Posts Tagged ‘Claude Lalumiere’

Photos From the 2014 Armadillocon

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014

We interrupt this cavalcade of books, Slowdive covers and tanks to offer up some pics from the 2014 Armadillocon, which occurred a little more than a week before I flew off to London.

Howard Waldrop. Actually a pretty good picture of him.

Claude Lalumiere

The elusive Robert Taylor. Like most pictures of him taken in the wild, it’s a bit blurry…

Ian McDonald. I would say he’s signing one of the way too many of my own books I had him sign, but since I own the Simon & Schuster UK (true first) edition of River of Gods, not the Pyr first American edition, obviously it’s someone else’s book…

Arch-villain Denman Glober caught outside her secret underground lair.

Ted Chiang.

One of these men had a role in Once Upon A Time in China VI.

Martha Wells.

Mark Finn, describing his wrestling match with the gorilla.

Patrice Sarath.

Ian McDonald and Ted Chiang at the bar.