Archive for November, 2021
Tuesday, November 30th, 2021
Another Lansdale lettered edition picked up cheap-ish:
Lansdale, Joe R., editor. The Horror Hall of Fame: The Stoker Winners. Cemetery Dance, 2021. First edition hardback, #WW of 52 signed (by Lansdale), lettered, traycased copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and a Fine traycase. Anthology of Stoker Award winning stories from Robert Bloch, George R. R. Martin, Harlan Ellison, etc. Isajenko, World Lasdalean, D13aiii. Supplements trade and limited edition copies. Bought off eBay for $125 plus shipping.

Tags:Books, Cemetery Dance, Horror, Joe R. Lansdale, signed, small press publishers
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Monday, November 29th, 2021
Picked up from Armadillocon last month.
Lansdale, Joe R. Cold in July with Savage Season. Mark V. Ziesing, 1989/1990. First hardback edition and first edition hardbacks, Fine- (Cold in July)/Near Fine+ (Savage Season) with faint spotting at head, heel and on pageblock, in Fine dust wrappers, and a Fine- slipcase with a touch of wear, each inscribed to late Texas writer Carrier Richerson. While these are the trade hardbacks, one thing Ziesing did for this and the Waldrop set was offer the trade editions in overrun slipcases (something to check for if you’re buying a set). Supplements a PC limited set I got for helping transcribe Cold in July for Ziesing. Isajenko, World Lansdelean A011b and A013a. Bought at Armadillocon for $32.

The blotching on Cold in July is just dust jacket protector reflections.
Tags:Books, Joe R. Lansdale, Mark V. Ziesing, Mystery, small press publishers
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Monday, November 22nd, 2021
Here’s a verging-on-obscure Ellison item: A chapbook given out as a promotional item at a bookseller’s convention in 1995.
Ellison, Harlan. Jokes Without Punchlines. White Wolf, 1995. First edition perfect-bound chapbook original, a Fine copy, signed by Ellison on the rear cover. A promotional item for the 1995 American Booksellers Association Show in Chicago, released on June 3, 1995, to promote White Wolf’s Edgeworks line of Ellison hardback reprints. They were supposed to reprint all of Ellison’s books in a uniform edition, but only put out four volumes before they pissed off Ellison so badly that he refused to work with them any more. (Sound familiar?) The introduction in which he talks about how much he hates Chicago has apparently never been reprinted. Fingerprints on the Sky, XIII, page 121. Bought off eBay for $40.

Tags:Books, chapbooks, Fantasy, Harlan Ellison, Science Fiction, White Wolf
Posted in Books, Fantasy, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Thursday, November 18th, 2021
Two more SST Lansdale limiteds came out a while back, and I’m just now getting around to listing them.
Lansdale, Joe R. Hap and Leonard: Of Mice and Minestrone. Short Scary Tales (SST) Publications, 2021. First hardback edition and first limited edition (the Tachyon trade paperback, which I also have, precedes), #101 of 400 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Linked Hap and Leonard short stories.

(Lansdale, Joe R.) Fred Isajanko. The World Lansdalean: The Authorized Joe R. Lansdale Bibliography. Short Scary Tales (SST) Publications, 2021. First edition hardback, #101 of 1000 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and a Fine slipcase. Bibliography of Lansdale’s work, that also includes bonus Lansdale fiction in the back. I have not checked to verify that all of my edit suggestions on the ARC made it into the final edition.

I will have copies of both these available in the next Lame Excuse Books catalog.
Tags:bibliography, Books, Horror, Joe R. Lansdale, Limited Editions, Mystery, Short Scary Tales (SST) Publications, small press publishers
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Thursday, November 11th, 2021
Every now and then, I do buy books that aren’t science fiction, fantasy or horror-related. In this case, I became aware (possibly from one of their YouTube videos) that the British Tank Museum in Bovington (which I visited in 2014) was doing a new book on the Tiger tank, and went “Yes, I do want that!”
Fletcher, David, editor. Tiger! The Tiger Tank: A British View. The Tank Museum, 2021. First revised edition hardback, a Fine copy in decorated boards, sans dust jacket, as issued. A considerably revised edition of a book first published in 1986, featuring extensive British intelligence documentation and analysis gathered on captured Tiger 131 (still, I think, the only fully running, intact, surviving Tiger 1 from World War II, and the Tiger seen in Fury). The paperback version of this book is available through the Tank Museum, but this hardback was done as a Kickstarter-like deal through them, and my name can be found on page 255. Bought for £32.94, including transatlantic shipping.

