Posts Tagged ‘Robert A. Heinlein’
Thursday, August 11th, 2011
I may have mentioned that I have a large library. I started out collecting first edition hardbacks of “hypermodern” (which in my case meant “post-Neuromancer“) science fiction (with some fantasy and horror works and authors thrown in for good measure), and once I had collected everything I wanted there, I started going after every important post-World War II SF work, toward which I’m making significant progress. Hence this list of books I’m still looking for.
By and large, I don’t buy later printings, copies without dust jackets, copies with price-clipped dust jackets (unless all copies of the true first edition were released that way), copies with facsimile dust jackets, or overly crummy copies. Most of the books I buy are in Fine/Fine condition, but that relaxes a bit the older (and pricier) books become. I have picked up Ex-Library copies in dust jacket when the better copies of the true first can’t be found under a grand. I also only buy first state bindings and dust jackets, unless there’s no priority, or the true first state is insanely rare (such as with Stanley G. Weinbaum’s Dawn of Flame).
With that in mind, I compiled a list of first editions on my want list, so here’s a significant portion of that list (omitting things available relatively cheap, or hideously expensive), listed alphabetically by author. I also put down all the Manly Wade Wellman and Jack Vance books I was looking for, since I have so many I was having a hard time keeping track of what I had and what I was still missing.
Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Arthur Baker)
Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot (Gnome Press)
J. G. Ballard’s Crash (Cape)
J. G. Ballard’s The Drowned World (Gollancz)
Alfred Bester’s Tiger! Tiger! (Sidgwick & Jackson)
James Blish’s A Case of Conscience (Faber & Faber)
Robert Bloch’s The Opener of the Way (Arkham)
Philip K. Dick’s Dr. Bloodmoney (Gregg Press)
Philip K. Dick’s Counter-Clock World (White Lion)
Philip K. Dick’s Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said (Doubleday)
Philip K. Dick’s A Handful of Darkness (Rich & Cowan, 1st state in blue boards stamped in silver, in first state dj (no mention of World of Chance))
Philip K. Dick’s The World Jones Made (Sidgwick & Jackson)
Philip K. Dick’s World of Chance (Rich and Cowan)
Harlan Ellison’s The Fantasies of Harlan Ellison (Gregg Press)
Robert A. Heinlein’s Between Planets (Scribner’s, unclipped $2.50 dj)
Robert A. Heinlein’s Beyond This Horizon (Fantasy Press)
Robert A. Heinlein’s The Door Into Summer (Doubleday)
Robert A. Heinlein’s Farmer in the Sky (Scribner’s)
Robert A. Heinlein’s Glory Road (Putnam)
Robert A. Heinlein’s Methuselah’s Children (Gnome, 1st state binding, 1st state dj)
Robert A. Heinlein’s The Puppet Masters (Doubleday)
Robert A. Heinlein’s Red Planet (Scribner’s)
Robert A. Heinlein’s Rocket Ship Galileo (Scribner’s, unclipped $2.00 dj)
Robert A. Heinlein’s The Star Beast (Scribner’s, unclipped $2.50 dj)
Robert A. Heinlein’s The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag (Gnome)
Robert A. Heinlein’s Waldo & Magic Inc. (Doubleday)
Robert E. Howard’s The Coming of Conan (Gnome Press)
Robert E. Howard’s The Dark Man (Arkham House)
Robert E. Howard’s Skull-Face and Others (Arkham House)
R. A. Lafferty’s Horns on Their Head (Pendragon Press HB)
R. A. Lafferty’s Funnyfingers & Cabrito (Pendragon Press HB)
Joe R. Lansdale (as Ray Slater)’s Texas Night Riders (Chivers)
Fritz Leiber’s Two Sought Adventure (Gnome)
Fritz Leiber’s The Secret Songs (Rupert Hart-Davis)
H. P. Lovecraft’s The Outsider and Others (Arkham House)
Richard Matheson’s Born of Man and Woman (Chamberline Press)
