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The Lame Excuse Books Web Page!

Updated 3/17/25

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Ye Olde General Introduction

Hi there, and welcome to my own bookselling corner on the internet! Here you'll find a number of science fiction, fantasy, horror and slipstream books available, most first editions, both new and used, with a number of interesting oddities, all of which at what I hope are attractive prices. For now this is going to be a godawful large HTML file; at some point I hope to add one of those "shopping basket" things, but that will be a little while down the road.

How Books are Graded

I've tried to err on the side of conservative quality gradings and over-description of flaws. Ratings are (in order of quality): F=Fine, NF=Near Fine, VG=Very Good, G=Good, and P=Poor. Anything I have listed as Fine should please even the most finicky collector.

Abbreviations and Works Cited

Other abbreviations include APL=Austin Public Library, BC=Book Club, BFE=back free endpaper, dj=dust jacket, Ex-Lib=Ex-Library Copy, FFE=Front Free Endpaper, OP=Out of Print, PBO=Paperback Original, TP=Trade Paperback, TPO=Trade Paperback Original. References mentioned in the text are as follows: Fantasy 100 list=listed in Cawthorne & Moorcock's Fantasy: The 100 Best, Horror 100 list=listed in Jones & Newman's Horror: The 100 Best Books, King list=on Stephen King's list of recommended horror fiction in Danse Macabre, Modern Fantasy 100 list=in Pringle's Modern Fantasy: The Hundred Best Novels, SF 100 list=in Pringle's Science Fiction: The Hundred Best Novels, Sterling Slipstream list=Bruce Sterling's Slipstream list as printed in Volume 1, Number 5 of Science Fiction Eye (July 1989) Nova Slipstream List="Slipstream: A Second List" in Nova Express, Volume 5, Number 2, Fall/Winter 1999. Recommended means I've read the book and enjoyed it, while Highly Recommended means it was so good it went on my All Time Best Recommended Reading List.

Payment, Contact & Shipping Information

E-mail me at I can hold books ten days on e-mail or phone requests (please leave a message on voice mail for the latter). U.S. shipping is $6.50 for the first book, and $1.00 a book thereafter. (Shipping for issues of Nova Express only is $1 each mailed in an envelope.) Foreign shipping is at cost (please inquire). Books may be returned in the same condition sent (though see the Ex Library Note below) for any reason within 10 days of purchase for a full refund. Please make checks payable to Lawrence Person. I can also take Paypal at, and I can take credit cards through my merchant account. Please mail checks to:

Lawrence Person
Lame Excuse Books
P.O. Box 27231
Austin, Texas 78755

Finally! The Books!


LP3406. Adams, Douglas (edited by Kevin Jon Davies). 42: The Wildly Improbable Ideas of Douglas Adams. Unbound, 2023. First edition hardback (number line ending with 1), a Fine copy in decorated boards, sans dust jacket, as issued. A compendium of scripts, drafts, notes, sketches etc. from the archives of this Dr. Who and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy writer. I backed this on Kickstarter (which is where I got this copy), and my name can be found on page 315. This book was actually a #1 Sunday Times bestseller, so I imagine it's gone through many multiple printings. $65.

LP3354. Adams, Douglas. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Harmony Books, 1979 (stated; actually 2004). First edition thus, a 25th Anniversary Edition designed to mimic the look and feel of the 1980 U.S. first edition, but with a higher cover price ($13.95) than that original first printing, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket with UPC code on rear (presumably as issued). An odd publisher facsimile of the U.S. first edition, right down to the "10987654321" numberline and "First Edition" statement on the copyright page, and now mildly collectable in its own right. The book collecting community frowns on your shenanigans, Harmony Books... $49.

LP1837. Adams, Douglas, and John Lloyd. The Deeper Meaning of Liff. Harmony Books, 1990. First American edition, a Fine- copy with three small, short lines of writing to front free endpaper, in a Fine dust jacket. Collection of words that don't exist but should. Seems to have had fewer reprints than Adams' other works. $14.

LP3355. Anthony, Patricia. God's Fires. Ace, 1997. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy in a Fine- dust jacket with minor wrinkling near head and heel. Interesting novel about a flying saucer that crashes in Inquisition-era Spain, and the inquisitor who comes to root out "heresy" regarding this ship from the heavens. $10.

LP2514. Armstrong, Kelley. Driven. Subterranean Press, 2016. First edition hardback, one of 1000 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, with full-color endpapers and several full color plates, new and unread. Her latest werewolf novel. Half off cover price. $15.

LP2383B. Armstrong, Kelley. Forsaken. Subterranean Press, 2015. First edition hardback, #528 of 1000 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Otherworld book about werewolves. Cover price: $48. For you? $24.

LP2383. Armstrong, Kelley. Forsaken. Subterranean Press, 2015. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Trade edition. How about 75% off cover price? $10.

Art Books: See the art books page.

LP2904. Ash, Brian. Who's Who in Science Fiction. Taplinger Publishing, 1976. First U.S. hardback edition (the UK Elm Tree Press edition precedes by a couple of months), a Fine- copy with slight bend at head and heel in a NearFine+ dust jacket with very shallow chipping at head/rear cover join, one small nick along back flap fold join edge, and a trace of age darkening at top of rear jacket. Biographical reference work. $5.

LP3548. Asimov, Isaac. Foundation's Edge. Doubleday, 1982. Book Club edition, a Very Good+ with slight spine creasing and a dime-sized dark dustprint to heel, in a Very Good+ dust jacket with edgewear at head, heel and points. Formerly my copy, read once, by me, and then hauled around about a dozen moves until I replaced it with a first edition. Solid reading copy of Asimov's Hugo-winning fourth novel in the Foundation series. $5.

LP3020. Asimov, Isaac. The Foundation Trilogy (Foundation, Foundation and Empire, and Second Foundation). Folio Society, 2012. First edition hardbacks thus, an attractive three volume prestige edition, all Fine copies in decorated boards, sans dust jacket, as issued, in a Fine, decorated slipcase with a Fine Folio Society brochure laid in. One of the Folio Society's more attractive and desirable offerings. $325.

LP3193A. Asimov, Isaac, editor (Roger Zelazny, Larry Niven, Harlan Ellison, John Varley, etc.). The Hugo Winners 1976-1979: Volume 4. Doubleday, 1985. First edition hardback, a Near Fine- copy with purple remainder speckling at heel, slight bumping at head, and a tiny 1/4" slightly wavy portion to head of glue signatures (not causing any misalignment to page block edges), in a Near Fine- dust jacket with one closed 1/2" tear at heel, slight age darkening to white back cover, and slight darkening to very top edge of white front flap. Collection of Hugo-winning short fiction for those years, including "The Persistence of Vision," "Home is the Hangman," "Jefty is Five," etc. Recommended. $20.

LP2687. Ashley, Mike. Who's Who in Horror and Fantasy Fiction. Taplinger, 1977. First American hardback edition (preceded by the UK Elm Tree Books edition), a Fine- copy with a couple spots of dust soiling to page block edges in a Fine- dust jacket with a few tiny traces of edgewear, otherwise a beautiful copy. Thumbnail biographical reference, including works of the authors, along with a chronology and a series of list and index materials in the back. $10.

LP1325. Auel, Jean M. The Mammoth Hunters. Crown, 1985. First edition hardback, a Fine-/Fine copy with slight crimping at head and heel and a touch of edgewear at the extremities. Third book in the prehistoric Earth's Children. Normally I wouldn't carry this title since they printed about a zillion of these things at the time, but this is another book once owned by Forrest J. Ackerman. $4.

LP2063. Baker, Kage. Black Projects, White Knights. Golden Gryphon, 2002. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Short stories about The Company. LAST COPY! $15.

LP836. Baker, Nicholson. Room Temperature. Grove Weidenfield, 1990. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with a trace of wear to boards at heel, in a Fine-dj with a trace of haze rubbing on back cover and along spine joins. Second novel by the author of The Mezzanine. $9.

LP2832. Ballard, J. G. The Terminal Beach. Gollancz, 1964. First hardback edition and first thus (preceded by the Berkley PBO, but the contents differ), an Ex-Library copy, with an all-but-complete (and not price clipped) dust jacket taped AND glued to boards under plasticized wrapper, with a T-shaped chip at top-rear board join, perhaps 1 1/2" wide by about 1/16" across the top of spine, front and back top and 1/2" deep x 1/8" wide chip on the vertical portion of the T, with lesser chipping at points, exterior tape across top of spine, and slight general grubiness and wear (and a slender portion of rear bottom dj flap, not affecting any text, folded over under the plasticized wrapper itself) with obvious glue-darkening from pocket removal on front-free endpaper, spine lean, slight staining and general grubiness to page block edges; call it a Good+/Very Good- Ex Library copy, with a largely intact dust jacket you'll never be able to pry loose for another copy. Early short story collection, including the title story and "The Drowned Giant." Goddard and Pringle, J.G. Ballard: The First Twenty Years, 54. Currey (1979), page 23. $100.

LP2585. (Ballard, J.G.) McGrath, Rick, editor. The JG Ballard Book. The Terminal Press, 2013. First edition, first printing hardback (stated, though actually a POD book), a Fine copy in decorated boards, sans dust jacket, as issued. Oversized hardback (about the size and thickness of a high school yearbook) chock full of various Ballard tidbits, including an interview with David Pringle, additions to the Goddard bibliography, pictures of Ballard's house, maps to the Shanghai of his youth, with many pages in color, etc. Once I found out about this and the below three volumes, I picked up copies for my list, but I only have one of each. $35.

LP2586. (Ballard, J.G.) McGrath, Rick, editor. Deep Ends The JG Ballard Anthology 2014. The Terminal Press, 2014. First edition, first printing hardback (stated, though actually a POD book), a Fine copy in decorated boards, sans dust jacket, as issued. Oversized hardback (about the size and thickness of a high school yearbook) chock full of various Ballard tidbits, including a previously unpublished Ballard work ("Crystal of the Sea"), a David Pringle interview with one of Ballard's daughters, and a remembrance of another, plus sundry critical essays and (ahem) "Why I Want To Fuck Rupert Murdoch." Many pages in color. Only have one. $35.

LP2587. (Ballard, J.G.) McGrath, Rick, editor. Deep Ends The JG Ballard Anthology 2015. The Terminal Press, 2015. First edition, first printing hardback (stated, though actually a POD book), a Fine copy in decorated boards, sans dust jacket, as issued. Oversized hardback (about the size and thickness of an even thicker high school yearbook) full of even more Ballard tidbits, including the first part of David Pringle's extensive Moorcock/Ballard chronology (indeed, hearing about that is what first made me track these volumes down), plus lots of critical essays, including one on Ballard, Dick and Baudrillard. Many pages in color. Only have one. $35.

LP2588. (Ballard, J.G.) McGrath, Rick, editor. Deep Ends The JG Ballard Anthology 2016. The Terminal Press, 2016. First edition, first printing hardback (stated, though actually a POD book), a Fine copy in decorated boards, sans dust jacket, as issued. Oversized hardback (about the size and thickness of an even thicker high school yearbook) full of even more Ballard tidbits, including the second part of David Pringle's extensive Moorcock/Ballard chronology, an English bookseller's notes on selling Ballard, an interview conducted by Paul Di Filippo, etc. Many pages in color. Only have one. $35.

LP2589. SPECIAL BALLARD BUNDLE: Buy all four of the above (The JG Ballard Book and the three Deep Ends) for $120. And as far as I can tell, my prices are actually better than anywhere else online...

LP2173. Banks, Iain. The Quarry. Little Brown (UK), 2013. Fourth printing of the hardback first edition, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Banks' last novel, alas. $5.

LP2163. Banks, Iain. A Song of Stone. Little Brown Abacus, 1997. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a VG dust jacket with a thin, 3/4" hole in the front (this is on a white area inside a dust jacket protector with a white backing, so it's a little less noticeable than it would be otherwise). True first edition that precedes the American edition. $5.

LP2116. Banks, Iain. Stonemouth. Little Brown (UK), 2012. Second printing of the hardback first edition, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. His second to last novel. Man comes back home for a funeral; complications ensue. Missed the reprint statement when I picked it up, so I'm selling it cheap. $5.

LP11. Barnes, John. One for the Morning Glory. Tor, 1996. First edition hardback, Fine in a Fine dj. Fantasy. $4.

LP2626. Barrett, Jr., Neal. Dead Dog Blues. St. Martin's, 1994. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight wrinkling at points, in a dust jacket protector. Associational copy inscribed by Barrett: "For Fred & Meschke-/Best wishes!/Neal Barrett, Jr." Fred Duarte and Karen Meshke ran several Armadillocons (and Meschke a Worldcon), and were married for several years. Neal died in 2014, and Fred in 2015. Weird mystery featuring the dead dog of the title, a murdered ex-high school football player whose body is set running by mechanical means back and forth across the local field, and a downfall of suspects. Recommended. $15.

LP3023. Barrett, Neal, Jr. Other Seasons. Subterranean Press, 2012. First edition hardback, #242 of 750 signed, numbered copies, a Fine- copy with one short, thin gray line to page block edges (possibly a stray pencil mark) in a Fine dust jacket. The usual huge, beautiful Subterranean "best of" career retrospective collection, with lots of great stories. Out of print from the publisher. $34.

