Loki. Baen, 1990. Uncorrected page proofs, trade paperback format, of the paperback first edition, a Fine copy, new and unread. Don't see another copy online. Previously part of Bob Pylant's vast collection of Zelazny first editions. $49.
LP1928. Zivkovic, Zoran. Steps Through the Mist. Polaris, 2003. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy, new and unread. Either linke short stories or an episodic novel. Like the other Polaris books, this is an odd trim size: thicker than a chapbook and slightly taller and wider than a mass market paperback. This Belgrade edition precedes the U.S. edition by three years. $15.
LPPC1. Aldiss, Brian. Summer 1773. The Bellevue Press, 1976. Postcard first edition, Fine. $5.
LPPC2. Bishop, Michael. White Power Poem. The Bellevue Press, 1977. Postcard first edition, Fine. $5.
LPPC3. Dann, Jack. Borges. The Bellevue Press, 1977. Postcard first edition, Fine. $5.
LPPC4. Dann, Jack. Hallways. The Bellevue Press, 1974. Postcard first edition, Fine. $5.
LPPC5. Disch, Tom. The West Coast. The Bellevue Press, 1977. Postcard first edition, Fine. $5.
LPPC6. Dorman, Sonya. Pomegranate. The Bellevue Press, 1977. Postcard first edition, Fine. I'm betting you don't have a lot of Sonya Dorman in your collection... $3.
LPPC7. Le Guin, Ursula K. From Hsin Ch'i-chi 1140-1207. The Bellevue Press, 1977. Postcard first edition, Fine. Seems to be the least common of this series. $10.
LPPC8. Le Guin, Ursula K. Traveling. The Bellevue Press, 1977. Postcard first edition, Fine. $5
LPPC9. Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn. Constellations. The Bellevue Press, 1977. Postcard first edition, Fine. $5.
LPPC10. SPECIAL DEAL: Buy all 9 Postcards for $30, which is $13 off buying them individually. But quantities are limited...
LP2412. Anderson, Poul. The Best of Poul Anderson. Pocket Books, 1976. Second printing, a Fine copy save a stray dust mark at heel; really tight and square. $5.
LP2356. Anderson, Poul. War of the Winged Men. Ace, 1958. Paperback reprint (from an Ace Double; this is possibly the first separate edition), a Near Fine copy with crease along front spine join, plus the foxing to inside covers and age darkening of paper usual for paperbacks of this era. $3.
LP1995. Anthony, Mark. Ravenloft: Tower of Doom. TSR, 1994. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with a hint of a non-breaking spine crease and wear at points, otherwise nice and square. Looks Quasimodorific. $3.
LP1661. Anthony, Piers, and Robert Coulson. But What of Earth? Laser Books, 1976. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with some minor cover wear, otherwise apparently new and unread. Not a common Anthony PBO, especially in this condition. $7.
LP811. Asimov, Isaac. Asimov on Science Fiction. Avon Discus, 1982. First paperback edition, Fine- with a very slight bump at heel. Collection of essays from a wide variety of sources, including Asimov's, The Writer, Locus, book introductions, etc., including reviews of (among other things) The Lord of the Rings and Battlestar Galactica. $5.
LP2824. Asimov, Isaac (and Roger Dee). The Rebellious Stars b/w An Earth Gone Mad. Ace Double, 1954. First edition paperback original thus, Good+ only with considerable wear along the spine, sticker remnant at head, dampstaining to the first 20 pages or so of the Asimov, long crease along bottom of front page of the Asimov, the usual age darkening of the pages, etc. Cut reprint of The Stars Like Dust. Pages still intact. Currey, page 19. $3.
LPEB01. (Axler, James) Adrian, James (Christopher Lowder). Deathlands 1: Pilgrimage to Hell. Gold Eagle (UK), 1987. First UK edition, a Fine- copy with just a tiny bend to the very tip of the bottom rear cover, otherwise new and unread. First book in the Deathlands series, the subsequent books being bylined James Axler. $5.
LPEB02. Axler, James. Deathlands 29: Bloodlines. Gold Eagle/Worldwide Library, 1991. First edition paperback original (PBO), VG with spine creasing, lean, and a touch of general wear. Solid reading copy. $5
LPEB03. Axler, James (Mark Ellis). Deathlands 49:Shadow World. Gold Eagle, 2000. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with spine slightly concave, otherwise nice and square (and with gold wheel scratch off game in center unscratched and reply card still present). $5.
LP2865. Baker, Kage. In The Garden of Iden. Avon Eos, 1998. Paperback reprint, a Fine copy, inscribed by Baker: "To Robert,/Kage Baker." $10.
LP2866. Baker, Kage. Sky Coyote. Avon Eos, 2000. Paperback reprint, a Fine copy, inscribed by Baker: "To Robert,/Kage Baker." $10.
LP219. Baker, Scott. Dhampire. Timescape, 1982. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, F-, with light spine creasing. Vampire novel by a writer who's done some interesting work, including Webs and "Varicose Worms." $5.
LP220. Baker, Scott. Symbiote's Crown. Berkley, 1978. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, VG+ with serious spine creasing, lean, corner creases and wear to back cover. SF novel. $3.
LP812. Baker, Scott. Webs. Tor, 1989. First edition paperback original (PBO), Fine- with thin line at head, slight crease to front bottom corner, and faint wear along spine, otherwise looks unread. Despite a somewhat lurid cover, this is actually a very interesting psychological suspense novel featuring spiders growing far larger than normal. Recommended. $4.
LP2413. Barnes, John. The Duke of Uranium. Warner Books, 2002. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine copy with with one spine crease, slight bend at points, foxing to inside covers. SF adventure novel. $3.
LP221. Barrett, Jr., Neal. Aldair, Master of Ships. DAW, 1977. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, F-, with age darkening to rear cover. Signed by Barrett. $5.
LP2666. LP2665. Barrett, Neal, Jr. Dawn's Uncertain Light. Signet, 1989. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with traces of edgewear and slight foxing to inside covers, otherwise new and unread. Sequel to Barrett's dark, twisted post-apocalyptic Through Darkest America. $10.
LP223. Barrett, Jr., Neal. The Karma Corps. DAW, 1984. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, Fine-, with sun-faded spine. Signed by Barrett. $5.
LP724. Barrett, Jr., Neal. Kelwin. Lancer, 1970. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF-, with some agedarkening, moderate spine creasing and some spine lean. Has one of those Steranko covers of a mighty-thewed barbarian and a scantly clad redhead chained in the background. Signed by Barrett. $10.
LP2414. Barrett, Neal, Jr. Kelwin. Lancer, 1970. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine- copy with crease to rear cover and slight waviness. $3.
LP723. Barrett, Jr., Neal. The Leaves of Time. Lancer, 1971. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF, with some age darkening and moderate spine creasing. Major psychedelic cover. Signed by Barrett. $10.
LP2667. Barrett, Neal, Jr. The Prophecy Machine. Bantam Spectra, 2000. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine+ copy with one invisible spine crease and traces of edgewear, otherwise a nice, square copy with "Signed by Author at BookPeople" sticker on the front cover. Signed by Barrett. Signed Odd steampunkish fantasy. Not seeing any other signed copies online. $10.
LP2825. Barrett, Neal, Jr. The Treachery of Kings. Bantam, 2001. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine+ copy with edgewear at head and front top point, as well as the foxing to inside covers seen on a lot of Bantam paperbacks from the early 1980s on, otherwise apparently unread. Associational copy inscribed by Barrett to fellow Texas SF/F/H writer Carrie Richarson (who died in 2019): "For/Carrie—/"Stop the/Continental/ Drift!"/(signature)." Sequel to The Prophecy Machine. $15.
LP2668. Barrett, Jr., Neal and Barry Malzberg (as K. M. O'Donnell). The Gates of Time b/w Dwellers of the Deep. Ace Double (27400), 1970. First edition paperback original, a Very Good+ copy with wear along spine edges, wear at points, slight foxing to inside covers, and slight age-darkening to pages. Currey, page 348. $6.
LP1711. Beagle, Peter S. A Fine and Private Place. Del Rey, 1982. Paperback reprint, NF- with spine creasing and edgewear. Celebrated love story set in a cemetery, with characters both living and dead. $3.
LP2228. Bear, Greg. Beyond Heaven's River. Dell, 1980. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with a trace of edgewear and slightly uneven pattern to color on pageblock edge (possibly from a drop of water), otherwise tight and square and apparently unread. Odd early Bear novel about a World War II kamikaze pilot plucked from his plane and deposited on an alien planet in the future. $5.
LP226. Bear, Greg. The Infinity Concerto. Ace, 1987. Reprint, NF+ with a few tiny spots of wear, crease along back cover, and neat interior writing "NOTE: Bear's indebtedness to BORGES (p. 341)" inside front cover, and, to make sure you didn't miss the point, Borges' name underlined on the indicated page. $3.
LP227. Bear, Greg. The Serpent Mage. Berkley, 1986. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF with spine crease and heel stamp, and writing on front blurb page. Sequel to The Infinity Concerto. $5.
LP3621. Bear, Greg. The Wind from a Burning Woman. Warner Questar, 1990. First paperback edition (preceded by the Arkham House hardback first edition), a Fine- copy with minor edgewear, otherwise tight and square, inscribed by Bear: "For Peter/Best wishes//from/Greg Bear." His first short story collection, and a good one, including "Petra" and "Hardfought." $10.
LP3622. Benford, Gregory, and Gordon Eklund. Find the Changeling. Dell, 1980. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine- copy with faint crease along front spine-join, mild crease to top front corner, small fox of foxing to front and rear cover, and slight edgewear. Novel about tracking down a shapeshifting alien killer. Only one trade paperback reprint in the U.S. $5.
LP538. Bester, Alfred. The Stars My Destination. Signet, 1961. Paperback third printing of this edition, VG+ with some wear to spine, slight creasing and lean, and an interior stamp, otherwise nice. A landmark science fiction work. SF100 List. Recommended. $5.
LP229. Bisson, Terry. Wyrldmaker. Pocket (Timescape), 1981. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF+ with some edgewear. Fantasy novel. Author's first book. $ 2.50
LP230. Blaylock, James P. The Digging Leviathan. Ace, 1984. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, Fine-, with a stray blue pen mark to spine and foxing to interior covers. An attractive, collectable copy. $5.
LP3232. Blaylock, James P. The Disappearing Dwarf. Del Rey, 1983. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with a trace of edgewear at points, a few pinpricks of wear along spine edge, a phantom crease at top of back cover, a short, non-breaking indentation at the bottom of the front cover, otherwise, tight, square and apparently unread. Sequel to The Elfin Ship. $7.
LP3233. Blaylock, James P. Homunculus. Ace, 1986. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with a few bare traces of edgewear, signed and dated ("3/27/87") by Blaylock. Key Steampunk novel and Philip K. Dick Award winner. $25.
LP2669. Blaylock, James P. Homunculus. Ace, 1986. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with edgewear and wear long spine, and to edge very slightly dust stained, but otherwise square and unread. Winner of the Philip K. Dick Award. One of his most acclaimed steampunk works, and the true first edition of this first Langdon St. Ives novel. Not as easy to find as it used to be. $15.
LP3234. Blaylock, James P. The Last Coin. Ace, 1989. First paperback edition (preceded by the Ziesing limited edition and the Ace trade hardback), a Fine- copy with one tiny wrinkle near the bottom front join, inscribed by Blaylock to small press editor John Pelan: "James P. Blaylock/John, finally a Blaylock/book worth the money./Cheers/Jim." Pelan published several Blaylock books at his Axolotl Press, making this a significant associational copy. A fantasy about a man searching for the last of the 30 pieces of silver paid to Judas to betray Jesus. $35.
LP1309. Block, Francesca Lia. Primavera. Roc, 1994. First edition paperback original (PBO), a NF copy with almost-invisible spine creasing. The sequel to Ecstasia, and reasonably hard to find these days. $7.
LP2229. Boorman, John with Bill Stair. Zardoz. Signet, 1974. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Good+ only ex-library copy, with considerable creasing and internal markings. I want someone to read this and let me know if it's as bad as the movie. $3.
LP2415. Bova, Ben. The Science Fiction Hall of Fame II A and The Science Fiction Hall of Fame II B. Paperback reprints, Near Fine/Very Good copies, with noticeable rubbing abrasion to II B. Great collection of science fiction novellas, including Campbell's "Who Goes There?", Heinlein's "Universe," Wells' "Time Machine," Sturgeon's "Baby is Three," Vance's "The Moon Moth," etc. Great, great collection. $10 for the set.
LP3544. Bova, Ben. The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume II B. Avon, 1974. First Avon paperback printing, preceded by the hardback first, a Very Good+ copy with moderate spine creasing and slight spine fading, and a trace of wear at points. The second of two reprint anthologies featuring the very best science fiction novellas, including some great stories like Jack Vance's "The Moon Moth," Clifford Simak's "The Big Front Yard," Algis Budry's "Rogue Moon," Isaac Asimov's "The Martian Way," etc. Well worth reading if you haven't read these already. $5.
LP813. Boyett, Steven R. The Architect of Sleep. Ace, 1986. First edition paperback original (PBO), Near Fine+ with some very slight wear at head and along spine, otherwise seemingly unread. Celebrated novel of a man transported to an alternate Earth where raccoons evolved as the planet's sapient species. Named by Orson Scott Card as one of the best SF novels of the 1980s. The projected second book, The Geography of Dreams, has yet to appear. $5.
LP777. Boyett, Steven R. Ariel. Ace, 1983. First edition paperback original (PBO), a NF+ copy with one spine crease and slight paper fuzz to top edges. These sell pretty well for me, and it's not particularly easy to find today. $10.
LP2826. Bradbury, Ray. A Memory of Murder. Dell, 1984. First edition paperback original, a Very Good copy with spine creasing, edgewear, slight age darkening and foxing to gutters. You wouldn't think a Bradbury PBOs from the 80s would be hard to find, but he was reportedly not thrilled with these 1940s pulp crime stories, and never let it be reprinted. $25.
LP1998. Bradley, Marion Zimmer (Laurell K. Hamilton, Mercedes Lackey, Nancy Jane Moore, etc.). Sword and Sorceress VII (Winterkill). DAW, 1990. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with just a trace of edgewear, otherwise nice and square and apparently unread. Contains the Laurel K. Hamilton story "Winterkill," written back before she went all werewolf-and-vampire gangbangy, $5.
LP2230. Braunbeck, Gary. Dark Matter One: In Hollow Houses. Wizards of the Coast, 2000. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine- copy with one spine crease, otherwise nice and square. Shared-world horror novel of a supernatural agency dealing with something under D.C. Braunbeck's a talented writer. $5.
LP2103. Broderick, Damien. The Dreaming Dragons. Pocket Books, 1980. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy, with wear at tips, otherwise tight and square. Interesting novel about an investigation that leads to a dramatic revelation about human consciousness. Pringle, SF100 list. $5.
LP2358. Brunner, John. The Shockwave Rider. Orbit Futura, 1977. Paperback reprint, a Very Good- copy with sticker pull on top right of front cover, that corner creased, long crease across bottom back corner, spine creasing, and general wear. With a bookplate signed by Brunner affixed. $10.
LP2231. Brust, Steven. Brokedown Palace. Ace, 1986. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine copy with a wrinkle and edgewear at heel. A jhereg novel. $3.
LP2232. Brust, Steven. Phoenix. Ace Books, 1990. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good copy with spine creasing and lean. A Vlad Taltos novel. $3.
LP1449. Brust, Steven (Roger Zelazny). To Reign in Hell. Ace, 1985. First paperback (and first mass market edition), a VG copy with 3/4" x 1/6" chip off the top of the front cover. Forward by Roger Zelazny. $3.
LP2359. Bryant, Ed. Particle Theory. Pocket Books/Timescape, 1981. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good+ copy with slight spine creasing, slight spine fade, and stamp at head. Short story collection, including the Nebula-winning "giANTS." $3.
LP2233. Bujold, Lois McMaster. Barrayar. Baen, 1991. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with traces of edgewear at the corners and foxing to inside covers, otherwise tight, square and apparently unread. Hugo Winner for Best Novel. Part of the Miles Vorkosigan saga. $10.
LP2869. Bujold, Lois McMaster. Falling Free. Baen Books, 1989. Paperback second printing, a Fine copy with a bit of age darkening. Inscribed by Bujold: "For Robert../Best regards! Lois McMaster/Bujold." Nebula Award winner for Best Novel. $10.
LP3543. Bujold, Lois McMaster. Falling Free. Baen Books, 1988. First edition mass market paperback original, a Very Good- copy spine creasing, 3/4? chip to rear bottom corner (not affecting text or UPC), shallow loss to right edge of front cover, foxing to inside covers, and slight page yellowing. Nebula Award winner for Best Novel. Not a great copy, but a true first of a Nebula winner. $5.
LP3485. Bull, Emma. Bone Dance. Ace, 1991. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good+ copy with two faint spine creases, three small stains at heel, and some edgewear, inscribed by Bull: "To Alex,/best wishes!/Emma/Bull." Hugo, Nebula and World Fantasy Award nominee. No other signed firsts online. $25.
LP2360. Bull, Emma. War for the Oaks. Ace, 1997. Paperback reprint, a Near Fine copy with faint spine creasing. Inscribed by Bull: "To Denise - Rock'n'Roll,/Emma Bull." Her well-regarded fantasy debut novel. $5. LP1571. Burroughs, Edgar Rice. Back to the Stone Age. Ace. Reprint. Near Fine. $5.
LP2234. Burroughs. Edgar Rice. The Eternal Savage. Ace, 1978. First edition paperback original (PBO) thus under this title (originally published as The Eternal Lover in 1914), a Near Fine- copy with one long but faint crease along bottom back cover and some age darkening to pages, others tight, square and apparently unread. Girl goes to visit Tarzan and finds a stone age warrior instead. $5.
LP2235. Burroughs. Edgar Rice. The Lad and the Lion. Ace, no date (given the $1.95 price, I'd guess sometime in the 1970s). Paperback reprint (possibly the first Ace edition, as there are no additional printings listed) a Fine- copy with just a couple of small check marks to titles at rear and yellowing of pages, otherwise tight, square and apparently unread. $5.