Richard Matheson’s The Shrinking Man (David Bruce and Watson)
Chad Oliver’s Another Kind (Ballantine HB)
Chad Oliver’s Shadows in the Sun (Ballantine HB)
Mervyn Peake’s Titus Groan (Eyre & Spottiswoode)
Mervyn Peake’s Gormenghast (Eyre & Spottiswoode)
Mervyn Peake’s Titus Alone (Eyre & Spottiswoode)
Jack Vance’s Araminta Station (Underwood Miller)
Jack Vance’s The Deadly Isles (Bobbs-Merrill)
Jack Vance’s The Dragon Masters (Dennis Dobson)
Jack Vance’s Ecce and Old Earth (Underwood Miller)
Jack Vance’s Four Men Called John (Gollancz)
Jack Vance’s The Houses of Iszm (Underwood Miller)
Jack Vance’s The House on Lily Street (Underwood Miller)
Jack Vance’s The Eyes of the Overworld (Gregg Press)
Jack Vance’s The Last Castle (Underwood Miller)
Jack Vance’s The Many Worlds of Magnus Ridolph (Dennis Dobson)
Jack Vance’s Monsters in Orbit (Dennis Dobson)
Jack Vance’s Seventeen Virgins/A Bagful of Dreams (Underwood Miller HB)
Jack Vance’s Showboat World (Underwood Miller)
Jack Vance’s Son of the Tree (Underwood Miller)
Jack Vance’s Strange Notions/The Dark Ocean (Underwood Miller)
Jack Vance’s To Live Forever (Ballantine Books HB)
Jack Vance’s Vandals of the Void (Winston)
Jack Vance (as Alan Wade)’s Take My Face (Mystery House)
Jack Vance (as Peter Held)’s Isle of Peril (Mystery House)
Stanley G. Weinbaum’s A Martian Odyssey and Others (Fantasy Press)
Manly Wade Wellman’s Carolina Pirate (Washburn)
Manly Wade Wellman’s Clash on the Catabwa (Washburn)
Manly Wade Wellman’s The Ghost Battalion (Washburn)
Manly Wade Wellman’s Gray Riders (Aladdin)
Manly Wade Wellman’s Haunts of Drowning Creek (Holiday House)
Manly Wade Wellman’s Jamestown Adventure (Washburn)
Manly Wade Wellman’s Mystery at Bear Paw Gap (Washburn)
Manly Wade Wellman’s Napoleon of the West (Washburn)
Manly Wade Wellman’s The South Fork Rangers (Washburn)
Manly Wade Wellman’s The Specter of Bear Paw Gap (Washburn)
Gene Wolfe’s The Grave Secret (Portentous Press chapbook)
Gene Wolfe’s The Old Woman Whose Rolling Pin Was the Sun (Cheap Street chapbook)
Roger Zelazny’s Damnation Alley (Putnam)
If you have nice copies any of the above, and if you’re willing to sell it to me considerably cheaper than can be found on, drop me an email at and I’ll consider it.
Tags:Book Collecting, Books, First Edition, Fritz Leiber, Jack Vance, Manly Wade Wellman, Philip K. Dick, R. A. Lafferty, Richard Matheson, Robert A. Heinlein, Robert E. Howard
Posted in Books, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction | 3 Comments »
Tuesday, August 9th, 2011
One more Heinlein first edition to add to the others:
Heinlein, Robert A. Podkayne of Mars. Putnam, 1963. First edition hardback (no statement of printing, as per Currey, $3.50 price on dust jacket), a Fine copy in a Near Fine dust jacket with slight wear at extremities, as well as a 3″ long faint, irregular, non-breaking crease on front cover (so faint you can’t even see it on the embiggened scan).
The last of the Heinlein juveniles, and surprisingly hard to find these days, Replaces an ex-library copy.
Tags:Book Collecting, Books, First Edition, Podkayne of Mars, Robert A. Heinlein, Science Fiction
Posted in Books, Science Fiction | 2 Comments »
Sunday, August 7th, 2011
The book-buying continues apace here at Stately Person Manor since the last roundup. Many were bought from a notable SF book dealer having a sale. And some weren’t even bought, as there’s a large number of unclaimed Nova Express proofs and ARCs that were integrated into my own library after I cleaned my office. All of these are Fine hardback first editions in Fine dust jackets, unless otherwise noted. Signed book are noted, except for recent titles where the entire run was signed (like several Subterranean Press books).
