Some pictures from the 2010 ApolloCon in Houston, just concluded today:

The lovely and talented Stina Leicht, celebrating her forthcoming novel by going blue in both ocular and follicular realms.

Gabrielle Faust, putting on her best “Who, me?” expression.

The dealer’s room. Neither Willie nor myself dealt there this year, meaning Edge Books was the only real bookdealer there this year.

SF Signal’s John DeNardo. I think the smug was entirely unintentional.

Scott Cupp, no doubt contemplating some book he’s owned, or will soon own, both of which are extremely target-rich environments.

GOH Catherine Asaro. This photo doesn’t show her high-heels. Without them, she’s actually only 3’6″.

Karen Burnham, searching her tattoos for the identity of the killer she’s hunting.

A fairly interesting tabletop boardgame featuring smooth pucks that you flicked to knock out your opponent’s pucks, sort of a cross between marbles and shuffleboard, except there are some screws around the circle in the center that you can bounce the pucks off of and which provide something of an obstacle. The name was “crocsomething,” but not crocodile. Please note that searching for “game” and “screw” is probably not something you should do at work.
Updated to add: The game is called “crokinole”.

Clockwise from lower left: Judy Crider, Lou Antonelli, Bill Crider, Scott Cupp. I think we were talking about bad movies yet again.

A pair of con-goers decked out to the nines in Steampunk attire. This takes an extraordinary amount of dedication. In Texas. In summer. Wait, did I say “dedication”? I meant “complete insanity.”

The Shrine O Dolls found at the “in-room convention party.” Sadly, there were no book dealers there either…