Posts Tagged ‘signed’
Monday, December 16th, 2024
Now that I’ve sent out the latest Lame Excuse Books catalog, I finally have time to list additions to my own library that I found in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. This post includes all the signed hardbacks, and all were bought at various DFW-area Half Price Books.
Allston, Aaron. Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Outcast. Del Rey, 2009. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with the tiniest little crimping at head and heel, inscribed by Allston: “To Chris: May the/Force be with you!/Aaron Allston/2011/10/8.” Bought for $7.99.

Braunbeck, Gary A. In the Midnight Museum. Necessary Evil Press, 2005. First edition hardback, #118 of 450 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Braunbeck is the only writer in this post I don’t (or didn’t) know personally. Bought for $10.

Bryant, Edward. The Baku. Subterranean, 2001. First edition hardback, #221 of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. I think I passed on this when it first came out because I thought $35 was too pricey for what was essentially a 28 page novelette that had already been published in Night Visions 4 (plus an introduction and teleplay of same). Oh those younger, more innocent times. Bought for $10.

Cadigan, Pat. Patterns. Ursus Imprints, 1989. First edition hardback, 162 of 400 signed, numbered copies, a Fine- copy with slight bumping at head and heel in a Near Fine+ dust jacket with a thin 2″ long scratch on rear near spine and slight edgewear. Supplements a trade edition inscribed to me. Bought for $7.99.

Lethem, Jonathan. You Don’t Love Me Yet. Doubleday, 2007. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, signed by Lethem. Supplements an unsigned copy. Bought for $9.99.

Tags:Aaron Allston, Books, Ed Bryant, Gary Braunbeck, Half Price Books, Horror, Jonathan Lethem, Necessary Evil Press, Pat Cadigan, Science Fiction, signatures, signed, small press publishers, Ursus Imprints
Posted in Books, Horror, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Monday, July 29th, 2024
Not my usual collecting vector, but a signed Milton Berle/Bob Newhart lot came up for auction that I was thinking of putting a lowball bid on. When I did comps on Bookfinder, I found that all the signed Berle firsts comped out at over $100…except this.
Berle, Milton. Milton Berle’s Private Joke File. Crown, 1989. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with slight bend at head and heel in a Near Fine+ dust jacket with slight age darkening to spine and at top front, 1/4″ closed tear at top rear, slight bend at head and heel, and slight blind-side foxing, otherwise quite nice, inscribed by Berle: “To my friend Jim!!/One of the Really great Story tellers. best wishes/Milt/9/1/89.” Massive 642 page joke book. Bought for $15.87 plus shipping after Biblio discount, which is less than the original cover price of $24.95 (though knowing Crown, this could have been an “instant remainder” sold at a considerable discount).

Tags:Books, Comedy, signatures, signed
Posted in Books, TV | No Comments »
Thursday, May 30th, 2024
This was an odd auction lot that I won for the opening bid. It’s three signed firsts, only two of which are signed by the author, and are a diverse bunch that seldom have the same collectors buying them.
Bush, George H. W. All the Best: My Life in Letters and Other Writings. Lisa Drew/Scribner, 1999. First edition hardback, a Fine-/Fine- copy with just a tiny bit of bend at head and heel, signed by Bush on a bookplate on the half title page. (Note: All copies come with a printed signature on that page, but this is an actual signed bookplate below that.) Autobiography of the 41st President of the United States of America. I have two books signed by Bush43, but this is the first one I’ve picked up signed by Bush41.

