Archive for July, 2022
Thursday, July 28th, 2022
I was not particularly interested originally when Centipede Press did their signed, limited prestige reprints of Ender’s Game and Speaker for the Dead. They’re solid novels (something that can’t be said of Xenocide), but not among my particular favorites of SF novels in the 1980s. However, I was interested in Ender’s Way, since that contains previously uncollected Ender stories, but it sold out before I could pick up dealer copies.
Given that, I was happy to pick up this set:
Card, Orson Scott. Ender’s Way. Centipede Press, 2021. First edition, #156 of 300 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and Fine two-piece capped cloth slipcase, still in shrinkwrap. With:
Card, Orson Scott. Speaker for the Dead. Centipede Press, 2020. First edition thus, #156 of 300 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and Fine two-piece capped cloth slipcase. Hugo and Nebula winner for best novel.

Both books bought for $400 off eBay, a significant discount off the original cover price for both ($250 for Ender’s Way and $295 for Speaker for the Dead.
And if any of you out there have #156 of Ender’s Game you’re willing to part with at a reasonable price, let me know…
Tags:Books, Centipede Press, Limited Editions, Orson Scott Card, Science Fiction
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Wednesday, July 27th, 2022
Closing in on completing my Manly Wade Wellman collection.
Wellman, Manly Wade. Jamestown Adventure. Ives Washburn, 1967. First edition hardback, an Ex-Library copy with usual stamps, checkout card, discard stamp, dust jacket taped to boards, sticker to spine and bottom price clipped (top price intact). (There was also an Uncle Sam sticker (presumably to indicate historical fiction) on the old-style Plasti-Kleer protector that has left a ghost image on the dust jacket through the protector.) Young adult historical novel. Currey, page 513. Bought from an online dealer for $2.83.

Wellman, Manly Wade. The Specter of Bear Paw Gap. Ives Washburn, 1966. First edition hardback, a Near Fine copy in decorated boards with parallel bumps to top and non-authorial inscription to FFE, in a Near Fine- dust jacket with clipped top price (bottom price intact), several small closed tears at top and bottom (including two with associated triangular creases), slight rubbing along folds, and gold “Guaranteed Binding” on bottom front cover extending across spine (possibly as issued). Young adult historical novel, the second in the Bear Paw Gap between The Mystery of Bear Paw Gap and Battle at Bear Paw Gap, both of which I already owned. Currey, page 514.

Tags:Books, Manly Wade Wellman
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Thursday, July 21st, 2022
Holkins, Jerry and Mike Krahulik. Lexcalibur II: The Word in the Stone. Penny Arcade, 2021 (i.e., 2022). First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. More fantasy-gaming themed humorous poetry, and sequel to the first Lexcalibur.

Tags:Books, Fantasy, Penny Arcade, video game
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Wednesday, July 20th, 2022
Another signed PBO:
Farmer, Philip Jose. The Lovers. Ballantine Books, 1961. First edition paperback original (PBO), a Very Good+ copy with crease across bottom rear corner and slight spine lean, signed by Farmer. One of the first science fiction novels to deal frankly with sexual themes. Brizzi, The Work of Philip Jose Farmer, pages 18-24. Currey, page 185. Barron, Anatomy of Wonder 4, *3-69. Supplements a signed copy of the later hardback first edition. Won off eBay for $9.99.

Tags:Books, PBO, Philip Jose Farmer, Science Fiction
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Tuesday, July 19th, 2022
I had both of these titles, but not in these states:
Lansdale, Joe R. Dread Island. IDW Publishers, 2010. First edition hardback, #60 of 100 signed, numbered copies, a Fine- copy with slight wear at head and small abrasion to bottom board edge, in a Fine- dust jacket with slight wear, in a Fine slipcase. Supplements a signed, non-slipcased copy. Bought off eBay as part of an under $100 lot. Isajanko, A039aii.