LP1569. Burroughs, Edgar Rice. The Lost Continent. Ace. Reprint. Near Fine. $5.
LP1570. Burroughs, Edgar Rice. The Land That Time Forgot. Ace. Reprint. Near Fine- (wavy). Movie tie in. $5.
LP2579. Burroughs, Edgar Rice. The Moon Men. Ace, no date (but given the $1.50 cover price, probably around 1974-75). Paperback reprint, a Near Fine- copy with slight age darkening to white rear cover, 2" faint crease on top front corner, and a touch of edgewear (but no spine crease). Contains the title story and "The Red Hawk." $3.
LP1823. Burroughs, Edgar Rice. The People That Time Forgot. Ace, 1973. Reprint paperback, a NF- copy with slight edgewear, slight spine lean, and a faint crease. Frank Frazetta cover. $3.
LP1572. (Burroughs, Edgar Rice) Holmes, John Eric. Mahars of Pellucidar. Ace, 1976. First edition paperback original, Fine-, uniform look with other Ace Burroughs books. $5.
LP2049. Butterworth, Michael. Space 1999 #6: The Edge of the Infinite. Warner Books, 1977. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with a pinhead-sized abrasion to upper spine, affecting the I and E in "SCIENCE FICTION" at the top of the spine, otherwise apparently new and unread, and with SFBC insert in middle of the book still intact. Not a lot of copies online, and evidently none this nice. $20.
LP3343. Cadigan, Pat. Fools. Bantam Spectra, 1992. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with faint spine creasing, foxing to inner covers and a bit of edgewear, still a square copy. Important cyberpunk novel. It's hard to tell who's a member of the Brain Police. You might be one yourself and never know it. Recommended. $10.
LP2870. Cadigan, Pat. Synners. Bantam Spectra, 1991. First edition paperback original, a Fine- paperback with trace of edgewear at points and along edge. Seminal cyberpunk work, Arthur C. Clarke Award winner and Nebula finalist. Highly recommended. Nice copies seem to have gotten scarce as of late. $25.
LP1824. Campbell, John W. The Black Star Passes. Ace (F-346), 1953. Presumably the first paperback edition (PBO), a Fine- copy with a tiny bit of bumping at head and even less at heel. And Arcot, Wade and Morey space opera adventure. $3.
LP2871. Campbell, John W. The Black Star Passes. Ace, 1973. Paperback reprint, a Very Good+ copy with chips at top front and back cover, spine fading, grubbiness to white back cover, and age darkening to pages. The first in Campbell's super science pulp space opera Arcot, Morey and Wade series, and great fun if you like that sort of thing. $2.
LP1213. Card, Orson Scott. Hot Sleep: The Worthing Chronicle. Orbit Futura, 1980. First UK edition, mass market paperback original (PBO) thus (the Century/Legend hardback was over a decade later), a NF copy with one faint spine crease, slight wear along spine, slightly concave spine, and general wear. One of Card's first books. $6.
LP1573. Carpenter, Leonard (Rober E. Howard). Conan: Scourge of the Bloody Coast. Tor, 1994. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine- copy with edgewear. One of the rarer Conan PBOs. $8.
LP2872. Carr, Terry. Cirque. Fawcett, 1977 (actually 1978). First paperback edition (preceded by the Bobs-Merrill hardcover, a Near Fine copy with touches of wear, age darkening to pages, and severe foxing to inside covers. Carr's third novel. $2.
LP2104. Carriger, Gail. Blameless. Orbit, 2010. First edition paperback original, a Fine copy, new and unread. Third book in the very clever Parasol Protectorate steampunk series that started with Soulless. $7.
LP2239. Carriger, Gail. Blameless. Orbit, 2010. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine copy, tight, square and apparently unread. Third book in The Parasol Protectorate series. $7.
LP2240. Carriger, Gail. Soulless. Orbit, 2009. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine copy, tight, square and apparently unread. First book in The Parasol Protectorate series. Recommended. $7.
LP2241. Carriger, Gail. Timeless. Orbit, 2012. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with just a trace of edgewear, otherwise tight, square and apparently unread. Fifth book in The Parasol Protectorate series. $6.
LP540. Carter, Lin (Tanith Lee, Thomas Burnett Swann, Fritz Leiber, L. Sprague de Camp, Clark Ashton Smith, Avram Davidson). The Year's Best Fantasy Stories: 2. DAW, 1976. A paperback original (PBO) first edition, F- with a trace of wear, including a slight ding to rear cover. A bright, attractive copy. $4.50.
LP2237. Cassada, Jackie. The Toybox (Immortal Eyes Trilogy Book One). White Wolf, 1995. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine copy, new and unread. $5.
LP1712. Cassada, Jackie. Shadows on the Hill (Immortal Eyes Trilogy Book Two). White Wolf, 1996. First edition paperback original (PBO), NF+ copy with thin black line at head, otherwise new and unread. Sequel to The Toybox. Used to be pretty hard to find, less so now. $5.
LP818. Chandler, A. Bertram. The Anarch Lords. DAW, 1981. First edition paperback original (PBO), Fine- with just a trace of fading and wear to the spine, a touch of dust soiling to page edges, and one thin line at head, otherwise quite attractive. A John Grimes/Rim World novel. $2.
LP1310. Chandler, A. Bertram. The Big Black Mark. DAW, 1975. First edition paperback original (PBO) (numberline starting with 1, as per Currey), a Fine- copy with a very faint crease along the front spine join, otherwise tight, square, and apparently unread. $3.
LP2050. Chandler, A. Bertram. The Way Back. DAW, 1978. First paperback and first U.S. edition, a Fine- copy with a tiny bit of wear at extremities. John Grimes/Rimworld novel. $3.
LP2242. Cherryh, C.J. The Dreamstone. DAW, 1983. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with edgewear at top and a small wrinkle at the bottom of the spine, otherwise tight, square and apparently unread. $5.
LP543. Cherryh, C. J. The Dreamstone. DAW, 1983. First paperback edition, first mass market edition, and first appearance under this title, previously published in hardback as Ealdwood by Donald M. Grant. NF+, with slight crease to front top corner. Appears unread. $2.
LP1575. Cherryh, C. J. Port Eternity . DAW, 1982. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with edgewear. $3.
LP751. Cherry, C. J. Sunfall. DAW, 1981. First edition paperback original (PBO), NF- with stamps at head and heel, some edgewear, and a few faint moisture spots on front cover, otherwise a tight copy. Still includes SFBC insert. $3.
LP778. Cherryh, C. J. Wave Without a Shore. DAW, 1981. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine copy. A very attractive first of one of Cherryh's better regarded PBOs. $3.
LP542. Cherryh, C. J. Wave Without a Shore. DAW, 1981. A paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF with some mottling to bottom rear cover (looks like a bit of the cover of another book rubbed off there). Appears unread. $2.
LP241. Clarke, Arthur C. (with Wernher von Braun). TheChallenge of the Sea. Dell, 1966. Paperback reprint, NF+, with spine and spine/rear cover join creases. Non-fiction. Introduction by von Braun. $3.
LP3344. Clarke, Arthur C. Lost Worlds of 2001. Signet, 1972. Paperback reprint, a Near Fine- copy with thin 2" circular crease at top front, smaller hairline creases on back, edgewear and slight age darkening to pages. How the development of 2001 unfolded. $5.
LP3090. Clement, Hal. Natives of Space. Ballantine Books, 1965. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good+ copy with slight spine creasing and moderate abrasion along spine, with a little bend to upper outer front corner, otherwise nice and square. Three novellas: "Assumption Unjustified," "Technical Error" and "Impediment." Currey, page 468. $5.
LP2873. Clement, Hal. Ocean on Top. DAW, 1973. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with edgewear slight grubbiness to rear white cover, some sunfading to spine, and slight spine lean. No English language hardback. $3.
LP1311. Collins, Nancy. Sunglasses After Dark. Onyx, 1989. First edition paperback original (PBO), A Near Fine+ copy with a slight abrasion to rear cover, otherwise apparently unread. Her debut splatterpunk vampire novel, and, I think, a better example of such than Ray Garton's Live Girls. Recommended. $10.
LP544. Collins, Nancy. Sunglasses After Dark. Onyx, 1989. A paperback original (PBO) first edition, VG with spine and corner creases and wear to the rear cover. Another copy, not as nice. $4.95.
LP3183. Collins, Nancy, and Edward E. Kramer, editors (Alan Moore, Don Webb, etc.). Forbidden Acts. Avon Books, 1995. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine copy with slight spine creasing and edgewear. Original horror anthology. $10.
LP2672. Costello, Matthew. Doom3: Worlds on Fire. Pocket Star Books, 2008. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine+ copy with one faint spine crease and a touch of wear. Based on the id first person shooter video game. First printings of all the Doom book seem a lot less common than you would think. $8.
LP2105. Crichton, Michael. Westworld. Bantam, 1974. Presumed first edition paperback original (no additional printings listed), an Ex-Library copy with stamps and checkout sheet inside front cover, blurb page clipped, stamp on title page, bottom 1" of front cover starting to detach, and general wear; call it Good+, but it is structurally sound. The novelization of his own script for the "robots go crazy" thriller he directed. $10.
LP726. Crowley, John. The Deep. Berkley Medallion, 1975. First paperback edition, preceded by the Doubleday hardback edition (see hardbacks), NF with slight spine crease and wrinkle, otherwise tight and attractive. $3.
LP1138. Davidson, Avram. Collected Fantasies. Berkley, 1982. First edition Paperback Original (PBO), a Fine- copy with one faint tackhead sized stain to top front cover, otherwise apparently unread. Story collection including such gems as the Hugo-winning "Or All the Seas With Oysters," "Help, I Am Doctor Morris Goldpepper," and "The Golem." A nice, inexpensive way to get a taste of Davidosn's singular work. $5.
LP243. Davidson, Avram. The Island Under the Earth. Ace, 1969. Paperback original (PBO) first edition (Ace SF Special), NF with cover creasing. $3.
LP1139. Davidson, Avram. Peregrine: Secundus. Berkley, 1981. First edition Paperback Original (PBO), a Fine copy, apparently new and unread. $3.
LP2416. Davidson, Avram. Peregrine: Secundus. Berkley Books, 1981. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good copy with creasing to front cover corner. $2.
LP3400. Davidson, Avram. Rogue Dragon. Ace, 1965. First edition paperback original (no statement of printing on copyright page and 40¢ price, as per Currey), a Near Fine copy with a crease along rear cover at spine and a trace of edgewear. Currey, page 131. $5.
LP547. Davidson, Avram. Ursus of Ultima Thule. Avon, 1973. A paperback original (PBO) first edition, VG with spine creasing and lean, interior writing, and faint lines stamped at head and heel. Sort of Clan of the Cave Bear looking, except for the fact that Davidson got there first. $2.
LP1488. Davidson, Avram. Ursus of Ultima Thule. Avon, 1973. First edition paperback original (PBO), a NF copy with slight signs of wear, slight darkening of off-white spine, and "70" written on blurb page. Fantasy of prehistoric man. $3.
LP548. Davidson, Avram. What Strange Stars and Skies. Ace, 1965. A paperback original (PBO) first edition, VG+, with some moderate creasing and the usual page yellowing and inside cover foxing. $4.
LP3545. Delany, Samuel R. Babel-17. Ace, 1966. First edition paperback original (F-388 and 40¢, as per Currey), a Near Fine copy with moderate edgewear at head, slight edgewear at heel, and a 1/2? thin white abrasion line to front cover near spine, otherwise a nice, square, attractive copy without spine creasing. Nebula Award winner and Hugo nominee. Currey, page 139. $20.
LP3486. De Lint, Charles. Svaha. Ace, 1989. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with slight edgewear, inscribed by De Lint: "For Guy,/cheers./(signature)/'94." A really nice signed PBO first of this post-apocalyptic Indian novel. $20.
LP1489. De Lint, Charles. Svaha. Ace, 1989. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with a touch of wear at the bottom back spine join, otherwise new and unread. Post-apocalyptic Indian fantasy. $9.
LP2000. De Lint, Charles, writing as Samuel M. Key. Angel of Darkness. Jove, 1990. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with a slight crease halfway across bottom of back cover, edgewear, and one dog-eared page, otherwise nice and square. Pseudonymous horror novel. $10.
LP2000. DeLint, Charles, writing as Samuel M. Key. Angel of Darkness. Jove, 1990. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with a slight crease halfway across bottom of back cover, edgewear, and one dog-eared page, otherwise nice and square. Pseudonymous horror novel. $8.
LP1215. De Lint, Charles (writing as Samuel M. Key). Angel of Darkness. Leisure, 1990. First edition paperback original (PBO), VG- copy with lots of spine creasing and wear, top and bottom just starting to split, creasing to front and rear cover, page yellowing, and general wear. Horror novel by an author better known for his fantasy. Signed by De Lint. Worn, but one of De Lint's less common titles. $7.
LP819. De Lint, Charles (writing as Samuel M. Key). From a Whisper to a Scream. Berkley, 1992. First edition paperback original (PBO), VG+, with pine creasing, otherwise nice. An "open" pseudonym, as De Lint's name is listed on the copyright page. Horror novel by an author better known for his fantasy. $5.
LP1216. De Lint, Charles (writing as Samuel M. Key). From a Whisper to a Scream. Berkley, 1992. First edition paperback original (PBO), Fine- with name on blurb page and small ballpoint scribble to lower back cover, otherwise new, tight and unread, a very attractive copy. An "open" pseudonym, as De Lint's name is listed on the copyright page. Signed by DeLint. $10.
LP950. Del Rey, Judy-Lynn, editor (Larry Niven, James Tiptree, Jr., James P. Hogan, etc.). Stellar 7. Del Rey, 1981. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with some edgewear and a slight bump at head. Original anthology including work from Larry Niven, James Tiptree, Jr., and two stories by James P. Hogan. $5.
LP2361. Denton, Bradley. Buddy Holly is Alive and Well on Ganymede. Avon AvoNova, 1992. First paperback edition, a reprint of the hardback of a year before, a Near Fine+ copy with phantom spine creasing and a touch of wear, otherwise tight and square. Signed by Denton. Recommended. Weird, wooly road-trip novel. $7.
LP551. Derleth, August (H. P. Lovecraft). The Trail of Cthulhu. Ballantine, 1976. Paperback reprint, G with a spine crease, creasing and a short tear to rear cover, and what appears to be an oil or grease stain starting around page 142 and continuing and growing larger through the end of the book, though all text is still legible. A reading copy only. $2.95.
LP3236. Dever, Joe. Lone Wolf 13: The Plague Lords of Ruel. Berkley/Pacer, 1992. First American edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with one spine crease and slight edgewear, character stat area not written in. The Lone Wolf books were fantasy pick-your-own-path adventures where skills learned in previous books were carried over to the next one, and were well-regarded by those that read them. Not my usual stock in trade, but I picked them up back when you could get good money for them on eBay, and recently I saw a video saying that some sort of prestige reprint of the series was in the works. $20.
LP3237. Dever, Joe and John Grant. Legends of Lone Wolf: Eclipse of the Kai. Berkley/Pacer, 1990. First American edition paperback original, a Near Fine book with black lines at head and heel and foxing to inside covers. I think Legends of Lone Wolf were a spinoff series of straight novels featuring the same character. $7.
LP3238. Dever, Joe and John Grant. Legends of Lone Wolf 2: The Dark Door Opens. Berkley/Pacer, 1990. First American edition paperback original, a Very Good+ copy with light creasing to all four corner edges, thin crease along front spine join, slight edge of foxing, and general wear. $20.
LP552. DeWeese, Gene. Jeremy Case. Laser Books, 1976. A paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF-, with spine creasing and wear and prices marked out with magic marker. $2.45.
LP2001. Dick, Philip K. Clans of the Alphane Moon. Caroll & Graf, 1993. Paperback reprint, a Fine- copy with a bit of edgewear. I read this earlier this year, and it's one of Dick's more insane books (and I mean that in a good way). I don't know which is crazier, the entire society founded by ex-mental patients, or the CIA operative who's job it is to operate the secret android accompanying his hated ex-wife. Recommended. $5.
LP820. Dick, Philip K. The Divine Invasion. Pocket Books/Timescape, 1982. First paperback edition, NF- with top corner creased and slightly "chewed," but not spine creasing. A sequel to Valis, and according to Levack (11), the manuscript was originally called Valis Regained. $6.
LP2513. Dick, Philip K. Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said. DAW, 1975. First paperback edition, a Very Good copy with light staining along edges of rear cover, spine creasing, creasing along front spine join, and usual page yellowing. $5.
LP1491. Dick, Philip K. The Game Players of Titan. Ace, 1963 (i.e. 1972). Paperback reprint (Levack 18e, with price of 75¢ on cover), a NF copy with a bit of wear to back cover and faint spine creasing and wear. $5.
LP3630. Dick, Philip K. Martian Time-Slip. Del Rey, 1981. Paperback reprint, a Near Fine copy with slight spine creasing, slight wear at points, and a few traces of edgewear. Levack, 25.k. Wintz/Hyde, Precious Artifacts SF12.3. Pringle, SF 100 #43. Pringle, Ultimate Guide to SF page 197-98 (****). $5.
LP1217. Dick, Philip K. Our Friends from Frolix 8. Granada, 1984. Paperback reprint, a NF copy with spine-fading and a few touches of wear, otherwise nice, square and seemingly unread. $5.
LP1141. Dick, Philip K. Radio Free Albemuth. Avon Books, 1987. First Avon edition, paperback, a NF+ copy with three pinhead-sized abrasions to spine and slight bend at outer corners. $5.
LP3636. Dick, Philip K. Time Out of Joint. Carroll & Graf, 1987. First Carroll & Graf paperback edition, a Fine copy with just a trace of edgewear; a very nice copy. Novel about a man who begins to increasingly question the reality of his modern (circa 1959, when it was originally published) American life. Roy Colmer artwork depicting PKD. Levack, 41. Wintz/Hyde, Precious Artifacts SF32.7. Pringle, SF 100 #28. Pringle, Ultimate Guide to SF page 323 (***). Recommended. $7.
