Posts Tagged ‘pics’

Worldcon 2011 Photos for Saturday, August 20 (Part 2)

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

Now that I’ve recovered a bit, here’s another set of Worldcon photos.

You may have seen the previous photo sets, and asked “Lawrence, do you think you have enough pictures of Gail Carriger?” And the answer, of course is: No, I don’t. So here’s her Hugo-night outfit. Indeed, I was only able to capture three of the six outfits she wore there. One man can only do so much…

Steven Gould, tipping his jaunty straw boater.

This picture of the Klingon Party Room is one the flash just ruined, as it was actually dark with red and orange flame lighting, but at least it gives you a hint of the work that went into it.

Scott Bobo carrying Brad Foster’s Hugo.

A congoer dressed in a traditional Mexican vaquero outfit.

Karen Anderson.

Deanna Hoak and Gail Carriger flank some lucky bastard that isn’t me.

I should have one more post of Worldcon photos, after which it will probably be time for Armadillocon photos…

Apollocon 2011 Pictures

Monday, July 4th, 2011

My computer was in the shop, so I haven’t had a chance to do the usual photo roundup until now.

Stina Leicht.

The public has cried out “Stina! We just can’t get enough photos of her! Could you possibly put up a bunch more?” The blue hair fetish crowd has spoken, and who am I to deny the public what it wants? Vox populi, vox dei.

(If you’re wondering whether the phrase “Blue Hair Fetish” bring up a lot of Google hits, I can tell you: Yes. Yes it does. And you shouldn’t test this theory at work. (See also: Rule 34.))

Julia Mandala, Linda Donahue, and Bill Crider.

Martha Wells and Troyce Wilson, just back from their awesome private tour of NASA. They even showed them the video feed of the top secret moonbase and the dead alien in the third subbasement freezer…

Three of the four redheads of the apocalypse: Julia Mandala, Rhonda Eudaly, and Linda Donahue.

Gabrielle Faust.

Patrice Sarath.

Stina Leicht: The Seconding.

Stina and SF Signal head honcho John DeNardo, whose mouth and eyes are wired in such a way that when one opens, the other must close.

Jayme Lynn Blaschke, who suffers from no such limitations.

Martha Wells, wearing a black outfit against the black backdrop the concom thoughtfully provided.

Editor Guest of Honor Ann VanderMeer, of the Florida Science Fiction VanderMeers.

Texas in 2013 Worldcon bid chair Bill Parker with international confidence man Fred Duarte.

Jonathan Miles, pledging to eat only the brand of butter-substitute promoted by William Shatner.

Stina: The Return of the Attack of the Revenge of the Quickening

Gabrielle Faust, who wisely opted for the decorative white corset and brass goggles against the black background.

Lou Antonelli, Bill Crider and Jayme Lynn Blaschke.

Artist Guest of Honor Rocky Kelley.

Bill Parker in the militantly festooned Texas in 2013 suite.

A closeup of Bill Crider from an earlier picture. Cropping! The hallmark of quality photographs!

Library Additions: January 16—May 24, 2011

Tuesday, May 24th, 2011

Time for another roundup on my serious mental illness the latest acquisitions for my professional science fiction library since the last time I listed them. All these are first edition hardbacks in Fine condition, with Fine dust jackets, unless otherwise listed.

Books that I have available for sale through Lame Excuse Books are marked LEB (though a few of those titles won’t appear on the stock page until after I send out my next book catalog).

I’ve included scans of a few of the more uncommon titles.

  • Bacagalupi, Paolo. The Alchemist. Subterranean Press, 2011. LEB
  • Banks, Ian M. The Spheres. Novacon, 2010. Chapbook, Fine, with Novacon 40 program book.