LP2739. Barrett, Neal, Jr. Perpetuity Blues and Other Stories. Golden Gryphon Press, 2000. First edition hardback, a Near Fine copy with a light grayish line across inside front endpaper (looks like a mechanical production issue) and a very few lightly rubbed spots on boards, in a Fine dust jacket in a Mylar protector. Inscribed by Barrett: "for Charlie at/FAMCON 2000!/(signature)". A Best Of collection of Neal's short fiction, including such great pieces as "Ginny Sweethips Flying Circus." Highly recommended. $20.

LP3024. Barrett, Neal, Jr. Prince of Christler-Coke. Golden Gryphon, 2004. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, with book announcement postcard laid in. Sardonic post-apocalyptic novel. $18.

LP3549. Barrett, Neal, Jr. Through Darkest America. Congdon & Weed, 1987. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine, Mylar-protected dust jacket, inscribed by Barrett: "RogerÑAfter all this time,/what can I say? How about:/'do what you were going to do, and say what you were going/to say./Love/[signature]/ 4/29/87." This is a pretty extensive and fulsome inscription, so I have to think it was for someone important in his life, but I don't know who. I wrote Joe Lansdale and he thinks Roger was one of Neal's old college buddies, but wasn't sure. Sorry, that's as much as I've got to go on. One of Neal's darkest and most twisted books. Recommended. $65.

LP883. Baxter, Stephen. Flux. Harper Collins, 1993. First edition hardback, an Ex-Library copy in a library binding with reinforced gutters, library card (loosely attached) to FFE, stickers on FFE and copyright page, slight page yellowing, and slight wear on the corners of the dj and one 1/8" closed tear on dj back; probably a VG/F- copy were it not for the Ex-Lib markings. There are no external stamps on the book itself, and no Ex-Lib marks at all on the dj. A Xeelee novel set among the inhabitants of a neutron star. A fairly nice space-filler copy of Baxter's fourth novel, and a very nice copy of the dj. $49.

LP2301. Baxter, Stephen. Raft. Grafton, 1991. First edition hardback, a mostly clean Ex-Library copy with tape ghosts (one each top and bottom on front and rear boards), considerable wear at heel, spine lean and the words "Black" and what appear to be cursive letters "HP" written in ink in tiny, neat handwriting on the inside rear cover, in a spine-faded dust jacket; call it a Very Good-/Near Fine+ Ex-Library copy. Baxter's first novel, part of the Xeelee sequence, set in a universe where gravity is one billion times stronger than our own. Recommended. $50.

LP3357. Beagle, Peter S. The Essential Peter S. Beagle. Tachyon, 2023. First edition hardback, one of 474 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in silver decorated boards, sans dust jacket, as issued. Just what it says, a best of collection of stories for this beloved fantasy writer. This combines what are two volumes for the trade edition. All the signed Tachyon Beagle books sell out for me. $250.

LP1588. Bear, Greg. The City at the End of Time. Gollancz, 2008 (true first, precedes the Del Rey edition by three weeks). First edition hardback, a Near Fine copy in a Near Fine dust jacket, with corners, head and heel all slightly bumped, otherwise new and unread. I was going to send this back, but at the Denver Worldcon Greg told me that these were all but impossible to find. Even the UK trade paperbacks are already into third printings. $30.

LP3550. Bear, Greg. Dinosaur Summer. Warner Books, 1998. First edition hardback, a Near Fine+ copy with one small, light stain to page block edges, in a Fine, Mylar-projected dust jacket, signed by Bear. A sequel to Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World, in which captured dinosaurs that had toured the world are returned to the Lost World plateau. Just short of a perfect copy. $15. LP17. Bear, Greg. Heads. Legend (UK), 1990. First edition hardback, Fine in a Fine dj. Novella set in the same universe as Slant, Moving Mars, and Queen of Angels. It can also be read as a thinly veiled indictment of L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology. $5.

LP18. Bear, Greg. Moving Mars. Tor, 1994. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket, with the barest trace of dj wear to back cover. Nebula and Campbell Memorial Award winner, Hugo nominee. Brilliant work that combines Bear's "Big Concept" SF with the textured postcyberpunk future he strove for in Queen of Angels. Highly Recommended. $15.

LP2175. Bear, Greg. Queen of Angels. Warner Books/Questar, 1990. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with a small checkmark to front free endpaper, small "Aug 91" written on rear free endpaper, a small binding wrinkle at bottom inside rear cover, in a Fine- dust jacket with just the tiniest bit of crimping at head, in Mylar dust jacket protector. Signed by Bear (though his signature looks more hurried than usual). Dense postcyberpunk novel set in the same future as Moving Mars and Heads. Recommended. $15.

LP1248. Bear, Greg. Slant. Legend, 1997. First edition hardback (preceded the American edition by several months), a Fine copy in a Fine dj, new and unread. Set in the same universe as Queen of Angels, and chuck full of Bear's usual interesting stuff. $12.

DH1. Benford, Gregory. Against Infinity. Timescape, 1983. First edition hardback, a Near Fine- copy with a remainder mark in a Near Fine dust jacket with a few nicks. David Hartwell sent these down for me to sell during the con. I have a couple signed by Benford at $10, the rest at $5 each. Half the money goes to the Hartwell estate.

LP2387. Benford, Gregory. The Best of Gregory Benford. Subterranean Press, 2015. First edition hardback, trade edition, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Another huge career retrospective collection. $35.

LP2908. Bennett, Robert Jackson. In the Shadows of Men. Subterranean, 2020. First edition hardback, one of 1,000 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Novella. I greatly enjoyed Bennett's Mr. Shivers and Company Man. $39.

LP1838. Bennett, Robert Jackson. Mr. Shivers. Orbit (U.S.), 2010. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Joe Dominici, thriller writer and former co-owner of Future Visions in Houston, called this "The finest first novel I have read in years" just a couple of months before his untimely death earlier this year, and having just read it I agree. It's the story of several men in the depression hunting down the title character, a tall, scarred man who has violently taken loved ones from each of them. But the longer the search, the more apparent that Mr. Shivers isn't a man at all, but perhaps the Devil (or even Death) himself. A very strong debut novel, reminiscent of K. W. Jeter's In the Land of the Dead, but I liked this better. A dark and gripping book. Recommended. $10.

LP3132. Bierce, Ambrose (Lawrence C. Connolly). A Little Blue Book of Civil War Horror Stories. Borderlands Press, 2021. First edition hardback, #462 of 500 numbered copies signed by introduction author Lawrence C. Connolly, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Bierce famously disappeared in Mexico after riding with Pancho Villa. Since he was born in 1842, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that he won't be signing any more books. Now out of print from the publisher. $45.

LP3551. Bishop, Michael. Ancient of Days. Arbor House, 1985. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with slight bend at head and trace of wear at head and heel, in a Fine- dust jacket with slight wear at heel and a trace of edgewear at head and points. Novel about a Homo Habilis survivor in modern Georgia. Arthur C. Clarke Award nominee. $10.

LP22. Bishop, Michael. And Strange at Ecbatan the Trees. Harper & Row, 1976 First edition hardback, ex-Library copy, with all the usual flaws, otherwise VG+/NF-, with significant spine lean. Signed by Bishop. $4.

LP2741. Black, Holly. The Coldest Girl in Cold Town. Little Brown, 2013. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, inscribed by Black: "for Mana/Holly Black." By the author of the Spiderwick Chronicles, the last of which hit the top of the New York Times bestseller list. Looks like postcyberpunk dark fantasy. $35.

LP3358. Blackwood, Algernon (Mark Sieber, editor). A Little Black Book of Bedevilment. Borderlands Press, 2022. First edition hardback, one of 500 copies signed by the editor, a Fine copy. $35.

LP2515. Blaylock, James P. The Further Adventures of Langdon St. Ives. Subterranean Press, 2016. First edition hardback, one of 200 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Omnibus edition of four Lagdon St. Ives steampunk novellas. "The Here-and-Thereians" plus a short coda ("Earthbound Things") are original to this volume, so you need this even if you have the previous Subterranean Press Langdon St. Ives volumes. List price: $60. For you: $50.

LP2833. Blaylock, James P. The Gobblin' Society. Subterranean Press, 2020. First edition hardback, one of 1000 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Blaylock's latest Steampunk Langdon St. Ives adventure. $39.

LP3408. Blaylock, James P. Land of Dreams. Arbor House, 1987. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine, Mylar-protected dust jacket, inscribed by Blaylock: "Gaines:/This was written by my/Children, and I stole it./Cheers,/James P. Blaylock." $24.

LP3409. Blaylock, James P. The Last Coin. Ace Books, 1988. First trade edition hardback (the Zeising limited precedes), a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket, inscribed by Blaylock: "For Gaines,/Here's the last word/in doughnuts./Cheers,/James P. Blaylock. One of his more popular books, about Blaylockian characters who run into a man tracking down the last five pieces of silver Judas was paid to betray Christ, which he expects will convey immortality upon him. $24.

LP3410. Blaylock, James P. Lord Kelvin's Machine. Arkham House, 1992. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket. Steampunk Langdon St. Ives adventure. Formerly my copy, since replaced by a signed copy, read once, carefully. Joshi, Sixty Years of Arkham House 179. Nielsen, Arkham House Books: A Collector's Guide 185. $20.

LP2909. Blaylock, James. The Magic Spectacles. Morrigan Publications, 1991. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- a tiny bit of haze rubbing. Formerly my own copy, read once by me. Young adult novel, and one that's never been reprinted in book form. Recommended. $25.

LP3411. Blaylock, James P. The Paper Grail. Ace, 1991. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket, inscribed by Blaylock: "For Gaines:/Hope you like this one./Lotsa laughs./Cheers,/James P. Blaylock." Possibly Blaylock's best novel. $24.

LP3359. Blaylock, James P. Pennies From Heaven. PS Publishing, 2022. First edition hardback, one of 200 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket with repricing sticker over UPC, as issued. New novel. The signed edition is the only hardback edition, and the PS edition is the only edition thus far. 200 is a pretty small run for a Blaylock hardback. $49.

LP3412. Blaylock, James P. Winter Tides. Ace, 1997. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Horror novel. $15.

LP3360. Bloch, Robert. Out of my Head. NESFA Press, 1986. First edition hardback, #347 of 800 numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with just a bare trace of dust soiling along edges of rear panel. Collection of fiction and non-fiction. Chalker/Owings, page 303 ("Bloch's choice of his best incidental and fanzine writing since the publication of The Eighth Stage of Fandom [and] as entertaining as ever"). $49.

LP2688. Bloch, Robert. Screams. Underwood-Miller, 1989. First edition hardback thus, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with a 1/16" closed tear at head, and a 1/32" closed tear at heel, now in dust jacket protector, otherwise pristine, with repricing sticker on dust jacket flap, as per Chalker/Owings. Omnibus edition of The Will To Kill, Firebug, and The Star Stalker, being the first hardback editions of each. Chalker/Owings (1991), page 440. $34.

LP3025. Block, Lawrence. A Writer Prepares. Short Scary Tales (SST) Publications, 2021. First edition hardback, one of 400 signed, numbered hardbacks, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, still in publisher's tissue paper wrapping. An autobiography of the early writing life of this influential and prolific mystery writer. "By the time I was 25, I had a wife and two daughters and a house in a suburb. I had published over fifty books." The mind boggles, and I feel like a slacker. Only have one. $44.

LP3026. Boyett, Stephen R. The Architect of Sleep. Centipede Press, 2021. First hardback edition, one of 400 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, still in shrinkwrap. Really interesting novel about a man transported to an alternate earth where Raccoons evolved as the planet's sentient life form. Originally published as an Ace paperback original back in 1986, never reprinted, and became something of a cult classic. I've sold a lot of PBO copies of this and Ariel over the years (and indeed, see the paperbacks). Recommended. This signed edition is already sold out from the publisher. I'm hoping this new edition prods Boyett into revising and finishing the still-unpublished sequel, The Geography of Dreams. LAST COPY! $195.

LP3500. Bradbury, Ray. A Chapbook for Burnt-Out Priests, Rabbis and Ministers. Cemetery Dance, 2001. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with just a trace of wear at points. Mixture of fiction and non-fiction, poetry, essays, etc., on religious and transcendental themes. $20.

LP2015. Bradbury, Ray. Greentown/Tinseltown. Stanza Press, 2012. First edition hardback, Fine in decorated boards, sans dj, as issued. Miscellaneous collection of Bradbury material (stories, poems, essays, holographic material, etc.) about growing up on both a small town and (later) Los Angeles. Stanza is a subsidiary of PS Publishing. $35.

LP3242. Bradbury, Ray (Dave McKean). The Homecoming. Collins Design/HarperCollins, 2006. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, signed by Bradbury. Bradbury short story lavishly illustrated by Dave McKean. $70.

LP1626. Bradbury. Ray. Marionettes, Inc. Subterranean Press, 2009. First edition hardback, one of 2000 copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. A collection of Bradbury's robot stories, including two previously unpublished works. $30.

LP2068. Bradbury, Ray. Nemo! Subterranean Press, 2013. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Previously unpublished Ray Bradbury screenplay set in Winsor McCay's Little Nemo in Slumberland comic strip. Now sold out from the publisher, but I still have it at cover price. $32.

