I recently bought another $6,000 worth of (mostly) Roger Zelazny manuscripts and first editions from Bob Pylant, and it has taken me a while to catalog all of it. (See a listing of my previous $5,400 purchase from Bob here.) As with my earlier purchase from him, Bob had meticulously placed every page of the manuscripts into a plastic page protectors (save the last few pages of Sign of Chaos (see below), where he ran out), and placed them all into binders, many of which included multiple stories and related archive material, including correspondence between Zelazny (generally carbon copies) and his editors (almost always originals). Below is a brief summary of each that doesn’t quite get down to the level of an actual archival description (there are only so many hours in the day). And since this is such a long post already, I’ve only included scans or pictures of books I thought there weren’t good copies of on the Internet (mostly the proofs).
For bibliographic details and first edition verification, I cite the following reference books:
Currey, L.W. Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors: A Bibliography of First Printings of Their Fiction. G. K. Hall, 1978.
Chalker, Jack & Owings, Mark. The Science Fantasy Publishers: A Critical and Bibliographic History. Mirage Press, 1991 (“Third Edition Revised and Enlarged”).
Kovacs, Christopher S. The Ides of Octember: A Pictorial Bibliography of Roger Zelazny. NESFA Press, 2010. (Note: Kovacs lists proofs, ARCs, etc. when known, so many hardback firsts are designated with the a “b” rather than an “a”.)
Levack, Daniel J. Amber Dreams: A Roger Zelazny Bibliography. Underwood/Miller, 1983.
Original Zelazny Book Manuscripts
Zelazny, Roger. Archive material about various Amber novels from various people, most concerning The Courts of Chaos in one way or another, including a handwritten six page synopsis of The Courts of Chaos by Zelazny, followed by the typed version of the same synopsis, plus letters to (originals) and from (apparently file carbon copies) Zelazny on the subject.
Zelazny, Roger. Dilvish the Damned. Del Rey, no date (but probably 1981 or 82). Unbound long galleys (the very first proof state of the book production cycle), pages age darkened but otherwise Fine, unbound but gathered into signature sheets. Kovacs, I15a.
Zelazny, Roger. Original ribbon-copy, hand-corrected first draft manuscript for Knight of Shadows, with two letters of authenticity from Zelazny, and the manuscript signed twice by him (on the first and last pages) in 1989. Although Zelazny was already a celebrated author at the time, he still displayed thrifty habits by typing out his manuscript on the back of whatever 8 1/2″ x 11″ scrap paper he had lying around, be it government forms, convention flyers, flyers for the Santa Fe Opera Company, and pages (presumably photocopies of works sent to Zelazny to critique or review) from other author’s manuscripts, including pages from Tom Deitz’s Fireshaper’s Doom and Jeffrey Carver’s From a Changeling Star.
Zelazny, Roger. Second draft photocopy of the manuscript for Sign of Chaos, showing the hand-corrections in the first draft, with further corrections by Zelazny in red, along with a four page style guide for spelling the names of the characters, etc. in the book.
Original Zelazny Short Story Manuscripts, etc.
Zelazny, Roger. “And Only I Escaped To Tell Thee.” Carbon copy of original typed manuscript.
Zelazny, Roger. “The Burning.” One page typewritten poem.
Zelazny, Roger. “A City Divided.” Original typed manuscript with numerous hand-corrections.
Zelazny, Roger. “The Cyborg Connection.” Original typed manuscript with numerous hand-corrections, with a carbon copy of the second draft. This story would later be published as “Halfjack.”
Zelazny, Roger. “Fire and/or Ice.” Original hand-corrected typescript, including one hand-written manuscript page.
Zelazny, Roger. “Richard Lupoff’s Sword of the Demon.” Extremely short review/piece of non-fiction. Appeared in Starlog’s SF Yearbook Volume 1, edited by David Gerrold and compiled by David Truesdale.
Zelazny, Roger. “Garden of Blood.” Carbon copy typed story manuscript.
Zelazny, Roger. “The George Business.” Carbon copy typed story manuscript, with multiple signed letters from Dragon Tales editor Orson Scott Card accepting the story, apologizing for delayed payment, etc., along with a signed signature plate by Card.
Zelazny, Roger. “Go Starless Into That Night.” Carbon copy of original typed manuscript, with two acceptance letters from editor Jim Baen.
Zelazny, Roger. “The Last of the Wild Ones.” Carbon copy of original typed manuscript.
Zelazny, Roger. “LP Me Thee.” One page typewritten poem.
Zelazny, Roger. “Stand Pat, Ruby Stone.” Carbon copy story manuscript.