  • Bear, Elizabeth. The White City (with Twilight chapbook). Subterranean Press, 2011, one of 200 signed, numbered copies, with chapbook, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket.
  • Blaylock, James P. The Affair of the Chalk Cliffs. Subterranean Press, 2011. One of 1,500 signed copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. LEB
  • Brackett, Leigh. Lorelei of the Red Mist: Planetary Romances. Haffner Press, 2007.
  • Brackett, Leigh. Martian Quest: The Early Brackett. Haffner Press, 2002.
  • Buckell, Tobias S. The Executioness. Subterranean Press, 2011. First edition hardback, one of 300 signed and numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. LEB
  • Cady, Jack. Rules of ’48. Night Shade Books, 2008. Trade paperback original.
  • Dick, Philip K. Clans of the Alphane Moon. Gregg Press, 1979. Fine, sans dust jacket, as issued. Replaced an Ex-Library copy.
  • Dick, Philip K. The Complete Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 1: The King of the Elves. Subterranean Press, 2011. LEB
  • Eshbach, Lloyd Arthur. Over My Shoulder: Reflections on a Science Fiction Era. Oswald Train, 1983. Non-fiction.
  • Grant, Donald M. Talbot Mundy: Messenger of Destiny. Donald M. Grant, 1983. Non-fiction.
  • Heinlein, Robert A. Assignment in Eternity. Fantasy Press, 1953. See here for full details.
  • Howard, Robert E. The Horror Stories of Robert E. Howard Subterranean Press, 2011. One of 750 copied signed and numbered by the artist, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, in slipcase. LEB
  • King, Stephen. Little Sisters of Eluria. Donald M. Grant, 2009. First edition hardback, one of 4000 artist’s copies signed by Michael Whelan, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and slipcase.
  • Kuttner, Henry. Terror in the House: The Early Kuttner, Volume One. Haffner Press, 2010. LEB
  • Kuttner, Henry, and C. L. Moore. Detour to Otherness. Haffner Press, 2010.
  • Lake, Jay. The Baby Killers PS Publishing, 2010. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in decorated boards, sans dust jacket, as issued. LEB
  • Lansdale, Joe R. Christmas with the Dead PS Publishing, 2010. First edition hardback, one of 300 copies signed and numbered by Lansdale, a Fine copy in decorated boards, sans dust jacket, as issued. LEB
  • Lansdale, Joe R. Christmas with the Dead PS Publishing, 2010. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in decorated boards, sans dust jacket, as issued. Trade edition. Signed by Lansdale. LEB
  • Lansdale, Joe R. Devil Red. Knopf, 2011. Inscribed, with promotional postcard laid in.
  • Lansdale, Joe R. Dread Island. IDW, 2010. First edition hardback, one of 500 copies with signed square bound in, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket.
  • Lansdale, Joe R. Hyenas. Subterranean Press, 2011. One of 400 signed, numbered copies. LEB
  • Lansdale, Joe R. Hyenas. Subterranean Press, 2011. Trade edition. Signed by Lansdale.
  • Lansdale, Joe R. The Magic Wagon. Chivers Press, 1988. First British Edition. Fine in decorated boards, sans dust jacket, as issued. Signed by Lansdale.
  • Leicht, Stina. Of Blood and Honey. Night Shade Books, 2011. First edition trade paperback original, Fine. Inscribed by the author. LEB
  • Moorcock, Michael. The Vanishing Tower. Archival Press, 1981. A Fine copy, sans dust jacket, in slipcase, as issued.
  • Moore, Ward. Cloud by Day. Heinemann, 1956. First edition hardback, a near Fine copy with non-authorial gift inscription, in a Near Fine dust jacket with faint spots of foxing to inner flaps and a bit of edgewear and crinkling at head.

  • Morris, Mark, editor. Cinema Futura. PS Publishing, 2010. Non-fiction.
  • Powers, Richard. The Gold Bug Variations. William Morrow, 1991.
  • Robinson, Kim Stanley. The Best of Kim Stanley Robinson. Night Shade Books, 2010. LEB
  • Rucker, Rudy. Jim and the Flims. Night Shade Books, 2011.
  • Shea, Michael. The Autopsy and Other Tales. Centipede Press, 2009. One of 500 copies signed by Shea, Fine, sans dj, as issued.
  • Sheckley, Robert E. Immortality Delivered. Avalon Books, 1958. A Fine copy in a Near Fine dust jacket with moderate spine-fading.

  • Stephenson, Neal. Zodiac: The Eco Thriller. Subterranean Press, 2011. First hardback edition, one of 500 copies signed by Stephenson, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread, in slipcase. LEB
  • Straub, Peter. Sides. Cemetery Dance, 2007. Signed by Straub. Non-fiction.
  • Swanwick, Micheal. Dancing With Bears. Night Shade Books, 2011. LEB
  • Totten, Michael. The Road to Fatima Gate. Encounter Books, 2011. Signed by the author. Non-fiction.
  • Vance, Jack. Dangerous Ways. Subterranean Press, 2011. Omnibus edition.
  • Vance, Jack. Trullion: Alastor 2262 with Marune:Alastor 993 with Wyst: Alastor 1716. Underwood/Miller, 1984. First hardback editions, Fine copies in Fine dust jackets, in slipcase (though these are the unsigned editions, the slipcase appear to be the one they issued for the signed edition).
  • Williamson, Jack. The Collected Stories of Jack Williamson Volume 4: Spider island. Haffner Press, 2002.
  • Williamson, Jack. The Collected Stories of Jack Williamson Volume 7: With Folded Hands and Searching Mind. Haffner Press, 2010.
  • Zelazny, Roger. Blood of Amber. Underwood-Miller, 1986. First edition hardback, one of 500 signed/numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, in a Fine slipcase.
  • Digital Camera Bleg

    Monday, May 23rd, 2011

    So I have a Kodak Easyshare V803 camera that’s given up the ghost; the telescoping lens no longer retracts.