LP3244. Bradbury, Ray. Phoenix 451. Gauntlet Press, 2022. First edition hardback, one of 350 unsigned copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Huge 833-page collection. "We are proud to be publishing five versions of Fahrenheit-451 he wrote beginning in 1955." Plus a whole lot more, including color plates, play texts, ancillary material, etc. You get a huge amount of book for your money. Mine seems to be the cheapest copy on the Internet by quite a lot. $75.

LP3245. Bradbury, Ray. Stories: 100 of Bradbury's Most Celebrated Tales. HarperCollins, 2003. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with slight bumping at head and heel and top of spine just starting to go concave, in a Fine- dust jacket with slight bumping at head and heel and a trace of surface wear; a nice copy of a large (893 page) book. Not every classic Bradbury story, but a whole lot of them. "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl," "The Man," "Zero Hour." $75.

LP3501. Bradbury, Ray. They Have Not Seen The Stars: The Collected Poetry of Ray Bradbury. Stealth Press, 2002. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, signed by Bradbury. I always thought Bradbury was a solid light-weight, rhyming, sentimental poet, three things the poetry establishment has absolutely no sympathy for. $95.

LP3246. Bradbury, Ray. The Toynbee Convector. Knopf, 1988. First Edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket on which the orange lettering on Bradbury's name has moderately faded. $10.

LP3552. Bradbury, Ray. Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures. Joshua Odell Editions, 1991. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Collection of essays. $24.

LP2477. Bradbury, Ray, editor. Futuria Fantasia. Graham Publishing/Blood and Guts Press, 2007. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, with a color photograph of Bradbury laid in. Oversized hardback that reprints four issues of the fanzine of the title Bradbury produced just after graduating high school. Includes contributions from Robert A. Heinlein, Henry Kuttner, Hannes Bok, Damon Knight, Forrest J. Ackerman, etc. A fascinating glimpse into Bradbury's early life, and the beginnings of several illustrious science fiction careers. $35.

LP3247. (Bradbury, Ray) Weller, Sam. The Bradbury Chronicles: The Life of Ray Bradbury. HarperCollins, 2005. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, signed and dated "1212/86" by Bradbury. An in-depth portrait of Bradbury and his works. $49.

LP3553. (Bradbury, Ray) Weller, Sam. b>The Bradbury Chronicles: The Life of Ray Bradbury. Morrow, 2005. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine, Mylar-protected dust jacket. Biography of Bradbury, including photos and extensive notes and index. $20.

LP32. Bradfield, Scott. The Secret Life of Houses (U.S. title: The Dream of the Wolf). Unwin Hyman (UK), 1988. First edition hardback A Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket, with very slight head and heel bumping, and very faint rubbing to the back of the white dj. The author's first book, a slipstream short story collection from which Ellen Datlow plucked the delightfully twisted "The Darling" for one of her Year's Bests. Later reprinted in the US as The Dream of the Wolf. $5.

LP1153. Bradley, Marion Zimmer. The House Between Worlds. Doubleday, 1980. First edition hardback, an Ex-Library copy (see Ex-Library Note) with all the usual flaws, otherwise VG- with spine lean, slight spine creasing, wear to bottom boards, and soiling to all three page blocks, in a NF- dj with creasing at extremities. BLOWOUT PRICE! $1.

LP3502. Brennan, Joseph Payne. Nine Horrors and a dream. Arkham House, 1958. First edition hardback, a Near Fine copy with a bump at head in a Near Fine, Mylar-protected dust jacket with slight loss at head and heel and wear at points, and slight browning to white rear cover; a really nice copy, but not perfect. Horror short story collection, and good one, with "Slime" and "Canavan's Back Yard" being particularly good. Jones & Newman, Horror 100 Best Books 56. Derleth, Thirty Years of Arkham House 53 (which notes 1,336 copies printed). Joshi, Sixty Years of Arkham House 53 ("some of the best American weird writing in the generation after Lovecraft"). Jaffery, Horrors and Unpleasantries 53. Nielsen, Arkham House Books A Collector's Guide 56 ("A key title."). $145.

LP3503. Brennan, Joseph Payne. Stories of Darkness and Dread. Arkham House, 1973. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with a few pinhead spots where the Hilliston Black Novelex binding has gone from shiny to dull, in a Fine, Mylar-protected dust jacket. His third Arkham House book and second volume of stories, including one, "Killer Cat," that came out decades before Stephen King's "The Cat from Hell." Joshi, Sixty Years of Arkham House 123. Jaffrey, Horrors and Unpleasantries 126. Nielsen, Arkham House Books: A Collector's Guide 129. $30.

LP3027. Brin, David. The Best of David Brin. Subterranean Press, 2021. First edition hardback, one of 1,000 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Another Subterranean career retrospective volume. Lots of good stories in here, including "Dr. Pak's Preschool" and "Thor Meets Captain American." (Though I can't believe they left out "A Stage of Memory.") Now sold out from the publisher. LAST COPY! $49.

Brundage, Margaret: See art books.

LP2181. Brunner, John. The Man Who Was Secrett and Other Stories. Ramble House, 2013. First edition hardback (POD), a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Uncollected John Brunner stories. $29.

LP1943. Buckell, Tobias. Crystal Rain. Tor, 2006. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with the tiniest bit of crimping at heel, otherwise apparently new and unread. His very novel, and quite a good one, depicting a world settled by people of Caribbean decent caught in the middle of a war between two different types of aliens, each pretending to be different types of Gods. Recommended. $15.

LP1682. Buckell, Tobias S. Tides from the New Worlds. Wyrm Books, 2009. First edition hardback, one of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Short story collection. Mike Resnick provides the introduction. I've really liked the books I've read in the Crystal Rain universe, and Toby's a good guy. $35.

LP2478. Buckell, Tobias S. Xenowealth. Self-published, 2016. First edition hardback, one of an unspecified number signed by the author, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with a small 1/4" paper flaw right above the A in Xenowealth, otherwise new and unread. Short story collection set in the same universe as Crystal Rain. There were only 63 backers of the hardback level, so it's possible the total print run for this edition is under 100 copies. Due to an error, my name was not listed among the backs on the acknowledgements page, but Toby sent me an extra hardback to make up for it. Now it can be yours. I don't see any other copy listed online. $75.

LP789. Bujold, Lois McMaster. The Vor Game. Easton Press, 1990. First hardback edition, a signed/limited edition signed by Bujold, Fine with embossed leather binding and gilded edges, sans dj, as issued. A beautiful copy of this Hugo winner, part of the Miles Vorkosigan saga. $395.

LP39. Butler, Octavia. Clay's Ark. St. Martins, 1984. First edition hardback, an ex-library copy, with all the usual flaws, otherwise Fine-/Fine-. $10.

LP3248. Burgess, Michael. Reference Guide to Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. Libraries Unlimited, 1992. First edition hardback, an Ex-Library copy with stamps to page block edges and front free endpaper, penciled numbers to title page, and a sticker to inside front cover; save for that, this would be a Fine- copy with a slight wear at points, and looks nice spine out. Essential guide to non-fiction works about the genre, including bibliographies, indexes, critical companions etc. If you buy SF/F/H reference works, you need a copy. $49.

LP3249. Bush, George W. Decision Points. Crown Publishers, 2010. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with slight bumping at head and heel in a Fine- dust jacket with slight bumping at head and head and a few tiny spots where the matte black dust jacket has gotten slightly "shiny," plus one tiny pinprick of wear to the right of the "H" in "BUSH," signed by Bush on a bookplate affixed to the front free endpaper. A signed copy of the presidential memoir of the 43rd President of the United States of America. Not the sort of thing I usually sell, but I chanced across it cheap at a Half Price Books (along with the Caro volume below). Start your collection of Presidential signatures! $85.

LP2592. Cadigan, Pat. Dervish is Digital. Tor, 2001. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with a slight bit of crimping at head. Signed by Cadigan. Cyberpunk novel. $15.

LP2743. Cadigan, Pat. Tea from an Empty Cup. Tor, 1998. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Inscribed by Cadigan. "For Jim/Here's to you!/Bottom's Up! Pat Cadigan / 17/10/98 / Future Fantasy." $25. LP1052. Cadigan, Pat. Tea from an Empty Cup. Tor, 1998. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dj, new and unread. Cyberpunk murder mystery set in virtual reality. $8.

LP1944. Campbell, John W. A New Dawn: The Complete Don A. Stewart Stories. NESFA Press, 2003. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with a slight wrinkle top front, top of front inner flap, and a phantom crease on inner front flap, otherwise apparently new and unread. Includes "Who Goes There?" and "Twilight," among many others. $25.

LP3362. Campbell, Ramsey (S. T. Joshi, editor). Certainly. PS Publishing, 2021. First edition hardback, #167 of 200 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Collection of essays, and a companion volume to Campbell's earlier Probably. $75.

LP2835. Campbell, Ramsey. A Little Green Book of Grins & Gravity. Borderlands Press, 2020. First edition hardback, one of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. A novella, "The Enigma of the Flat Policeman," supposedly in the manner of John Dickson Carr, along with an introduction and an afterword. Now sold out from the publisher. $44.

LP3414. Campbell, Ramsey. Six Stooges and Counting: A Personal Tribute. PS Publishing, 2023. First edition hardback, one of 100 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket (the only hardback edition). Ramsey Campbell's personal tribute and year-by-year overview of the career of The Three Stooges, in all their different guises. There are more than 100 Ramsey Campbell fans, and more than 100 Three Stooge fans, so if you want a copy, you should probably grab one sooner rather than later. $35.

LP3133. Card, Orson Scott. Alvin Journeyman. Tor, 1995. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Fourth Alvin Maker alternate history fantasy. $9.

LP475. Card, Orson Scott. A Planet Called Treason. St. Martin's, 1979. First edition hardback, an ex-library copy with all the usual flaws, otherwise G-/VG-, with a cracked inner hinge resulting in uneven page blocks, spine lean, a large stain on page 91/92, wear to bottom boards, and some 3/8" chipping at dj head. A reading copy or placeholder only. BLOWOUT PRICE. $1.

LP2017. Card, Orson Scott. Red Prophet. Tor, 1988. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine, Mylar-protected dust jacket. Inscribed by Card: "to Julia - I'll see you inside 8-face mound-Orson Scott Card". Second book in the Alvin Maker series, Hugo and Nebula finalist, and possibly the last book by Card I personally enjoyed. $30.

LP3136. Card, Orson Scott. Seventh Son. Tor, 1987. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, inscribed by Card: "to Rocco Ñ /Don't go near the water!/Orson Scott Card." First Alvin Maker alternate history fantasy. $30. LP3251. Card, Orson Scott. Speaker for the Dead. Tor, 1986. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with slight bumping at head and a pinhead sized brown stain to rear of boards near the top, also reflected on the blind side of the dust jacket, in a Near Fine dust jacket with very slight haze rubbing along spine joins, a 1/4" x 1/16" portion at top rear edge near fold where it looks like the silver color didn't get uniformly applied during the printing process, so it looks slightly washed out there, slight edgewear at bottom rear point, and traces at other points, traces of edgewear, and a few other traces of wear; actually a pretty nice copy, but one with several minor flaws. Sequel to Ender's Game, and Hugo and Nebula Award winner for best novel. $85.

LP47. Card, Orson Scott. Speaker for the Dead. Tor, 1986. First edition hardback, Very Good- Ex-Library copy (with all the usual APL Ex-Lib flaws), a fully cracked front hinge, spine lean and general wear, in a dust jacket that would be Near Fine- were it not for the APL Ex-Lib flaws (see note at bottom of this catalog) with flaps taped down and crinkling to back cover. A more thoughtful and complex novel than Ender's Game, and thus less popular. Hugo and Nebula winner. Space filler/reading copy only. $25.

LP3252. Caro, Robert. The Years of Lyndon Johnson: Means of Ascent. Knopf, 1990. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket with just a slight bit bend at head and heel. The second volume in Caro's monumental, meticulously-researched and award-winning Lyndon Johnson biography, covering how LBJ stole the 1948 Texas senate race from Coke Stevenson through massive voting fraud. $20.

LP754. Carroll, Jonathan. The Wooden Sea. Tor, 2001. First edition hardback, Fine in Fine dj. Unlike most of Carroll's books, the U.S. was the true first edition, and this quickly went into additional printings. Signed by Carroll. $12.

LP3253. Castle, Mort. A Little Cobalt Book of Old Blue Stories...And Stuff. Borderlands Press, 2018. First edition hardback, #290 of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine- copy with front free endpaper and first page slightly creased on bottom corner. Short story collection. Out of print from the publisher. $49. LP3195. Cave, Nick. And The Ass Saw the Angel. Harper Collins, 1989. First American edition (evidently the UK edition precedes), a Near Fine- copy with a few small, faint spots to boards, a small bump to top rear board edge, bumped points, slight bumping at head and heel, and front free endpaper slightly wavy, in a Fine- dust jacket with just a trace of edgewear at head; a fairly attractive copy. First novel by someone better known as a musician (The Bad Seeds, appearance in Wings of Desire, etc.). "Euchrid Eucrow is the result of generations of backwoods incest and moonshine consumption." He can also evidently communicate with animals. Looks like backwoods gothic noir with a touch of magical realism. A collectable cult novel. $65.