LP2243. Dick, Philip K. Valis. Bantam Books, 1981. Fifth printing of this paperback original, a near Fine copy with wrinkle at head, edgewear, dog-ear at bottom of blurb page, and yellowing to pages. One of Dick's weirdest novels, trying to make sense of his visionary "Exegesis" experience of of early 1974, when he believed a higher intelligence "beamed" vast amounts of information into his brain. $5.
LP822. Dick, Philip K., with Roger Zelazny. Deus Irae. Dell, 1980. Stated the first printing of the "New Dell Edition" (though it also lists two other printings of the previous Dell edition), a Fine- copy, with a faint crease along the front spine join, otherwise tight and square. I'm guessing this would be Levack 10m (for Dick, or Levack 10l for Zelazny), though the odd printing notice makes it a little less clear. Still, whatever printing, this is an attractive copy of this post-holocaust collaborative novel by two science fiction legends. $7.
LP2875. Disch, Thomas M. 334. Avon, 1974. Paperback reprint, a Very Good copy with spine crease, two light black wear lines on back cover, general grubbiness to white portions, and slight age darkening to pages. Still a nice square reading copy of his celebrated (and depressing) New Wave novel about the occupants of a single room in a skyscraper in a New York City of the future. With the famous, slightly porny distorted cover art of the blond in garter-belts. Pringle, SF 100 #66. $2.
LP2876. Disch, Thomas M. Under Compulsion. Panther/Granada, 1978. Paperback reprint, a Near Fine copy with age darkening to spine and a touch of edgewear, very slight age-darkening. Short story collection. $3.
LP2827. Dozois, Gardner. The Visible Man. Berkeley Medallion, 1977. First edition paperback original, a Very Good- copy with a half quarter sized abrasion near outer edge on front cover, spine creasing and wear, edgewear, slight page darkening, and ownership sticker from SF writer Carrie Richerson on blurb page. Inscribed by Dozois to Richerson. His first short story collection, including several very good ones like "A Kingdom By The Sea," "A Special Kind of Morning," and "Chains of the Sea. Recommended. There are currently no signed copies online. $25.
LP573. Dozois, Gardner. The Visible Man. Berkley Medallion, 1977. A paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF with one spine crease, slight edgewear, and a few small spots to page edges. Some great stories in here, including "A Special Kind of Morning" and "Chains of the Sea." Recommended. $4.
LP955. Dozois, Gardner and George Alec Effinger. Nightmare Blue. Berkley, 1975. First edition paperback original (PBO), with October 1975 on copyright page, as per Currey, a VG copy with slight spine wrinkling, repeated "4" at head and heel, and slight waviness to book (probably due to uneven binding glue drying). This tale of future illegal drug dealer was cited by William S. Burroughs as one of his favorite science fiction novels. Signed by Dozois. $5.
LP576. Effinger, George Alec. Idle Pleasures. Berkley, 1983. A paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF- with some mild wrinkling and creasing, two slightly dog-eared pages, and a stamp on the inside front cover, otherwise tight and seemingly unread. A collection of Effinger's SF sports stories. $5.
LP2548. Effinger, George Alec. Planet of the Apes 2: Escape to Tomorrow. Award Books, 1975. First edition paperback original, a Very Good+ copy with creasing and a tackhead-sized abrasion to upper right corner and a stamped "2" at head, two small wrinkles along spine, and general wear. Based on the short-lived CBS TV show, one of four Effinger did. $5.
LP578. Effinger, George Alec. What Entropy Means to Me. Signet, 1973. A paperback reprint of his first novel, NF with a spine crease and edgewear. $2.
LP249. Effinger, George Alec. The Zork Chronicles. Avon, 1990. Paperback original (PBO) first edition NF, with spine crease and heel stamp. I am given to understand that this has as little to do with the game(s) as possible, but instead features typical Effinger-esque characters wandering around in the gamescape after the game itself has been concluded. $5.
LP251. Egan, Greg. Quarantine. HarperPrism, 1995. Paperback, first U.S. edition, Fine-, with slight edgewear, bumping to tips, and foxing to inside covers. Egan's second novel and first SF novel. $5.
LP957. Ellison, Harlan (Zelazny, Roger). From the Land of Fear. Belmont Tower, 1967. Paperback reprint, a NF- copy with creasing along front spine join and general edgewear. Short story collection. Introduction by Roger Zelazny. Still includes the cigarette ad in the center of the book which Ellison's contract forbid, and which was a source of considerable friction between Ellison and Belmont... $5.
LP583. Ellison, Harlan. Over the Edge. Belmont/Tower, 1972. A paperback reprint, VG+ with a spine crease, a moderate crease to rear cover, and a small number "1" stamped at head and heel. Still contains the cigarette ad in the middle, which Ellison's contract forbid and over which Ellison once sent a publishing house's comptroller a dead gopher... $4.
LP959. Ellison, Harlan. The Other Glass Teat. Pyramid, 1975. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine+ copy with a trace of edgewear, some tiny spots of wear to spine, one dog-eared page, and front spine join just starting to crease, otherwise a very attractive copy. Ellison's second collection of essays on TV. Cover (like all the Ellison Pyramids) by Leo and Diane Dillon. $10.
LP960. Ellison, Harlan. Spider Kiss (aka Rockabilly). Ace, 1980. First Ace edition, paperback, VG+ with crease along front spine join, stamp at heel, faint parallel machining crease along rear cover, bottom of spine very slightly "chewed" and spots of wear at top of front cover. Despite all the forgoing, this is a tight, square copy. Originally published as Rockabilly. $5.
LP961. Ellison, Harlan. Web of the City (aka Rumble). Ace, 1983. First Ace edition, paperback, NF with crease along rear spine join and slight wear to back cover, otherwise a nice, tight, attractive copy. Novel based on Ellison's experience running with a street gang. Originally published as Rumble. $7.
LP962. Ellison, Harlan, and Edward Bryant. Phoenix Without Ashes. Fawcett, 1975. First edition paperback original (PBO), a NF copy with spine creasing, otherwise quite nice. Worth it for the Ellison introduction alone, where he tears into studio executives for ruining his award-winning script. $5.
LP584. Ellison, Harlan. Phoenix Without Ashes. Fawcett, 1975. A paperback original (PBO) first edition, VG+, wit some spine creasing, general wear, and damp-staining to lower back cover and last few pages. Signed by Bryant. Well worth it for the Ellison introduction alone, in which he bitches about how network executives butchered his award-winning script... $5.
LP3184. Etchison, Dennis. Red Dreams. Berkley, 1987. First paperback edition, a Near Fine- copy with the beginning of faint spine creasing, very sight spine fading, a corner crease across top outer rear corner, and a little wear at head, heel and edgewear. Acclaimed horror short story collection. $15.
LP2417. Farmer, Philip Jose. A Barnstormer in Oz. Berkley, 1983. First mass market paperback edition (preceded by a trade paperback), a Very Good+ copy with spine creasing and fading. Farmer does Oz. $3.
LP2245. Farmer, Philip Jose. Doc Savage: Escape from Loki. Bantam Spectra, 1991. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good- copy with spine creasing, notable edgewear, pinpricks of sticker abrasion at top front and page yellowing. "The first new Doc Savage novel since 1949!" Seems a lot more uncommon than a paperback from the 1990s should be. $12.
LP3185. Farmer, Philip Jose. Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life. Playboy Paperbacks, 1981. Paperback reprint, a Near Fine+ copy with the start of an invisible spine crease, a tackhead-sized irregular black mark to rear cover (not affecting any text), and a trace of edgewear, other a tight, square, bright white copy. Fictional biography of the famous pulp hero. $10.
LP2877. Farmer, Philip Jose. Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life. Bantam Books, 1975. Paperback reprint, a Near Fine- copy with slight spine creasing, slight age darkening of edge covers, and slight age darkening of pages. Biography of the pulp hero, and a central book in the Wold Newton universe. "Expanded and corrected for this Bantam edition." $8.
LP2878. Farmer, Philip Jose as Kilgore Trout. Venus on the Half-Shell. Dell, 1976. Paperback reprint, a Near Fine+ copy, with 1/16th edgewear at heel, less serious edgewear elsewhere, and slight age-darkening of pages. $7.
LP2418. Farmer, Philip Jose. Image of the Beast. Berkley, 1985. Paperback reprint, Very Good-, with heavy spine creasing, bit of lean, foxing, general wear. "The underground classic of erotic horror." Quite the hot item back in the day... $3.
LP2673. Farmer, Philip Jose. The Dark Heart of Time: A Tarzan Novel. Del Rey, 1999. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with a trace of edgewear. A surprisingly uncommon PBO, given the author and subject matter. $35.
LP2419. Farmer, Philip Jose. Strange Relations. Avon, 1974. Paperback reprint, Near Fine with slight wrinkling along spine, trace lean, touch of foxing, otherwise nice and square. Intimate encounters between men and aliens. $5.
LP2549. Farmer, Philip Jose. Tarzan: The Dark Heart of Time. Del Rey, 1999. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with slight spine creasing and a touch of edgewear. A surprisingly uncommon PBO, given the author and subject matter. $25.
LP2246. Fowler, Karen Joy. Artificial Things. Bantam Spectra, 1986. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good + copy with slight spine creasing and edgewear, 1/8" chip at bottom rear cover corner, and usual foxing to interior covers. Fowler's first book, a short story collection. $5.
LP3092. Gaiman, Neil. Smoke and Mirrors. Avon Books, 2005 (stated). Paperback reprint, a Very Good+ copy with 1/4" tear about 1 1/2" inches from bottom outer edge, with associated crease, small wrinkle at heel, and slight edgewear, signed by Gaiman. Short story collection, including the superb "Murder Mysteries." Recommended. This edition also has an excerpt from Anasi Boys. $20.
LP3093. Garton, Ray. Dark Channel. Bantam, 1992. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with small crease at top front cover edge, foxing to inside covers, and touches of edgewear. New age cult = actual old-fashioned evil cult. $7.
LP257. Garton, Ray. Darklings. Pinnacle, 1985. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, VG- w/spine creases, bookstore stamp on bottom, chipped front cover. $3.
LP258. Garton, Ray. Invaders from Mars. Pocket, 1986. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF- with corner creases, and soiling to back cover. Movie novelization. $3.
LP1577. Garton, Ray. Live Girls. Pocket, 1987. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with just the barest trace of edgewear, otherwise new and unread, a very attractive copy, and usually found in much worse condition. Landmark Splatterpunk vampire novel. $10.
LP260. Garton, Ray. Seductions. Pinnacle, 1984. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF w/spine creases, black marker writing on front endpaper, slight cover wear-relatively tight copy. By far the harder to find of the two Pinnacle Gartons. His first novel. $5.
LP3487. Garton, Ray. Warlock. Avon, 1989. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good- copy with a crease running down the entirety of the front cover, one spine crease, and edgewear. Novelization of the film of the same name. Not a great copy, but any copy is hard to find these days. $25.
LP262. Geary, Patricia. Strange Toys. Bantam, 1987. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF+ with spine creasing and edgewear. Philip K. Dick award winner. Sterling slipstream list. An interesting novel. Whatever happened to Geary? $8.
LP263. Gentle, Mary. A Hawk in Silver. Signet, 1986. Reprint,NF+ with spine wrinkle and one corner crease. Her first novel. $5.
LP2879. Gibson, William. Neuromancer. Ace, 1984. First edition paperback original, a Very Good copy with moderate spine creasing, a 3/16" abrasion at head/rear join point, lesser wear at other points, one small, faint stain to top pageblock edges, usual foxing to inside covers and slight age darkening of pages. Still a nice, square copy of a book that's gotten hard to find. The true first edition of the quintessential cyberpunk work, and the novel that changed science fiction. Hugo, Nebula and Philip K. Dick Award winner. Pringle SF 100 list #100. Highly recommended. $125.
LP2514. Gibson, William. Neuromancer. Ace, 1984 (stated, though it has the Rick Berry cover they started using in 1985). Paperback reprint, a VG copy with spine lean, spine creasing and general wear. Just a reading copy of the keystone cyberpunk novel. Highly recommended. $2.
LP3094. Green, Roland and Jon F. Carr. (H. Beam Piper) Great King's War. Ace, 1985. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good+ copy with slight spine creasing, slight age darkening and dust soiling to white portions of cover, small crease on bottom front outer cover corner, and some edgewear. Sequel to H. Beam Piper's Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen, which featured a Pennsylvania state trooper accidentally transported to another timeline who uses his knowledge of gunpowder and modern military tactics to take down an evil theocracy. Copies of this have gotten harder to find. $15.
LP2002. Hamilton, Laurell K. Ravenloft: Death of a Darklord. TSR, 1995. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine copy, new and unread. Speaking of werewolf banging, this book has been reprinted a couple of times, but pristine firsts are pretty hard to find. $7.
Hamilton, Laurell K.: See also Bradley, Marion Zimmer.
LP2420. Harper, Rory. Petrogypsies. Baen, 1989. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with slight wear to edges and foxing to inside front covers. Well-regarded first novel featuring an alternate world where traveling gypsy bands extract petrochemicals from the ground using giant worm-like drilling beasts. $5.
LP3640. Harris, Brian (Robert Ludlum?). World War III. Pocket Books, 1982. First edition paperback original, a Very Good copy with 1/2" closed tear to top front spine join, faint spine creasing, slight wrinkling to bottom half of spine, edgewear at corners and foxing to inside covers. A very odd thing, a novelization of the TV miniseries of the same name starring Rock Hudson and based on a script by Robert L. Joseph, featuring a tense confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. I remember it being a pretty good show until it took a maudlin, sappy turn near the end. The new edition of I.F. Clarke's Voices Prophesying War shows this on page 257, indicating that the Brian Harris is actually a pseudonym of Robert Ludlum. I can't find any confirmation of that online, so I'd take that claim with several grains of salt. Not seeing any other copies online. $49.
LP2421. Hasford, Gustav. The Short-Timers. Bantam, 1983. Paperback reprint, a Near Fine copy with spine crease and slight wear. Novel of Hasford's experiences in the Vietnam War, later made into Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket. Few know that Hasford attended the Milford SF writer's workshops in the 1970s, and I have heard that this was originally a military SF novel that Fred Pohl told him he would buy and publish if Hasford made it into a straight Vietnam novel, which he did. Since Hasford's death, copies of this novel have become surprisingly hard to find. $25.
LP1219. Hartwell, David. Year's Best Fantasy. HarperCollins, 2001. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with a few tiny touches of wear along the spine. First in the series. Signed by Hartwell. $6.
LP3641. Hartwell, David, editor (Gene Wolfe, Greg Egan, Michael Swanwick, Michael Bishop, Stephen Baxter, etc.). The Year's Best SF 5. Eos, 2000. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with a trace of edgewear and a tiny, mild dogear to a few pages near the end, otherwise nice, square and unread. $8.
LP964. Hartwell, David (Ted Chiang, Howard Waldrop, Michael Swanwick, Robert Silverberg, Dan Simmons, Ken MacLeod, John M. Ford, Ursula K. Le Guin, Nancy Kress, Stephen Baxter, David Langford, Stephen Dedman, etc.). Year's Best SF 6. Eos, 2001. NF+ copy with a spine crease just starting and a trace of edgewear, otherwise nice and square. Signed by David Hartwell and Ted Chiang. $20.
LP2247. Hawke, Simon. The Ambivalent Magician. Warner Aspect, 1996. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with a tiny bit of spine-lean. Last volume in the The Reluctant Sorcerer series, with a distinctly different cover look than the others. $5.
LP2248. Hawke, Simon. Dark Sun: The Broken Blade (Chronicles of Athas Book 3). TSR, 1995. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine- copy with two small BB-sized indentions to front cover, start of spine crease, small name on inside front cover and slight edgewear. Don't ask me which of TSR's settings/story arcs this fits into, because I don't have a clue... $3.
LP2249. Hawke, Simon. Dark Sun: The Nomad (Tribe of One: Book 3). TSR, 1994. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy that would be perfect save a few pinpricks of edgewear, otherwise new and unread. See preceding comments regarding my lack of clues as to the contents... $5.
LP376. Hawke, Simon (as Nicholas Yermakov). Epiphany. Signet, 1982. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF+, with edgewear and interior stamp. Second book in the Boomerang trilogy. Note that Hawke used to write under his birth name of Nicholas Yermakov, but legally changed his name to Simon Hawke in 1984. $5
LP1866. Hawke, Simon (as Nicholas Yermakov). Fall Into Darkness. Berkley, 1982. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good copy with spine creasing, lean, and small stamped numbers at head. I think this is a sword and planet sort of thing. Simon used to write under his birth name of Nicholas Yermakov, but legally changed his name to Simon Hawke. $3.
LP2250. Hawke, Simon. Psychodrome. Ace, 1987. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine+ copy with edgewear and the beginning of a spine crease, otherwise nice and square. Science fiction adventure novel. $3.
LP2422. Hawke, Simon. Timewars 9: The Lilliput Legion. Ace, 1989. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with tiny traces of edgewear, otherwise tight, square and unread. While the latter Timewars books (especially 8-12) are harder to find than the early ones, I actually come across 8, 10 and (less often) 12 fairly frequently, but this is the first copy of Lilliput Legion I've chanced across. Simon used to write under his birth name of Nicholas Yermakov, but legally changed his name to Simon Hawke. $3.
LP1866. Hawke, Simon. Timewars 10: The Hellfire Rebellion. Ace, 1990. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with tiny traces of edgewear, otherwise tight, square and unread. The latter Timewars books (especially 8-12) are harder to find than the early ones. Simon used to write under his birth name of Nicholas Yermakov, but legally changed his name to Simon Hawke. $3.
LP2423. Hawke, Simon. Timewars 11: The Cleopatra Crisis. Ace, 1990. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good+ copy with shallow 1/16" x 1/2" chip to top rear cover tip. While the latter Timewars books (especially 8-12) are harder to find than the early ones, I actually come across 8, 10 and (less often) 12 fairly frequently, but this is the first copy of Cleopatra Crisis I've chanced across. Simon used to write under his birth name of Nicholas Yermakov, but legally changed his name to Simon Hawke. $7.