Conklin, Groff. Big Book of Science Fiction. Crown Publishers, 1950. First edition hardback ($3.00 price on dust jacket, as per ISFDB), a Very Good+ copy with bumping at head and heel, spine slightly concave, wrinkles at head and blunting of points, in a Very Good dust jacket with creasing, rubbing and small tears at head and heel, long crease at top front, slight fading to spine, 1/4″ closed tear to top front flap, wear at points, and slight edgewear, with previous purchase slip laid in, and former owner name on front free endpaper. The owner was Charles Richter, whose name I didn’t recognize in the auction listing. I thought it might have been the author of one of the stories in the anthology, and didn’t assign any value when calculating a lot price for the Bush and Dunsany volumes, as I don’t typically collect reprint anthologies. Turns out it’s seismologist and physicist Charles Richter, as in “Richter Scale.” A card with his signature evidently sold for $202 in 2010. Conklin edited numerous science fiction reprint anthologies, and his signature is evidently quite uncommon. Bleiler, Science Fiction: The Early Years page 151 (included for three science fiction stories difficult to find elsewhere). Reginald, Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature: A Checklist 03270.

Dunsany, Lord (Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron of Dunsany). The Chronicles of Rodiguez. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1922. First edition hardback (Currey state A), #148 of 500 copies, signed by Dunsany below his Preface and illustrator Syndney Sime below his frontispiece illustration, a Very Good copy with various rubs and touches of wear, abrasion wear to spine label, blunting of points, and several small foxing spots to pages throughout, lacking the dust jacket. An elaborate production, with paper vellum pages and marbled endpapers. Currey, page 168. Locke, A Spectrum of Fantasy page 74. I lacked both Dunsany and Sime signatures in my collection before acquiring this.

All bought off an Invaluable auction for the opening bid of $190 ($243 after buyer’s premium).
Tags:anthology, Books, Fantasy, George H. W. Bush, Groff Conklin, Lord Dunsany, Science Fiction, signatures, signed
Posted in Books, Fantasy, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Friday, April 19th, 2024
When Mysterious Press first announced this book, I thought to myself “That’s nice, but not $150 nice.” Fortunately they had a 45th Anniversary sale that put it in my price range.
Stevenson, Robert Louis (Joe Hill) . The New Annotated Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The Mysterious Press, 2022. First edition hardback, #198 of 250 numbered copies signed by annotator Leslie S. Klinger and introduction author Joe Hill, a Fine copy in quarter-leather and marbled boards and Mylar protector, sans dust jacket, as issued. Profusely illustrated and annotated edition of the classic novel. Bought for $45, marked down from the original price of $150.

Tags:Books, Horror, Joe Hill, Robert Louis Stevenson, signatures, signed
Posted in Basketball, Horror, Kickstarter | No Comments »
Monday, December 12th, 2022
I bought this from a Facebook user who was selling off his collection.
Heinlein, Robert A. The Man Who Sold The Moon. Shasta Publishers, 1950. First edition hardback, one of 250 copies signed by Heinlein, a Very Good copy with spine slightly concave at top, slight bumping at head and heel, slight rub ear to lettering at head and heel, points slightly bumping, and traces of wear to boards, with the “FUTURE HISTORY/1951-2600 A.D.” sticker added to front free endpaper and inside back cover (as issued), in a Very Good- dust jacket with 1/8″ loss across heel, 1/8″ ship at head points and associated creasing, 3/4″ abrasion (possibly a sticker pull) near bottom of spine, not affecting any lettering, moderate creasing along spine and flap folds, slight age darkening to spine, very slight darkening to rear cover and tops of flaps, and usual blind side foxing. A fairly nice copy that I’ll probably ended up swapping the better dust jacket on my trade copy with. Bought from a private seller for $500. Chalker/Owings, page 398. Kemp, The Anthem Series, page 162. Locke, A Spectrum of Fantasy, page 109. Currey, page 233.

Tags:Books, Limited Editions, Robert A. Heinlein, Science Fiction, Shasta Publishers, signed, small press publishers
Posted in Books, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Thursday, April 14th, 2022
The Sheckley was bought directly from the publisher, while the two Watts titles were bought from a collector culling his collection.
Sheckley, Robert. Masters of Science Fiction: Robert Sheckley. Centipede Press, 2022. First edition hardback, #350 of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, still in publisher’s shrinkwrap. “Signed by Jim & Ruth Keegan, with facsimile signatures by Robert Sheckley, Christopher Priest, and John Pelan.” The signed edition is sold out from the publisher, but I’ll have a few copies in the next Lame Excuse Books catalog.