LP3254. Chabon, Michael. Moonglow: A Novel. HarperCollins, 2016. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight bump to bottom rear corner, inscribed by Chabon "To Keef -/Michael Chabon," with signing event ticket laid in. Novel involving the space program. National Books Critic Circle Award finalist. $20.

LP2745. Chabon, Michael. Mysteries of Pittsburgh. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight blunting to points and a few other barest traces of wear, otherwise apparently new and unread, Chabon's first novel. $20.

LP2303. Chabon, Michael. The Mysteries of Pittsburgh. Morrow, 1988. First edition hardback, a Fine book in a Fine- dust jacket, with some age-darkening at edges of inner flaps. Author's first novel. $19.

LP3137. Chabon, Michael. The Yiddish Policeman's Union. Harper Collins, 2007. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacked with wear at points and an "Autographed Copy" sticker on the front cover, signed by Chabon. His Hugo and Nebula winning alternate history set in a world where Israel wasn't founded in 1947 and Jews were settled in Alaska, a murder mystery involving a chess game. Highly recommended. $20.

LP1721. Chabon, Michael. The Yiddish Policemen's Union. Harper Collins, 2007. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Winner of the Hugo and Nebula Award. Excellent police procedural chess murder mystery set in an alternate world where the founding of Israel failed and Jewish refugees were resettled in a special district in Alaska. Highly recommended. $20.

LP3138. Chambers, Robert W. (Lisa Morton, editor). A Little Yellow Book of Carcosa and Kings. Borderlands Press, 2022. First edition hardback, on of 500 copies signed by Morton, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Includes four King In Yellow related stories: "The Repairer of Reputations," "The Mask," "In the Court of the Dragon," and "The Yellow Sign." Now sold out from the publishers. LAST COPY! $75.

LP2390. Charnas, Suzy McKee. The Vampire Tapestry. Simon & Schuster, 1980. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with slight dust spotting to head in a Fine- dust jacket with slight dust soiling to the white dust jacket that's notoriously prone to it, as well as slight foxing to blind side of dj spine. Signed by Charnes. Landmark vampire novel. Pringle, Modern Fantasy 100 list, 71. $100.

LP655. Cherryh, C. J. Cyteen. Warner Books, 1988. First edition hardback, an Ex-Library copy, with all the usual flaws, otherwise G+/NF+ with spine lean, significant wear to bottom boards, long black marker line on heel, spine leaned and slightly concave. Well-worn, but an attractive dj for an Ex-Lib, and a true first of a Hugo winner. BLOWOUT PRICE. $1.

LP1156. Cherryh, C. J. Forty Thousand in Gehenna. Phantasia Press, 1983. First edition hardback, an Ex-Library copy (see Ex-Library Note) with all the usual flaws, otherwise VG with slight spine lean, wear to bottom boards, and soiling to all three page blocks, in a NF dj with slight creasing at extremities. BLOWOUT PRICE. $1.

LP2912. Chiang, Ted. Exhalation. Subterranean Press, 2020. First limited edition hardback (preceded by the 2019 trade edition), one of 300 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Hefty, beautiful limited edition of Chiang's second short story collection. Includes such Hugo and Nebula-winning stories as "The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate" (which he brought to a Turkey City Writer's Workshop I hosted, despite it being, like all Ted's short fiction, annoyingly perfect already), "Exhalation," and "The Lifecycle of Software Objects." Out of print upon publication, and I only have two copies. $295.

LP3029. Child, Lee. A Little Gold Book of Unconsidered Trifles. Borderlands Press, 2021. First edition hardback, one of 600 signed and numbered copies, a Fine copy in decorated boards, sans dust jacket, as issued. Mixture of fiction and non-fiction by the best-selling author of the Jack Reacher series, some original to this volume, including a piece from Esquire. Now sold out from the publisher. $38.

Chizmar, Richard. See (King, Stephen).

LP3255. Clark, Mary Higgins. A Stranger is Watching. Simon & Schuster, 1977. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with a slight change in spine color (from off-white to white) about 2/3rds of the way down. Thriller featuring "shocking murders." The third book by the "Queen of Suspense" and later president of the Mystery Writers of America, who went on to sell a zillion copies of her numerous works. $5.

LP3504. Clarke, Arthur C. Clarke, Arthur C. Childhood's End. Ballantine Books, 1953. First edition hardback, an Ex-Library copy with all the usual flaws, including pocket at rear, dust jacket taped to covers, a spine crease, dust soiling to page block edges and slight wear to bottom boards, in an attached dust jacket with spine fade and a 1" x 1" plus sign ("+") done in liquid paper partially covering the "k" and "e" in "Clarke," in an old-style black edge) dust jacket protector, with other touches of dust soiling and wear. Far from pristine, but the dust jacket itself seems to be intact save for a small part where the protector has worn away at heel join, where about 1/16" chip has abraded away. Call it a Good+/Very Good Ex-Lib copy. Clarke's most important novel, and one of the keystone science fiction novels of the 20th century. Currey (State A), page 113. Locke, Science Fiction First Editions, page 23 and pages 84-85, where he argues that the hardcover (Currey A) state was probably printed before the simultaneous paperback edition. Locke, A Spectrum of Fantasy page 52. Pringle, Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels 9. Barron, Anatomy of Wonder 4 3-44. Magill, Survey of Science Fiction Literature, pages 337-341. Hartwell, Age of Wonders, pages 82-83. Pringle, The Ultimate Guide to Science Fiction page 58 ("****...Clarke's best novel.") A very imperfect but complete true first of an important and difficult book. $995.

LP3505. Clarke, Arthur C. A Fall of Moondust. Harcourt, Brace & World, 1961. First edition hardback ("First Edition" stated, as per Currey), an Ex-Library copy with all the usual flaws, including stamps and stickers to endpapers, pocket to rear free endpaper, in a library binding, in a dust jacket formerly glued to flaps (in a dust jacket protector, so you could use it for another copy), otherwise Good+ with sticker to spine, sticker to rear cover (on the dj protector), a 1/4" triangular chip to front heel join, similar with slightly less loss and tear to rear heel join, much shallower wear to head and points, call it a Good+/Good+ ex-library copy. Arguably the last of Clarke's "early" novels. Hugo nominee. Space-filler or reading copy. $20.

LP2836. Clarke, Arthur C. Rendezvous With Rama. Gollancz, 1973. First edition hardback (no statement of printing on copyright page, as per Currey), an Ex-Library copy for which the outer dust jacket has been plasticized onto the boards, with the front flap (£2.00 price intact) detached and attached to the rear free endpaper, with the rear flap excised, edgewear at heel, slight wrinkling at head, front hinge cracked, brown stain to bottom outer bottom page block edge that goes through entire book, pocket removal on front free endpaper, along with book title, author and "SF" written at top with ink at top, number stamp and withdrawn stamp; call it Good+ Ex-Library copy in a Poor dust jacket that looks OK spine-out. Not a great copy, but the true first of this Hugo, Nebula and John W. Campbell Award winner, and one that presents slightly better than a jacketless copy. Currey (1979), page 115. $75.

LP3554. Clarke, Arthur C., editor. Arthur C. Clarke's July 20, 2019: Life in the 21st Century. Macmillan, 1986. Oversized hardback. While the numberline states "10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1" and the ISBN matches the first edition, but there is no price on the dust jacket (just the "FPT" in black lettering on a white box), making me think that this is likely the book club edition. A Near Fine+ copy with some small abrasions and rubs, in a Near Fine dust jacket with a 1" closed tear at front heel join, slight wear at tips, and a trace of haze rubbing. Collection of futurist essays and photographs covering life in the impossibly distant future of 2019, 50 years after the first moon landing. Obviously intended as a coffee table book, this is a nice reading copy of a curiosity. $5.

LP3555. Clegg, Douglas. Isis. Cemetery Dance, 2006. First edition hardback, #378 of 600 signed numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine, Mylar-protected dust jacket, additional inscribed "To StephenÑ/Welcome to Isis." Horror novella about a woman who regularly gets possessed by spirits before being whisked off to Hell. So not the Jihadi type of ISIS... $25.

LP3416. Connell, Richard (Ted Connair, editor). A Little Gray Book of Grisly Tales. Borderlands Press, 2023. First edition hardback, one of 500 copies signed by Connair, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Connell is most famous for having penned "The Most Dangerous Game" (one of the stories here), which has been adapted so many times it has a Wikipedia entry just for the adaptations. Contains eight stories total. Now out of print from the publisher. Only have one. $49.

LP3030. Constantine, Storm. Splinters of Truth. NewCon, 2016. First edition hardback, #71 of 100 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Short story collection from the acclaimed fantasy writer who died in 2021. $45.

LP3556. Cook, Will (edited by Bill Pronzini). Blood Sky: Western Stories. Five Star, 2006. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket. Collection of western stories. Not what I usually carry, but I chanced across this, and I know that Five Star is reportedly a difficult press for booksellers to deal with, being geared for the library market, so western fans may find it hard to locate. $35.

LP2182. Cornwell, Bernard. Sharpe's Eagle. Viking Press, 1981. First American hardback edition (the UK edition precedes), stating "First published by The Viking Press in 1981," no additional printing statement, a price of $12.95 on the dust jacket, and no book club indent to rear cover, a Fine- copy with slight crimping at head and heel and slight dust staining to top page block, in a Fine- dust jacket with a 1/16" semi-closed tear at head (needs a dust jacket protector). Eighth book in the popular Richard Sharpe series of Napoleonic Wars novels. $20.

LP3256. Crouch, Blake. Upgrade. Ballantine Books, 2022. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, signed on signature page by Crouch, with SIGNED COPY sticker on dust jacket. Evidently this guy is getting enough buzz off the media adaptations of his work for mainstream publishers to do the "identical signed editions of his work" thing. $28.

LP656. Crowley, John. The Deep. Doubleday, 1975. First edition hardback, an Ex-Library copy with all the usual flaws (see Ex-Library Note), otherwise a Very Good/Very Good copy with bottom 1/2" of front free endpaper missing from pocket removal, a touch of spine lean, slight grubbiness to dust jacket, and wear at head heel and points. The last Ex-Lib copy I have of Crowley's first novel. $15.

LP3363. Crowley, John. Great Work of Time. Subterranean, 2023. First edition hardback, one of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. "Great Work of Time first appeared in John Crowley's 1989 collection, Novelty. It was immediately recognized as a major addition to the literature of time travel, and went on to win the World Fantasy Award for Best Novella. More than thirty years after its initial publication, it remains as dazzling, dizzying and totally enthralling as ever." $60.

LP3418. Crowley, John. Love & Sleep. Bantam, 1994. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Second book in the Aegypt sequence. $30.

LP2374. Cussler, Clive. Atlantis Found. Putnam, 1999. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with the barest traces of wear. Dirk Pitt in a very Indiana Jones-sounding adventure. $5.

LP1947. Dahlquist, Gordon. The Glass Book of the Dream Eaters. Bantam, 2006. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Got all sorts of huge buzz when it came out. "A sinister cabal seeks to rule the world through sex and dreams." Well, who DOESN'T want to rule the world through sex? Though admittedly, John Holmes' brief stint as Secretary General of the UN didn't work out too well... $25.

LP3258. Dann, Jack. Masters of Science Fiction: Jack Dann. Centipede Press, 2022. First edition hardback, one of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. A very attractive volume, as are the other books in this series. Now out of print from the publisher, and I only have one left. $125.

LP2632. Datlow, Ellen and Terri Windling, editors (Joe R. Lansdale, John Brunner, R. A. Lafferty, Richard Christian Matheson, etc.). The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Fourth Annual Collection. St. Martin's, 1991. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight crimping at head and heel. Signed by Datlow. A really nice copy of a very attractive book. $35.

LP2633. Datlow, Ellen and Terri Windling, editors (Charles De Lint, Karl Edward Wagner, Thomas Ligotti, K.W. Jeter, Pat Cadigan, C.J. Cherryh, etc.). The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Fifth Annual Collection. St. Martin's, 1992. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with some tiny wrinkles at head and the very slightest age darkening at the very top of the dust jacket; I'm being very picky here. Signed by Datlow. A very nice copy. $35.

LP2634. Datlow, Ellen and Terri Windling, editors (Clive Barker, Neil Gaiman, Robert Silverberg, Gene Wolfe, Harlan Ellison, John Brunner, Charles DeLint, etc.). The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Sixth Annual Collection. St. Martin's, 1993. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight bumping at head and heel. Signed by Datlow. $35.

LP2635. Datlow, Ellen and Terri Windling, editors (Ursula K. Le Guin, Harlan Ellison, Dan Simmons, John Crowley, Charles DeLint, Ian McDonald, etc.). The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Seventh Annual Collection. St. Martins, 1994. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight bumping at head and heel. Signed by Datlow. $35.

LP891. Datlow, Ellen and Terri Windling (Neil Gaiman, Jonathan Carroll, Jack Cady, John Crowley, Ramsey Campbell, Andy Duncan, Harlan Ellison, Kathe Koja, Tanith lee, Howard Wandrei, etc.). The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Fourteenth Annual Collection. St. Martin's Press, 2001. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dj, new and unread. The usual roundup of excellent writers. $12.