LP3488. Hawke, Simon. Timewars 12: The Six-Gun Solution. Ace, 1991. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine copy with one faint spine crease, a very light stain to outer page block near top, and a touch of edgewear. The last, and least common, of the Timewars books. $15. LP2251. Hawke, Simon. The Samurai Wizard. Warner Questar, 1991. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good copy with spine creasing, wear, and 1" crescent of dampstain at top of first 12 pages. Part of the Wizard of 4th Street series. $3.
LP2252. Hawke, Simon. The Wizard of Camelot. Warner Questar, 1993. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with edgewear and faint crease along front spine join, otherwise nice and square. Part of the Wizard of 4th Street series. $5.
LP2253. Hawke, Simon. The Wizard of Lovecraft's Cafe. Warner Questar, 1993. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with slight edgewear, otherwise nice and square. Part of the Wizard of 4th Street series. $5.
LP2254. Hawke, Simon. The Wizard of Rue Morgue. Warner Questar, 1990. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine copy, new and unread. Part of the Wizard of 4th Street series. $5.
LP3642. Heinlein, Robert A.The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Berkley Medallion, 1968. Paperback reprint, a Very Good copy with spine creasing, small name and stamp on blurb page, moderate age-darkening to pages, and general wear. Reading copy of Heinlein's last great novel. Hugo winner, Prometheus Award Hall of Fame winner and Nebula nominee. $3.
LP2675. Heinlein, Robert A. Waldo & Magic, Inc. Pyramid Books, 1963. First Pyramid Books edition (and second paperback edition), a reprint of the Doubleday first, a Very Good copy with a shallow chip at head, slight discoloration along spine, and general wear. reading copy of these two novellas. Recommended. $3.
LP3186. (Heinlein, Robert A.) Acres, Mark. Shines the Name: Combat Command In The World of Robert A. Heinlein's Starship Troopers. Ace, 1987. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with edgewear along the spine, and creasing along front spine join, otherwise tight and square. Part of a short-lived series of pick-your-own-path tactical adventure books, this one based on Heinlein's Starship Troopers. A solid copy. $15.
LP2107. Herbert, Frank. The Worlds of Frank Herbert. Ace, 1971. First edition paperback original thus (adding one story not in the UK PBO) with no statement of printing on copyright page and 75¢ on the cover, as per Currey, a VG+ copy with stamp at heel, wear along extremities and at tips, and a pinhead sized indention/scrape to front cover. Short story collection. $5.
LP1826. Hinz, Christopher. The Paratwa. Tor, 1995. First paperback edition, a VG+ copy with one spine crease and foxing to inner covers. Concluding volume to The Paratwa Trilogy, an excellent action/adventure SF series about pairs of genetically engineered, telepathically-linked assassins, and the hardest volume to find. Highly recommended. $5.
LP823. Hitchcock, Alfred, editor. Alfred Hitchcock's 14 Suspense Stories to Play Russian Roulette By. Dell, 1964. A paperback reprint, but the first printing of this edition, Dell 3632, at a cover price of 50¢, a NF copy with some edgewear and a slight non-breaking crease along the spine on the front cover. An anthology of great suspense stories, including James M. Cain, Ambrose Bierce ("An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge"), Margery Sharp, Ralph Milne Farley, Phyllis Bottome, Hanson Baldwin, C. B. Gilford, A. D. Divine, Wilbur Daniel Steele, Captain William Outerson, Frank R. Stockton ("The Lady or the Tiger"), Albert Payson Terhune, Ralph Straus, and Stephen Vincet Benet. Hitchcock had a good eye for short stories, and I suspect these are all well worth reading. $3.
Alfred Hitchcock Presents Anthology Series All of these Dell paperback reprints of Alfred Hitchcock presents anthologies, which, despite reportedly being ghosted by other editors, are generally regarded as pretty good mystery/suspense/horror stories. All these are are Very Good-Near Fine and all are $3 each, so I'm just going to list the titles to save time.
LP2426. Dates With Death. $3.
LP2427. Death Bag. $3.
LP2429. Having a Wonderful Crime. $3.
LP2430. Murders on the Half-Skull. $3.
LP2432. Skeleton Crew (Bixby's "It's a Good Life," plus Dahl and Hodgson) $3.
LP2433. Household, Geoffrey. The Courtesy of Death. Bantam, 1968. Paperback reprint, Very Good- with considerable creasing, edgewear, and sticker remnant to front cover. Thriller about a cult who are allowed to kill as long as they apologize to their victim in advance... $3.
LP2434. Household, Geoffrey. Rogue Male. Pyramid, 1963. Paperback reprint, a Very Good copy with general wear, an abstract 3/4" by 3/4" blue ink doodle on bottom front cover, previous owner name on blurb page. One of the greatest thriller novels of all time, about a man going to ground (literally) in rural England after his attempted assassination of a European dictator. Highly recommended. $3.
LP2435. Household, Geoffrey. A Time to Kill. Pyramid, 1964. Paperback reprint, a Very Good copy with two small sticker discolorations to front cover and general wear. "Two men against a vicious spy ring." $3.
LP2676. Howard, Robert E. (and David Drake). Cormac Mac Art. Bean, 1995. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with a non-breaking phantom crease to rear cover and foxing to inside covers, otherwise tight and square. Short story collection of Howard's tales about this legendary Celtic king, as well as the first appearance of David Drake's Cormac Mac Art story "The Land Toward Sunset." First in the Baen collected Robert E. Howard series. $8.
LP1220. Howard, Robert E. Cthulhu: The Mythos and Kindred Horrors. Baen, 1989. Paperback reprint, a VG copy with wear and wrinkling along spine, moderate creases to front cover, stamp on blurb page, and general wear (though it's still, strangely enough, a tight, square copy). Solid reading copy of this collection of all Howard's Cthulhu mythos stories. $5.
LP2677. Howard, Robert E. (David Drake, editor). Kull. Bean, 1995. First edition paperback original, a Very Good+ copy with spine lean, spine creasing, stamps to inside cover and blurb page, and general wear. "First Complete Edition." Short story collection of Howard's tales about this Atlantean warrior. Second in the Baen collected Robert E. Howard series. $5.
LP2255. Howard, Russ T. Spelljammer: The Cloakmaster Cycle 6: The Ultimate Helm. TSR, 1993. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine- copy with several invisible spine creases; looks like it's been read carefully once. Far and away the hardest to find of this series. $15.
LP2003. Howard, Russ T. Spelljammer: The Cloakmaster Cycle: The Ultimate Helm. TSR, 1993. First edition paperback original, a Good+ only copy with a 3/4" x 1/2" out of rear cover, not affecting any text. Last and hardest to find book in this series. $5.
LP1828. Huff, Tanya. Ravenloft: Scholar of Decay. TSR, 1995. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with just the tiniest bit of edgewear, otherwise new and unread. One of the less common Ravenloft books. $3.
LP3497. Hughart, Barry. Bridge of Birds. Del Rey, 1985. Paperback reprint, a Fine copy. One of the great fantasy novels of the 20th century, very funny, and a book that just keeps selling and selling for me (when I'm not giving them away to friends). World Fantasy Award winner. Highly recommended. $7.
LP3498. Hughart, Barry. The Story of the Stone. Bantam Spectra, 1989. First mass market paperback edition (reprinted from the hardback), Near Fine copy with a line at heel, two shallow chips to back edges, and foxing to inside covers, but no spine creasing. The second Master Li and Number Ten Ox novel. Highly recommended. $10.
LP2258. Jensen, Jane. Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers. Roc, 1997. Paperback reprint, a Fine copy, new and unread. Based on a popular video game, and written by the creator of same. $5.
LP1580. Jensen. Jane. Gabriel Knight: The Beast Within. Roc, 1998. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine+ copy with ones slight crease to top front corner, and touch of edgewear at heel and bottom rear cover, otherwise a nice, tight, square copy. Second novel based on the Gabriel Knight video game series, and by far the hardest to find. $75.
LP273. Jeter, K.W. Dark Seeker. Tor, 1987. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, Horror novel, VG with spine creases, cover wear, and bookstore stamp on heel. $4.
LP2437. Jeter, K. W. Mantis. Tor, 1987. First edition paperback original (PBO), a near Fine copy with a few traces of wear. Inscribed by Jeter: "For Shirley-/Best,/K. W. Jeter." One of Jeter's well-regarded horror novels. $7.
LP2260. Jeter, K. W. Mantis. Tor, 1987. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good copy with spine creasing, lean, and a stamp at heel. Horror novel. $3.
LP590. Jeter, K. W. The Night Man. Onyx/NAL, 1990. A paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF-, with stamp to heel, all but invisible spine creases, and a trace of wear. Horror novel. Signed by Jeter. $10.
LP278. Jeter, K.W. Seeklight. Laser, 1975. Paperback original (PBO) first edition NF- with spine lean, faint spine creasing, interior stamps, faint head stamp, and slight soiling to page edges. Jeter's first (published) novel. $7.
LP279. Jeter, K.W. Soul Eater. Tor, 1983. Paperback original (PBO) but a second printing, VG+ with spine creasing, heel stamp, and general wear. Jeter's first horror novel, and a very dark one it is. Recommended. $4.
LP3490. Jeter, K. W. Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Wars Book 3: Hard Merchandise. Bantam Books, 1999. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good copy with two spine creases and moderate foxing to inside covers (including a white strip to rear where a bookmark was laid in) and a few other touches of wear. Firsts have gotten harder to find following the success of The Mandalorian. $20.
LP2261. Jones, Diana Wynne. Archer's Goon. Ace, 1987. First Ace edition, a paperback reprint, a Very Good copy with crease across front cover, spine wrinkling, and general wear. Fantasy novel. $3.
LP2262. Jones, Diana Wynne. Fire and Hemlock. Berkley, 1986. Paperback reprint, a Very Good+ copy with spine creasing and a stamp at heel. Fantasy novel. $3.
LP97. Jones, Robert F. Blood Sport. Dell, 1975. First paperback edition, a Near Fine copy with spine fading and creasing and a trace of wear at points, otherwise tight and square. Well written slipstream novel of a father and son hunting trip up the Hassayampa River, which runs from upstate New York to ancient China. Highly thought of by both Joe R. Lansdale and William Browning Spencer. Sterling slipstream list. A strange, fun novel. Recommended. $7.
LP968. Kessel, John/Barry B. Longyear. Another Orphan/Enemy Mine. Tor, 1989. First edition paperback original, part of the Tor Double line, a NF- copy with small remainder hole punch out of the Longyear side, the top corner of which is also slightly creased, otherwise nice. Perhaps the best work of each (very different) author. Recommended. $3.
LP2438. Knight, Damon. The Best of Damon Knight. Pocket, 1976. First paperback edition (the SFBC hardback precedes), a Near Fine- copy with stamp at heel, slight spine crease, and age darkening to pages. "Not With A Bang," "To Serve Man," etc. $3.
LP2439. Knight, Damon. Hell's Pavement. Avon, 1980. Paperback reprint, a Very Good copy with spine creasing, wear and fade. $3.
LP1668. Koontz, Dean R. Beastchild. Lancer, 1970. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with one faint spine crease, the usual age darkening to pages and, ironically, one splotch on page 5 that hasn't darkened, and this stands out. A pretty uncommon Koontz PBO. $20.
LP284. Koontz, Dean R. A Werewolf Among Us. Ballantine, 1973. Paperback original (PBO) first edition NF- with head stamp, some slight spine creasing and tiny chipping (possibly from a sticker removal) to upper front cover. $15.
LP2440. Kornbluth, Cyril, and Judith Merril, as Cyril Judd. Gunner Cade (and Takeoff). Tor, 1983. Paperback reprint, a Very Good copy with spine crease, stamp and black line at heel, sticker on rear, general wear. SF action adventure novel from the 1950s. $3.
LP3095. Kurtz, Katherine. Deryni Rising. Ballantine, 1970. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good+ copy with slight bumping and associated abrasion at head and heel, slight edgewear, and usual age darkening to pages, otherwise nice and square. The true first edition of the first book in the long-running Deryni fantasy series. $5.
LP2580. Kurtz, Katherine. Lammas Night. Ballantine Books, 1983. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with wear at points and along edge, otherwise new and unread. A really nice copy of this Druids vs. Nazis PBO. $20.
LP2263. Kurtz, Katherine. Lammas Night. Ballantine Books, 1983. Paperback reprint, a Very Good copy with spine creasing and lean, and a tiny spot at heel. Druids vs. Nazi magic. $8.
LP2058. Kurtz, Katherine. Lammas Night. paperback reprint, Near Fine+ with small crease at bottom front corner and slight edgewear. English Druids vs. Nazis. Harder to find than most of her work. $10.
LP827. Lafferty, R. A. Apocalypses. Pinnacle, 1977. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with slight spine lean, moderate crease across top front corner, and slight edgewear along edges and spine. Two original novellas, "Where Have You Been, Sandaliotis?" and "The Three Armageddon's of Ennisscorthy Sweeney." One of the less common Lafferty PBOs.
LP1146. Lafferty, R. A. Apocalypses. Pinnacle, 1977. First edition Paperback Original (PBO), a VG- copy with considerable spine creasing, very tip of bottom rear cover corner missing, and general wear. Contains two long novellas, "Where have You been, Sandaliotis?" and "The Three Armageddons of Enniscorthy Sweeney." Reading copy of a somewhat uncommon Lafferty PBO. $4.
LP3643. Lafferty, R. A. Fourth Mansions. Ace, 1969. First edition paperback original (75¢ and no statement of printing on copyright page, as per Currey), a Near Fine- copy with one 1/4" semi-closed tear to bottom of rear cover, some spine wrinkling, and light edgewear. Four secret societies (humans, but also somehow snakes, toads, badgers and unfledged falcons) battle for the next era of humanity. Bizarre, brilliant novel, and I think Lafferty's best. Nebula Award nominee. Currey, page 295. Pringle, Ultimate Guide to SF page 128 (***). Highly recommended. Like a lot of Lafferty, copies used to be cheap and common and now no longer seem to be either. $15.
LP2441. Lafferty, R. A. Past Master. Ace, 1968 (stated; actually sometime in the 1970s). Paperback reprint, a very Good+ copy with spine creasing. Considered by some (Gardner Dozois, for example) to be Lafferty's best novel. $3.
LP2678. Lafferty, R. A. The Reefs of Earth. Berkley, 1968. First edition paperback original, a Very Good- copy with a 1/2" sticker lift at top, stray stains, faint black stray pen marks, faded spine, yellowed pages, etc. Solid reading copy of this early Lafferty novel. Currey, page 296. $3.
LP3188. Lansdale, Joe R. Act of Love. Zebra Books, 1990. Second printing of this PBO, a Fine- copy with edgewear, signed by Lansdale. His first crime novel, and his first novel under his own name, about tracking a serial killer in Houston. $15.
LP287. Lansdale, Joe R. Batman: Captured by the Engines. Warner Books, 1991. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, F- with trace of edgewear. Oddly difficult to find these days. $25.
LP2880. Lansdale, Joe R. The Drive-In (A B-Movie With Blood and Popcorn, Made in Texas). Bantam, 1988. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine- copy with wear along spine, creasing to bottom front and top back tips, and foxing to inside covers. Weird science fiction horror novel of people trapped at Drive-In by unseen alien entities, and the breakdown of civilized behavior that ensues; sort of like Stephen King's The Mist, but played for B-Movie laughs. Recommended. $10.
LP2881. Lansdale, Joe R. The Drive In 2 (Not Just One of Them Sequels). Bantam, 1989. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with just a trace of edgewear, otherwise nice and square and obviously unread. More B-movie madness, including a suicide tree and some robot dinosaurs. $15. LP1829. Lansdale, Joe R. The Drive In 2 (Not Just One of Them Sequels). Bantam, 1989. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine+ copy with stamp to heel and a touch of edgewear, otherwise apparently new and unread. Signed by Lansdale. $9.
LP290. Lansdale, Joe R. (as Jack Buchanen) MIA Hunter #3: Hanoi Deathgrip. Jove, 1985 Paperback original (PBO) first edition\ NF, with slight spine crease, very slight spine lean, interior signature, two small purple stars (looks like some sort of bookseller mark) on head and a tiny "6" in what looks like pencil on heel. Better than it sounds, and better than you usually find it. Signed by Lansdale, as both Lansdale and Buchanen. (Note: Lansdale only wrote numbers 3, 4, and 7 in this series. Booksellers who list any of the others under his name haven't done their homework.) $15.
LP2442. Laumer, Keith. The Best of Keith Laumer. Pocket Books, 1976. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good- copy with spine creasing, 1" tears along top and bottom rear cover join, stamp at heel. $3.
LP2443. (Laumer, Keith) Tory Denning. The Omega Rebellion: Combat Command in the World of Keith Laumer's Star Colony. Ace, 1987. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good+ copy with creasing along front spine join, and small bump at head. Sort of a pick-your-own-path strategic adventure novel. $3.
LP3346. Laymon, Richard. The Woods Are Dark. Warner Books, 1981. First edition paperback original, a Very Good+ copy with a 1/2" square sticker pull to front reflective cover, slight spine creasing, previous owner's name on blurb page, and light edgewear. Horror novel. Early Laymons tend to be hard to find. $10.
LP828. Lee, Tanith. Anackire. DAW, 1983. First edition paperback original (PBO), Fine- with faint edgewear and an invisible spine crease. Fantasy novel set in Vis. A nice copy. $3.
LP1493. Lee, Tanith. Day By Night. DAW, 1980. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with touches of edgewear and slight foxing to inner cover edges, otherwise apparently new and unread. $3.
LP2364. Lee, Tanith. Electric Forest. DAW, 1979. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good+ copy with sticker pull affecting part of the "EE" in LEE on the front cover, written letter "B" at head, and a trace of edgewear, otherwise nice. Science fiction novel. Nice Don Maitz cover. $2.