Books that I have available for sale through Lame Excuse Books are marked LEB (though some of those titles won’t appear on the stock page until after I send out my next book catalog, which will probably be late this month or early next; email me if you’d like to get on the mailing list to received it).
And if perchance you’re new to my mad bibliomania, the most comprehensive post on my library can be found here.
Now the books:
Aldiss, Brian. Brothers of the Head Pierrot Publishing Ltd., 1977. First edition hardback (simultaneous with the much more common trade paperback edition), oversized and illustrated, a Fine copy in a VG+ dust jacket with light wrinkling, wear to extremities, and some age toning to white flaps of the dust jacket. Signed by both Aldiss and illustrator Ian Pollock. The hardback edition was already uncommon, but became more so after an art house movie based on it came out a few years ago. Bought this from a dealer in France, of all places.
Aldiss, Brian. Cultural Breaks. Tachyon, 2005. Advanced reading copy, trade paperback format, with packet of review material.
Aldiss, Brian. This World and Nearer Ones. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1979. Signed by Adliss. Bought for $8 from a notable SF book dealer. Non-fiction.
Aylett, Steve. Lint. Thunder Mouth Press, 2005. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Baker, Kage. The Graveyard Game. Tor, 2005. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Baker, Kage. The Life of the World to Come. Tor, 2004. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Baker, Kage. The Machine’s Child. Tor, 2006. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Baker, Kage. The Sons of Heaven. Tor, 2007. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Barker, Clive. Weaveworld. Poseidon Press, 1987. One of signed, 500 numbered copies, in unprinted Mylar dust jacket, in slipcase, as issued. Bought from a notable SF dealer for less than half original publisher’s price.
Barnes, John. The Armies of Memory. Tor, 2006.
Bear, Greg. The Collected Stories of Greg Bear. September, 2002. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Bear, Greg. Heads. One of 300 signed, numbered copies, in slipcase, sans dust jacket, as issued. Bought for $8 from a notable SF book dealer.
Binder, Eando. Lords of Creation. Prime Press, 1949. One of 112 copies with plate signed by Binder affixed, Near Fine, sans dust jacket, with uncut pages, as issued. Bought for $8 from a notable SF book dealer.
Bisson, Terry. Greetings & Other Stories. Tachyon, 2005. Trade paperback original.
Bisson, Terry. Numbers Don’t Lie. Tachyon, 2005. Advanced reading copy, trade paperback format.
Boyett, Steven R. Mortality Bridge. Subterranean Press, 2011.
Boyle, T.C. The Human Fly and Other Stores. Speak, 2005. Advanced uncorrected proof, trade paperback format, with packet of review material.
Brin, David. Dr. Pak’s Preschool. Cheap Street, 1989. One of 117 signed, numbered copies of the “Collector’s Edition,” in Fine handmade dust jacket and slipcase. Bought from a notable SF book dealer at a considerable discount off the original offered price.
Broderick, Damien. Godplayers. Thunder Mouth Press, 2005. Trade paperback original.
Broderick, Damien. K-Machines. Thunder Mouth Press, 2006. Trade paperback original.
Brotherton, Mike. Star Dragon. Tor, 2003. Advanced uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Buckner, M. M. Wintermind. Tor, 2008.
Burks, Arthur J. Black Medicine. Arkham House, 1966.
Canon, Peter. Forever Azathoth. Subterranean Press, 2011. One of 350 signed/numbered copies.
Charnes, Suzy McKee. Stagestruck Vampires and Other Phantasms. Tachyon, 2004. Advanced reading copy, trade paperback format.
Clarke, Arthur C. and Stephen Baxter. Firstborn. Del Rey, 2007. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Constantine, Storm. The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure. Tor. 2003. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Crowther, Peter & Nick Gevers, editors. Postscripts #24/25: The New and Perfect Man. PS Publishing, 2011. Signed, traycased edition. Contributor copy, with my story “The Dog Parade” inside. For more information, see here.
De Camp, L. Sprague & Catherine Crook. Footprints in Sand: A Literary Sampler. Advent, 1981. One of 500 signed, numbered copies. Bought for $8 from a notable SF book dealer.
De Camp, L. Sprague. Heroes & Hobgoblins Donald M. Grant, 1981. One of 1,250 copies signed by de Camp, a Fine copy in a price clipped (but otherwise Fine) dust jacket.
