Archive for August, 2018
Friday, August 31st, 2018
No theme, just four random, interesting books that came in.
De Camp, L. Sprague and Catherine Crook. Spirits Stars And Spells: The Perils and Profits of Magic. Canaveral Press, 1966. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Near Fine, price-clipped (but otherwise mint) dust jacket; Chalker/Owings says Owlswick obtained extra stock and printed a dust jacket “overprinted in red,” which matches this one. Signed by both authors. Non-fiction. Laughlin/Levack, de Camp: An L. Sprague de Camp Bibliography, 82a. Chalker/Owings (1991), page 84. Bought for £12 plus shipping.

Hunter, Stephen. I, Sniper. Simon & Schuster, 2009. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket, with bookstore event slip laid in. Signed and dated (“Jan 17, 2010”) by Hunter. Bought at auction for $6.15 plus shipping.

McDevitt, Jack. A Voice in the Night. Subterranean, 2018. First edition hardback, one of 1,000 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Purchased at the usual dealer discount from the publisher. Copies will be available through Lame Excuse Books.
Smith, Clark Ashton (David E. Schultz and Scott Conners, editors). Selected Letters of Clark Ashton Smith. Arkham House, 2003. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Signed by Conners. Bought for $30 off eBay.
Tags:Arkham House, Books, Canaveral Press, Clark Ashton Smith, Fantasy, Horror, Jack McDevitt, L. Sprague de Camp, magic, Science Fiction, small press publishers, Stephen Hunter, Subterranean Press, Thriller
Posted in Books, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Tuesday, August 28th, 2018
Two Gnome Press firsts I bought in separate eBay auctions.
Greenberg, Martin, editor. Coming Attractions. Gnome Press, 1957. First edition hardback, a Near Fine- copy with two 1/4″ tears at head, dusty top and bottom page blocks and the usual age-darkening to pages for Gnome Press books of this era, in a Very Good dust jacket with shallow 1/8″ deep by 1″ wide chip at top rear cover, tears and shallow chipping at head, slight loss at top points, and slight spine fading (on the plus side, the white portions of the dust jacket are much brighter and free of dust staining than usually found). Anthology of speculative non-fiction about the future. Chalker/Owings (1991), page 203. Kemp, Gnome Press #64, page 258. Bought for $9.98 off eBay.

Shiras, William. Children of the Atom. Gnome Press, 1953. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with slight dust soiling to top page block, in a Near Fine- dust jacket with, alas, small ink “x”s next to 13 titles on the back cover, as well as slight dust staining to white rear cover and wear along points and edges; save that one flaw, an extremely nice, bright example of the dust jacket. Chalker/Owings (1991), page 200. Kemp, Gnome Press #28, page 215. Locke, A Spectrum of fantasy [One], page 197. Bought off eBay for $44.99.

Tags:Books, Gnome Press, Martin Greenberg (Gnome Press), Science Fiction, small press publishers, William Shiras
Posted in Books, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Saturday, August 25th, 2018
Only theme here is that these are the last books I bought at Armadillocon:
Adams, Scott. Fugitive From the Cubicle Police: A Dilbert Book. Andrews & McMeel, 1996. First edition? (no additional printings listed) trade paperback original, a Fine- copy with touches of edgewear. Cartoon collection. Bought for $2.50.
Beatts, Anne and John Head. Saturday Night Live: Host, Francisco Franco. Avon, 1977. First edition trade paperback original, a Near Fine+ copy with wear at point. Collages sort of mock scrapbook with pictures, scripts, jokes, etc. from the first few seasons of Saturday Night Live (you know, back when it was funny). The price sticker on the cover is actually part of the design. Bought for $2.50.

Dozois, Gardner, editor. The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Thirty Fifth Annual Collection. St. Martin’s, 2018. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. The last Dozois annual, alas. Obtained for trade credit.
Tags:Dilbert, Gardner Dozois, Saturday Night Live, Science Fiction, Scott Adams, TV
Posted in Books, Science Fiction, TV | 2 Comments »
Friday, August 24th, 2018
More Armadillocon purchases, all picked up at the usual dealer discount:
Beagle, Peter S. The Overneath. Tachyon, 2017. First edition trade paperback original, Fine. Signed by Beagle. Short story collection.

Beagle, Peter S. Summerlong. Tachyon, 2016. First edition trade paperback original, Fine. Signed by Beagle. Novel.
Beagle, Peter S. and Jacob Weisman, editor. The New Voices of Fantasy. Tachyon, 2017. First edition trade paperback original, Fine. Anthology. Signed by Beagle and Weisman.
Walton, Jo. Starlings. Tachyon, 2018. First edition trade paperback original, Fine. Short story collection.
Watts, Peter. The Freeze-Frame Revolution. Tachyon, 2018. First edition trade paperback original, Fine. New novel. “How do you stage a mutiny when you’re only awake one day in a million? How do you engage an enemy that never sleeps, that sees through your eyes and hears through your ears and relentlessly, honestly, only wants what best for you?” Looks interesting.
Note that most of these will be available in the next Lame Excuse Books catalog.
Tags:Armadillocon, Books, Jo Walton, Peter S. Beagle, Peter Watts, signed, small press publishers, Tachyon
Posted in Books, Fantasy, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Thursday, August 23rd, 2018
The first batch of the books I bought at Armadillocon a few weeks ago:
Lansdale, Joe R. Jackrabbit Smile. Mullholland Books/Little Brown, 2018. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Inscribed to me by Lansdale. Hap and Leonard novel.
Lansdale, Joe R. Jonah Hex: Shadows West. DC Comics, 2013. First edition trade paperback graphic novel thus, compiled from previous individual comic books, a Fine copy, inscribed to me by Lansdale.

