I mentioned one of these to Dwight at the Saturday Dining Conspiracy and chanced across the other.
Appetite City: A Culinary History of New York by William Grimes. This got a very favorable review in National Review (the print edition; alas, the review does not seem to be online).
Shackleton – The Greatest Survival Story of All Time (3-Disc Collector’s Edition). I actually chanced across this Kenneth Branagh DVD in my nearest Blockbuster’s going out of business sale, and was pretty much the only thing there that wasn’t crap, overpriced, or overpriced crap. Alas, the copy had too many scratches on it to take a chance on it even at $3.99, so I gave it a pass. Since Dwight is into Great Age of Exploring books, I thought I would mention it. And Branagh has been great in everything I’ve seen him in. (Then again, that may only be Henry V and Hamlet…)