LP2444. Lee, Tanith. Night's Master. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good copy with spine crease, top front corner crease, and rubbing to front and back covers. $2.
LP3189. Lee, Tanith. Quest for the White Witch. DAW, 1978. Paperback reprint, Very Good with long crease along bottom front corner and wrinkles along spine, and slight wear; a nice reading copy. Nice Gino DAchille cover. $3.
LP2445. Leiber, Fritz. The Big Time. Ace, 1961 (stated; actually 1973). Paperback reprint, a Near Fine copy with one spine crease and touches of wear, otherwise tight and square. Part of his Spiders vs. Snakes Timewars series. Hugo Winner for best novel. $3.
LP2884. Leiber, Fritz. The Big Time b/w The Mind Spider and Other Stories. Ace, 1961. First edition paperback original, a Very Good- with a long crease across top 2/3rds of The Big Time, plus a dime-sized chip/abrasion near heel, spine crease, and usual age darkening to page blocks. First appearance of The Mind Spider and Other Stories and first book appearance of The Big Time, which won the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1958 after being serialized in Galaxy magazine. Currey (1979), page 307. $3.
LP1224. Leiber, Fritz. Gather, Darkness! Ballantine Books, 1975. Paperback reprint, a VG+ copy with creasing along spine join, rubbing at head and heel, and light general wear. $3.
LP1225. Leiber, Fritz. Night Monsters/The Green Millennium. Ace, 1969. First edition paperback original (60? and 30300 on cover, as per Currey) of the Ace double, a VG- copy with spine peeling on Night Monster's portion, spine creasing, slight dampstaining to edges, and slight cover loss around edges, otherwise intact. Reading copy. $3.
LP781. Leiber, Fritz. A Pail of Air. Ballantine Books, 1964. First edition paperback original (PBO), VG+, with spine and corner creasing. Short story collection. $5.
LP2621. Leiber, Fritz. Shadows With Eyes. Ballantine Books, 1962. First edition paperback original, a Good only copy with library discard stamps, spine lean, pages yellowed and general wear; in fact, the page block fell out, so I reattached it with archival paper glue. Reading copy only. $1.
LP2541. Leiber, Fritz. The Wanderer. Ballantine Books, 1964. First edition paperback original, a Very Good copy with creasing and wear along spine, a long crease along top front corner, and general wear. Hugo Winner for best novel. $5.
LP297. Leinster, Murray. The Hot Spot (Land of the Giants #2). Pyramid, 1969. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, VG, with rubbing, nicks, a half-inch chip from top rear cover, and first few page edges crumbling. Never knew he did media-tie-in work before I stumbled across this. Man had to eat, I guess. $5.
LP3096. Leinster, Murray. Land of the Giants. Pyramid, 1968. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine+ copy with a small abrasion to rear bottom corner tip, a touch of edgewear, slight foxing to inside covers, and slight glue bunching to pages, otherwise a tight, square, apparently unread copy. Based on the Irwin Allen TV show. $5.
LP2446. Leinster, Murray. The Other Side of Nowhere. Berkley Medallion, 1964. First edition paperback original (PBO), as per Currey, a Very Good- copy with creasing and wear along spine, magic marker "B" at head, and general wear. $3.
LP2447. Leinster, Murray. The Wailing Asteroid. Avon, 1966. Paperback reprint, Very Good- spine creasing, wear, slight waviness and a bit of dampstaining to bottom inch near pageblock edge. $1.
LP298. Leinster, Murray. Operation Outer Space. Signet, 1957. Reprint, Near Fine-, with shallow chipping, red line on heel, some age staining, and pages yellowed. An oldy moldy with bubble-helmeted space suits and a Hugo-shaped space ship on the cover. $3.
LP1451. Littell, Jonathan. Bad Voltage. Signet, 1989. First edition paperback original (PBO), an unread, Near Fine+ copy with thin (1/16th") line of abrasion at head, and a narrower one at heel, faint front spine join creasing. and a few other tiny touches of wear. Still a nice copy. This first novel was a third-wave cyberpunk knockoff that Bruce Sterling said he liked better than Williams' Hardwired, but then it sank without a trace. However, since then. Littell moved to France and wrote a novel about the Holocaust, Les Bienveillantes (The Kindly Ones) which became a bestseller and won the prestigious Prix Goncourt award, among others. So now this thing is both hard-to-find and valuable, and this nicer-than-usual copy is now priced accordingly. $10.
LP2448. Long, Frank Belknap. Survival World. Magnum/Prestige Books, 1971. Paperback reprint, Near Fine copy with spine creasing. $1.
LP2885. Lovecraft, H.P. At the Mountains of Madness and Other Tales of Terror. Del Rey, 1982. Paperback reprint, a Fine- copy with a touch of edgewear and slight age-darkening to pages, otherwise new and unread. Includes the classic title novella of a Miskatonic expedition to Antarctica and the eldritch horrors found there, plus three more stories. This edition features the striking Michael Whelan cover art used by Del Rey on their early 1980s Lovecraft reprints. $5.
LP2581. Lovecraft, H.P. The Lurking Fear and Other Stories. Beagle Books, 1971. Paperback reprint, a Very Good copy with spine creasing, big crease to rear bottom corner, smaller crease to two front corner, and general wear, with a thin clear plastic paperback protector affixed. Some Lovecraft readers collect these Beagle editions for their funky covers. $5.
LP829. Lumley, Brian. Psychosphere. Tor, 1992. First U.S. edition, paperback original, Fine- with a trace of wear and an almost invisible crease. Despite that, it doesn't actually seem to have been read. Second in the Psychomech series. $2.
LP971. MacDonald, John D. Wine of the Dreamers. Fawcett Gold Medal, 1951 (stated; actually 1968). Paperback reprint, VG with spine creasing and wear, 3/16" sticker pull on top front cover, slight creasing along front join, and a touch of edgewear. Early SF novel by the writer famous for the Travis McGee mysteries. $3.
LP301. Malzberg, Barry. Galaxies. Pyramid, 1975. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, Fine-, with edgewear to head. His celebrated recursive SF novel, biting and quite funny in places, just plain self-indulgent in others. SF 100 list. $5.
LP602. Martin, George R. R., editor (Theodore Sturgeon, Lisa Tuttle, Spider Robinson, Thomas F. Monteleone, Guy Snyder, Jesse Miller). New Voices II. Jove, 1979. A paperback original (PBO) first edition, VG, with spine darkening, general creasing, blue ballpoint addition columns (seeming to total up pages and/or words) at the end of most stories, and "HODGKINSON" stamped on the first page. An anthology of John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best New Writer nominees. Introduction by Theodore Sturgeon. Inscribed by Martin: "To Debbie/All best!/George R. R. Martin/Othercon III, 9/29/79." Debbie Hodgkinson is a moderately well known Austin and New Orleans fan who was living with George Alec Effinger at the time, making this of some small associational value. $5.
LP603. Martin, George R. R., editor (Isaac Asimov, John Varley, Suzy McKee Charnes, Alan Brennert, Brenda Pearce, Felix C. Gotschalk, P. J. Plauger). New Voices III: The Campbell Award Nominees. Berkley, 1980. A paperback original (PBO) first edition, VG+, with spine darkening and creasing, and "Hodgkinson" written in blue ink on the first page. An anthology of John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best New Writer nominees. Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Inscribed by Martin: "To Debbie/All best!/George R. R. Martin/Aggiecon 3/28/80." Debbie Hodgkinson is a moderately well known Austin and New Orleans fan who was living with George Alec Effinger at the time, making this of some small associational value. $5.
LP604. Martin, George R. R., editor (A. E. Van Vogt, John Varley, Tom Reamy, Joan D. Vinge, M. A. Foster, Arsen Darney, Algis Budrys). New Voices 4: The John W. Campbell Award Nominees. Berkley, 1981. A paperback original (PBO) first edition, VG, with spine and cover creasing. Includes an introduction by A. E. van Vogt, and a memorial of Tom Reamy by Algis Budrys. An anthology of John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best New Writer nominees. $2.95.
LP2626. Martin, George R. R., editor (Pat Cadigan, Lewis Shiner, Walter Jon Williams, etc.) Wild Cards II: Aces High. Bantam Spectra, 1987. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with small signs of sticker pulls around UPC label on rear and some edgewear, otherwise a nice square copy. $4.
LP2679. Martin, George R. R., editor (Lewis Shiner, Edward Bryant, etc.). Wild Cards III: Jokers Wild. Bantam Spectra, 1987. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with edgewear, but otherwise new and unread. Third book in the shared-universe superhero anthology. $6.
LP3644. Martin, George R. R. Wild Cards VI: Ace in the Hole. Bantam Spectra, 1990. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with just a bare trace of wear at corners. $6.
LP2680. Martin, George R. R. and Jon J. Miller. Wild Cards VII: Dead Man's Hand. Bantam Spectra, 1990. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with edgewear, a couple of pinprick abrasions to rear cover, and slight age darkening to pages, but otherwise new and unread. Seventh book in the shared-universe superhero series, this one a collaborative novel between Martin and Miller. $7.
LP2681. Martin, George R. R., editor (Lewis Shiner, Victor Milan, etc.). Wild Cards IX: Jokertown Shuffle. Bantam Spectra, 1991. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with thin rubbing line of white along rear join, tiny crease at top front corner, edgewear, and the beginning of an invisible spine crease, but otherwise a nice, square copy. The latter Wild Card PBOs have gotten quite hard to find in just about any condition, much less as nice as this one. $25.
LP3491. Martin, George R. R., editor (Melinda Snodgrass). Wild Cards Volume X: Double Solitaire. Bantam Spectra, 1992. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good+ copy with moderate spine creasing, small crease to front bottom corner, and moderate wear at points, otherwise a nice square copy. The first Wild Cards book written by one author, and features a visit to Dr. Tachyon's homeworld. $9.
LP2005. Martin, George R. R., editor. Wild Cards Volume XI: Dealer's Choice. Bantam, 1992. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with a trace of wear at tips, otherwise apparently new and unread. The latter Bantam Wild Card novels are hard to find, especially in collectable condition like this. $25.
LP3492. Martin, George R. R., editor. Wild Cards Volume XI: Dealer's Choice. Bantam, 1992. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine+ copy with a couple of abrasions to bottom front edge near heel, a 1/8" closed tear to top of front cover, and slight edgewear at head, otherwise apparently new and unread. The latter Bantam Wild Card novels are hard to find, especially in collectable condition like this. $12.
LP3645. Martin, George R. R. Wild Cards XII: Turn of the Cards. Bantam Spectra, 1993. First edition paperback original, a Very Good+ copy with moderate spine creasing, and a 1" long by 1/8" high area of partial sticker lift at the top right of the front cover that's visible but not awful, slight edgewear, and slight foxing to inside covers, but otherwise nice and square; presents a bit better than this list of flaws. The twelfth and hardest-to-find of the original Wild Card PBOs. $25.
LP2006. Martin, George R. R., editor. Wild Cards New Cycle Book I: Card Sharks. Baen, 1993. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine copy, new and unread. First in the new Baen Wild Cards, which are also not particularly easy to find. $15.
LP2829. Martin, George R. R., editor. Wild Cards: Marked Cards. Baen, 1994. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine copy, new and unread. The Baen Wild Cards books seemed to have much smaller runs than the earlier Bantam volumes, and this is a perfect copy. $25.
LP2266. Martin, George R. R., editor. Wild Cards: Marked Cards. Baen, 1994. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good copy with spine creasing and lean. The Baen Wild Cards books seemed to have much smaller runs than the earlier Bantam volumes. $20.
LP3099. Matheson, Richard. The Memoirs of Wild Bill Hickok. Jove, 1996. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine- copy with wear at heel, a 1/4" non-breaking indentation to front cover right where Hickok's bowtie is, so you don't really notice it, a phantom crease on the top half of the rear cover, and some edgewear, otherwise a nice tight, square copy of this western. $8.
LP2449. Matheson, Richard. The Memoirs of Wild Bill Hickok. Jove, 1996. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good copy with spine creasing and lean. A Matheson western on published as a PBO, and less common than most of his other books. $5.
LP304. Matheson, Richard. The Shores of Space. Bantam, 1969. Paperback second printing, VG+, with spine creases, bottom spine starting to peel, sticker ghost to front cover, and lines at head and heel. Story collection. Acceptable reading copy of a collection that hasn't been reprinted in a loooong time. $3.
LP305. McAuley, Paul J. Of the Fall (aka Secret Harmonies). Del Rey, 1989. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, VG, with one spine crease, age darkening of interior wraps, and (alas) a chunk of the cover pulled away leaving a 1" white wound across the UPC code on the back. Reprinted in UK hardback as Secret Harmonies. $3.
LP2682. McCaffrey, Anne. To Ride Pegasus. Ballantine Books, 1973. First edition paperback original, a Very Good+ copy with a spine crease, rubbing along spine edges, edgewear, slight spine lean, and previous owner's name on blurb page. Science fiction novel, first in the Wild Talents series. Currey, page 340. $5.
LP2267. McCrumb, Sharyn. Bimbos of the Death Sun. TSR, 1987. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good+ copy with spine creasing and wear. Murder mystery at a science fiction convention. Edgar Award winner for best paperback original mystery. $5.
LP2887. McDevitt, Jack. A Talent for War. Ace, 1989. First edition paperback original, a Very Good+ copy with two abrasion chips (i.e., the illustration is worn away but the underlying cover is still there: one 1/4" wide by 1/4" deep at the upper front tip, and a 1/4" at the rear-head join, plus a touch of edgewear elsewhere, and extremely slight foxing/age darkening, otherwise new, square and apparently unread. Inscribed by McDevitt: "For Robert,/best wishes/in peace & war/Jack McDevitt/2/11/89." McDevitt's second novel. $9.
LP3493. McDonald, Ian. Empire Dreams. Bantam Spectra, 1988. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with slight edgewear and slight toning to pages, otherwise tight and square. The first short story collection by this talented UK writer, including "King of Morning, Queen of Day" and "Unfinished Portrait of the King of Pain by Van Gogh." . Recommended. $10.
LP308. McDonald, Ian. Out on Blue Six. Bantam Spectra Special Editions, 1989. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, Fine. Signed by McDonald. $5.
LPIM914. McDonald, Ian. Sacrifice of Fools. Vista, 1997. First paperback edition (preceded by the Gollancz hardback), a NF- copy with three pin-head sized sticker abrasions to top front cover and slight spine creasing. Signed by McDonald. Affordable copy of a book that's never had an American edition. $7.00.
LP310. Melville, Herman. The Confidence Man. Airmont, 1966. Paperback reprint, Fine-, with red line on heel. Horror 100 List. One of Melville's less reprinted works. $2.
LP974. Merril, Judith (Alfred Bester, William Tenn, Fritz Leiber, Richard Matheson, Charles Beaumont, Bernard Malamud, Frederic Brown, Cordwainer Smith, Hal Clement, Jules Feiffer). 9th Annual Edition Year's Best S-F. Dell, 1965. First paperback edition, VG with the usual yellowing of pages, wear along bottom 1/8" of cover, slight wear along spine, and general edgewear. It's not often you see Bernard Malamud and Jules Feiffer in an SF collection. $3.
LP2475. Merz, Jon F. The Destructor. Pinnacle, 2003. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with just the barest trace of edgewear. Lawson novel, about a vampire who hunts other vampires to keep them in line. $7.
LP3101. Merz, Jon F. The Syndicate. Kennsington Pinnacle, 2003. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with a trace of edgewear and faint foxing to inside covers, otherwise tight, square and apparently unread. Lawson vampire novel. $20.
LP312. Monteleone, Thomas F. Seeds of Change. Laser Books, 1975. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, Fine-, with two minor creases on cover, some spine fading, and lines on head and heel. Freas cover. "Limited Collector's Edition." (Actually as common as dirt.) Looks unread. $3.
LP2109. Moon, Elizabeth. Lunar Activity. Baen, 1990. First edition paperback original, a VG+ copy with spine creasing and lean, crease along top front cover, and general wear. Short story collection. $5.
LP2110. Moon, Elizabeth. Phases. Baen, 1997. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with one page (9/10) formerly dog-eared, otherwise apparently new and unread. Inscribed by Moon: "For Lauren/Best wishes/Elizabeth Moon." Short story collection. $10.
LP2450. Moore, C. L. Doomsday Morning. Avon, 1968. Paperback reprint, a Very Good+ copy with spine creasing and a bit of rubbing, otherwise square. An actor ends up being a pivotal part of a future American revolution against tyranny, including a race against time to stop a doomsday weapon. Not as good as her best short stories, but still a solid novel. Recommended. $5.
LP2451. Moore, C. L. Judgment Night. Paperback Library, 1965. First paperback edition, a Very Good+ copy with spine creasing and lean. $5.
LP2452. Moore, C. L. Northwest Smith. Ace, 1986. Paperback reprint, a Very Good- copy with with spine creasing, lean, waviness, etc. Well read but intact. The Northwest Smith stories are early SF adventure and great fun. "Shambleau," "Scarlet Dream," etc. Highly recommended. $3.
LP3647. Moore, Stuart. Thanos: Death Sentence. Titan, 2019. First paperback edition, a Near Fine copy with two 1/16" closed tears and associated crease to bottom front cover, spine slightly concave, and a few other touches of wear. Novel about the Marvel supervillain. $5.
LP2683. Moore, Ward with Robert Bradford. Caduceus Wild. Futorian/Pinnacle, 1978. First edition paperback original, a Very Good copy with spine creasing and lean, 1" crease along bottom rear corner, and small dot of black ink remaining over price on front cover. Novel in which the medical profession has taken over the world and rules over "Patients" with an iron fist. Not as common as you might think. $5.
LP1582. Moran, Daniel Keys. The Armageddon Blues. Bantam Spectra, 1983. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine- copy with one spine crease and a bit of lean. His first novel. $10.
LP782. Moran, Daniel Keys. Emerald Eyes. Bantam Spectra, 1988. First edition paperback original (PBO), Near Fine- with one spine crease, slight lean, and wear and faint stamps at head and heel. Part of the Tales of the Continuing Time series, and one of the more desirable PBOs of the 1980s. $10.