Lansdale, Joe R. Rusty Puppy. Mullholland Books/Little Brown, 2017. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Signed by Lansdale. Hap and Leonard novel.
All obtained for swaps/trade credit.
Tags:Books, comics, Horror, Joe R. Lansdale, Mystery
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Tuesday, August 21st, 2018
More books Austin science fiction writer Don Webb was culling from his library. All these were $3-5 each except the Haldeman (which was a throw-in):
Allston, Aaron. Sidhe Devil. Baen, 2001. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with foxing to inside covers. Inscribed: “Don: Hope you like it!/On the other hand, you’ve paid/for it anyway, so what the hell…)/Aaron Allston/ 4/27/01.” Replaces a signed but uninscribed copy.

Cadigan, Pat. Mindplayers. Bantam, 1987. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with foxing to inside covers. Inscribed: “For/Rosemary / & / Don /With stray/ideas &/peculiar behavior/Best,/Pat Cadigan /Armadillocon/1987.”

Cargill, C. Robert. Dreams and Shadows. Gollancz, 2013. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy. Inscribed: “It was a pleasure/sharing a table/with you./Robert Cargill.” Cragill is an Austin science fiction writer most famous for having written the screenplay for Doctor Strange.

Goodfellow, Cody. Radiant Dawn. Perilous Publishers, 2000. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine copy. Inscribed: “For Don Webb/who dares/mess with/Texas?/Cody Goodfellow.”

Haldeman, Joe. Forever Peace. To Stop War.. Temporary Culture, 2008. Second edition chapbook original, A very good copy with some creasing and wear. Two page poem with illustrations by Judith Clute. The first edition was a 25 copy hardback at a list price of $1,000 (not seen).
Spinrad, Norman. The Iron Dream. Avon, 1972. First edition paperback original, a Very Good+ copy with spine creasing, slight foxing, and general wear. Currey (1979), page 463.
Wellman, Manly Wade and Wade. Sherlock Holmes’s War of the Worlds. Warner Books, 1975. First edition paperack original, a Near Fine copy with age darkening to white spine and rear cover and Rosemary Webb’s ownership inscription on blurb page. Replaces a less attractive copy. Currey (1979), page 514.
Tags:Aaron Allston, Books, C. Robert Cargill, Cody Goodfellow, Don Webb, Joe Haldeman, Manly Wade Wellman, Norman Spinrad, Pat Cadigan, Science Fiction
Posted in Books, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Saturday, August 18th, 2018
Don Webb was culling some books, and he came over to my house so I could paw through and triage them into what I wanted to keep, what to auction, etc. I will most likely be putting a few auction items up in September. These are the reference works I kept for myself, and all were $5 each except for the Delany, which was $20.
Delany, Samuel R. The Motion of Light in Water: Sex and Science Fiction Writing in the East Village: 1957-1965. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with just a trace of foxing to inside front covers in a Fine- dust jacket with just a touch of wear. Inscribed by Delany: “To/Don + Rosemary/in remembrance/of a wonderful/evening at/the County Line/from/Samuel R. Delany/Austin/Feb. 1988” The County Line is a local BBQ chain, and Delany came down for Sercon 2 that month. Nonfiction autobiography. Hugo Award Winner for Best Nonfiction. Supplements an unsigned copy (which I forget to bring when I had Delany sign all my hardback fiction firsts at Readercon in 2009).