Zelazny, Roger. Untitled poem, later published as “To Spin Is Miracle Cat.” One page typewritten poem.
Zelazny, Roger. “A Very Good Year.” Original hand-corrected typescript of the first draft, and a carbon-copy of the second draft.
Zelazny, Roger. Original hand-written first draft for story “Walpurgisnacht” on yellow lined legal paper, 5 pages long.
Zelazny, Roger. “The White Beasts.” Original hand-corrected typescript, plus carbon of corrected story.
Correspondence Archives
Donaldson, Stephen R. One page typed signed letter to Zelazny inviting him to a party.
Zelazny, Roger. Some 30 pages of correspondence between Zelazny and editor/packager Byron Preiss, most concerning The Illustrated Roger Zelazny, including copies of B&W sketches and a page of original colored pencil art by Gray Morrow for the project.
Zelazny, Roger, and Robert Sheckley. Several pages of correspondence between Zelazny (carbons) and Robert Sheckley (originals) concerning three stories for an anthology, plus a small autographed note to “Bob” from Zelazny.
Various other letters to Zelazny, some with replies.
Roger Zelazny Hardback First Editions
I had all but a couple of these, but all these copies are Fine/Fine and signed by Zelazny.
Zelazny, Roger. Bridge of Ashes. Gregg Press, 1979. First hardback edition, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Signed by Zelazny. Supplements an unsigned hardback. Levack, 2e. Kovacs, I3b.
Zelazny, Roger. Doorways in the Sand. Harper & Row, 1976. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Signed by Zelazny, with an additional signed note laid in “To David, This copy of Doorways in the Sand, being the chronicles of both Fred Cassidy and a Hugo and Nebula finalist.” Atypically, both the note and signature are printed rather than in Zelazny’s elegant cursive handwriting. While I wouldn’t swear it’s Zelazny’s handwriting, it’s not entirely dissimilar to other examples I have of it. Currey, page 570. Levack, 13a. Kovacs, I17b.
Zelazny, Roger. The Dream Master. Rupert Hart Davis, 1968. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with a trace of dust staining along very top edge and at heel spine join, with sticker for Henry Morison Inc. (Zelazny’s literary agent) affixed to front free endpaper. Signed by Zelazny. Currey, page 570. Levack, 14b. Kovacs, I18b.
Zelazny, Roger. Four for Tomorrow. Garland Press, 1975. First hardback edition under this title (issued in UK hardback as A Rose for Ecclesiastes), a Fine copy in a Fine aftermarket dust jacket Bob photo-produced from the Ace paperback edition that Garland used to print the plates from. With a title page of the Ace paperback inscribed by Zelazny (“Many a good wish/to you/Roger Zelazny/ 7/6/84”) laid in. Replaces an unsigned ex-library copy. Currey, page 570. Levack, 17f. Kovacs, V11f.
Zelazny, Roger. The Hand of Oberon. Doubleday, 1976. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with one closed 1/4″ tear at bottom rear, with review slip laid in. Inscribed by Zelazny: “With all good wishes,/Roger Zelazny.” Currey, page 570. Levack, 19a. Kovacs, I23a.
Zelazny, Roger. Isle of the Dead. Rapp & Whiting, 1970. First hardback edition, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with a tiny bit of edgewear at extremities. Inscribed by Zelazny: “To Willi/Every kind of good/wish./Best,/ Roger Zelazny/ 3/27/82.” Supplements an unsigned copy. Currey, page 570. Levack, 21b. Kovacs, I25b.
Zelazny, Roger. My Name is Legion. Faber & Faber, 1979. First hardback edition, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Signed by Zelazny. Levack, 27h. Kovacs, I32c.
Zelazny, Roger. Roadmarks. Del Rey, 1979. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, with review slip laid in. Signed by Zelazny. Levack, 31a. Kovacs, I37z.
Zelazny, Roger. The Sign of the Unicorn. Doubleday, 1975. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with a trace of dust soiling to white rear cover. Signed by Zelazny. Currey, page 571. Levack, 33a. Kovacs, I39a.
Zelazny, Roger. Today We Choose Faces. Millington, 1973. First hardback edition, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Signed by Zelazny. Currey, page 571. Levack, 37b. Kovacs, I42a.
Zelazny, Roger. Trumps of Doom. Underwood/Miller, 1985. First limited hardback edition, #316 of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket in a Very Good+ suede slipcase that has some brown dampstaining discoloration along the spine. Kovacs, I43c.
Roger Zelazny Trade Paperback, Proofs, and Chapbooks
Zelazny, Roger. Blood of Amber. Arbor House, 1986. Uncorrected proof (trade paperback format) of the hardback first edition, a Fine- copy with phantom crease the length of rear cover, with review slip (with sticker signed by Zelazny affixed to it) laid in. Kovacs, Ia.