LP2268. Moran, Daniel Keys. The Long Run. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine- copy with stamp at heel, slight spine creasing, and usual inside cover foxing, otherwise a nice square copy. A tale of the Continuing Time. Back in the pre-WWW days, there was a Usenet-voted list on the Top 100 SF/F novels of all time, and in addition to the usual suspects (Dune, The Lord of the Rings, etc.), this was something like number three on that list. $7.
LP784. Moran, Daniel Keys. The Last Dancer. Bantam Spectra, 1989. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with just a trace of wear to the spine heel corners, and much better condition than this nearly 600 page book is usually found in. Part of the Tales of the Continuing Time series. $10.
LP606. Moran, Daniel Keys. The Last Dancer. Bantam Spectra, 1983. A paperback original (PBO) first edition, VG+ with one major and several nearly invisible spine creases (common on this 600 page book) and some wear at heel. Part of the Tales of the Continuing Time series. $7.
LP2453. Mundy, Talbot. Tros of Samothrace: Liafail. Avon, 1967. First Avon printing, a Very Good copy with spine creasing and a bit of rubbing. Acclaimed adventure set in Roman times. Hey, Mundy actually dedicated this to Rose Wilder Lane. $3.
LP314. Murphy, Pat. Points of Departure. Bantam, 1990. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, Fine- with lines to head and heel. A Spectra Special Edition. Short story collection, including the Nebula Award-winning "Rachel in Love." Philip K. Dick award winner. Looks unread. $6.
LP315. Murphy, Pat. The Shadow Hunter.Popular Library, 1982. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF-, with bump/edgewear to top front cover, spine crease, small stain to foreedge and general wear. Still, a nice, tight copy of Murphy's first book. Signed by Murphy. $20.
LP1229. Murphy, Pat. The Shadow Hunter. Headline, 1988. First UK edition, a Fine copy, new and unread. Her first novel. $5.
LP2454. Murphy, Pat. The Shadow Hunter. Popular Library, 1982. First edition paperback original (PBO), Very Good- with spine creasing and rubbed covers. $3.
LP316. Nagata, Linda. Deception Well. Bantam Spectra, 1997. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF+ with one spine crease. First in a series that continues with Vast. $5.
LP972. Nagata, Linda. Deception Well. Bantam Spectra, 1997. First edition paperback original (PBO), Fine- with just the beginning of a crease on spine, otherwise tight and square. Far future SF. $5.
LP973. Nagata, Linda. Tech-Heaven. Bantam Spectra, 1995. First edition paperback original (PBO), Fine copy save for foxing to inside covers, otherwise immaculate. Nagata's second novel. $6.
LP608. Nasir, Jamil. Tower of Dreams. Bantam Spectra, 1999. A paperback original (PBO) first edition, Fine- with the barest trace of edgewear. The story of an "image-digger" mining the collective unconsciousness of the middle east for western advertising campaigns, only to be haunted by the image of a beautiful woman in a cataclysmic cityscape. $4.95.
LP1230. Niven, Larry. Inconstant Moon. Gollancz, 1976. Paperback reprint, a VG copy with slight splotching along spine, otherwise fairly square. Nice reading copy of this early Niven collection. $3.
LP2889. Niven, Larry. Neutron Star. Ballantine Books, 1968. First edition paperback original ("First Printing April, 1968," as per Currey), a Very Good- copy with considerable spine crease, slight lean, a 1/4" chip from middle edge of back cover, general grubbiness/age darkening to white covers, and slight age darkening/foxing. A well-worn copy of Niven's first short story collection, including early Known Space tales such as "Relic of Empire" and "The Soft Weapon," which was later adapted by Niven for an episode of Star Trek: The Animated Series. Currey (1979), page 386. $3.
LP2890. Niven, Larry. Protector. Ballantine Books, 1973. First edition paperback original ("First printing: September, 1973," as per Currey), a Very Good+ copy with spine creasing, lean, edgewear, slight age-darkening and foxing. Stand-alone Known Space novel, which would later provide important plot points for The Ringworld Engineers. Currey (1979), page 387. $4.
LP2111. Nolan, William F. Logan's World. Bantam, 1977. First edition paperback original (no additional printings listed), a Near Fine copy with phantom creasing to front cover, and a few touches of general wear, but tight and square. Sequel to Logan's Run. $10.
LP2367. Nolan, William F. Logan's Search. Bantam, 1980. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine copy with a stamp at head, a much smaller one at heel, and a small bump at front heel join, otherwise a nice, square copy. Third book in the Logan trilogy, and quite hard to find these days. $20.
LP609. Norton, Andre. High Sorcery. Ace, 1970. A paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF+ with some moderate creasing along spine/cover join. Short story collection. $4.95.
LP2455. Norton, Andre. Horn Crown. DAW, 1981. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine copy with a small front top corner crease, otherwise nice and square. $3.
LP2456. Norton, Andre. Huon of the Horn. Ace, 1961. Paperback reprint, a Near Fine copy with a small sticker ghost on front cover and ownership sticker inside the front cover. "A later part of the Charlemagne saga." $2.
LP2457. Norton, Andre. The Last Planet. Ace, 1953. Paperback reprint (originally published as Star Rangers), a Very Good copy with top of front cover and first few pages slightly chewed, sticker pull to rear, general wear. $2.
LP1147. Norton, Andre. Three Against the Witch World. Ace, 1965. First edition Paperback Original (PBO) as per Currey (40? and F-332 on cover), a VG copy with one spine crease, spine lean, usual page yellow, and large but neat previous owners signature on inside front cover. $3.
LP3494. Norton, Andrew, and Martin H. Greenberg, editors. Catfantastic III. DAW, 1994. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with slight edgewear. Includes original fantastic cat stories from Norton, Charles De Lint, Mercedes Lackey, etc. $15.
LP2623. Oliver, Chad. Broken Eagle. Bantam Books, 1989. Paperback reprint, a Very Good+ copy with spine creasing, moderate corner cross at top rear outer edge, and edgewear. Western featuring the crossing stories of a Cheyenne warrior and one of Custer's cavalry officers. Hall, The Work of Chad Oliver, A13. $3.
LP2269. Powers, Tim. Dinner at Deviants Palace. Ace, 1985. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good+ copy with slight spine creasing, edgewear, and slight foxing. Weird science fiction post-apocalypse novel. Winner of the Philip K. Dick Award for best paperback original. $4.
LP322. Powers, Tim. Epitaph in Rust. Laser, 1976. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF with faint spine crease and phantom crease to front cover. $19.
LP2624. Powers, Tim. Forsake the Sky. Tor, 1986. First edition paperback original thus, a Fine- copy with the usual foxing to inside covers and the barest trace of edgewear, otherwise tight, square and unread. Revised version of the Laser Book The Skies Discrowned. $9.
LP3019. Powers, Tim. Forsake the Sky. Tor, 1986. First edition paperback original thus (a rewrite of The Skies Discrowned), a Near Fine- copy with a tiny abrasion rub at top of front cover, edgewear at points, and a few other touches of wear, otherwise tight, square and apparently unread. $5.
LP321. Powers, Tim. The Skies Discrowned. Laser, 1976. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, VG with spine creasing, blue stain to head, and general wear. $10.
LP2684. Powers, Tim. The Skies Discrowned. Laser Books, 1976. First edition paperback original, a Very Good copy with a price sticker (usually I remove these, but the Bestine did nothing!) on rear cover (not affecting any text or anything interesting in the art), abrasions up and down the spine, and general wear, and slight foxing to inside covers, otherwise square and apparently unread. Berlyne, A1a. Solid reading copy of Powers' first novel. $5.
LP2458. Resnick, Mike. Lucifer Jones. Warner Books, 1992. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good copy with spine creasing, a stamp on inside cover and a smaller one at heel. 21 stories featuring the title character, an adventurous rogue. $3.
LP2270. Resnick, Mike. Walpurgis III. Warner Questar, 1982. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good+ copy with spine creasing, moderate lean, and slight general wear. The back cover promises Satan incarnate on another planet... $5.
LP325. Reynolds, Ted. The Tides of God. Ace, 1989. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, F- with barest trace of edgewear. One of the last in the resurrected Ace Specials line. $5.
LP2459. Roberts, Keith. Pavane. Berkley, 1976. Paperback reprint, a Near Fine copy with a tiny bit of creasing along the spine join and a few pinpricks of wear. Acclaimed alternate history novel of the world where the reformation failed an England remains under the control of a technology-repressing Catholic Church. Pringle SF 100 List 58. $3.
LP2368. Robinson, Spider. Antimony. Dell, 1980. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good copy with several small abrasions to rear cover, a small wrinkle near the top of the spine, small split starting at bottom front cover, and general edgewear. Short story collection. This was evidently the last book published in the Dell SF line and it was not well-distributed, making it a notoriously difficult PBO. As of this writing, there are no other first editions listed on Bookfinder. $35.
LP2271. (Roswell) Cox, Greg. Roswell: Loose Ends. Pocket Books, 2001. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine copy. Based on the short-lived TV show. Another book you used to get stupid money for on eBay. $10.
LP2272. (Roswell) Mertz, Melinda. Roswell High 2: The Wild One. Archway, 1998. First edition paperback original (PBO) (precedes the Pocket Pulse edition by a year), a Fine copy, new and unread. Based on the same show, but a slightly different book series from the above (maybe aimed at the YA market). Not seeing any copies of the Archway edition online. $10.
LP2893. Rucker, Rudy. The 57th Franz Kafka. Ace, 1983. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with a 1/16" abrasion at head and a few other touches of wear, hairline crease along front cover join, slight foxing around interior cover edges and slight age darkening to pages, otherwise a nice, square, attractive copy. Rucker's first short story collection, and in my experience the rarest of his PBOs. $15. LP612. Rucker, Rudy. The Sex Sphere. Ace, 1983. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, Near Fine with a crease to one corner, one page (61/62) folded, and some slight edgewear, otherwise tight and clean. A very attractive copy of an exceptionally difficult PBO. $27.
LP2894. Rucker, Rudy. Software. Ace, 1982. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with an nearly invisible spine crease, slight edgewear, and slight age darkening to pages, otherwise nice and square. Early cyberpunk work and first book of the Ware trilogy. Philip K. Dick award-wing novel. $5.
LP327. Rucker, Rudy. Software. Avon, 1987. Paperback reprint, Fine. First in the robots series. $3.
LP328. Rucker, Rudy Spacetime Donuts . Ace, 1981. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, Near Fine, with slight edgewear and small stamp (the repeated number "10") to head. $10.
LP830. Rucker, Rudy. White Light. First edition paperback original (PBO), NF+ with small a repeated "W" and number "1" at head and heel and some faint wear at head, otherwise uncreased and unread. One of Rucker's rarest PBOs. $10.
LP1231 Rucker, Rudy. White Light. Ace, 1980. Second printing of the paperback original first edition, a Near Fine copy with a remainder hole punched out of the front cover, otherwise new and unread. $6.
LP2685. Russell, Eric Frank. Wasp. Bantam Books, 1971. Paperback reprint, a Very Good copy with a spine crease and lean, and a short split at bottom front join. His celebrated novel of a man sent to an alien planet to destabilize the government all by himself. A fun, swift-moving book. Recommended. $3.
LP330. Ryman, Geoff. The Unconquered Country. Bantam, 1987. Paperback, 1st U.S. edition, F-, with trace of edgewear and usual foxing of inside covers. Powerful, bleak recasting of the communist holocaust in Cambodia in fantasy terms. Recommended. $5.
LP615. Schochet, Victoria, and Silbersack, John (Howard Waldrop, John Kessel, Orson Scott Card, Elizabeth A. Lynn, Karl Hansen, Janet E. Morris, Ronald Anthony Cross, David Andreissen) The Berkley Showcase - Volume 1. Berkley, 1980. A paperback original (PBO) first edition, Near Fine- with a spine crease and some light rubbing. Original science fiction anthology. The Waldrop story, "Billy Big Eyes," has never been reprinted. $5.
LP2460. Schochet, Victoria, and John Silbersack, editors (Howard Waldrop, Orson Scott Card, John Kessel, etc.) The Berkley Showcase: Volume 1: New Writings in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Berkley, 1980. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good- copy with a 1/2" x 1/4" chip from top rear cover, creasing and wear. Original anthology, including "Billy Big-Eyes," a never reprinted Howard Waldrop novella. $3.
LP1452. Schow, David J. Lost Angels. Onyx, 1990. First edition paperback original (PBO), a near fine+ copy with a very faint crease to spine, otherwise apparently new and unread. His second collection of short stories. $9.
LP2273. Schow, David J. (as Stephen Grave). Miami Vice 1: The Florida Burn. Avon, 1985. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine- copy with spine creasing and small rear bottom corner crease, otherwise nice and square. Based on the TV show. $5.
LP334. Schow, David J. (as Stephen Grave). Miami Vice #2: The Vengeance Game. Avon, 1985. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, F-, with gray lines at head and heel. $5.
LP1452. Searles, Baird, Beth Meachem and Michael Franklin. A Reader's Guide to Fantasy. Avon, 1982. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine copy, new and unread. Non-fiction guide to fantasy, covering numerous authors and providing various reading lists. $5.
LP3403. Shea, Michael. The Color Out of Time. DAW, 1984. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with slight wear at head, heel and points. Lovecraftian pastiche. Jarocha-Ernst, A Cthulhu Mytho Bibliography and Concordance 2126. Harms, The Cthulhu Mythos Encyclopedia, page 379. Nice copies are getting hard to find. $25.
LP3405. Shea, Michael. A Quest for Simbilis. DAW, 1974. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with about 1/16" loss at the very edges of all four tips and slight edgewear, otherwise a nice, square copy. Cugel the Clever Dying Earth book authorized by Jack Vance, taking place after the events of The Eyes of the Overworld. $25.
LP2461. Sheckley, Robert. Citizen in Space. Ballantine Books, 1968. Paperback reprint, a Very Good- with black marker writer on insides of both front and back cover that bleeds through to the covers, along with spine creasing, stamps and wear. Collection of SF stories. $2.
LP2462. Sheckley, Robert. Mindswap. Dell, 1967. First paperback edition, a near Fine copy with a bit of wear. Well-regarded mind-swapping novel, which I remember being highly amused by some 35 years ago... $3.
LP2275. Shelley, Rick. Jump Pay. Ace, 1995. Paperback reprint, a Fine- with a trace of edgewear, otherwise new and unread. Lucky 13th military SF novel. $5.
LP2276. Shelley, Rick. Side Show. Ace, 1994. Paperback reprint, Near Fine- with hole punched out of cover and foxing to inside covers, otherwise new and unread. Lucky 13th military SF novel. $3.
LP2277. Shelley, Rick. Until Relieved. Ace, 1994. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- with traces of wear at head and heel and foxing to inside front covers. Lucky 13th military SF novel. $5.
LP619. Shepard, Lucius. Green Eyes. Ace, 1984. A paperback original (PBO) first edition, Near Fine with a stamp at heel, a fairly subtle spine crease and a trace of wear at head and heel, otherwise tight. The second book in the resurrected Ace Specials line. Signed by Shepard.$10
LP2898. Shepard, Lucius. Green Eyes. Ace, 1984. First edition paperback original, a near Fine copy with slight spine creasing, slight age darkening to pages, and foxing to inside covers. His first novel, part of Terry Carr's resurrected Ace Specials line. $4.
LP341. Shirley, John. City Come A-Walkin'. Dell, 1981. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF+, with light spine creasing and non-author interior signature in blue ball-point ink. Important early cyberpunk work. Signed by Shirley. Scarce. $12.
LP343. Shirley, John. Eclipse Penumbra. Questar (Popular Library), 1988. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, Fine-, with edgewear. Second Book in the A Song Called Youth trilogy. Signed by Shirley. $8
LP747. Shirley, John. Eclipse Corona. Questar/Popular Library, 1990. First edition paperback original (PBO), NF with faint spine crease and stamp at heel, otherwise nice. The third book in the A Song Called Youth trilogy. $5.
LP2278. Shirley, John. Kamus of Kadizhar: The Black Hole of Carcosa. St. Martin's, 1988. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good- copy with remainder hole out of the front cover, clear tape on bottom spine, barcode remnant on rear cover, and bookstore stamp inside front cover; other than that (!) it doesn't appear to have been read. Based on characters by Michael Reeve. $3.
LP346. Shirley, John. Three Ring Psychus. Zebra, 1980. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, F-, with edgewear and slight fading to cover (only noticeable next to another copy). Signed by Shirley. $10.
LP2280. Shirley, John (as D. B. Drumm). Traveler #3: The Stalking. Dell, 1984. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with edgewear and foxing to inside covers. Post apocalyptic men's adventure novel. According to Hawk's Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Series & Sequels, Shirley wrote 2-6 of this series. $5.
LP2281. Shirley, John (as D. B. Drumm). Traveler #4: To Kill A Shadow. Dell, 1984. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine+ copy with invisible spine crease, crease along front spine join, edgewear, and foxing to inside covers. Post-apocalyptic men's adventure novel. According to Hawk's Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Series & Sequels, Shirley wrote 2-6 of this series. $5.
LP2282. Shirley, John (as D. B. Drumm). Traveler #5: Road War. Dell, 1985. First edition paperback original (PBO), Fine- copy with edgewear and foxing to inside covers. Post-apocalyptic men's adventure novel. According to Hawk's Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Series & Sequels, Shirley wrote 2-6 of this series. $5.
LP2283. Shirley, John (as D. B. Drumm). Traveler #6: Border War. Dell, 1985. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine+ copy with invisible spine crease, crease along front spine join, edgewear, and foxing to inside covers. Post-apocalyptic men's adventure novel. According to Hawk's Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Series & Sequels, Shirley wrote 2-6 of this series. $5.
LP620. Shirley, Robert. Teenocracy. Ace, 1969. A paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF with a crease along spine/front cover join, some edgewear, and a few pinhead-sized chips and scratches. A "wild in the streets" near future political SF novel with the definite whiff of the 1960s about it. $5.