(Crack at top is either a stray dog hair or a scanner artifact.)
Lansdale, Joe R. The Two-Bear Mambo. James Cahill Publishing, 1995. First edition hardback, letter T of 26 lettered copies, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket (as issued), in a Fine slipcase. Supplements a copy of the regular Cahill limited edition, which is distinctly less attractive than this. I saw a picture of someone else’s copy of this and went “That’s pretty! I need to pick that up!” Isajanko, A017aii. Bought off a fellow dealer for $200.

Tags:Books, IDW, Joe R. Lansdale, Limited Editions
Posted in Books, Horror | No Comments »
Monday, July 18th, 2022
Scott Cupp mentioned this book many years ago, and it sounded like an interesting example of psychological horror, so I’ve kept an eye out for it, and a cheap copy finally turned up.
Scarborough, Dorothy (as Anonymous). The Wind. Harper & Brothers, 1925. First edition hardback, a Good+ copy with spine cracked, front hinge cracked, spots and abrasions to cover, slight fraying to head and heel, with small former owner plate for Violet Hayden Dowell (a Dallas author and art collector) on inside front cover, and a different ownership name written on FFE, along with “[Scarborough, Dorothy]. Tale of a women in west Texas driven insane by the incessant blowing of the wind. The novel was the basis of the 1928 film starring Lilian Gish. Bought for $36.

Tags:Books, Horror, Texas
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Wednesday, July 13th, 2022
Three different Jack Vance firsts, bought from various sources.
Vance, Jack (Terry Dowling and Jonathan Strahan, editors). The Jack Vance Treasury. Subterranean Press, 2006. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine, Mylar-protected dust jacket, new and unread. When this was published, I managed to pick up the signed, limited edition (probably on sale), but not the regular trade edition. Out of print for over a decade, but bought from Camelot Books at the original cover price of $38.
Vance, Jack. The Star King. Berkley Medallion, 1964. First edition paperback original, a near Fine copy with wrinkle along spine join, slight bumping at head, heel and bottom front corner, slight small creases to outer top corners, trace of age darkening and soiling to white cover, and slight foxing to inside covers, signed by Vance, with color laser-printed picture of Vance signing laid in. The first Demon Princes novel, shortened to Star King for many subsequent editions. Hewett, A15a. Cunningham, 76a. Bought off eBay for $15.50.

Vance, Jack. When The Five Moons Rise. Underwood Miller, 1992. First edition hardback, #245 of 300 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and a Fine slipcase. Short story collection. Hewett A86. Cunningham, 83a. Showed up on eBay with a Buy It Now price of $50, easily $100 below what they usually go for, so naturally I jumped on it.
Tags:Books, Jack Vance, Limited Editions, PBO, Science Fiction, Subterranean Press, Underwood/Miller
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Tuesday, July 12th, 2022
This isn’t the most expensive book I’ve bought, but it’s up in the top 10.
Howard, Robert E. Always Comes Evening. Arkham House, 1957. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with an old bookstore sticker inside the front cover and just a trace of foxing to gutters, in a Near Fine, price-clipped dust jacket with slight dust soiling to rear cover and slight age-darkening to letters, and a few other touches of wear. “Another volume that must be called a landmark.” – S. T. Joshi, Sixty Years of Arkham House. Howard’s first poetry collection, the second of three Howard books published by Arkham House, compiled by Howard estate executor Glenn Lord. Derleth, Thirty Years of Arkham House, 50. Joshi, Sixty Years of Arkham House 50. Jaffrey, Horrors and Unpleasantries, 49. Nielsen, Arkham House Books 53. Nielsen also ranks it 9th for scarcity and 13th most valuable, though the latter is out of date, since it’s much pricier and harder to find that Skull-Face and Others these days. Bought off eBay for $650.