LP1160. Datlow, Ellen, & Terri Windling. The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Fifteenth Annual Collection. St. Martin's, 2002. First edition hardback, an Ex-Library copy (see Ex-Library Note) with most of the usual flaws (though no stamps on page block edges, no bands on dj, and the stickers inside the dj protector can usually be peeled off, meaning this has the potential to clean up quite nicely on the outside). $4.

LP3364. Datlow, Ellen, Kelly Link and Gavin Grant (Ted Chiang, Karen Joy Fowler, Joyce Carol Oates, etc.). The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror 2008: Twenty First Annual Collection. St. Martin's Press, 2008. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Not seeing any copies online. $49.

LP791. De Camp, L. Sprague. The Glory that Was. Avalon, 1960. First edition hardback, a F-/VG- copy, with slight head and heel bumping, a 5/16" by 3/8" chip at the bottom of dj front, and some very shallow shipping and associated chipping at head and heel. Jacket art by Ed Emshwiller. Science fiction adventure novel of someone trying to recreate ancient Greece in the 27th century. $20.

P2636. De Camp, L. Sprague and Catherine Crook. Footprints on Sand. Advent, 1981. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Near Fine+ dust jacket with faint black soiling at head and heel under the Mylar dust jacket proctor, and a small abrasion at heel. "Short stories, verse and non-fiction." $10.

LP2183. De Camp, L. Sprague and Fletcher Pratt. Wall of Serpents. Avalon Books, 1960. First edition hardback (no statement of printing on copyright page, as per Currey), a Near Fine copy with a bit of wear at head and heel in a Very Good dust jacket with some rubbing and associated color loss (mostly along spine), very shallow chipping at head and heel (with associated crinkling), and moderate dust staining to white back. Harold Shea novel. $25.

LP3419. Delany, Samuel R. The American Shore. Dragon Press, 1978. First edition hardback, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Detailed, close-reading non-fiction critical analysis of Thomas Disch's "Angouleme," a segment of 334. Weedman, The Starmont Reader's Guide to Samuel R. Delany, page 22 ("Here Delany exercises himself as the critic's critic"). Chalker/Owings, page 132. $30.

LP3420. Delany, Samuel R. (edited by Kenneth R. James) In Search of Silence: The Journals of Samuel R. Delany Volume 1, 1957-1969. Wesleyan University Press, 2017. First edition hardback ("5 4 3 2 1" numberline), a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Selections from Delany's journals when he was first making his mark on the SF field. $35.

LP3421. Delany, Samuel R. The Straits of Messina. Serconia Press, 1989. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Near Fine dust jacket with age darkening to the spine and a small, slight wrinkle to top front cover edge. Delany essays on Delany. Chalker/Owings, page 390 ("readable"). I actually bought this copy from Mike Resnick back in 2005. Copies of this seem to have gotten hard to find recently. $150.

LP3422. Denton, Bradley. Buddy Holly is Alive and Well on Ganymede. Morrow, 1991. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, signed by Denton. A fun, funny slipstream novel, part science fiction, part chase film. Blurbed by Howard Waldrop, Ed Bryant, Pat Cadigan, etc. Nice signed firsts have gotten harder to find as of late. Recommended. $75.

LP3557. Denton, Bradley. Blackburn. St. Martin's, 1993. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Novel about an oddly moral serial killer. Recommended. $15.

LP792. Denton, Brad. Lunatics. St. Martin's Press, 1996. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine minus dj, with slight wear at dj corners. (Given the thinness of the St. Martin's dust jackets of this period, it's usually found much more worn than this.) The humorous story of a man in love with a naked moon goddess, and the effect it has on his friends. Signed by Denton. $15.

LP3260. Derleth, August, and Mark Schorer. Colonel Markesan and Less Pleasant People. Arkham House, 1966. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with a few light spots of abrasion to bottom boards at heel and one at head, in a Fine- dust jacket with slight age-darkening to white letters on spine, a trace of dust soiling to white portions of rear dust jacket, and a trace of edgewear to bottom edge; just short of a perfect copy. Joshi, Sixty Years of Arkham House 87. Derleth, Thirty Years of Arkham House 87. Jaffrey, Horrors and Unpleasantries 93. Nielsen, Arkham House Books 93. Currey, page 146. $35.

LP3261. Derleth, August, editor. Dark Mind, Dark Heart. Arkham House, 1962. First edition hardback, a Near Fine copy with slight bumping at head, heel and points, and a stamp at the bottom of the title page for "WEHMAN BROS./Publishers" of Hackensack, NJ, in a Near Fine dust jacket with bumping at head and heel, moderate dust soiling to rear cover, a very thin line of slight darkening to the very top of the rear flap, a few pinprick points of light spotting to bottom flaps near edges, and a trace of foxing to blindside spine and gutters; otherwise a nice tight, attractive copy. Anthology featuring a who's who of Arkham authors (Lovecraft, Howard, Hodgson, Bloch, etc.). Derleth, 100 Books by August Derleth 99. Joshi, Sixty Years of Arkham House 64. Derleth, Thirty Years of Arkham House 65. Jaffrey, Horrors and Unpleasantries 66. Nielsen, Arkham House Books 68. Currey, page 162. Wehman Bros. was known for publishing magic trick books, joke books, etc., so stamping a horror anthology may seem odd, but in the 1960s they had a sideline of gray-market imports of Michael Moorcock books (I have a couple of Elric books so stamped), so this was presumably part of a more general SF/F/H book-dealing or distribution operation. $65.

LP3262. Derleth, August, editor. Far Boundaries. Pellegrini & Cudahy, 1951. First edition hardback (no statement of printing on copyright page, as per Currey), a Very Good copy with a bump at heel, a much slighter one at head, moderate dust soiling to top page block, and general wear, lacking the dust jacket. 20 science fiction stories, including two from Ray Bradbury, plus Robert Bloch, Fritz Leiber, A. E. van Vogt, Frank Belknap Long, Carl Jacobi, etc. Solid reading copy. Derleth, 100 Books by August Derleth 57. Currey, page 152. $10.

LP2916. De Palma, Brain, and Susan Lehman. Are Snakes Necessary? Hard Case Crime, 2020. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread, signed by both the authors. Hard-boiled debut mystery novel by the director of Scarface, Carrie, etc. Not seeing another signed copy anywhere online. $95.

LP3558. Dick, Philip K. The Divine Invasion. Timescape, 1981. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. The second book in the VALIS trilogy, between VALIS and The Transmigration of Timothy Archer, in which Dick tried to make fictional sense of his 1974 "Exegesis" experience, when he believed that God downloaded a massive amount of information into his head via a pink laser. An excellent copy of a later, important PKD novel. Levack, 11.a. Wintz/Hyde, Precious Artifacts SF20.1. Pringle, Ultimate Guide to Science Fiction, page 90 ("strange, confusing, but intermittently powerful.") Barron, Anatomy of Wonder 4, 4-134 ("idiosyncratic, but Dick's usual fervor of sympathy and anxiety is here strengthened by a powerful injection of faith and hope.") $20.

LP1394. Dick, Philip K. I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon. Doubleday, 1985. First edition hardback, an Ex-Library copy with all the usual flaws, otherwise VG/NF with spine lean and wear to the bottom boards. Posthumous short story collection. $4.

LP3559. Dick, Philip K. Humpty Dumpty in Oakland. Gollancz, 1986. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with just a trace of haze rubbing and just the barest bit of wrinkle at head; a really nice copy. Wintz/Hyde, Precious Artifacts, MS3.3. $45. LP2638. Dick, Phillip K. The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike. Mark V. Ziesing, 1984. First edition hardback, one of 800 copies, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight wrinkling at head and heel, and a trace of wear at points, with Rick Demarco bookplate laid in. One of Dick's posthumously-published mainstream novels. Winter & Hyde, Precious Artifacts: A Philip K. Dick Bibliography, MS8.1. Chalker/Owings (1991), page 490. $75.

LP3263. Dick, Philip K. The Preserving Machine. Ace (SFBC), 1969. First hardback edition (48K gutter code on page 309, as per Levack), a Fine- copy with slight bend at head and heel and a trace of blunting to points, in a Very Good dust jacket with significant rubbing of back cover, along folds and at points; far from a perfect copy, but a bit better than it's usually found these days, if you can find it at all; copies seem to have gradually "aged out" of used bookstores. Short story collection. Levack, PKD 34b. Wintz/Hyde, Precious Artifacts COL3.2. Currey, page 158. $25.

LP3560. Dick, Philip K. Radio Free Albemuth. Arbor House, 1985. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with just a trace of wear at bottom front point and slight haze rubbing, most noticeable to rear cover. An alternate version of the material that eventually ended up in the VALIS trilogy, but much more readable than VALIS. Wintz/Hyde, Precious Artifacts, SF16.1. Pringle, Ultimate Guide to SF page 255 (***). Recommended. $15.

LP3196. Dick, Philip K. Selected Short Stories. The Folio Society, 2022. First edition hardback ("First Printing 2022"), a Fine copy in decorated boards and a decorated, die-cut slipcase that even sports a full-color illustration printed inside the slipcase, sans dust jacket, as issued, still in publisher's wrapping paper. The pageblock edges even include a dye-pattern image of two eyes (appropriate to Dick's frequent theme of paranoia). Plus a Jonathan Lethem introduction and a full-color illustration for each story from 24 different artists (include Dave McKean). It's a very attractive package. $295.

LP2749. Dick, Philip K. Selected Letters of Philip K. Dick Number Six: 1980 - 1982. Underwood Books, 2009. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with just a tiny bit of bumping at head and heel corners, in a Fine- price-clipped dust jacket (all copies so affected, as the dust jackets were printed a decade in advance and the price had changed when the book was finally published), with slight edgewear at head, heel and points. Letters from the last years of Dick's life, including religious visions and the production of Blade Runner. Wintz/Hyde, Precious Artifacts, NF7. $75.

LP1395. Dick, Philip K. Voices from the Street. Tor, 2007. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Dick's last previously unpublished novel (or at least the last for which a manuscript is known to exist). David Hartwell told me that it's actually much better than itfs reputation. $15.

LP3561. Dick, Philip K. And Roger Zelazny. Deus Irae. Doubleday, 1976. First edition hardback ("First Edition" stated and gutter code "G 27" on page 181), a Near Fine copy with remainder spray to heel and slight bumping at head and heel in a Near Fine- dust jacket with slight age darkening to spine, wear at head, heel and points and shallow loss all along top of front flap, with foxing to blindside of spine panel and along folds. Post-apocalyptic novel started by Dick and finished by Zelazny. Levack, PKD 10.a. Levack, Amber Dreams, 10.a. Wintz/Hyde, Precious Artifacts, SF5.2. $25.

LP2593. (Dick, Philip K.) Arnold, Kyle. The Divine Madness of Philip K. Dick. Oxford University Press, 2016. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. A clinical psychologist looks at Dick and his "pink light" experience. $15.

LP3197. Dickinson, Emily. Favorite Poems of Emily Dickinson. Avenal Books, 1978. First edition and first printing (stated) thus (a reprint of a poetry collection from 1890), a Near Fine copy with a few touches of wear and small bumps along board edges. Small volume (duodecimo); no price, but this looks like an instant remainder. Gardner Dozois once said you could sing every poem Emily Dickinson ever wrote to the tune of "The Yellow Rose of Texas." Not my usual trade, but it came over in a lot. $3.

LP2691. Di Filippo, Paul. Aeota. PS Publishing, 2019. First edition hardback, one of only 100 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in decorated boards and a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. "On the trail of a missing con man, our private eye hero uncovers a vast conspiracy that stretches from the dawn of time to the Omega Point-and find himself central to the whole enigmatic game." Original novella. Looks like fun, and judging from the dust jacket art, it includes dinosaurs as well. $32.

LP3140. Di Filippo, Paul. Aeota. PS Publishing, 2019. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in decorated boards and a Fine dust jacket, with signature plate by Di Filippo laid in. "On the trail of a missing con man, our private eye hero uncovers a vast conspiracy that stretches from the dawn of time to the Omega Point-and find himself central to the whole enigmatic game." Original novella. Looks like fun, and judging from the dust jacket art, it features dinosaurs. $24.

LP3031. Di Filippo, Paul. Worldshifter. NewCon Press, 2021. First edition hardback, #42 of just 60 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. "A high-octane tale of sweeping scope and imagination packed into a breathless novella." $49.

LP2748. Di Filippo, Paul. Joe's Liver. Cambrian Publications, 2000. First edition hardback, a Presentation Copy of 300 signed, numbered copies, a Fine- copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight bumping at head and heel and a rear cover wrinkle at head, read once by me. Tale of a man named Reader's Digest, after the titular magazine, issues of which were prevalent in his boyhood orphanage, and his picaresque journey across America to Pleasantville, NY to visit the home of his namesake. $25.

LP1900. Di Filippo, Paul. Little Doors. Four Walls Eight Windows, 2002. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Short story collection, back in stock. With signed bookplate laid in. Only have one. $12.

LP639. Di Filippo, Paul. A Mouthful of Tongues. Cosmos Books, 2002. "First edition" hardback (as a Print on Demand book, there are technically no first editions as such, but these were ordered within a month of receiving a review copy), Fine in a Fine dj (new). With signed bookplate laid in. Di Filippo's erotic tribute to Samuel Delany's The Tides of Lust, so you've got to be 18 or older to buy it. $25.

