Nigel Tufnel on Stonehenge

Nigel Tufnel Day may have passed, but the Spinal Tap madness continues!

National Geographic did an interview with him regarding the origins of Stonehenge. He turns out to have many fascinating insights as to how it was actually built, some involving dinosaur spit.

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3 Responses to “Nigel Tufnel on Stonehenge”

  1. Sam says:

    This guy (on the video) is still seeking the meaning of Stonehenge:

  2. There are a lot of questions about Stonehenge and its existence and I guess everyone has its own.

  3. Carol says:

    Seems like Negil knows a lot about Stonehenge huh, Does he studied Stonehenge history then?. Lol ’cause I think he has a huge knowledge about it. 🙂

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