De Camp, L. Sprague. The Prisoner of Zhamanak. Phantasia Press, 1982. One of 500 signed, numbered copies, in slipcase. Bought for $8 from a notable SF book dealer.
Di Filippo, Paul. The Emperor of Gondwanaland. Thunder Mouth Press, 2005. Trade paperback original.
Di Filippo, Paul. A Princess of the Linear City. PS Publishing, 2010. Fine in decorated boards, sans dj, as issued. LEB
Doctorow, Cory. A Place So Foreign and 8 More. Four Walls and Eight Windows, 2003. Trade paperback original. Signed by Doctorow.
Egan. Greg. The Clockwork Rocket. Night Shade Press, 2011. LEB
Emshwiller, Carol. I Live With You. Tachyon, 2005. Advanced reading copy, trade paperback format.
Farris, John. Fiends. Dark Harvest, 1990. One of 500 signed, numbered copies, in slipcase. Bought for $8 from a notable SF book dealer.
Finch, Sheila. Reading the Bones. Tachyon, 2003. Trade paperback original.
Gaskell, Jane. Atlan. Hodder and Stoughton, 1965.
Gunn, Eileen. Stable Strategies and others. Tachyon, 2004. Advanced reading copy, trade paperback format.
Gunn, James. The End of the Dreams: Three Short Novels. Scribner’s, 1975. Inscribed by Gunn. Review materials laid in. Bought for $8 from a notable SF book dealer.
Gunn, James. The Magicians. Scribner’s, 1976. Inscribed by Gunn. Bought for $8 from a notable SF book dealer.
Haldeman, Joe, Stephen Giron, Edo van Belkom. Chapbook Seven. Buffalo Fantasy League, 2008. First edition hardback chapbook, one of only 20 copies bound in hardback, signed by Haldeman and Giron, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Haldeman’s section is hand-written and -illustrated.
Halpern, Marty and Claude Lalumiere. Witpunk. Four Walls Eight Windows, 2003.
Heinlein, Robert A. Assignment in Eternity. Fantasy Press, 1953. First edition hardback, first state Currey A binding (brick red cloth, with six gilt bands on spine, and with “Heinlein” 3mm high), a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Details here.
Heinlein, Robert A. Have Space Suit–Will Travel. Scribner’s, 1958. Details here.
Heinlein, Robert A. A Heinlein Triad. Gollancz, 1966. Details here.
Heinlein, Robert A. The Man Who Sold the Moon. Shasta Publishers, 1950. Details here.
Hughes, Matthew. Black Brillion. Tor, 2004. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Jablokov, Alexander. Brain Thief Tor, 2010. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Adventure of Cobbler’s Rune. Cheap Street, 1982. One of 250 signed, numbered hardback copies, Fine, sans dust jacket, as issued.
Le Guin, Ursula K. Solomon Leviathan’s Nine Hundred and Thirty-First Trip Around the World. Cheap Street, 1984. One of 250 signed, numbered hardback copies, Fine, sans dust jacket, as issued.
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Water is Wide. Pendragon Press, 1976. Chapbook, one of 200 signed copies, a Fine copy.
Leiber, Fritz. The Change War. Gregg Press, 1978. Fine sans dj, as issued.
Link, Kelly and Gavin J. Grant. The Best of Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet. Del Rey, 2007. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Link, Kelly and Gavin J. Grant. The Best of Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet. Del Rey, 2007. Trade paperback original.
(Lovecraft, H. P.) Leiber, Fritz, etc. H. P. Lovecraft: A Symposium. Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society/Riverside Quarterly, 1964. Chapbook, a Fine copy, with errata sheet laid in. Non-fiction.
MacLeod, Ken. The Night Sessions. Orbit, 2008.
Marusek, David. Mind Over Ship. Tor, 2009. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Marusek, David. Mind Over Ship. Tor, 2009.
McDevitt, Jack. The Law of Gravity Isn’t Working on Rainbow Bridge. Buffalo fantasy League, 2003. First edition hardback chapbook, #16 of a very small number bound into hardback, signed by McDevitt, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. The first of the Eeriecon chapbooks.
McMullin, Sean. Voyage of the Shadowmoon. Tor, 2002. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Melko, Paul. Singularity Ring. Tor, 2008.