Tags:Arkham House, Books, Fantasy, Glenn Lord, poetry, Robert E. Howard, small press publishers
Posted in Books, Fantasy | No Comments »
Friday, July 8th, 2022
Four books picked up from a UK book dealer, three of which are signed copies from important Golden Age small presses.
Campbell, John W. Cloak of Aesir. Shasta Publisher, 1952. First edition hardback, a Near Fine- copy with 2″ x 3/4″ light black staining to back rear cover (appears to be moisture staining from the cover dye), with a tiny bit of transfer to the very bottom outer tips of last few pages as well, with a few slightly light spots to boards, slight bumping at head and heel, and slight foxing along gutters, in a Very Good- dust jacket with light staining down spine, spots of light staining across back cover, shallow edge chipping at head, heel and points, signed by Campbell. Stories written under his Don A. Stuart pen name. Currey, page 97. Locke, Spectrum of Fantasy, page 46. Chalker Ownings, page 398. Kemp, The Anthem Series, page 166. Supplements an unsigned copy. Bought for £36.

de Camp, L. Sprague and P. Schuyler Miller. Genus Homo. Fantasy Press, 1950. First edition hardback, first state (Currey A) binding of green cloth lettered in gold, #172 of 500 numbered copies signed by both authors, further inscribed by Miller “To Sylvester Brown, Jr./in the hope that we’ve guessed/all wrong about tomorrow,” a Near Fine- copy with non-authorial judgement of the book written in a neat hand on the inside front cover (hidden by dj flap), gold spine lettering slightly rubbed and bumping at heel, and trace of foxing to inside covers and end-papers, in a Very Good+ dust jacket with closed tear creases to the bottom 1/4″ to 1/8″ of the front bottom edge, smaller closed tear and creasing at heed, quarter-sized abrasion to front cover affecting G in “Genus,” edgewear at heel, slight dust soiling to white back cover, and a few other touches of rubbing (slightly exaggerated in scan). Sleeper awakes sort of novel about a busload of humans awakening in a far future world ruled by evolved primates (thirteen years before Pierre Boulle’s La Planète des singes). I had several de Camp signatures already, but not one for Miller. Currey, page 133. Chalker Owings, page 160. Kemp, The Anthem Series, page 32. Bought for £45.

(Dick, Philip K.) R.D. Mullin, Istvan Csicsery Rosney, Jr., Arthur B. Evans and veronica Hollinger, editors. On Philip K. Dick: 40 Articleas from Science-Fiction Studies. SF-TH, Inc., 1992. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Collection of critical essays on Dick from a wide variety of authors (Kim Stanley Robinson, Gregg Rickman, Stainislaw Lem, etc.). I was unaware that there was a hardback of this until it showed up in the catalog. Supplements a trade paperback copy. Bought for £112.50.

van Vogt, A. E. The Weapon Makers. Hadley Publishers, 1947. First edition hardback, a Near Fine copy with wear at head and heel, trace of rubbing to spine, and some dime-sized spots of foxing to inside covers, in a Very Good dust jacket with long wrinkles across back cover, shallow loss at points, spine quite faded, and a few additional touches of wear, inscribed by the author: “To/Fred C. Brown/best wishes,good luck/and cheerio. A. E. van Vogt.” Hadley was one of the earliest SF specialty publishers, and I now have three of their four books (including Campbell’s The Mightiest Machine and L. Ron Hubbard’s Final Blackout, but lacking E.E. “Doc” Smith’s The Skylark of Space, as it was a reprint of the Buffalo Book Company true first edition (which I have)). Currey, page 496. 333, page 65. Locke, Spectrum of Fantasy, page 217. Chalker Owings, page 231. Kemp, The Anthem Series, page 345-346. Bought for £112.50.

Tags:A. E. van Vogt, Books, Fantasy Press, Hadley Publishing, John W. Campbell, L. Sprague de Camp, P. Schuyler Miller, Philip K. Dick, reference works, Science Fiction, science fiction criticism, Shasta Publishers, signatures, small press publishers
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