Watts, Peter. Blindsight. Centipede Press, 2020. First limited edition hardback, #177 of 300 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Watts Hugo-Award nominated novel about a mission sent to examine an alien probe in the Kupier Belt. Well-written and super depressing, Blindsight argues that self-aware, sentient life is an evolutionary dead-end. (There’s an interview Joe Rogan did with Neill Blomkamp about the resurrected vampires that are part of the book, but they’re not even the most interesting or fundamental part of the novel.) Supplements a copy of the Tor true first edition.

Watts, Peter. Echopraxia. Centipede Press, 2020. First limited edition hardback, #177 of 300 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Sequel to Blindsight that I haven’t read yet. Sets of these went out of print shortly after their announcement, and seems to be pretty close to Unobtanium on the secondary market. Bought for $400 for the pair from a private collector.
Tags:Books, Centipede Press, Limited Editions, Peter Watts, Robert Sheckley, Science Fiction, signatures, signed, small press publishers
Posted in Books, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Thursday, January 27th, 2022
I already had two books signed by Robert A. Heinlein, one a second printing with a crappy dust jacket, the other a book club edition I bought off David Hartwell at an Armadillocon for $40. This is both the first signed, limited edition Heinlein I’ve bought, and the first first edition signed by him (though I have plenty of unsigned Heinlein firsts).
Heinlein, Robert A. JOB: A Comedy of Justice. Del Rey, 1984. First edition hardback, #109 of 750 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Near Fine slipcase with a quarter-sized water spot and a faint scratch, sans dust jacket, as issued. Not my favorite Heinlein, but quite readable by the standards of late-period Heinlein. Bought off eBay for $300.

Tags:Books, Fantasy, Limited Editions, Robert A. Heinlein, signatures, signed
Posted in Books, Fantasy | No Comments »
Tuesday, November 30th, 2021
Another Lansdale lettered edition picked up cheap-ish:
Lansdale, Joe R., editor. The Horror Hall of Fame: The Stoker Winners. Cemetery Dance, 2021. First edition hardback, #WW of 52 signed (by Lansdale), lettered, traycased copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and a Fine traycase. Anthology of Stoker Award winning stories from Robert Bloch, George R. R. Martin, Harlan Ellison, etc. Isajenko, World Lasdalean, D13aiii. Supplements trade and limited edition copies. Bought off eBay for $125 plus shipping.

Tags:Books, Cemetery Dance, Horror, Joe R. Lansdale, signed, small press publishers
Posted in Books, Horror | No Comments »
Tuesday, September 22nd, 2020
This finally came in, the second in what I’m given to understand is a trilogy:
Powers, Tim. Forced Perspectives. Charnel House, 2020. First signed/limited edition (the Baen hardback precedes), hardback, #54 of 150 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in decorated boards with a gold-foil sphinx embossed on the front cover (matching the look of Alternate Routes), sans dust jacket, as issued. I will have precisely one copy of this available for sale in the next Lame Excuse Books catalog.

Tags:Charnel House, Fantasy, Limited Editions, signed, small press publishers, Tim Powers
Posted in Books, Fantasy | No Comments »
Thursday, July 9th, 2020
A signed Arkham House at a nice price:
Bond, Nelson. Nightmares and Daydreams. Arkham House, 1968. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with slightly bumped pints, in a Fine- dust jacket with slight wear at points and the barest trace of dust soiling to white rear cover. Signed by Bond. Currey (1979), page 49. Joshi, Sixty Years of Arkham House 98. Jaffrey, Horrors and Unpleasantries, 106. Nielsen, 104. Derleth, Thirty Years of Arkham House, 96. Locke, A Spectrum of Fantasy, page 38. Bought off eBay for $35.

Tags:Arkham House, Fantasy, Horror, Nelson Bond, signed, small press publishers
Posted in Books, Fantasy, Horror | No Comments »