In a new land speed record, Mark Kelly had our review up at Locus Online about thirty minutes after I mailed it to him.
And anything that pushes The Hasslehoff Recursion further down the page is a blessing for the sanity of others…
In a new land speed record, Mark Kelly had our review up at Locus Online about thirty minutes after I mailed it to him.
And anything that pushes The Hasslehoff Recursion further down the page is a blessing for the sanity of others…
Oh. My. God.
I’m finishing Howard and I’s review of The Avengers, and I stumbled across this: a TV movie starring The Hoff as Nick Fury.
How bad is? IMDB gives it a 3.5. And the footage looks even worse:
How bad is it? Hasslehoff may be the least sucky part of the film.
Yeah. That bad.
And speaking of things involving Hasslehoff that are painful to view—
No! You wouldn’t!
Yes. I would.
Here’s the California Shoegazer band Sway with “Fall” (which is available on iTunes):
Not only are there six bands named Sway, there’s another Shoegazer band named Sway out of New South Wales, Australia!
Adam Yauch of the Beastie Boys has died of cancer at the deeply untimely age of 47. Dwight pretty much expressed my thoughts, except I didn’t care for “Rock Hard” either. But I did love “Sabotage,” as well as one other song where the Beasties make a guest appearance:
Back when I moved into my house in 2004, Steve Jackson was one of the people helping tote those hundreds of boxes of books. I used to contribute pieces to The Space Gamer, and helped playtest Shockwave, and we bumped into each other at various SF events around Austin. He also generously agreed to proof read Nova Express back when it was a going concern, and did an excellent job.
Steve decided to go the Kickstarter route to fund the “Designer Edition” of Ogre. His initial funding goal was $20,000. Actual amount pulled in? As of this writing, $422,719 (and no doubt it will have gone up by the time you click that link).
Congrats Steve!