Mieville, China. Embassytown. Macmillan (UK), 2011. Signed.
Moorcock, Michael/Joe R. Lansdale. Sojan the Swordsman/Under the Warrior Star. Planet Stories/Paizo, 2010. Trade paperback.
Morrow, James. The Cat’s Pajamas & Other Stories. Tachyon, 2004. Advanced reading copy, trade paperback format.
Nagata, Linda. Memory. Tor, 2003.
Nasir, Jamil. The Houses of Time. Tor, 2008. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Niven, Larry. A Gift From Earth. Macdonald, 1969. First hardback edition. Signed. A Near Fine copy in a Near Fine dust jacket.
Niven, Larry/Derwin Mak. Eeriecon Chapbook Ten: Doubling Rate/Willpower. Buffalo Fantasy League, 2011. First edition hardback chapbook, one of only 15(!) hardback copies, signed by both authors, Fine in a Fine dust jacket. LEB
Niven, Larry/Derwin Mak. Eeriecon Chapbook Ten: Doubling Rate/Willpower. Buffalo Fantasy League, 2011. Wraps edition.
Priest, Cherrie. Fathom. Tor, 2008.
Reed, Robert. Sister Alice. Tor, 2003.
Resnick, Mike. The Science Fiction Professional: Seven Years of “Ask Bwana” Columns. Farthest Star Science Fiction, 2002. Trade paperback original.
Resnick, Mike, et. al. With a Little Help From My Friends. Farthest Star Science Fiction, 2002. Trade paperback original.
Reynolds, Alastair. Troika. Subterranean Press, 2011. One of 350 signed, numbered copies with a different cover.
Reynolds, Alastair. Troika. Subterranean Press, 2011. Trade edition. LEB
Robson, Justina. Natural History. Macmillan (UK), 2003. Trade paperback original (simultaneous with the hardback edition), signed by Robson, with additional signed note on a Post-It square laid in.
Rossi, Matthew. Things That Never Were. MonkeyBrain Books, 2003.
Rucker, Rudy. Frek and The Elixer. Tor, 2004. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Rucker, Rudy. Mad Professor: The Uncollected Short Stories of Rudy Rucker. Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2007. Trade paperback original.
Rucker, Rudy. Mathematicians in Love. Tor, 2006. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Rucker, Rudy. Postsingular. Tor, 2007. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Schroeder, Karl. Sun of Suns. Tor, 2006. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Schroeder, Karl. The Queen of Candesce. Tor, 2007. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Schroeder, Karl. Pirate Sun. Tor, 2008. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Schroeder, Karl. The Sunless Countries. Tor, 2009. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Shiner, Lewis. Dark Tangos. Subterranean Press, 2011.
Shunn, William. An Alternate History of the 21st Century. Spilt Milk Press, 2007. Chapbook.
Silverberg, Robert. Homefaring. Phantasia Press, 1983. One of 450 signed, numbered copies, in slipcase. Bought for $8 from a notable SF book dealer.
Silverberg, Robert. Sunrise on Mercury and Other Science Fiction Stories. Thomas Nelson Inc., 1975. Signed on affixed label by Silverberg. Bought for $8 from a notable SF book dealer.
Spector, Craig. Underground. Tor, 2005.
Stewart, Ian and jack Cohen. Heaven. Warner Books, 2004.
Stross, Charles. The Family Trade. Tor, 2004. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Stross, Charles. The Clan Corporate. Tor, 2006. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Stross, Charles. The Merchant’s War. Tor, 2007. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Stross, Charles. The Revolution Business. Tor, 2009. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Stross, Charles. Trade of Queens. Tor, 2010. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Stross, Charles. Rule 34. Ace, 2011.
(Sturgeon, Theodore) Diskin, Lahna F. Theodore Sturgeon: a primary and secondary bibliography. G.K. Hall & Co., 1980. Fine, sans dust jacket, as issued. Non-fiction.
Swanwick, Michael. Bones of the Earth. Eos, 2001. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Swanwick, Michael. The Dragons of Bable. Tor, 2007. Advanced reading copy, trade paperback format.
Totten, Michael. The Road to Fatima Gate. Encounter Books, 2011. Signed. Non-fiction.