    I like the quality of the photos it took; it was what I used to take convention photos (such as those here, here and here). I also like the Kodak interface, and need a camera that I can just slide into my pocket. However, I fear the pop-in/pop-out lens mechanism is one that is likely to fail over time.

    Does anyone have any recommendation for a slim profile digital camera, at least eight megapixals, that’s not too expensive? (I think I paid around $100 for the Easyshare.)

    Attention German TV: Star Trek Forces Were Not Involved in the Killing of Osama Bin Laden

    Tuesday, May 10th, 2011

    “Yesterday a German news station had a major image fail. While covering the US Navy SEALs operation to kill Osama bin Laden they mistook a Star Trek fan-made emblem for the Maquis for the actual SEAL Team Six emblem.”

    Evidently the Klingon skull and bat’leth blades simply weren’t a sufficient giveaway…

    Vaguely related: Star Wars Propaganda posters.

    (Hat tip: Instapundit.)

    Pictures from the World Horror Convention in Austin, Saturday, April 30, 2011

    Saturday, April 30th, 2011

    It looked like my Kodak Digital camera had died, but it seems to be working again after fiddling with it, removing the battery a few times, and plugging it in. Still, I’ll probably need to get a new camera before Apollocon in June, since the automatic shutter isn’t retracting all the way any more…

    William F. Nolan and Rocky Wood, both of whom were with me on the “Horror Without Stephen King,” along with someone who wasn’t.

    Bill Crider

    Bill & Judy Crider.

    Bill Spencer. A lot of Bills today, mainly because none of them had yet been signed into law.

    Now THAT’s a HAT.

    SF Signal’s John DeNardo, AKA “Mr. Saturday Night.”

    Don Webb, in the one photo I took on my iPhone that didn’t completely suck.

    Pictures from the World Horror Convention in Austin, Friday, April 29, 2011: Part 2

    Saturday, April 30th, 2011

    The front of Kasey Lansdale’s head.

    Stina Leicht, Mikal Trimm and Guest of Honor Joe Hill. This was right before Hill discussed that most important of philosophical question: If you have a cloth spiderman mask in your pocket (and really, who doesn’t?), and two guys rush into the store you’re in with shotguns, do you instantly put on the mask and start wailing on then? I pointed out that since this is Texas, and we’re all armed, the issue was probably less pressing here than in Maine.

    Chris Roberson, Joe Hill and John Picacio doing some serious comic geeking.

    Three women, six different hair colors.

    Jessica Reisman.

    Sanford Allen, showing Scott Cupp the ticket that doesn’t let him into Willie Wonka’s factory, but does let him on Captain Morgan’s ship.

    Scott Cupp, and people I don’t know who seemed to be discussing adultery among TSR employees.

    F. Paul Wilson in the center.

    John Skipp, just before he went trekking off to a lost city in the jungles of Peru.

    The art show reception. Even though this is Austin, in real life the room was not that shade of burnt orange.

    Japan Tsunami/Earthquake: More Before and After Pictures

    Sunday, March 13th, 2011

    From ABC Australia.

    Pictures From the Japanese Earthquake

    Friday, March 11th, 2011

    Holy Moly.

    Note: This and all other posts on the Sendai earthquake and tsunami (including numerous videos) can be found here.

    Correction: As the commenter below notes, this picture is from the 1995 Kobe earthquake, not today’s quake.

    This one is particularly scary:

    The apartment buildings behind it seem intact. Maybe the tsunami surge tossed a ship into the highway.

    (Hat tip: Instapundit.)


    Friday, February 4th, 2011

    If you haven’t heard, Austin got a couple of inches of snow last night, which may not sound like a lot, but when you convert that to Austin Driving Units, that’s SEVENTY BAZILLION INCHES of the stuff. Austinites that can drive on snow are about as common as New York restaurants that serve good TexMex.

    So sit back and enjoy the winter wonderland, because nobody is going anywhere for a while…