LP873. Di Filippo, Paul. Spondulix. Cambrian Publications, 2003. First edition hardback, one of only 300 signed/limited hardback copies, Fine in a Fine dj, new and unread. $34.

LP2073. Di Filippo, Paul. Strange Trades. Golden Gryphon, 2001. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. With signed bookplate laid in. Short story collection about various jobs. Introduction by Bruce Sterling. Recommended, especially for "The Mill." $12.

LP3506. Disch, Thomas M. (illustrated by Karen Lee Schmidt). The Brave Little Toaster. Doubleday, 1986. First edition hardback, a Fine copy (with the characteristic gutter discoloration from blue to yellow seen in all copies, evidently a chemical reaction to the glue used) in decorated boards, in a Fine-, Mylar-protected dust jacket with a thin line of wear at heel. Basis of the 1987 animated film, and among the hardest to find of Disch's firsts. $250.

LP3507. Disch, Thomas M., Bloodhag, and Tim Kirk. Mecca Mettle. Payseur & Schmidt, 2005. First edition hardback, #160 of 300 copies signed by Disch, a Fine copy in a Fine, Mylar-protected dust jacket, with Blood Hag CD present at rear, and Payseur & Schmidt note and bookmark laid in. Like all Payseur & Schmidt's projects, this is as much an art assemblage as a book, with stories from Disch (using the fake band member names from Bloodhag as pseudonyms for most of them), art from Kirk, and music from Seattle death metal band Bloodhag. A mint copy of a pretty unusual Disch book. $49.

LP2186. Disch, Thomas. The Proteus Sails Again. Subterranean Press, 2008. First edition hardback, one of 500 copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Sequel to The Voyage of the Proteus, featuring strange doings in New York City. A full $15 off the $35 cover price. $20.

LP3508. Disch, Thomas M. The Silver Pillow: A Tale of Witchcraft. Mark V. Ziesing, 1987. First edition hardback, #19 of 250 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine- Mylar-protected dust jacket with a thin 3/8" long scratch along rear spine join at head. Original horror novelette. Chalker/Owings, page 490. $15.

LP2524. Donaldson, D. J. Blood on the Bayou. St. Martin's Press, 1991. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with a bit of haze rubbing to the rear cover. Werewolf mystery novel set in New Orleans ("An Andy Broussard/Kit Franklin Mystery"). $20.

LP3423. Donaldson, Stephen R. The Wounded Land, The One Tree, and White Gold Wielder (The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever). Del Rey (SFBC), 1980-1983. Book club hardbacks, all about Very Good+/Very Good+, with small tears, abrasions, rubs, creases, stains, etc., but nothing major. Read once, by me, when they came out, and schlepped around for some 40+ years until I just replaced them with signed firsts. Sold as sturdy reading copies. $10 for the set (plus $2 extra in shipping for the extra volumes).

LP3562. Doyle, Arthur Conan (Mark W. Whitback, editor). A Little Orange Book of Odd Orchestrations. Borderlands Books, 2024. First edition hardback, one of 500 copies signed by the editor, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Fantastic stories, several of which are covered in Bleiler's Supernatural Fiction, pages 159-161, and Bleiler's Science Fiction: The Early Years, pages 203-209. Part of their "Past Masters of Horror and Fantasy" series, focusing on late 19th/early 20th century writers. Now out of print from the publisher. $35.

LP2639. Dozois, Gardner. Geodesic Dreams: The Best Short Fiction of Gardner Dozois. St. Martins Press, 1992. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with a pinhead-sized spot off extremely faint discoloration to page block edges (easy to miss), in a Near Fine+ dust jacket with one faint 1/2" scratch at heel, and edgewear at head and heel. Inscribed by Dozois: "For Fred/best,/Gardner Dozois." Gardner was a frequent guest at Armadillocon, including Armadillocon 14, where Fred Duarte was co-con chair and Gardner was Editor Guest of Honor, making this an associational copy. Some great stories in here, including the award-winning "Morning Child" and "The Peacemaker," "Down Among the Dead Men," "Chains of the Sea," and "A Kingdom By The Sea." Highly recommended. $35.

LP2917. Dozois, Gardner, editor. A Day in the Life. Harper & Row, 1972. First edition hardback, a Near Fine+ with a light, dime-sized brownish stain, in a Near Fine+ dust jacket with light crease to bottom inner flap, and a slight darkening to the very top of flaps. Anthology. $20.

LP3141. Dozois, Gardner, editor. The Year's Best Science Fiction: Tenth Annual Collection. St. Martin's, 1993. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with slight bend at head (less at heel), and a few pinhead specks of dust staining to page block edges, in a Fine- dust jacket with slight sunfading to yellow letters of spine and slight wrinkling at head and heel. It used to be that only the Bluejay Dozois Best Ofs were hard to find, but later volumes are starting to get scarce as well. $25.

LP2558. Dozois, Gardner, editor (Dan Simmons, Poul Anderson, Pat Cadigan, Greg Egan, Joe Haldeman, Michael Swanwick, Ursula K. Le Guin, etc.) The Year's Best Science Fiction: Thirteenth Annual Collection. St. Martin's Press, 1996. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with a tiny bit of crimping at head and heel in a Near Fine- dust jacket with a faint non-breaking crease on the lower half of the spine, light haze rubbing to spine and rear, and a few touches of wear, mainly at points. Not pristine, but a reasonably nice copy of a hardback Dozois Year's First that's getting hard to find (no hardback firsts listed online as of this writing). Includes Egan's mindblowing "Wang's Carpets." $49.

LP2187. Dozois, Gardner, editor (Greg Egan, Charles Stross, Michael Swanwick, Lucius Shepard, Ursula K. Le Guin, etc.) The Year's Best Science Fiction: Eighteenth Annual Collection. St. Martin's Press, 2001. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with a tiny bit of edgewear at head. Includes Stross' "A Colder War," featuring the the U.S. and USSR engaging in a buildup of Elder Race technology and worrying about a "Shuggoth Gap"... $25.

LP1949. Duncan. Andy. The Pottawatomie Giant and Other Stories. PS Publishing, 2012. First edition hardback, Fine in decorated boards, sans dust jacket. as issued. Only have one. $35.

LP66. Dunn, J.R. This Side of Judgment. Harcourt Brace, 1994. First edition hardback F/NF, with scratches and abrasions to back dj. BLOWOUT PRICE. $1.

LP3424. Durie, Alistair. Weird Tales. Jupiter, 1979. First edition hardback (no additional printings listed), a Fine- copy with slight bumping at head and heel in a Very Good+ dust jacket with two pinhead sized abrasions, one to bottom front cover and the other to middle rear fold edge, bumping at head and heel, edgewear at head, heel and points, a few other traces of edgewear and slight haze rubbing to black cover. Oversized (12" tall by 8 1/2" wide) non-fiction art reference book to Weird Tales, with numerous black and white and color illustrations. Barely fits in an overseas padded envelope, so check before ordering overseas. A less than perfect copy, so let's sell it cheap. $5.

LP2750. Dusham, David Anthony. The Other Lands. Doubleday, 2009. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy in a Fine- dust jacket with one small wrinkle at heel. "Book Two of the Acacia Trilogy." Second book of an epic fantasy. Full color endpapers. No idea, it was in the books I picked up at Mike's. $5.

LP3199. Edmondson, G. C. T.H.E.M. Doubleday, 1974. First edition hardback, a Near Fine- copy with remainder speckling at heel, bumping at heel and head, and what looks to be an extremely faint triangular sticker ghost to inside front cover near gutter, in a Near Fine dust jacket with slight bumping at head and heel, slight dust soiling to white rear dust jacket, and long, mild, non-breaking crease to inner edge of front flap. Story of two earthlings signing up for duty in an intergalactic war after first contact. "Working name of Mexican-born US translator and author Jose Mario Garry Ordonez Edmondson y Cotton....T.H.E.M. (1974) The acronym refers to Alien invaders known as the Theriomorphic Hellbent Enemy Mission, who subject Earth civilization to tough-love Uplift...fluently written..." - The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. $5.

LP3425. Effinger, George Alec. Budayeen Nights. Golden Gryphon, 2003. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with a trace of edgewear at heel and a tiny wrinkle at top flap edge. All the short stories set in the same universe as When Gravity Fails, including the Hugo and Nebula-winning "Schrodinger's Kitten." Recommended. $15.

LP3563. Effinger, George Alec. When Gravity Fails. Arbor House, 1987. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with a few light brown streaks to top pageblock outer edge and a touch of bend at head and heel, in a Fine dust jacket. First Marid Audran novel, set in an Islamic North African Cyberpunk setting. Just short of a perfect copy of arguably the best second generation Cyberpunk work. Hugo and Nebula nominee. Recommended. $15.

LP3564. Egan, Greg. Crystal Nights and other stories. Subterranean Press, 2009. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket. Long out of print. $45.

LP2921. Egan, Greg. Dispersion. Subterranean Press, 2020. First edition hardback, one of 1000 numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. "In a world not quite our own, every living thing is born into one of six discrete 'fractions' that are incompatible with-and often invisible to-each other. These fractions have coexisted peacefully for centuries, but now a disease has appeared that seems to drag the infected parts of the body into a different fraction. The effects are devastating. Individual victims suffer painful, protracted deaths. Entire communities turn against one another, and a state approaching perpetual war takes hold." $40.

LP2525. Egan, Greg. The Four Thousand, The Eight Hundred. Subterranean Press, 2016. First edition hardback, one of 1,000 copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Hard science fiction novella set on the asteroids of Vesta and Ceres. Only have one. $37.

LP1527. Egan, Greg. Incandescence. Gollancz, 2008. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dj with a tiny bit of crimping at head, new and unread. Far future SF novel, and the first in several years for Egan. Precedes the Night Shade edition. Gollancz seems to have cut back drastically on their hardback print runs; this came out May 15, and was already OP in hardback on June 1, and I had to scramble around to find some in the UK. $30.

LP3565. Egan, Greg. Permutation City. Orion Millennium, 1994. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with a tiny bit of bend at heel in a Fine- Mylar-protected dust jacket with a tiny wrinkle at heel, otherwise a beautiful copy. Egan's brilliant third novel, set partially among a population of uploaded humans living in a pocket universe being run atop an ever-expanding computing substrate. Makes your mind hurt in all the right ways. Broderick/DiFilippo, Best SF 101 #38. Highly recommended. $175.

LP2594. Egan, Greg. Phoresis. Subterranean Press, 2018. First edition hardback, one of 1000 copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, still in publisher's sealed (in the old-fashioned sense of the word) plastic bag. 39,000 word hard SF novella about a dying planet striving to revive its ecosystem and build a bridge to another world over many generations. $40.

LP3265. Egan, Greg. Quarantine. HarperPrism (SFBC), 1992. First American hardback edition (there are at least two binding variants (no priority known), and this is the version with a mottled teal spine), a Fine- copy with slight bend at head and heel in a Fine- dust jacket, with 1/16" closed tear on front cover near spine with small associated crease, and traces of wear at head, heel and points. Egan's first SF novel, one of quantum ontology in which the rest of the universe have blocked off our solar system because humans are the only beings in the known universe who collapse quantum wave function. The sort of novel that makes your brain hurt in all the right ways. Recommended. $25.

LP1836. Egan, Greg. Zendegi. Night Shade Press, 2010. First U.S. edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Novel set in a post-theocracy Iran and a popular virtual reality game. $10.

LP3365. Ellison, Harlan. Angry Candy. First trade edition hardback (Fingerprints on the Sky and the Ellison website says the Easton Press signed/limited precedes), a Near Fine copy with one half-quarter coffee-colored stain on bottom page block edge, plus one pinhead sized slightly lighter stain next to it, plus slight wear at head and heel, in a Near Fine, Mylar-protected dust jacket with slight wear at head, heels and points and a slight bit of haze-rubbing along spine join, signed by Ellison. Richmond, Fingerprints on the Sky, page 44. $25.

LP2123. Ellison, Harlan. The Deadly Streets. Subterranean Press, 2013. First hardback edition, one of 750 copies of the trade edition, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Early Ellison collection now available in hardback. Cover price: $45. Your price: $30.

LP3033. Ellison, Harlan. Can and Can'tankerous. Subterranean Press/Edgeworks Abbey, 2015. First edition hardback, a PC copy of 374 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and a Fine- slipcase where a few spots seem ever-so-slightly bumped; I'm probably being excessively picky. Previously uncollected stories. This limited edition adds four pieces ("Who Wilts the Lettuce?" (original 1957 typescript), "Blonde Cargo" (original 1958 typescript), "Weariness" (original 2005 typescript) and "Sensible City" (2009 revised version)) not in the trade edition. Long out of print from the publisher. No copy of either edition online at all right now. $275.

LP3034. Ellison, Harlan. Can and Can'tankerous. Subterranean Press/Edgeworks Abbey, 2015. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket. Trade edition. Long out of print from the publisher. $150.