Ruz, Bruce. Hollywood vs. The Aliens: The Motion Picture Industry’s Participation in UFO Disinformation. Frog Limited, 1997. First edition trade paperback original, a Near Fine- with a crease across back top cover. Conspiracy theory movie history. Don: “Well worth reading for the shock around page 120 when you realize that he’s serious.”
(Shaver, Richard) Toronto, Richard. War Over Lemuria: Richard Shaver, Ray Palmer and the Strangest Chapter of 1940s Science Fiction. McFarland, 2013. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine- copy that looks like it’s been read once. With review slip laid in. Book on the Shaver Mystery by someone who knew Shaver and published Shaverton fanzine.
Steiger, Brad. The Werewolf Book. Visible Ink Press, 1999. First edition trade paperback original, a near Fine copy with wear along edges, a tiny crese to bottom front corner, and a few bits of writing inside. Non-fiction book on werewolves and other shapechangers in folklore and media.
Tags:Books, Conspiracy Theories, Don Webb, Horror, reference works, Samuel R. Delany, Science Fiction, Shaver Mystery, signatures, UFO, Werewolves
Posted in Books, Horror, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Tuesday, August 14th, 2018
This is a key acquisition, even though the condition of the copy is a bit lower than what I usually settle for. But this a keystone Ray Bradbury classic, a huge influence on me, personally, and just-slightly-better copies tend to go for one to two grand.
Bradbury, Ray. The Martian Chronicles. Doubleday, 1950. First edition hardback (stated, as per Currey (1979), page 56), a Very Good+ copy with faint crease and fading to spine, non-authorial ownership plate on inside front cover, foxing on inside covers, FFE and RFE, slight bumping at head and heel and very slight wear at points, in a Very Good corner-clipped dust jacket with 1/2″ chip at heel join, 1/4″ shallow chipping to head, 1/8″ shallow chipping at heel and points, and age-darkening to spine. With a Ray Bradbury signature plate laid in. Weist, Bradbury: An Illustrated Life, pages 50-52. Pringle, SF 100 3. Locke, A Spectrum of Fantasy (1), page 39. Barron, Anatomy of Wonder 4, 3-32. Magill, Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Volume 3, pages 1348-1352. A great book and a vitally important science fiction keystone. Bought for $334.56/

I generally stay away from chipped and corner-clipped dust jackets, but I haven’t seen a copy of this title in my price range before…
Tags:Books, Ray Bradbury, Science Fiction, signatures
Posted in Books, Science Fiction | 1 Comment »
Monday, August 13th, 2018
Somebody was selling off what seemed to be a pretty complete Jack Vance collection on eBay, and I took the opportunity to bid on some signed copies, including these two I won:
Vance, Jack. Maske: Thaery. Berkley, 1976. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Very Good+ dust jacket with shallow chipping at head and a few other nicks. Signed by Jack Vance. Hewett, A52. Won off eBay for $40.96.
Vance, Jack. Gold and Iron. Underwood-Miller, 1982. First edition hardback, one of 200 copies signed by Vance, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Originally published in paperback original as Slaves of the Klau. Supplements the trade edition. Hewett, A9e. Won off eBay for $81.

Tags:Books, Jack Vance, Science Fiction, signed, small press publishers, Underwood/Miller
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Tuesday, August 7th, 2018
Still more books from the Cold Tonnage 40% off sale:
(Aldiss, Brian)(Frank Hatherly, editor, with Margaret Aldiss and Malcom Edwards). A is for Brian: A 65th Birthday Present. Avernus, 1990. First edition trade paperback original, a Fine- copy with very slight wear at points. Signed by Aldiss. A festschrift put together by Aldiss’ friends, with tributes by J.G. Ballard, Michael Moorcock, Robert Silverberg, etc. Bought for £18 after discount. I also have festschrifts for John Clute (Polder) and Moorcock (Moorcock@60).

Gevers, Nick, editor. Postscripts 34/35: Breakout. PS Publishing, 2015. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Volume in the long-running anthology series. Includes two posthumous Steven Utley collaborations (among other works). Bought for £12 after discount.
Leiber, Fritz. The Pale Brown Thing. Swan River Press, 2016. First edition hardback, one of only 350 hardback copies, a Fine copy in decorated boards and a Fine dust jacket, with a postcard reprinting the cover of F&SF the story originally appeared in laid in. In addition to the story, there are extensive notes about how Leiber expanded the story into his novel Our Lady of Darkness. Bought for £16.80 after discount. There were plenty of scans of the dust jacket on the Internet, but none of the book itself, so the scan below shows the cover of the book itself (which, oddly enough, has no printing on the spine).

MacLeod, Ian R. Hector Douglas Makes a Sale. PS Publishing, 2011. First edition chapbook original, a Fine copy. Signed by MacLeod. Freebie given away at the 2011 Eastercon to promote MacLeod’s forthcoming collection Wake Up and Dream. Bought for £3 after discount.

Russell, Eric Frank. Dark Tides. Bristol Press Dobson, 1962. First edition hardback, a Very Good+ copy with two Australian ownership stamps (one for “McGill’s Agency Book Department;” possibly a literary agent’s copy) along with the number “2456” written in ink on the FFE and the same number written in ink on the half-title page, in a Near Fine- price-clipped dust jacket with wear at head, heel and points. Short story collection. Currey (1979), page 423. Bought for £30 after discount.

Reynolds, Alastair. Pushing Ice. Gollancz, 2005. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. One of the few Reynolds novels I didn’t manage to snag when it first came out. Bought for £24 after discount.
Tags:Alastair Reynolds, Books, Brian Aldiss, chapbooks, Eric Frank Russell, festschrift, Fritz Leiber, Horror, Ian MacLeod, Nick Gevers, Postscripts, PS Publishing, Science Fiction, small press publishers
Posted in Books, Horror, Science Fiction | 1 Comment »