Tregillis, Ian. Bitter Seeds. Tor, 2010.
Vance, Jack. Dangerous Ways. Subterranean Press, 2011. Traycased edition, signed by Vance. See here for more details.
(Vance, Jack) Tiedman, Richard. Jack Vance: Science Fiction Stylist. Mimeographed from typewritten copy on yellow paper stock, self wrappers, stapled, one of only 225 copies, Fine, with additional correspondence laid in.
Vinge, Vernor, and John-Allen Price. Chapbook Eight. Buffalo Fantasy League, 2002. First edition hardback chapbook, one of a very small number hardbound, signed by Vinge and Price, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket.
Watts, Peter. Behemoth: ß-Max. Tor, 2004. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Wellman, Manly Wade. Devils Planet. World Distributors, 1951. First edition, pulp paperback format, Very Good with slight rubbing and internal tape reinforcement, and spine creasing, otherwise bright.
Westerfield, Scott. Peeps. Razorbill, 2005.
Westerfield, Scott. The Risen Empire. Tor, 2003. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Westerfield, Scott. The Killing of Worlds. Tor, 2003. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Westfahl, Gary, George Slusser and David Leiby, editors. Worlds Enough and Time: Explorations of Time in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Greenwood Press, 2002. Fine first edition hardback, sans dj, as issued, with review slip laid in. Non-fiction.
What, Leslie. Olympic Games. Tachyon, 2004. Advanced review copy, trade paperback format.
Wilhelm, Kate. Listen, Listen. Houghton Mifflin, 1981. Signed by Wilhelm. Bought for $8 from a notable SF book dealer.
Wilhelm, Kate. A Sense of Shadow. Houghton Mifflin, 1981. Inscribed by Wilhelm. Bought for $8 from a notable SF book dealer.
Wilson, F. Paul. Gateways. Tor, 2003. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Wilson, F. Paul. Ground Zero. Tor, 2009. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Wolfe. Gary K. Bearings: Reviews 1997-2001. Beccon, 2010. Trade paperback. Non-fiction.
Wolfe. Gary K. Sightings: Reviews 2002-2006. Beccon, 2011. Trade paperback. Non-fiction.
Wolfe, Gene. The Best of Gene Wolfe. Tor, 2009. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Wolfe, Gene. Innocents Aboard. Tor, 2004. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Wolfe, Gene. An Evil Guest. Tor, 2008. Uncorrected proof, trade paperback format.
Wright, John C. Orphans of Chaos. Tor, 2005.
Zivkovic, Zoran. The Book. Polaris, 2003.
Zivkovic, Zoran. Hidden Camera. Dalkey Archive Press, 2005.
Zivkovic, Zoran. Steps Through the Mist. Polaris, 2003.
Previous posts on my book collection:
Library Additions: November 15, 2010—January 14, 2011
Library Additions, July 12—November 14, 2010
Library Additions, January 25, 2010—July 11, 2010
Library Additions: December 1, 2009—January 14, 2010.
My Book-Hunting Trip to Archer City and Points East (and New Acquisitions Found There)
Items in Evidence of a Case of Bibliomania (or, How I Spent $1,000 in One Week and All I Got Were These Cool Books)
Lawrence Person’s Library: Reference Books (Part 1)
Lawrence Person’s Library: Reference Books (Part 2: Oversized Books)
Tags:Book Collecting, Books, Brian Aldiss, Charles Stross, F. Paul Wilson, First Edition, Gary K. Wolfe, Gene Wolfe, Greg Bear, James Gunn, Jane Gaskell, Kage Baker, Karl Schroeder, Kate Wilhelm, L. Sprague de Camp, Larry Niven, Mike Resnick, Paul Di Filippo, Robert A. Heinlein, Rudy Rucker, Science Fiction, Scott Westerfield, Subterranean Press, Ursula K. Le Guin, Vernor Vinge
Posted in Books, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011
I recently obtained three Robert A. Heinlein first editions to add to the library: The Man Who Sold the Moon, Have Space Suit–Will Travel and A Heinlein Triad (hence the recursive nature of the headline).