LP3035. Ellison, Harlan. Edgeworks 1 (Over the Edge, An Edge to My Voice). White Wolf, 1996. First edition hardback thus, an omnibus edition of Over the Edge and An Edge to My Voice, a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket which someone has taped, not to the boards themselves, but to a paper strip on the other side. $15.

LP2559. Ellison, Harlan. Edgeworks 2: Spider Kiss/Stalking the Nightmare. White Wolf/Borealis Legends, 1996. First edition hardback thus, a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket. An omnibus edition of Spider Kiss and Stalking the Nightmare. $10.

LP3036. Ellison, Harlan. The Glass Teat & The Other Glass Teat. Charnel House, 2011. First hardback edition, first printing, one of 250 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in decorated boards, supposedly a second state "10th Anniversary Edition" binding sans dust jacket, as issue, with a CD of Harlan reading "Welcome to the Gulag," the introduction written for this edition laid in. All Ellison's TV essays and reviews written for The Los Angeles Free Press. Not having a copy of the original binding, I can't tell you how this 10th Anniversary edition binding differs from that. Now substantially more affordable than the originally announced price (which was $600). Only have one. $395.

LP3037. Ellison, Harlan. The Top of the Volcano: The Award-Winning Stories of Harlan Ellison. Subterranean Press/Edgeworks Abbey, 2014. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket. All Ellison's award-winning stories in one volume. Michael Whelan cover. Highly recommended. Long out of print from the publisher. $120.

LP842. Erdrich, Louise. The Antelope Wife. Harper Flamingo/Harper Collins, 1998. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy in a Fine- dj with a single trace of wear at heel, exceptionally slight bumping at head and heel, and a trace of wear at top dj corners, including 1/16" closed tear and a very small associated wrinkle, otherwise new and unread, and, unlike most copies around these days, NO remainder mark. World Fantasy Award winning novel. $4.

LP73. Erickson, Steve. Arc d'X. Poseidon Press, 1993. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket, with barest head and heel bumping (but no remainder mark). Slipstream. $8.

LP3566. Erikson, Steven. The Crippled God. Bantam (UK), 2011. First trade edition hardback (according to the ISFDB, the SFBC edition actually precedes, though this UK edition precedes the Tor hardback), a Near Fine- copy with slight wear to top 1/4" off front cover and spine and bumped corners, in a Near Fine- copy with 1/4" semi-closed tear (a tiny bit of show-through) with two long, extremely faint creases across the top of the front cover; presents considerably better than this list of flaws would lead you to believe, and I didn't even notice them until I sat down to catalog this. "The Final Tale of the Malazan Book of the Fallen." Judging from online prices, this is the preferred edition, and is a hefty 921 pages long. I'm pricing this $100 less than the next cheapest online copy. $300.

LP1263. Erikson, Steven. Fishin' With Grandma Matchie. PS Publishing, 2005. First edition hardback, one of 400 limited, numbered copies signed by Erikson and introduction author Graham Joyce, a fine copy in a Fine dj, new and unread. $21.

LP3567. Erikson, Steven. Reaper's Gale. Tor, 2007. First American edition (the Bantam UK edition precedes), a Very Good+ copy with a nailhead sized bump/puncture to bottom front cover edge near heel (not reflected in the dust jacket), bumping at head, heel and points, and three parallel glue bunching lines on bottom edge inside front cover (a manufacturing flaw) that has also resulted in mild, non-breaking indentions to first few pages, in a Near Fine dust jacket with a 1/8" closed tear at top rear join at head, and slight bumping at head, heel and points; quite presentable overall. "Book Seven of the Malazan Book of the Fallen." $75.

LP3568. Eugenides, Jeffrey. Middlesex. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2002. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Pulitzer Prize winner. $19.

LP3366. Farmer, Philip Jose. The Adventure of the Peerless Peer. Aspen Press, 1974. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight wear at head, heel and points, signed by Farmer. Sherlock Holmes tracks down Tarzan during World War I. Looks like great fun. Brizzi, The Reader's Guide to Philip Jose Farmer, page 69. $70.

LP3509. Farmer, Philip Jose. The World of Tiers Volume One. Nelson Doubleday/SFBC, no date (but 1981). First edition hardback thus, an omnibus edition of The Maker of Universes and The Gates of Creation, first printing with code L44 on page 311, a Fine- copy with slight bumping at head and heel, in a Near Fine dust jacket with short lines, intermittent lines of abrasion rubbing on front (3"), rear (1"), and spine (1/2" trace), and a closed 1/2" tear and associated crease to rear cover, otherwise nice and complete, signed by Farmer. Great adventure SF and an acknowledged influence on Roger Zelazny's Amber series. Highly Recommended. Not seeing any other signed copies online right now. $49.

LP3569. Farmer, Philip Jose. The World of Tiers Volume Two. Nelson Doubleday/SFBC, 1982. Book club hardback reprint (code M16 indicates this was a the third printing), a Near Fine copy with bumping at head and heel in a Very Good+ dust jacket with about 1/16" loss across heel, about 3/4" significant creasing at head, two small closed tears with associated crease at top rear cover, and a few other touches of wear, signed by Farmer. Omnibus edition containing Books 3-5 of the World of Tiers series, A Private Cosmos, Behind the Walls of Terra, and The Lavalite World, wonderful action/adventure SF, following a race of God-like Lords who have created a series of pocket universes to play with, including Earth. Boris Vallejo cover art. Recommended. A cheap way to pick up a Farmer signature. $20.

LP898. Farmer, Nancy. The House of the Scorpion. Atheneum, 2002. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine-, first state (no sticker) dj with just a trace of wear at the edges. National Book Award winner for young readers.. SF YA novel featuring the clone of a drug lord. Obviously, young adult novels have changed quite a bit since I was in school... $20.

Fenner, Arnie: See art books.

LP486. Finney, Jack. Marion's Wall. Simon & Schuster, 1973. First edition hardback, an ex-library copy with all the usual flaws, otherwise VG+/F- with some spine lean and a thin, dime-width stain affecting the bottom of the first twenty pages or so. Filmed as Maxie. $3.

LP3510. Fforde, Jasper. Thursday Next: First Among Sequels. Viking Penguin, 2007. First U.S. hardback edition, a Fine-/Fine- copy with a slight bump at head, inscribed by Fforde: "Marla,/Jasper." Fifth book in the Thursday Next series. $15.

LP3511. Flint, Eric, editor (Gene Wolfe, Gregory Benford, Mike Resnick, Lawrence Person, etc.) The Best of Jim Baen's Universe 2006. Baen Books, 2007. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, with CD-ROM present in pocket at rear. Compilation of the best stories from the first year of the online magazine. My story, "Bob's Yeti Problem," appears here. Inscribed upon request. $15.

LP1530. Ford, Richard. Independence Day. Knopf, 1995. First edition hardback, an Ex-Library copy, with all the usual flaws, otherwise Fine- with a line at heel in a Fine dj. Pulitzer Prize winner. BLOWOUT PRICE. $1.

LP2375. Ford, Richard. Wildlife. Atlantic Monthly Press, 1990. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy in a Fine dust jacket with two tiny reddish pinhead spots on front free endpaper. Coming of age novel (the author's fourth) set in Montana. "Hey, Ford won the Pulitzer for Independence Day! His early novels will surely jump in value!" Yeah, not so much. As far as I can tell, the market for the vast majority of hypermodern literary firsts has collapsed. $5.

LP2595. Forward, Eve. Villains by Necessity. Tor, 1995. Book club hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight edgewear at head and heel. Cult favorite fantasy in which a bunch of leftover villains after the triumph of good must restore balance to the world. $45.

LP1398. Fowler, Karen Joy. The Jane Austen Book Club. Putnam, 2004. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dj, apparently new and unread. Hit the bestseller list and went through a zillion printings. Pick it up at less than cover price. $19.

LP2923. Fowler, Karen Joy. Sarah Canary. Henry Holt, 1991. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with a tiny bit of bend at head and heel in a Very Good+ dust jacket with a 1/2" closed tear and associated 2" crease to top rear, inscribed by Fowler: "For Brian,/Lovely to meet you./Thanks for inviting us./Karen." And then her full signature below her name near the bottom of the page. Her first novel, described by some as a first contact novel, about a mysterious, non-speaking woman in the Pacific northwest in 1873. Nebula Award Finalist. Broderick & Di Filippo, Science Fiction: The 101 Best Novels 1985-2010. $20.

LP78. Fowler, Karen Joy. The Sweetheart Season. Henry Holt, 1996. First Edition, Hardback a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket, with slight head and heel bump and associated wrinkles (but no remainder mark). Her second novel. Nova Express slipstream list. $12.

LP3266. Frazier, Charles. Cold Mountain. Atlantic Monthly Press, 1997. First edition hardback (numberline ending in 1), a Near Fine+ copy with a tiny bit of dye transfer to blind side of dust jacket at heel and a traces of dust spotting to page blocks, in a Near Fine+ dust jacket with slight traces of haze rubbing, slight rubbing to John Berendt blurb sticker on front of jacket, and the aforementioned blind-side dye transfer, otherwise a nice, collectable copy. National Book Award winning Civil War novel that was the basis of the acclaimed 2003 movie of the same name. $20.

LP487. Fuentes, Carlos. The Good Conscience. Ivan Oblensky, Inc., 1961. First edition hardback ("First Printing" stated), an Ex-Library copy will all the usual flaws, otherwise G+/NF- with wear to head and heel as well as a thin line staining at top and bottom boards (almost certainly from an old style library dust jacket protector), front hinge starting to crack and shallow chipping at dj head. His second novel. $7.

LP3202. Gaiman, Neil. American Gods. William Morrow, 2001. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with a tiny bit of bumping at heel and slight bend at head, in a Fine- dust jacket with slight wrinkling at head and heel, otherwise an apparently new and unread copy. Gaiman's Hugo, Nebula and World Fantasy Award-winning novel, and basis of the acclaimed Starz TV series. Recommended. $35.

LP2928. Gaiman, Neil. American Gods. Morrow, 2001. First edition hardback, a Near Fine- copy with light line of brown staining at heel in a Near Fine dust jacket with top front corner slightly bumped and a thin line of light brown staining to very bottom of rear flap. Hugo and Nebula Award winner, and basis of the acclaimed Starz TV series. Recommended. $20.

LP3267. Gaiman, Neil. American Gods: The Tenth Anniversary Edition. Morrow, 2011. First edition hardback thus ("Author's Preferred Text," previously available only in a very expensive small press limited edition), a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with the tiniest bit of wrinkling at dj head and a non-breaking machine crease along front edgefold. Hugo, Nebula, Stoker, and World fantasy Award winner. $35.

LP3570. Gaiman, Neil. Anansi Boys. Morrow, 2005. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight bumping at head and heel, otherwise a nice copy. Set in the same universe as American Gods, and I think a superior novel to it (and much funnier). Recommended. $15.

LP3143. Gaiman, Neil (with Leslie S. Klinger). The Annotated American Gods. Morrow, 2019. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Annotated version of Gaiman's Hugo, Nebula and World Fantasy Award-winning novel, made into the acclaimed TV series of the same name. This edition follows the text of the 10th Anniversary edition, but the annotations note where it differs from the first edition (among other things). $49.

LP3513. Gaiman, Neil. The Graveyard Book. HarperCollins, 2008. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with just a few traces of edgewear and haze rubbing, otherwise pristine. Hugo and Newbery Award winner. $15.

LP3514. Gaiman, Neil. A Little Gold Book of Ghastly Stuff. Borderlands Press, 2011. First edition hardback, #54 of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Mixture of fiction, non-fiction, essays, speeches, poetry, etc. Cool cover illustration by Gahan Wilson. Probably the hardest of the Little Book series to find. $495.

LP3571. Gaiman, Neil. The Ocean at the End of the Lane. Morrow, 2013. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, inscribed by Gaiman "Carly,/Neil Gaiman." Novel. $65.

LP3205. Gaiman, Neil. The Ocean at the End of the Lane. HarperCollins, 2013. First edition hardback, a Near Fine+ copy with slight waviness to top corner of front free endpaper and top corner of first 20 or so pages and slight bumping at head and heel, in a Fine- dust jacket with slight bumping at heel and a trace of wear at points. Novel. $20.

LP1952. Gaiman, Neil. The Rhyme Maidens. Biting Dog Press, 2012. Folio Edition of the first edition broadsheet, one of 50 copies so issued, a Fine copy, with one broadsheet on each side of an oversized folio case with accompanying slipcase. This thing is huge, about 16 1/2" high by 14 1/2" wide. This is about the point where it stops being a book and starts being a fetish object. I've got a pictures of it here. I only have one for sale, and it's out of print from the publisher. Offered at cover price. $450.

LP1953. Gaiman, Neil. The Rhyme Maidens. Biting Dog Press, 2012. Trade edition of the broadsheet, just a single 15" x 11" page, with the poem, illustration and Gaiman's signature on front, and the Biting Dog logo on back. A 16" x 12" frame fits it nicely. Only have one, but $5 off cover price. $75.

LP2753. Gaiman, Neil, and Ed Kramer, editors (Gene Wolfe, Suzanne Clarke, Clive Barker, Tori Amos, George Alec Effinger, etc.). The Sandman Book of Dreams. Voyager, 1996. First edition hardback (simultaneous with the US HarperCollins edition), a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with just the barest trace of edgewear (I'm being picky here), apparently new and unread. Anthology of stories set in Neil Gaiman's Sandman universe. With a couple of pieces of probably unrelated material laid in (like sheets for a writing contest and an antiques dealer; I suspect Michael Moorcock just tucked them in there and forgot about them). $18.