LP2463. Silverberg, Robert, Charles G. Waugh and Martin Harry Greenberg, editors. The Science Fictional Dinosaur. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine copy with slight spine creasing, stray red line to page block edges, and name on inside cover in pencil. Mostly reprints of SF dinosaur stories (and more obscure ones, with no "A Gun for Dinosaur" or "The Sound of Thunder"), plus Silverberg's "Our Lady of the Sauropods." $3.
LP349. Skal, David J. When We Were Good. Pocket, 1981. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, VG+ with spine crease, wear, and corner chipping. Horrific SF novel, his second. $3.
LP350. Skipp, John and Spector, Craig. Fright Night. Tor, 1985. Movie tie-in Paperback original (PBO) first edition, VG, with spine creasing, a thin 2" scratch to front cover, abrasion to top back cover, and the usual foxing to inside covers. $8.
LP2466. Sladek, John. Mechasm (AKA The Reproductive System). Ace, 1968. First U.S. edition and first edition under this title (previously published in the UK in hardback as The Reproductive System), paperback original (PBO) thus, a Near Fine copy with one spine crease, name inside front cover, and a very faint indention on top of front cover where someone had written a name and phone number in pencil, now erased, but you can feel it if you run your hand along it. $3.
LP979. Sladek, John. The Muller-Fokker Effect. Pocket Books, 1973. Apparent first paperback edition, NF with small spots of light staining on spine, and wear to rear cover. Humorous novel about the first man to have his brain backed up to tape, followed by the destruction of his body. $3.
LP980. Sladek, John. Roderick. Timescape, 1982. First U.S. edition, paperback original thus, a Near Fine- copy with faint spine creases, light spots of wear along spine, and moderate creasing along rear join. Humorous SF novel subtitled "The Education of a Young Machine." Reportedly Sladek's best. SF 100 list. $3.
LP1234. Smith, Cordwainer. Norstrilia. Ballantine Books, 1975. First edition paperback original thus, the first edition to combine two parts previously published separately, a Near Fine- copy with moderate spine creasing and wrinkles and the start of a join crease along rear spine join, otherwise fairly tight and square. Recommended. $5.
LP981. Smith, Cordwainer. Quest of the Three Worlds. Del Rey, 1986. Paperback reprint, a NF+ copy with a touch of waviness, traces of edgewear, and very slight foxing to inside covers. Includes On the Gem Planet, On the Storm Planet, and On the Sand Planet. $3.
LP2287. Smith, E.E. "Doc". Galactic Patrol. Pyramid, 1966. Paperback reprint, a Very Good- copy with considerable spine wear, crease across front and rear top corners, small name sticker on blurb page, foxing, age darkening to pages, and general wear. Third book in the Lensmen series. $3.
LP2288. Smith, E.E. "Doc". Masters of the Vortex. Pyramid, 1970. Paperback reprint (originally as The Vortex Blaster), Near Fine- with faint crease along front spine join, small name sicker on blurb page, and edgewear, otherwise nice and square. Last of the Lensmen novels. $3.
LP2289. Smith, E.E. "Doc". Second Stage Lensmen. Pyramid, 1968. Paperback reprint, Very Good with spine creasing and light general wear. Solid reading copy of this classic Space Opera. $3.
LP2290. Smith, E.E. "Doc". The Skylark of Space. Berkley, 1980. Paperback reprint, a Very Good+ copy with spine creasing and edgewear. Smith's first novel, and first book in the Skylark Space Opera series. $3.
LP3496. Smith, E. E. "Doc" with Stephen Goldin. Revolt of the Galaxy. Berkeley, 1985. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine copy with spine creasing, a small, faint dustprint to outer page block edge, and edgewear, otherwise a nice square copy. Tenth (and final) book in the Family D'Alembert space opera series. $10.
LP2284. Smith, L.J. The Vampire Diaries Volume I: The Awakening. Harper Torch, 1991. Paperback reprint, Near Fine with spine creasing, otherwise attractive. $3.
LP2285. Smith, L.J. The Vampire Diaries Volume II: The Struggle. Harper Prism, 1991. Paperback reprint, Near Fine with one spine crease, otherwise pretty nice. $3.
LP2286. Smith, L.J. The Vampire Diaries Volume III: The Fury. Harper Torch, 1991. Paperback reprint, Near Fine with spine creasing. $3.
LP2477. Smith, L.J. The Vampire Diaries Volume IV: Dark Reunion. Harper, 1992. Paperback reprint, Fine- with traces of wear and foxing to inside covers. $3.
LP982. Somtow, S. P. (aka Somtow Sucharitkul). Vampire Junction. Berkley, 1985. First paperback edition, a Fine- copy with just a trace of wear along the spine and corners, otherwise tight, square, and unread. Very influential Freudian vampire novel which, along with Clive Barker's first three Books of Blood, was one of the seminal proto splatterpunk works. $5.
LP2468. Spencer, William Browning. The Return of Count Electric. White Wolf, 1993. First paperback edition, a Fine copy, new and unread. Quirky, offbeat mainstream stories, several of which are very funny. Gardner Dozois selected "A Child's Christmas in Florida" for one of his Year's Best SF volumes, despite there being no SF elements in the story at all! Recommended. $5.
LP355. Stableford, Brian M./Emil Petaja. The Blind Worm (Stableford) b/w Seed of the Dreamers (Petaja). Ace Doubles, 1970. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF-, with spine creases, a corner crease on the Petaja side, and some age darkening to white cover. $5.
LP624. Stableford, Brian. The Gates of Eden. DAW, 1983. A paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF with a crease along spine/front cover join and lines at head and heel. $3.
LP357. Stableford, Brian M. Journey to the Center. DAW, 1982. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, Fine save for 1/8" off-center binding (publisher's flaw) and wrinkling to back cover from SFBC insert (still present). Inscribed by Stableford: "To Linda/with Best Wishes" (at least I think that's what it says). First book in the Asgard trilogy. $7.
LP2465. Stackpole, Michael. Battletech: The Warrior Trilogy (Warrior: En Garde, Warrior: Reposte, Warrior: Coupe). FASA, 1988-1989. First edition paperback originals (PBO), all Very Good with spine creasing, wear, bookstore stamps at heel (1) or inside covers. Solid, square reading copy first editions. Roc took over this line later, but the early FASA volumes tend to be harder to find. $15 for the set.
LP1583. Sterling, Bruce. A Good Old Fashioned Future. First edition paperback original, a Fine copy, new and unread. Signed by Sterling. $15.
LP359. Sterling, Bruce. Involution Ocean. Jove, 1977. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, Fine-, with lines to head and heel, a short tear at head, and age darkening to spine. Harlan Ellison Discovery Series #4, with Ellison's introduction. Sterling's first book. A very desirable PBO. $25.
LP1495. Sterling, Bruce (Ellison, Harlan). Involution Ocean. Jove, 1977. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine+ copy with slight 1/8" peel at bottom of spine and some touches of general wear. Harlan Ellison Discovery Series #4, with Ellison's introduction. Sterling's first novel, and an uncommon PBO. $15.
LP1318. Sterling, Bruce. Involution Ocean. Ace, 1988. Paperback reprint, first Ace edition, a VG copy with spine creasing, slight dampstaining to bottom edge, and general wear. Signed by Sterling. His first novel. $5.
LP786. Sterling, Bruce. A Good Old Fashioned Future. A fourth printing of this paperback original, NF- with spine creasing and slight lean. A short story collection. You reach the lower rungs of the New York Times bestseller list, and how does your publisher reward you? They print your short story collection as a paperback original. Came out with so little fanfare some people don't even know it exists. Signed by Sterling. $6.
LP1235. Sterling, Bruce. A Good Old Fashioned Future. Bantam Spectra, 1999. First edition paperback original, a Fine copy, new and unread (though there is slight foxing to inside covers). Short story collection, including Hugo winners "Bicycle Repairman" and "Talamakan." Signed by Sterling. Recommended. $10.
LP3190. Stewart, Sean. Passion Play. Ace Books, 1993. First U.S. edition and a paperback original thus, preceded by a Canadian PBO, a Very Good copy with spine creasing and lean and a long non-breaking phantom crease along the top third of the book across the front corner, signed and dated ("09/14/96") by Stewart. Near future science fiction thriller set in an America under a Christian fundamentalist government. $10.
Stout, Rex. Various Nero Wolfe reprint paperbacks. All of these are 60s and 70s Bantam and Pyramid reprints, all are in worn, Very Goodish condition (well read, but not falling apart), and all are $3 a pop.
Picked these up because they were dirt cheap and I know people like to read them. These are reading copies only, so I don't want describe each one, so sk if you're interested and have questions. The titles in question are:
LP3648. And Four to Go
LP3649. Death of a Doxy
LP3650. The Father Hunt
LP3651. If Death Ever Slept
LP3652. In the Best Families
LP3654. Over My Dead Body
LP3655. Prisoner's Base
LP3657. The Rubber Band
LP3658. The Second Confession
LP3659. The Silent Speaker
LP3660. Three at Wolfe's Door
LP3661. Three for the Chair
LP1236. Sturgeon, Theodore. Beyond. Avon, 1960. First edition paperback original, as per Currey (35? and T-439 on cover), a VG copy with spine leaning, slight spine creasing, wear at head and heel, and sticker ghost to rear cover. A bit better than it sounds, a solid reading copy. Short story collection. $3.
LP3240. Sturgeon, Theodore. Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. Pyramid, 1961. First edition paperback original (stated), a Near Fine copy with spine slightly off center, edgewear, slight foxing to inside covers and slight age darkening to pages. Media tie-in book based on the Irwin Allen movie. Currey, page 473. $5. LP627. Sumner, Mark. Devil's Tower. Del Rey, 1996. A paperback original (PBO) first edition, F- with a tiny bit of wear at head, otherwise new and unread. A fun alternate reality yarn set in a west filled with spell-slingers rather than gun-slingers. Recommended. $5.
LP1150. Swanwick, Michael. In the Drift. Ace, 1985. First edition Paperback Original (PBO), a Near Fine+ copy with almost invisible crease on and along spine (one each) and neat previous owner's stamp on blurb page. Part of the resurrected Ace Specials line. $5.
LP2902. Swanwick, Michael. In the Drift. Ace, 1985. First edition paperback original, a Very Good+ copy with one 1/32" chip at top front cover, one slight spine crease, general edgewear and age-darkening to pages. His first novel, part of Terry Carr's resurrected Ace Specials line. $4.
LP2469. Tenn, William. Of All Possible Worlds. Ballantine Books, 1968. Paperback reprint, a Very Good copy with several small rubbing abrasions to front cover. Short story collection. $3.
LP985. Tenn, William. Of Men and Monsters. Ballantine Books, 1968. Apparent first paperback edition, NF- copy with all-but-invisible spine wrinkling , a touch of wear at heel, some edgewear, slight dogearing to a few bottom pages, a faint 1" inch phantom crease to front cover, and a very faint dampstain affecting the last 40 pages or so. Despite the forgoing, this is actually quite a nice copy of this novel of men living like rats in the walls of an earth conquered by giant aliens. Recommended. $3.
LP1586. Tepper, Sherri S. The Flight of Mavin Manyshaped. Ace, 1985. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with just a trace of wear at top outer corner, otherwise new and unread. A really beautiful copy. $25.
LP2291. Tepper, Sheri S. The Bones. Tor, 1987. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good+ copy with one spine crease, top front corner crease, and touches of edgewear. Believe it or not, there was once a time when science fiction and fantasy novelists looked at switching to horror as a good career move... $4.
LP2830. Tepper, Sheri S. Dervish Daughter. Tor, 1986. First edition paperback original, a Very Good copy with a tackhead-sized sticker pull to front cover (just touching the bottom of the "ER" in TEPPER), black line at heel, price sticker over UPC code, slight foxing, and general wear, but otherwise a square copy. True Game novel. $5.
LP2292. Tepper, Sheri S. King's Blood Four. Ace, 1983. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good+ copy with one spine crease, 1 1/2" thin crease along bottom front spine join, edgewear, and small abrasion to top rear cover. First book in the True Game series. $5.
LP1675. Tepper, Sheri S. Jinian Footseer. Tor, 1985. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good+ copy with crease along spine join, partial crease and wrinkle on spine, small crease to lower back corner, and touches of general wear. True Game novel. $5.
LP1869. Tepper, Sheri S. Marianne, the Magus and the Manticore. Ace, 1985. Third printing, a VG copy with spine creasing, spine line, number stamp at head, and general wear. The Marianne titles are probably the least common of all Tepper's books. $9.
LP1618. Tepper, Sheri S. The Revenants. Ace, 1984. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good+ copy with spine-creasing and edgewear, but otherwise square. Standalone fantasy novel involving a Sphinx's riddles. $5.
LP1586. Tepper, Sherri S. The Search of Mavin Manyshaped. Ace, 1985. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with just a trace of edgewear, otherwise new and unread. A really beautiful copy. Third book in the Mavin trilogy. $40.
LP2293. Tepper, Sherri S. The Song of Mavin Manyshaped. Ace, 1985. Second printing, a Near Fine copy lines at head and heel, a small name on blurb page, and a few touches of edgewear. The first Mavin book. $5.
LP2294. Tepper, Sheri S. Wizard's Eleven. Ace, 1984. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine copy with small date stamp at heel, edgewear, and one tiny wrinkle near base of spine, otherwise tight and square. Third book in the True Game series. Man, Tepper must have been a writing machine in the mid-1980s... $5.
LP2831. Timpone, Anthony, editor. Fangoria Vampires. Harper, 1996. First edition paperback original (thus? Says "First book Publication!"), a Fine- copy with slight bump at head and edgewear. Essay collection various vampire topics, screen and otherwise, including essays from Bill Warren (multiple) and David J. Skal, and a piece on Anne Rice. $10.
LP2882. Tine, Robert. Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey. Berkley Books, 1991. First edition, a Fine- copy with a slight wrinkle at the top right edge, otherwise square, new and unread. I've had this around for a while, but with Bill and Ted Face the Music hitting theaters, I thought I would list it. $10.
LP2625. Tine, Robert. JAG: Clean Steel. Berkley Boulevard, 2000. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with one 1/16" closed tear at top front, a 1/8" closed triangular tear at bottom rear, and the barest touch of edgewear, otherwise new and unread. Tie-in novel for the TV series. Not the usual thing I carry, but copies of this (especially nice copies) are pricey and hard to find. $15.
LP2060. Tiptree, Jr., James (Alice Sheldon). Star Songs of an Old Primate. Del Rey, 1978. First edition paperback original (PBO), a VG+ copy with slight wrinkling along spine, one tackhead-sized indention to front cover, slight age darkening to pages and moderate foxing to inside covers. Short story collection, including "Houston, Houston, Do You read" and "Her Smoke Rose Up Forever." Not an overly common paperback. $5.
LP1319. Tuttle, Lisa. Familiar Spirit. Berkley, 1983. First edition paperback original, a NF- copy with a half-tackhead-sized sticker pull on front cover and slight spine and spine join creasing. "A novel of terror and love." $5.
LP361. Vance, Jack. The Asutra. Dell, 1974. Paperback original (PBO) first edition (though it originally appeared in F&SF), NF-, with chipping and water damage to right edge of cover. $4.
LP1237. Vance, Jack. The Blue World. DAW, 1983. First DAW edition, paperback, a Fine- copy with a small stamp at head, otherwise apparently new and unread. Hewett A23k. $4.
LP362. Vance, Jack. The Dirdir. Ace, 1969. Paperback original (PBO) first edition, NF-. Planet of Adventure #3. $5.
LP363. Vance, Jack. The Dirdir. DAW, 1979. Paperback reprint, NF, with spine crease and marks on head and heel. $3.
LP1238. Vance, Jack. The Dragon Masters. DAW, 1973. Paperback reprint with general creasing and stamp on blurb page. Classic Hugo-winning story. For my full review, see here. Highly recommended. $3.
LP2369. Vance, Jack. The Dragon Masters b/w The Five Gold Bands. Ace, No Date (but 1971). Paperback reprint, a Very Good copy with spine creases and written "JW" at head and heel, plus creasing on The Five Gold Bands cover, otherwise nice and square (and looks really nice on the Dragon Masters side). "The Dragon Masters" is probably Vance's greatest novellas, featuring a planet where aliens have breed and mutated for battle. Then the original alien race returns, and humans find that the aliens have done the same with humans... Hewett, A11ab. Highly recommended. $7.
LP3350. Vance, Jack. Galactic Effectuator. Ace, 1981. First paperback edition, a Near Fine- copy with 1" crease across bottom rear cover corner across barcode, invisible spine creasing, slight spine leans, two dogeared pages (169-172) and a trace of edgewear. Hewett, The Work of Jack Vance A63.b. $5.
LP987. Vance, Jack. The Gray Prince. DAW, 1981. First DAW paperback printing (Hewett A46g), NF- with thin crease along front join, bookstore stamp on blurb page, spine fading, and some touches of general wear. A bit better than it sounds, and a nice reading copy. $3.
LP3106. Vance, Jack. The Houses of Iszm/Son of the Tree. Ace, 1964. Paperback reprint, a Very Good copy with wrinkling/war to top 1" of Houses of Iszm side of spine, uniform creases along both spine joins, previous owner's name and address crossed out on inside front cover (Son of the Tree) and title page (Houses of Iszm), and maybe some faint spine fading, otherwise a nice, square copy of these two short Vance novels. Hewett, A13ab. $5.
LP2471.Vance, Jack. The Languages of Pao. Tor, 1989. Paperback, first Tor edition, a Near Fine- copy with one spine crease and wear at points, otherwise nice and square. Hewett, A8m. $5.
LP3351. Vance, Jack. The Narrow Land. Cornet Books, 1984. First UK edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with slight edgewear at head and heel and a trace along back cover. Hewett, The Work of Jack Vance A68.b. $25.
LP1241. Vance, Jack. Showboat World. Coronet, 1977. First UK edition, paperback, a Near Fine copy with faded spine, otherwise apparently new and unread. Hewett A47c. $5.