Heinlein, Robert A. The Man Who Sold the Moon. Shasta Publishers, 1950. First edition hardback, in a first state ($3.00 price, 10 titles on back) dust jacket, a Near Fine copy in a Near Fine dust jacket, with slight wear at head, slight soiling to rear panel and very slight age darkening to spine panel (much less than usual, and no noticeable fading to red portions). Part of Heinlein’s Future History series. Jack L. Chalker & Mark Owings, The Science Fantasy Publishers: A Critical and Bibliographic History, P. 398.
Heinlein, Robert A. Have Space Suit–Will Travel. Scribner’s, 1958. First edition hardback (code A9-58 on copyright page, as per Currey), a Fine copy in a Near Fine- dust jacket with one abrasion to front cover, a touch of edgewear, and faint touches of dust staining (slightly exaggerated in the scan). David Pringle, Science Fiction: The Hundred Best Books.
Heinlein, Robert A. A Heinlein Triad. Gollancz, 1966. First edition, an Ex-library copy with signs of pocket removal on FFE and light stain on half-title page, otherwise Very Good in Near Fine dust jacket.
Tags:Book Collecting, Books, First Edition, Robert A. Heinlein, Science Fiction
Posted in Books, Science Fiction | 4 Comments »
Wednesday, April 27th, 2011
I picked the following up at a Heritage Auction:
Heinlein, Robert A. Assignment in Eternity. Fantasy Press, 1953. First edition hardback, first state Currey A binding (brick red cloth, with six gilt bands on spine, and with “Heinlein” 3mm high), a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket.
I started fairly late to acquire a complete collection of Robert A. Heinlein in first edition, but I’m working on it…
Tags:Assignment in Eternity, Books, Fantasy Press, First Edition, Robert A. Heinlein, Science Fiction
Posted in Books, pics, Science Fiction | 2 Comments »
Thursday, February 25th, 2010
From the “Old News is So Exciting” front, from half a century ago, here’s the story of Joseph Cosey, one of the greatest forgers in American History.
Cosey received an even greater tribute from the New York Public Library when, in 1934, with the dual purpose of educating the innocent and removing from circulation as many specimens of his work as possible, it set up, under Bergquist’s supervision, a special file known as the Cosey Collection, to which it has been adding ever since. Consisting principally of items the library has been able to prevail upon Cosey’s dopes to donate, the Collection now comprises seventy-eight documents—thirty-one Lincolns, eight Poes, five Franklins, five David Rittenhouses, four Mary Baker Eddys, four George Washingtons, two Edwin M. Stantons, two Thomas Jeffersons, two John Marshalls, two James Madisons, one John Adams, one Samuel Adams, one Button Gwinnett, one Lyman Hall, one Benjamin Rush, one Richard Henry Lee, one Patrick Henry, one Alexander Hamilton, one Walt Whitman, one Mark Twain, one Sir Francis Bacon, one Earl of Essex, and one Rudyard Kipling, the last three being rather unusual examples, since Cosey made few excursions into the foreign field. Bergquist started the Cosey Collection with two specimens he had more or less confiscated from the forger himself —a Lincoln legal petition and a draft of some notes Poe wrote in connection with “Tamerlane.” The latest additions—two Franklin pay warrants, probably copied from the one Cosey stole—were contributed in 1954 by Arthur Swann, a vice-president of Parke-Bernet, who weeded them out, with the owner’s approval, from a group of autographs the galleries were about to auction off. Although speculation is almost meaningless in such matters, one well-informed collector has ventured to guess that if its contents were genuine, the Cosey Collection would be worth about a hundred thousand dollars.
The issue is of particular interest to me because the anonymous nature of the Internet and venues like eBay have given rise to a boom in modern forgery. Though concentrated in sports memorabilia, there have been some notable recent cases in the book trade as well. This is why I won’t buy a Robert A. Heinlein or Philip K. Dick signature without provenance. (I currently have no signed Philip K. Dick and only a single signed Heinlein (an inscribed book club edition I bought from David Hartwell). There is a also certain online seller (whom we shall refer to as F_________) that my friends and colleagues are reasonably sure makes his living selling forged signatures (though mixed in with real ones, just to keep people guessing).
As always, caveat emptor.
Tags:crime, forgery, Joseph Cosey, Philip K. Dick, Robert A. Heinlein, The New Yorker
Posted in Books, crime | No Comments »