So this year’s Worldcon is this week, and you’re posting photos from last year’s Worldcon?
And didn’t you already post some of these photos?
So why do it again?
Last year at Worldcon, I uploaded these photos in a big bunch to Facebook, then linked to the Facebook photos from this blog. However, Facebook, evidently hating the idea that people outside their walled garden of changing preferences and sunglasses spam might see said photos, keeps changing their URLs, thus breaking links to them. So the photos themselves disappeared from the old post. These I’m uploading directly to my blog.
Also, I didn’t blog all the images I meant to, so there will be some new ones in Part 2.
So without further adieu…

Leigh Kennedy, who I had lunch and dinner with, along with Nick Austin, the Monday before the con. We have loads of common friends, but knew them at different times, so there was a lot of trading stories…

In profile.

Cory Doctorow, exhibiting his unique sense of style…

…and with an actual top to his head.

John J. Miller of Wild Cards fame, with Gail Gerstner-Miller.

Kim Newman, in his usual natty, multilayered attire. Wear this in Texas in August and you’re asking for heatstroke.

Jonathan Strahan and David Hartwell.
Pat Murphy, all scarfed-up.

Lavie Tidhar, who used to do reviews for me back in the Nova Express days.

Ian Watson and Lavie Tidhar, signing books at the PS Publishing table in the dealer’s room. I asked Watson what the genesis of the Watson-Aldiss feud was. “I’ve gotten to the age when I’m not sure I remember it properly anymore…”

Connie Willis.

Liz Hand.

And looking slightly less crazed.

Ellen Datlow and Liz Hand fan themselves and look down upon the peasantry.

Elle Datlow solo.

Guest of honor John Clute.

Adam Roberts.

Geoff Ryman peers at me suspiciously.

Gary K. Wolfe.

Andy Duncan.

Didn’t get all the names, but this is something like 75% of the Israeli SF publishing industry.

Kim Stanley Robinson.

John Gibbons.

Michael Swanwick, Geoff Ryman, and Ellen Datlow.

Michael Swanwick and Gordon Van Gelder, looking way too befuddled for the first day of the con.

Lisa Tuttle, who I had lunch with, joined by…

…George R. R. Martin.

George R. R. Martin and the Spanish George R. R. Martin.

Michael Swanwick and George R. R. Martin, enjoying fine dining in an atmosphere of unpretentious ambiance.

Parris McBride Martin.

Alastair Reynolds.

Pat Cadigan.

Pat Cadigan in green.

Pat Cadigan with fan-drawn cyberpunk.

Finally, Pat Cadigan with her spiffy Doc Martin boots.

The elusive Richard Calder.

Michael Swanwick showing off his outfit. “This shirt is bespoke! Bespoke, I tell you!”

Finally, Michael Swanwick showing off the t-shirt for MidAmericon II, the 2016 Kansas City Worldcon he’s Guest of Honor at. (Pat Cadigan is Toastmistress.)