LP2370. Vance, Jack (and Tony Russell Wayman). The Last Castle b/w World of the Sleeper. Ace, 1967. First edition paperback original (PBO) (as per Currey), a Very Good+ copy with slight dampstaining along spine and a bit of edgewear, otherwise tight, square and apparently unread. Another excellent Vance novella, abut decadent human castle dwellers faced with an inexplicable rebellion by the underclass of alien servants. Recommended. Hewett, A30. Currey (1979), page 488. $7.
LP2112. van Vogt, A. E. Masters of Time. Manor Books, 1975. Paperback reprint, Near Fine. $3.
LP988. Vinge, Vernor. True Names...and Other Dangers. Baen, 1987. First edition paperback original (PBO), NF with one spine crease, usual slight page yellowing, and a long, faint pencil doodle on blurb page, otherwise a nice copy. Though the novella "True Names" itself (a work who's influence on cyberpunk and the coming shape of cyberspace was second only to Neuromancer) had appeared twice before, this is the first edition of this collection, which also includes "Bookworm, Run!", "The Ungoverned," "Long Shot," and "The Peddler's Apprentice" (with Joan D. Vinge). A very important collection, and a fairly difficult book to find these days. $25.
LP3352. Vinge, Vernor. The Witling. DAW, 1976. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with slight spine creasing, some lean, previous owners signature on inside cover, and slight darkening at very top of rear back cover. Vinge's first novel, a first contact novel with a twist. $5.
LP628. Vonnegut, Kurt. Mother Night. Bard Books/Avon, 1971. A paperback reprint, VG, with a ballpoint scribble on front cover and a small brown stain across back cover. Reading copy. $2.
LP2010. Wagner, Karl Edward. Conan: The Road of Kings. Bantam, 1979. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good+ copy with wear at head, remains of magic marker over price on spine, and general wear, though fold out cover is intact. Reportedly the best of the non-Howard Conan tales. $4.
LP2371. Wagner, Karl Edward, and David Drake. Killer. Tor, 1990. Paperback reprint, a Fine- copy with a trace of edgewear, apparently new and unread. Novel of an murderous alien creature lose on Roman-era Earth. $5.
LP2472. Waldrop, Howard. Strange Monsters of the Recent Past. Ace, 1991. First edition paperback original (PBO) thus (reprinting the entire contents of the limited edition hardback collection All About Strange Monsters of the Recent Past and adding the novella A Dozen Tough Jobs), a Near Fine copy with a trace of wear at points, otherwise apparently new and unread. Signed by Waldrop. Recommended. $14.
LP1244. Weinbaum, Stanley G. A Martian Odyssey and Other Classics of Science Fiction. Lancer, 1962. First edition under this title (75? and 74-808 on cover, as per Currey), with a new introduction by Sam Moscowitz, a VG- copy with top corner "chewed" (not affecting any text), spine lean, age darkening at edges, and general wear. Acceptable reading copy of some classic early SF. $3.
LP990. Weinbaum, Stanley G. The New Adam. Avon, 1969. First paperback edition, VG- with spine creasing, rubbing along front and back cover, tackhead-sized abrasion to top front cover, writing on blurb page and inside rear cover, and page yellowing. Decent reading copy of a novel by this early SF genius that hasn't been reprinted in quite a while. $3.
LP351. Wellman, Manly Wade. A Double Life. Century Movie Book (Century Publications), 1947. First edition paperback original (PBO) (though a trime size about 1/4" shorter and 1/8" wider than today's mass market paperbacks), a VG copy with spine lean, spinewear, crease along front join, general wear, and usual paper darkening for a pulp item of this era. Novelization of the Ronald Colman/Ruth Gordon film, complete with black and white stills from the film. A fairly rare item; I've only seen two copies, and the only one online they want $125 for. This copy seems to be in better condition, and I'm offering it at less than half that price. $45.
LP2686. Wellman, Manly Wade and Wade Wellman. Sherlock Holmes's War of the Worlds. Warner Books, 1975. First edition paperback original, a Very Good copy with some sort of translucent red mark to middle of the spine, stamps at head and on blurb page, back cover dust stained, and general wear. Currey, page 514. $4.
LP1453. Wells, Martha. The Element of Fire. Tor, 1994. First paperback edition, a VG+ copy with spine creasing, otherwise fairly square. Signed by Wells. Her first novel. $10. LP991. Wells Martha. City of Bones. Tor, 1996. First paperback edition, NF+ with very faint spine creasing, otherwise nice and square. Signed by Wells. $10.
LP3353. Wenk, Richard (Jose Delbo, illustrator). Batman: The Doomsday Prophecy. Archway, 1986. Paperback reprint, a Fine- copy with a trace of edgewear and the trace of a crease starting along front spine join. "Which Way" superhero pick-your-own-path adventure. $10.
LP2295. Westerfeld, Scott. Fine Prey. Roc, 1998. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine copy with a long non-breaking crease along the bottom front cover, otherwise apparently new and unread. His second novel. Aliens have taken over earth and hunt humans. $10.
LP2296. Westerfeld, Scott. Polymorph. ROC, 1997. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine copy with two small spine wrinkles, edgewear, and touches of general wear, otherwise a nice, tight, square copy. $20.
LP1716. Westerfeld, Scott. Polymorph. ROC, 1997. First edition paperback original (PBO), a VG+ copy with spine creasing and wear. His first novel. Shapeshifters in a postcyberpunk world. $15.
LP372. Wilhelm, Kate and Thomas, Ted. The Year of the Cloud. Playboy Press, 1970. Paperback reprint, NF, with mild cover staining and red lines on head. Has to rank as one of her more obscure titles. $3.
LP1497. Williamson, Jack. Darker Than You Think. Collier, 1989. First Collier edition paperback, a NF copy with faint spine creasing, read once by me (I picked up a first earlier this year). Horror 100 best list. $3.
LP3663. Williamson, J.N. Horror House. Playboy Paperbacks, 1981. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with very faint spine creasing, a very small crease to bottom front cover, slight wear at points, and a trace of edgewear. Haunted house novel. A nice copy of this early Williamson novel, one of seven he put out in 1981 alone. There seems to be a revival of interest in his work due to Paperback From Hell (this isn't in it, but a lot of other Williamson novels are). $10.
LP993. Willis, Connie, with Cynthia Felice. Water Witch. Ace, 1982. First edition paperback original (PBO), Good only with wrinkling and wear to spine, numberline at head, and moderate dampstaining to front and back cover. Still, a very solid reading copy of one of Willis' early works, and signed by Willis. $5.
LP994. Willis, Connie, with Cynthia Felice. Water Witch. Ace, 1982. Paperback reprint, NF with creasing and wrinkling along rear spine join, otherwise quite nice. A better copy, but a reprint and not signed. $3.
LP2584. Wilson, Robert Anton. Schrodinger's Cat III: The Homing Pigeons. Pocket Books, 1981. First edition paperback original, a Very Good copy with spine lean, small creases to front corners and general wear. The third book in the Schrodinger's Cat trilogy (although Wilson's Caveat Lector at the beginning declares they can be read in any order). Firsts of this do not seem to be as common as those for the Illuminatus trilogy. $10.
LP2372. Windling, Terri and Mark Alan Arnold, editors (Charles De Lint, Steven R. Boyett, Ellen Kushner, etc). Borderland. Tor, 1992. First Tor edition (paperback reprint), a reprint of the 1986 Roc edition, a Fine- copy with a trace of wear at points and foxing to inside covers, otherwise new and unread. "Where Magic Meets Rock & Roll." The original "Elves and punk rock" anthology. Any copy seems surprisingly hard to find. $20.
LP995. Wolfe, Gene. The Devil in a Forest. Ace, 1977. Apparent first paperback edition, VG with stamps to inside front cover, moderate spine wrinkling, creases along bottom rear and top front covers, page yellowing, and general wear. Decent reading copy of Wolfe's third book. $3.
LP2475. Zebrowski, George. The Star Web. Laser Books, 1975. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine- copy with wear/peel at bottom of front spine join at heel and a bit of wear. Laser Books #15. Science fiction novel much later published in revised and expanded form as Stranger Suns. $3.
LP1833. Zebrowski, George (Howard Waldrop, James Tiptree, Jr., James Morrow, Rudy Rucker, Marc Laidlaw, etc.). Synergy: Volume Two. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine- copy with slight wrinkles to head and heel, otherwise new and unread. So HBJ, not known as an SF publisher, decided to do a series of paperback original anthologies, and then, after disappointing sales for the first one, went "Hey, these aren't selling! Let's raise the price!" Which they did, to $8.95, a price completely unheard of at the time. Shockingly, such a bold pricing policy did not cause the books to fly off the shelf, and the series was cancelled after four books. I will say that the books do have much higher production values than the usual paperbacks, with nice, white, acid-free pages... $8.
LP3108. Zelazny, Roger. Creatures of Light and Darkness. Avon, 1970 (stated; actually 1978). Avon paperback reprint (Seventh Printing), a Near Fine- copy with slight spine creasing, light, tiny creases to front and back bottom covers, a pinhead sized black dot to bottom page block, and slight edgewear, signed by Zelazny. Black Walotsky cover. Bob Pylant told me signed copies of this were harder to find than Zelazny's other titles. Levack, 8j. Kovacs, I9d. $35.
LP3109. Zelazny, Roger. Creatures of Light and Darkness. Arrow Books, 1972. First UK paperback edition, a Near Fine- copy with crease to top front corner, slight spine fading, slight edgewear, and a touch of rubbing. Levack, 8e. Kovacs, I9e. $6.
LP3110. Zelazny, Roger. Damnation Alley. Berkley Medallion, 1977. First movie tie-in edition, a Near Fine- copy with slight spine creasing and slight spine lean, traces of a small sticker remnant to bottom rear of cover near spine, and a 1/2" crease on back cover near upper middle of spine, signed by Zelazny. Features 24 pages of B&W still from the Jan-Michael Vincent movie made from Zelazny's novel. Levack, 9m. Kovacs, I10h. $35.
LP3112. Zelazny, Roger. The Doors Of His Face, The Lamps Of His Mouth. Avon, 1974. First paperback edition, a Near Fine copy with one faint spine crease and just a trace of edgewear and a pencil price on blurb page, inscribed by Zelazny: "For Sandra -/all best/Roger Zelazny." Highly recommended. Levack, 12f. Kovacs, V9e. $25.
LP377. Zelazny, Roger. The Dream Master. Ace, 1973. Reprint, F- with sun-fading and red line on heel. $3.
LP1246. Zelazny, Roger. The Dream Master. Ace, 1966. Paperback reprint, a VG copy with spine lean and creasing, crease along front spine join, and small strip discolored on title page from previous ownership strip, since removed. A solid reading copy. $3.
LP1834. Zelazny, Roger. The Dream Master. Ace (F-403), 1968. First edition (40¢ on cover, no additional printings stated on copyright page, as per Currey) paperback original (PBO), a Near Fine copy with large bookstore stamp on blurb page, a nick at heel, foxing to insider covers, and touches of edgewear. Expansion of the Nebula-winning "He Who Shapes." Levack 14a. $5.
LP3113. Zelazny, Roger. The Illustrated Roger Zelazny. Ace, 1979. First mass market paperback edition, a Near Fine- copy with bookstore stamp inside front cover, a half-tackhead sized abrasion along rear spine join next to the "IL" in illustrated, plus two more much smaller abrasion, along with a moderate 1" crease near bottom outer cover corner, and very slight age darkening to white cover portions, otherwise a tight, square, apparently unread copy, signed by Zelazny. A fairly nice signed copy of a book prone to having the color page portions fall out. Levack, 20d. Kovacs, V14d. $40.
LP3115. Zelazny, Roger. Knight of Shadows. Avon Books, 1990. First paperback edition, a Near Fine+ copy with tiny corner crease on top front corner, and some pinhead spots of rubbing along the spine, signed by Zelazny. With letter from the bookseller Bob Pylant bought it from laid in. Ninth Amber novel. Kovacs, I27e. $15.
LP3116. Zelazny, Roger. Lord of Light. Avon, 1969. First paperback edition, a Very Good copy with spine creasing and lean, a slight crease on bottom back cover near spine, and slight edgewear. Black Walotsky cover. Hugo winner and nebula finalist. One of Zelazny's best. Highly recommended. Kovacs, I29d. $10.
LP3118. Zelazny, Roger. Nine Princes in Amber. Corgi/Transworld, 1974. First UK paperback edition (35p price, as per Levack and Kovacs), a Near Fine+ copy with two small wrinkles on spine and a trace of wear at points, otherwise nice and square. Not seeing any nice copies of this online. Levack, 28g. Kovacs, I34d. $20.
LP3119. Zelazny, Roger. Roadmarks. Orbit/Macdonald Futura, 1981. First UK paperback edition, a Fine- copy with slight age darkening, a trace of edgewear, and usual slight darkening to pages. Levack, 31e. Kovacs, I37c. $20.
LP3121. Zelazny, Roger. Sign of the Unicorn. Sphere Books, 1985. UK paperback reprint, a Near Fine copy with small, thin, faint crease near top of front cover, bottom 1/8" corner tip a tiny bit chewed, a few other traces of wear, otherwise a nice, square copy, signed by Zelazny. "Reprinted 1982, 1983, 1985." Third Amber novel. All five of the original Amber novels are Highly Recommended. Kovacs, I39d. $25.
LP996. Zelazny, Roger. This Immortal (AKA ...And Call me Conrad). Ace, 1966. First edition paperback original (PBO) (F-393 and 40¢ on cover, as per Currey and Levack 34a), Good only, with transparent tape along spine and joins, creasing, significant foxing to inside cover, yellowing pages, and general wear. Hugo Award winner (tied with Dune). Reading copy or space-filler only. $3.
LP632. Zelazny, Roger. Today We Choose Faces/Bridge of Ashes. Signet, 1981. A paperback original (PBO) first edition thus, combining the two books, G+ with a spine crease, creases to the back cover, and a damp stain at heel affecting the very bottom of the last half of the book. A reading copy. $3.
LP3123. Zelazny, Roger. To Die In Italbar. DAW Books, 1974. First paperback edition (DA No. 117, 95¢ on cover, full numberline starting with 1), a Fine- copy with slight edgewear at head and heel, and a trace elsewhere, otherwise tight and square, signed by Zelazny. (Note: "Printed in U.S.A." notice at bottom of back cover is chopped off at the edge. I note that the ISFDB example of the front cover cuts off the "UQ1129" code at the top of the cover, but that is present in full with a slight black border above here. I gather there were some cover registration issues with this run...) Sequel to Isle of the Dead, but not as good. Levack, 35c. Kovacs, I41c. $35.
LP3124. Zelazny, Roger. To Die In Italbar. Corgi, 1977. Corgi/Transworld, 1977. First UK paperback edition, a Fine- copy with slight bumping at top points and slight age darkening to pages, otherwise tight, square and unread. Levack, 35i. Kovacs, I41e. $10.
LP3126. Zelazny, Roger. Wizard World. Baen, 1989. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with non-breaking spine creasing (hard to see at first glance) and just a trace of edgewear, otherwise tight and square, since by Zelazny and cover artist David Mattingly. Omnibus edition of Changeling and Madwand. Not seeing any signed copies online. Kovacs, I5e. $49.
LP3127. Zelazny, Roger and Fred Saberhagen. The Black Throne. Baen, 1990. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine+ copy with one faint, non-breaking spine crease, foxing to inside covers and the barest trace of edgewear, otherwise tight, square and apparently unread. Kovacs, I1b. $5.
LP2062. Zelazny, Roger (created by) (with David Drake, Robert Lynn Asprin, Michael Stackpole and Jane Lindskold). Forever After. Baen, 1995. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Fine copy, new and unread. Beautiful copy of this shared universe book, which Zelazny was working on at the time of his death. The preludes and afterword are his. $10.
LP3128. Zelazny, Roger ("Created by") (Jane Liskold, David Drake, Michael A. Stackpole, and Robert Lynn Asprin). Forever After. Baen, 1995. First edition paperback original, a near Fine copy with a faint 1" non-breaking creasing at bottom front cover, slight waviness to first few pages (no sign of dampstaining, so possibly slight glue-bunching), slight age darkening to pages, and a touch of edgewear, otherwise a nice, square copy. Fixup fantasy novel set just after a climatic triumph centered around four objects of power. Zelazny wrote four segments before he died, and his collaborators did the rest. Kovacs, IIXb. $5.
LP3129. Zelazny, Roger, editor (Harlan Ellison, Samuel R. Delany, Michael Moorcock, J. G. Ballard, Fritz Leiber, etc.). Nebula Award Stories Number Three. Pocket Books, 1970. First mass market paperback edition, a Very Good+ copy with thin 3/4" crease on rear cover outer edge, a faint sticker indentation (but no pull or residue) and two faint non-breaking roller machine lines (running parallel the entire length) on the front cover, previous owner name and date in red ink on blurb pages, and slight edgwear. Still a nice, square copy. Includes a lot of very good-to-great science fiction stories, including Moorcock's "Behold the Man," Leiber's "Gonna Roll the Bones," Ballard's "The Cloud Sculptors of Coral D," and Ellison's "Pretty Maggie Moneyeyes." Levack, 1c (under edited books). Kovacs, I2c. $5.
LP3130. (Zelazny, Roger) Carver, Jeffrey A. Roger Zelazny's Alien Speedway: Clypsis. Bantam Spectra, 1987. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with a trace of edgewear and slight age-darkening of pages, otherwise tight, square and apparently unread. First in a series about spaceship racers. "A Byron Preiss Book." One of those Big Name/Little Name "collaborations" that popped up in the 1980s where the big name provided a rough outline and the little name actually wrote the book. I think book buyers quickly caught on to what they were getting. Do they even still do that anymore? Zelazny evidently knew Carver, as he typed some of his own work on the backs of pages from a Carver manuscript. Kovacs, XIC1b. $5.
LP3131. (Zelazny, Roger) Wylde, Thomas. Roger Zelazny's Alien Speedway: Pitfall. Bantam Spectra, 1988. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine- copy with a serious 2" crease to bottom rear cover, some edgewear, foxing to inside covers, and slight age darkening to pages. "A Byron Preiss Book." Second book in the series. Kovacs, XIC2b. $5.
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