Zelazny, Roger. Frost and Fire. William Morrow and Company, 1989. Uncorrected bound galleys (or so it says; actually a trade paperback format proof), a Fine copy, signed by Zelazny. Kovacs, V12a.

Zelazny, Roger. Knight of Shadows. William Morrow and Company, 1989. Uncorrected bound galleys (or so it says; actually a trade paperback format proof), a Near Fine+ copy with slight fading to spine and small crease to bottom font corner, signed by Zelazny. Kovacs, I27a.

Zelazny, Roger. The Last Defender of Camelot. Underwood/Miller, 1980. First edition chapbook original, simultaneous with the extremely small hardback run (which I picked up in my previous Zelazny purchase from Bob), #265 of 275 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy, in issued manila envelope. Levack, 23a. Kovacs, VIIIa. I now have something like eight different items with this title…

Zelazny, Roger. A Night on the Lonesome October. Avon Books, 1993. Advanced uncorrected proof of the hardback first edition, a Fine copy. Signed by both Zelazny and cover artist Gahan Wilson. Kovacs, I33a.

Zelazny, Roger. Sign of Chaos. Arbor House, 1987. Proof (trade paperback format) of the hardback first edition, a Fine copy in a Fine proof state dust jacket (no copy or price on back cover, spine or flaps). Signed by Zelazny. Kovacs, I38a.
Zelazny, Roger. Trumps of Doom. Arbor House, 1985. Proof (trade paperback format) of the hardback first edition, a Fine copy in a Fine proof dust jacket (no copy or price on back cover, spine or flaps). Signed by Zelazny. Kovacs, I43a.
Zelazny, Roger. Unicorn Variations. Timescape Books, 1983. Advanced uncorrected proof of the hardback first edition, a Fine copy, signed by Zelazny. Kovacs, V21a.

(Zelazny, Roger) Stephen, Christopher P. A Checklist of Roger Zelazny. Ultramarine, 1993. revised edition. Non-fiction chapbook, since superseded by the Kovacs bibliography. Kovacs, XXIII3b

