Posts Tagged ‘World Horror Convention’

Hat Trick Shot Glass Window Treatment Center Post Office Space

Tuesday, May 10th, 2011

A hat I signed (among many, many others) at the World Horror Convention is up for sale at a charity auction on eBay for horror writer Bryan Smith, whose wife recently died after a long illness.

And let’s face it it, the line “Signatures include: Peter Straub, William F. Nolan, Joe R. Lansdale, F. Paul Wilson, Jack Ketchum, Lawrence Person, Brian Keene, Joe Hill, John Picacio, Bill Crider, John Skipp,” etc., is pretty flattering to one’s ego, since not even Your Humble Egomaniac would put those names in that order…

(Hat tip for structure of the subject line here.)

The Signature Art of William F. Nolan

Monday, May 2nd, 2011

As previously mentioned, I attended the World Horror Convention here in Austin, where I moderated a panel with William F. Nolan. I cheekily had him sign some books while I was on the panel (all in good fun), but the real treat was grabbing several more signatures during the mass signing, as he likes to do drawings when signing. Here’s an example (or at least as much as would fit on the scanner) of the art he put on the blank page of “The Final Stone,” his story in Dennis Etchison’s Landmark Cutting Edge horror anthology:

Click to embiggen.

Thanks Bill!

Pictures from the World Horror Convention in Austin, Saturday, April 30, 2011

Saturday, April 30th, 2011

It looked like my Kodak Digital camera had died, but it seems to be working again after fiddling with it, removing the battery a few times, and plugging it in. Still, I’ll probably need to get a new camera before Apollocon in June, since the automatic shutter isn’t retracting all the way any more…

William F. Nolan and Rocky Wood, both of whom were with me on the “Horror Without Stephen King,” along with someone who wasn’t.

Bill Crider

Bill & Judy Crider.

Bill Spencer. A lot of Bills today, mainly because none of them had yet been signed into law.

Now THAT’s a HAT.

SF Signal’s John DeNardo, AKA “Mr. Saturday Night.”

Don Webb, in the one photo I took on my iPhone that didn’t completely suck.

Pictures from the World Horror Convention in Austin, Friday, April 29, 2011: Part 2

Saturday, April 30th, 2011

The front of Kasey Lansdale’s head.

Stina Leicht, Mikal Trimm and Guest of Honor Joe Hill. This was right before Hill discussed that most important of philosophical question: If you have a cloth spiderman mask in your pocket (and really, who doesn’t?), and two guys rush into the store you’re in with shotguns, do you instantly put on the mask and start wailing on then? I pointed out that since this is Texas, and we’re all armed, the issue was probably less pressing here than in Maine.

Chris Roberson, Joe Hill and John Picacio doing some serious comic geeking.

Three women, six different hair colors.

Jessica Reisman.

Sanford Allen, showing Scott Cupp the ticket that doesn’t let him into Willie Wonka’s factory, but does let him on Captain Morgan’s ship.

Scott Cupp, and people I don’t know who seemed to be discussing adultery among TSR employees.

F. Paul Wilson in the center.

John Skipp, just before he went trekking off to a lost city in the jungles of Peru.

The art show reception. Even though this is Austin, in real life the room was not that shade of burnt orange.

Pictures from the World Horror Convention in Austin, Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday, April 29th, 2011

A few pictures I took at the World Horror Convention in Austin on Friday afternoon:

Multi-Hugo-nominated artist John Picacio, who says that between Elric and A Game of Thrones, he’s having a great year, as long as it doesn’t kill him.

Stina Leicht and John Picacio.

Peter Straub, shortly after we had discussed our mutual admiration for the Joe Hill story “Pop Art.”

“Dealer’s Room 2.” Yes, that’s actually what the sign on the door says.

In case you couldn’t tell from the backdrop, this is Jack Ketchum.

Meanwhile, in Dealer’s Room 1: Chuck Siros, Mikal Trimm, Stina Leicht, the back of Kasey Lansdale’s head, John Picacio, Willie Siros.

World Horror in Austin

Wednesday, April 20th, 2011

Blogging has been a bit light as of late because I was finishing up my taxes and then cleaning my house in advance of a party, the two of which have eaten up almost all my previously spare time.

I will be attending the World Horror Convention here in Austin next week. In fact, I’ll be moderating a panel:

Horror Without Stephen King

1:00 PM Saturday, April 30 – Phoenix Central

Jack Ketchum, Lawrence Person (M), Del Howison, William Nolan, Rocky Wood, Bev Vincent

Stephen King is the undisputed grandmaster of modern horror. But what if he had never lived, or went right to publishing literary fiction without ever writing a single scary story. What would the field look like today without the man from Maine? Would there even be a horror genre as we know it?

William F. Nolan has been writing since before I was born. He was also good friends with Chad Oliver, the late, great dean of Austin science fiction writers. I”m sure he has many an interesting story to tell.

I’ll also be part of the big group book signing at 7:30 PM on Saturday, though I’m sure I’ll get more signatures than I give…