Tags:Books, Tiger tank, World War II
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Wednesday, November 10th, 2021
Every now and then, one of my friends will point out a Kickstarter for something in the “Isn’t this silly?” vein, I’ll look at it, and then go “I am totally backing this!” This is one of those times.
Fitz Gerald, Caitlin. The Children’s Illustrated Clausewitz: Volume One. Helios House Press, 2021. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in decorated boards, sans dust jacket, in slipcase. Just what it says: An illustrated, children’s version of the lessons imparted in Carl von Clausewitz’s 19th strategy classic On War. In this book, the role of Clauswitz is played by a hare. Extras from the Kickstarter include a portfolio of four full page cardstock illustrations in printed envelope (“A Year in Hare Clausewitz’s Classroom”), a set of temporary tattoos, and an Ex-Libris sticker. Bought for backing the Kickstarter for £38, including slipcase and shipping. Technically this qualifies as a talking animal fantasy, but what it vaguely reminds me of is a series of pamphlets starting with The Fight at Dame Europa’s School, which cast late 19th century European geopolitical conflight as an inter-school fight, with each student representing a different country.

Tags:Books, Clausewitz, Fantasy, Kickstarter, strategy
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Monday, November 8th, 2021
Here’s a limited edition I’ve long wanted to pick up. Indeed, the lettered edition of this is considered one of the most extravagant and desirable modern limited editions, but that was sold out before I even heard about it, and the last time I saw one for sale it went for something like $6,500.
Powers, Tim. Last Call. Charnel House, 1992. First edition hardback (“by a whisker” says Chalker/Owings), #141 of 350 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine- decorated slipcase with some rubbing to bottom and at points. His celebrated “playing poker with Tarot cards” book, and the first (and best) in a loose trilogy. Berlyne, A8b.1. Chalker/Owings (2002), page 211. Bought from a noted SF book dealer for $325. I think I now have all the Charnel House Powers limiteds (at least in numbered state).

Tags:Books, Charnel House, Fantasy, Horror, Limited Editions, small press publishers, Tarot Cards, Tim Powers
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Friday, November 5th, 2021
Dark Regions Press had a 50% off sale so I picked up a few things:
(Lovecraft, H.P.) Sammons, Brian M and Glynn Owen Barrass, editors. Summer of Lovecraft: Cosmic Horrors in the 1960s. Dark Regions Press, 2021. Trade paperback reprint (a POD edition), a Fine copy. Bought for $9.
Nolan, William F. Writing as Life. Dark Regions Press, 2021. First edition hardback, #34 of 200 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, still in shrinkwrap. Mixture of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and autobiography. Bought for $37.50.
Tags:Books, Cthulhu, Dark Regions Press, Horror, Lovecraft, small press publishers, William F. Nolan
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Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021
Two chapbooks:
Howard, Robert E. Two Against Tyre. Dennis McHaney, 1975. First edition chapbook original, one of 1,500 copies (Currey state B), a Fine- copy with slight wear to black border at top front and slight dust staining along spine. Currey, page 252. Bought off a fellow Biblio dealer for $8.10.
Swanwick, Michael and Greer Gilman. The Lonely and the Rum: A Conversation. Dragonstairs Press, 2021. First edition chapbook original, #50 of 125 copies, a Fine copy with hand-made, uneven (I think intentionally) covers. Transcription of a conversation between Gilman and Swanwick on fantasy. Obtained directly from the publisher at the usual discount.
Tags:Books, chapbooks, Dragonstairs Press, Fantasy, Michael Swanwick, Robert E. Howard, Science Fiction, small press publishers
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