Roger Zelazny Paperbacks
Zelazny, Roger, editor. Warriors of Blood and Dream. AvoNova, 1995. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine+ copy with number “34” written across inside cover EAC code and foxing to inside covers. Anthology. Kovacs, IX7a.
Zelazny, Roger, editor. Wheel of Fortune. AvoNova, 1995. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine- copy with slight spine creasing and foxing to insider covers. Anthology. Kovacs, IX8a.
(Zelazny, Roger) Neil Randall. Combat Command in the World of Roger Zelazny’s Nine Princes in Amber: The Black Road War. Ace, 1988. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with just a trace of edgewear, otherwise new and unread. Sort of a strategic pick-your-own-path adventure. Kovacs, X8a. I had one of these about a decade ago that I sold on eBay for $25…
First Editions By Other Authors (Some Related to Zelazny)
And here are books not by or about Zelazny, but some have contributions from Zelazny or some other connection to him.
Banks, Iain M. The Algebraist. Orbit, 2004. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, signed by Banks. Supplements an unsigned first.
Banks, Iain M. Player of Games. Macmillian (UK), 1988. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, signed by Banks. Supplements an unsigned first.
Bova, Ben, editor. (Roger Zelazny) The Best of Omni Science Fiction. Omni Society, 1980. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with slight wear in a Very Good dust jacket with shallow chipping at points, rubbing to rear cover, a 1/2″ closed tear, and general wear. Roger Zelazny’s personal contributor’s copy (for the story “Halfjack” (see above)), with two signed typed letters from Omni editor Ben Bova laid in.
Cahill, James, editor. Ten Tales. James Cahill Publishing, 1994. First edition hardback, one of only 26 unnumbered “Author Copies”, a Fine- copy (gilt letters on spine are showing small spots of what might be oxidation) in a Very Good only slipcase with spotting and uneven fading, sans dust jacket, as issued. Original anthology with the Zelazny story “The Salesman’s Tale.” There was also a 250 copy numbered edition. (Chalker and Owings Supplement Three calls for a 26 copy leatherbound edition; this copy is bound in cloth with a cloth slipcase.)
Martin, George R. R. Portraits of His Children. Dark Harvest, 1987. First edition hardback, # OO of 52 signed, lettered copies bound in white leather, a Fine copy in a Fine wooden “slipcrate” slipcase, sans dust jacket, as issued. Zealzny provides the introduction (“A Sketch of Their Father”) and a signature. I always thought the Dark Harvest slipcrates were attractive productions, and I’m happy to have one in my library. Supplements a trade edition. Chalker/Owings, page 119.

Martin, George R. R., editor. Wild Cards. Bantam Spectra/SFBC, 1987. First hardback edition (book club), preceded by the paperback original, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with edgewear at points. Shared world superhero anthology which includes the Zelazny story “The Sleeper.” Man, seems like every single edition of the early Wild Cards books had ugly covers…
Martin, George R. R., editor. Wild Cards. Bantam Spectra, 1987. Uncorrected page proofs (trade paperback format) of the hardback first edition, a Fine copy. Shared world superhero anthology which includes the Zelazny story “The Sleeper.”

Powers, Tim. Dinner at Deviants Palace. Chatto & Windus, 1986. First trade hardback, first UK hardback, and first non-book club hardback edition, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Berlyne, Powers: Secret Histories, A5c.1.
Roger Zelazny Books I Still Lack
Still have a few stray “fill out” Zelazny titles I haven’t been able to track down yet:
The Doors of His Face, The Lamps of His Mouth (Pulphouse hardback of just that story)
(as editor) The Williamson Effect (Tor, 1996) (It’s not hard to find, I’m just looking for a perfect copy)
Greenberg, Martin H., editor. Lord of the Fantastic: Stories in Honor of Roger Zelazny (Avon Eos, 1998)
Lindskold, Jane. Roger Zelazny. Twayne, 1992.
Sanders, Joseph L. Roger Zelazny: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography (G. K. Hall, 1982)
Yoke, Karl B. Roger Zelazny: Starmont Reader’s Guide (Borgo Press (Library binding hardback), 1979)
Tags: Books, Fantasy, First Edition, George R. R. Martin, Iain M. Banks, manuscripts, Roger Zelazny, Science Fiction, signed, Tim Powers
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[…] (5) Lawrence Person goes into overwhelming detail about additions to his Zelazny collection in “Library Addition: Another Major Collection of Roger Zelazny Books and Manuscripts”. […]
Loved the list… made me salivate a bit..