Library Addition: Two Arthur Machen Critical Chapbooks

July 14th, 2023

More from that Heritage lot, namely two critical chapbooks on Arthur Machen, both from The Arthur Machen Society.

  • Machen, Arthur (attributed). From the London Evening News. The Arthur Machen Society/Four Ducks Press, 1959. First edition chapbook original, #33 of 50 copies printed, a Fine copy, with a letter enclosed presenting the work from J. H. Stewart, Jr. to Joseph Kelly Vodray (who left an archive of Machen papers to Princeton) describing how the book was designed and printed by Bill Jackson. Three stories covering purportedly supernatural events reprinted from the London Evening News tentatively identified as the work of Arthur Machen. This is a remarkably attractive chapbook, crisply designed and printed in multiple colors inside, and really looks like something printed 20 years later. No online listings, though Worldcat does locate 13 copies in various libraries (including UT’s Harry Ransom Center).

  • (Machen, Arthur) Wesley D. Sweeter and Adrian H. Goldstone. Arthur Machen. Arthur Machen Society, 1960. First edition hardback chapbook, one of 200 copies, a Near Fine copy with sports of rubbing to extremities and cover and the decorative bookplate of Paul Jordan Smith (Literary Editor of The Los Angeles Times for 25 years and noted Machen fan) affixed to insider front cover. Reprints two pieces on Machen from The Aylesford Review: Sweeter’s “Machen: A Biographical Study” and Goldstone’s “Men About Machen,” discussing some of the more notable members of the Society (including Vodray and Smith).

  • Neither of these is in Donald Hassler’s extensive secondary bibliography on Machen on page 180 of Dictionary of Literary Bibliography Volume 178: British Fantasy and Science-fiction Writers before World War I, nor Wilson’s Shadows in the Attic, nor Tymn/Schlobin/Currey, nor any other reference works at hand. The only bibliography I have of Machen is Danielson’s, which is literally 100 year old. Goldstone and Sweeter did a more recent bibliography (put out by the University of Texas Press, no less) that I should probably keep an eye out for.

    Though I’m not really a Machen collector per se, there’s something deeply satisfying about unearthing rare reference chapbooks…

    Library Additions: Two Hollow Earth Books

    July 13th, 2023

    Both these books were in the same Heritage lot as the Locke book. I have a small but growing collection of books on Hollow Earth theory and the Shaver Mystery, and these two fit right in.

  • Bernard, Dr. Raymond (pseudonym for Walter Siegmeister). The Hollow Earth. Fieldcrest Publishing, 1964. “New Edition” hardback (I think this amounts to the second printing of the first edition, which was evidently offset, so this might qualify as the first printed edition), a Very Good+ copy in red decorated boards with a few pinhead spots of staining to rear, slight wear at head and heel, slight blunting of points, and slight wear to gold lettering, lacking the dust jacket. Barnard wrote several books promulgating various fringe and pseudoscience beliefs (vegetarianism, parthenogentic reproduction, sexual abstinence, etc.), and this book discusses how UFOs actually come from the hollow earth. He also believed there was a hollow earth opening in Brazil, and tried to start a farming colony somewhere in the general vicinity of the entrance. Kafton-Minkel, Subterranean Worlds, pages 192-216. Standish, Hollow Earth pages 277-278 (“a distillate of virtually every crackpot theory about the hollow earth that had been accumulating for a hundred years or more”). Though this had many later printings, any Fieldcrest printing seems uncommon.

  • Wentworth, Jim. Giants in the Earth: Ray Palmer, Oahspe and the Shaver Mystery. Palmer Publications, 1973. First edition? (no additional printings mentioned) trade paperback original, a Near Fine- copy with one tackhead-sized chip at the end of a crease to top front corner and slight wear at points, otherwise a fairly nice copy. Mishmash of Shaver Mystery, spiritualism, UFOs, Shaver’s “rock books,” and a dozen other fringe ideas, mostly taken from Palmer’s publications. Not in Kafton-Minkel or Standish.

  • Library Addition: Signed, Limited Hardback of George Locke’s Voyages in Space

    July 12th, 2023

    As part of (I assume) it’s ongoing sale of the Gary Monson collection, Heritage Auctions offered up a lot of oversized and non-fiction works. Of those, this title was one I was most interested in, and is the reason I bid. I won the lot for $240 plus shipping.

    Locke, George. Voyages in Space: A Bibliography of Interplanetary Fiction 1801-1914. Ferret Fantasy, 1975. First edition hardback, #17 of 18 signed, numbered hardback copies (plus an additional 10 copies not for sale), a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. The definitive bibliography on early space travel fiction. Chalker/Owings, page 527. Tymn/Schlobin/Currey A Research Guide to Science Fiction Studies 47. Barron mentions this in Anatomy of Wonder 4 7-7 (on Currey’s Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors), but does not have a separate listing for it. Not in Justice. Supplements an inscribed copy of the trade paperback.

    Library Addition: Signed, Limited Edition of John Crowley’s Great Work of Time

    July 11th, 2023

    Crowley, John. Great Work of Time. Subterranean, 2023. First edition hardback, #219 of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. “Great Work of Time first appeared in John Crowley’s 1989 collection, Novelty. It was immediately recognized as a major addition to the literature of time travel, and went on to win the World Fantasy Award for Best Novella. More than thirty years after its initial publication, it remains as dazzling, dizzying and totally enthralling as ever.” I have a small number of these available through Lame Excuse Books.

    Library Addition: Signed, Limited Edition of The Essential Peter S. Beagle

    July 10th, 2023

    Another limited edition:

    Beagle, Peter S. The Essential Peter S. Beagle. Tachyon, 2023. First edition hardback, #95 of 474 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in silver decorated boards, sans dust jacket, as issued, with Tachyon sticker and business card laid in. Just what it says, a best of collection of stories for this beloved fantasy writer. This combines what are two volumes for the trade edition (which I have on order but haven’t seen yet). I have a small number of these available through Lame Excuse Books.

    Library Addition: Thomas Ligotti’s Pictures of Apocalypse

    July 5th, 2023

    Another small press book:

    Ligotti, Thomas. Pictures of Apocalypse. Chiroptera Press, 2023. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, still in shrinkwrap. Also includes a special 24 page Pictures of Apocalypse: Interviews and Sketches chapbook, including new interviews with the author and artist, “Concept to finish” art documentation, outtakes, a thank you card, and a bookmark.” A verse cycle. A fairly elaborate small press production for this stylish horror writer. The book is no longer on the publisher’s website, so I assume it is now out of print. But I still have copies through Lame Excuse Books (including the extras bag).

    Here’s a scan of some of the items in the extras bag:

    Library Addition: Neil Gaiman’s Words of Fire

    July 4th, 2023

    Arte Editions are the people that did Gaiman’s The Case of Death and Honey. This actually had a smaller run.

    Gaiman, Neil. Words of Fire. Arte Editions, 2022 (actually 2023). First edition trade paperback original (with self-flaps), #276 of 300 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy. Poetry collection. There were two different hardback editions (the Portfolio Edition and the Roman edition), both of which were sold out by the time I heard about it. Now out of print from the publisher. I still have one copy left available through Lame Excuse Books.

    Note: The streaks in the image are actually marbling in the cover-stock.

    Library Addition: Michael Swanwick’s Brief Essays on Genre

    July 3rd, 2023

    Another Swanwick chapbook from Dragonstairs:

    Swanwick, Michael. Brief Essays on Genre. Dragonstairs Press, 2023. First edition chapbook original, #10 of 75 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy. 25 brief essays on genre fiction. Bought from the publisher at the usual discount. I will have copies of this available in the next Lame Excuse Books catalog (probably Novemberish).

    Library Addition: Edward Lucas White’s A Little Green Book of Grue

    June 28th, 2023

    Another Borderlands Little Book:

    White, Edward Lucas. A Little Green Book of Grue. Borderlands Press, 2023. First edition hardback, #462 of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy. A shame they didn’t make it a little white book of some sort…

    Library Addition: HB First of H. Beam Piper’s Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen

    June 26th, 2023

    I read this a few years ago, and liked it so much I decided to pick up the hardback first.

    Piper, H. Beam. Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen. Garland Publishing, 1975. First hardback edition, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Novel of a modern day state trooper accidentally sucked into an alternate timeline where he uses his knowledge of military tactics and technology (such as the composition of gunpowder) to topple a corrupt theocracy. Part of the Garland Library of Science Fiction, reprinted from slightly blown-up pages from the Ace paperback original. Supplements a PBO first. Bought for £68 plus shipping from a UK seller.