LP3268. Garton, Ray. Biofire. Cemetery Dance, 1998. First edition hardback, #149 of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine- copy with slight bend at heel in a Fine dust jacket. $40.

LP3426. Garton, Ray. The Disappeared and Other Stories. Camelot Books, 2010. First edition hardback, #108 of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with just a bare trace of haze rubbing to back cover, otherwise apparently new and unread. Short story collection. I suspect this has been out of print for quite a while. $55.

LP3269. Garton, Ray. 'Nids and other Stories. Spiderweb Press, 2006. First edition hardback, #36 of 300 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Giant spiders! Get your giant spider fiction here! $75.

LP2391. Gavin, Richard, Patricia Cram, and Daniel A. Schulke, editors (Don Webb, Michael Cisco, Caitlin R. Kiernan, Hanns Heinz Ewers). Penumbrae: An Occult Fiction Anthology. Three Hands Press, 2015. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. A mixture of occult stories both modern (Don Webb, Michael Cisco, Caitlin R. Kiernan) and otherwise (Hanns Heinz Ewers). Signed by Webb. $35.

LP84. Geary, Patricia. Living in Ether. Harper & Row, 1982. First edition hardback, F-/NF, with some bumping to head and heel, faint 1/2" dust mark on page edges, and a few tiny scuffs to pastel dj. First novel, slipstream about a California medium by the author of the Philip K. Dick award winning Strange Toys. $7.

LP403. Gentle, Mary. A Hawk in Silver. Gollancz, 1987. Hardback reprint of her first novel, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket, with a pricing barcode over the UPC and under the dj protector (it may be easy to remove). Like an idiot I ordered this thinking that the 1987 was a misprint and it was the 1977 Gollancz first edition. Still a nice hardback reading copy. $5.

LP2693. Gentle, Mary. Golden Witchbreed. Gollancz, 1983. First edition hardback (precedes the American edition by a year), a Fine- copy with just a tiny bit of bend at head and heel, in a Fine dust jacket. Science fiction novel of a distant world where the human-like residents are asexual until adolescence and they live among the technological ruins of the earlier race of the title. $10.

LP1123. Gentle, Mary (S. M. Stirling). Under the Penitence. PS Publishing, 2004. First edition hardback, 1 of 300 numbered, limited hardback copies signed by Gentle and introduction author S. M. Stirling, Fine in Fine dj, new and unread. A novella set in the Visigothic Carthage of Ash: A Secret History. $30.

LP3206. Gevers, Nick, and Peter Crowther, editors. New Worlds Issue #1. PS Publishing, 2021 (i.e., 2022). First edition hardback, #49 of 200 copies, a Fine copy in decorated boards and a Fine dust jacket and a Fine embossed slipcase. Latest resurrection of this venerable UK fiction title as an original anthology series, New Worlds was most famous for Michael Moorcock's New Wave editorship in the 1960s, and Moorcock contributes a story (and signature) here, as do Alan Moore, Michael Swanwick, Ken MacLeod, James Lovegrove, Ian Watson, Ian R. MacLeod, etc. The trade paperback version came out last year, but this signed hardback edition is already out of print. $125.

LP3042. Gibson, William. Distrust That Particular Favor. Putnam, 2012. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket (and NO remainder mark). Collection of essays. $19.

LP2307. Gibson, William. Idoru. Putnam, 1996. First edition hardback, a Fine in a Fine dust jacket. Signed by Gibson. Set in the same universe as Virtual Light, about a singer who wants to marry a completely virtual pop star, plus some sort of nanotechnology McGuffin, and the usual near future Gibsonian eyeball kicks. $20.

LP3270. Gifune, Greg F. Apartment Seven. Delirium Books, 2011. First edition hardback, a PC copy of 150 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Small format hardcover. No copies on Bookfinder. $45.

LP3271. Gifune, Greg F. Dominion. Delirium Books, 2007. First edition hardback, #125 of 275 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight edgewear at head. $20.

LP3272. Gifune, Greg F. Dreams the Ragman. Delirium Books, 2011. First edition hardback, #120 of 150 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Small format hardcover. No copies on Bookfinder. $45.

LP1058. Glass, Julia. Three Junes. Pantheon, 2002. First edition hardback (numberline goes down to I, "First Edition" statement present) in a first state dj (no mention of Good Morning America), a Fine-/Fine- copy with just the barest trace of bumping at head and heel, and a phantom wrinkle to top front cover just above title. National Book Award winner. $5.

LP738 . (Glass, Philip) Kostelanetz, Richard. Writings on Glass. Schirmer Books, 1997. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dj with just a trace of wear, and very, very slight bumping to dj head and heel. A collections of essays and articles on composer Philip Glass, including interviews, a bibliography, and a discography. Pretty much a must for the serious Philip Glass fan. (OK, it's a reach for my catalog, but I'm a Glass fan myself, and Glass has composed many SF, Fantasy, or Horror related scores (The Making of the Representative from Planet 8, The Voyage, 1000 Airplanes on the Roof, Dracula, Beauty and the Beast, etc.). $7.

LP85. Godwin, Parke. The Fire When It Comes. Doubleday, 1984. First hardback edition, an Ex-Library copy with all the usual flaws, otherwise F/NF. Contains the World Fantasy Award winning title novella, as well as several other memorable tales. BLOWOUT PRICE! $1.

LP2838. Grant, Charles L. (Hank Wagner and Kathryn Ptacek, editors). A Little Black Book of Quiet Horror. Borderlands Press, 2019. First edition hardback, one of 500 numbered copies signed by the editors, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Four stories. Now out of print from the publisher. $49.

LP91. Greenland, Colin. Take Back Plenty. AvoNova, 1990 (listed on copyright page-the Locus database gives it a publication year of 1992). Book club (first and only hardback) edition, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight bumping at head. Arthur C. Clarke Award and British Science Fiction Award winner. $5.

LP2376. Grissom, Ken. Big Fish. St. Martin's Press, 1991. First edition hardback, an Ex-Library copy with all the usual flaws, otherwise apparently unread; a Fine/Fine Ex-Lib copy. "A John Rodrigue Mystery." Not the basis of the movie with the same name. BLOWOUT PRICE! $1.

LP2114. Haldeman, Joe. The Best of Joe Haldeman. Subterranean Press, 2013. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. The usual big Subterranean career retrospective collection. Since Joe was going to be there, I bought a bunch of these to sell at Worldcon, so these are signed by Joe Haldeman. Long out of print. $45.

LP1402. Haldeman, Joe. Camouflage. Ace, 2004. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dj with the tiniest, teensy-ist wrinkle at heel, otherwise new and unread. Nebula award winner for best novel. $25.

LP2597. Hamilton, Peter F. Manhattan in Reverse. Subterranean Press, 2012. First U.S. edition (the UK hardback precedes), a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and publishers plastic bag. Short story collection. Only have one. Half off cover price. $20.

LP3044. Hand, Elizabeth (edited by Bill Sheehan). The Best of Elizabeth Hand. Subterranean Press, 2021. First edition hardback, one of 1000 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Now out of print from the publisher. $40.

LP1404. Hand, Elizabeth. Illyria. PS Publishing, 2006. First edition hardback, one of less than 400 signed copies (limited to Postscripts subscribers, plus 200 unnumbered copies, of which this is one), Fine in decorated boards, sans dj, as issued. Postscripts Christmas special. Only have one. $30.

LP1690. Harris, Charlaine. The Julius House. Scribner, 1995. First edition hardback, a Near Fine+ copy with small previous owner's name in blue ink on FFE and slight spine lean, in a Near Fine+ dj with a slight crimping at head and heel and some slight, non-breaking creasing to back top and back fold, otherwise fairly nice. Part of the Aurora Teagarden mystery series by the author of the enormously popular Sookie Stackhouse vampire books. $15.

LP2694. Harrison, Harry. The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Drafted. Bantam/SFBC, 1987. Book club edition, preceded by the UK and U.S. hardback editions, a Fine- copy with a tiny bit of bend at head and heel in a Fine- copy with wear at points and a touch of edgewear. Inscribed by Harrison: "To Lori." Part of the most famous series by this late Nebula Grandmaster winner. $10.

LP2695. Harrison, Harry. A Stainless Steel Rat is Born. Bantam/SFBC, 1987. Book club edition, a Fine- copy with slight bend at head and heel in a Fine- dust jacket with wear at points, a tiny bit of edgewear, and very slight darkening to the white spine and back cover. Inscribed by Harrison: "To Lori." $10.

LP3273. Hatula, Rick. Untcigahunk: Stories and Myths of the Little Brothers. Delirium Books, 2007. First edition hardback, #111 of 200 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with a tiny bit of haze rubbing. Underground forest creatures that eat human flesh. $75.

LP2840. Heinlein, Robert A. For Us, The Living: A Comedy of Customs. Scribner, 2004. First edition hardback, a Near Fine- copy in a Near Fine- dust jacket with a series of faint, parallel, non-breaking creases across the rear dust jackets and boards; they're faint enough that I didn't notice them when I picked this up. Heinlein's long-unpublished first novel. $10.

LP3274. Heinlein, Robert A. Glory Road. Putnam's, 1963. Third printing of the first edition, an Ex-Library copy, with all the usual flaws, otherwise a Very Good-/Very Good+ copy. Solid reading copy of this classic Heinlein fantasy. $5.

LP1906. Heinlein, Robert A. Podkayne of Mars. Putnam, 1963. First edition hardback (no statement of printing on copyright page, as per Currey, p. 233), an Ex-Library copy with all the usual flaws (pocket, stamps, stickers, tape, etc.), otherwise Good with significant wear along bottom boards, spine lean, cracked front hinge and general wear, in a Good+ dust jacket missing a 1/2" x 1/2" chip from head, faint dampstain along top of rear cover, and other touches of general wear, price of $3.50 intact. Heinlein's last juvenile, and surprisingly hard to find these days. $95.

LP3275. Heinlein, Robert A. Red Planet. Scribner's, 1949. First edition hardback (Scribner's seal and the letter A, as per Currey), a Very Good- copy with dampstaining around the top 3/4" of the boards, affecting inner covers, and then lightly to top center of first few pages, and more noticeably at the top of the last 20 pages or so, in a Very Good- price-clipped dust jacket with the same dampstaining at top, about 1/4" chipping at head and heel, significantly faded spine and other touches of wear. Not a great copy, but a true first in dust jacket. Currey, page 233. Locke, Spectrum of Fantasy page 109. $350.

LP3276. Heinlein, Robert A. (Yoji Kondo, editor). Requiem: New Collected Works by Robert A. Heinlein and Tributes to the Grand Master. Tor, 1992. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with the barest trace of wrinkling at head (I'm being really picky). Just what it says, including information on Destination Moon and several Guest of Honor speeches. $20.

LP2931. (Heinlein, Robert A.) Patterson, William H. Jr. Robert A. Heinlein in Dialogue With His Century: Volume 1, Learning Curve, 1907-1948. Tor, 2010. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with one non-breaking pinhead sized indentation to top front edge, and a tiny bit of wrinkling at points, otherwise apparently new and unread. The first volume of Patterson's mammoth Heinlein biography, a Hugo Award finalist for best related work. $30.

LP664. Hendrix, Howard. Better Angels. Ace, 1999. First edition hardback, VG+/VG+. This would be a near perfect copy were it not for an inch-long cut to the bottom of the dj spine which, alas, also cuts into the book itself. Interesting-looking science fiction novel that's in my To-Be-read stack. Pick it up at a paperback price. $4.

LP3515. Hendrix, Grady. The Final Girls Support Group. Berkeley, 2021. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Stoker Award nominee. $25.

LP2754. Hill, Joe. Full Throttle. HarperCollins, 2019. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, limited edition issue with page signed by Hill bound in, bought at Half Price Books (who sell new books now as well), with three store stickers (including publisher's gold "Signed First Edition" sticker) intact. Short story collection. Only have one. $49.

LP2755. Hill, Joe. Full Throttle. HarperCollins, 2019. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, trade edition but also signed by Hill. Short story collection. Only have one. Note that the dust wrapper on both this and the limited above (and one more book below) have a new type of material with a distinct texture (almost like a paper version of suede). $45.

LP2930. Hill, Joe. Full Throttle. Subterranean Press, 2020. First signed, limited edition thus, one of 750 numbered copies signed by Hill and artist Dave McKean, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and Fine slipcase. An elaborate, lavishly illustrated edition. Out of print upon publication. The edition to have if you're only having one. $275.

LP3277. Hill, Joe. Heart-Shaped Box. William Morrow, 2007. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy in a Fine- dust jacket with 1/4" closed tear and a small associated crease, and slight bumping at head and heel. Hill's first novel. $25.

LP3427. Hill, Joe. Strange Weather. Morrow/Harper Collins, 2017. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with 1/16" closed tear near top front tip, three tiny 1/32" indentions and associated phantom crease at top front, and a trace of wear at tips, with signature page by Hill bound in. The ISBN (978-0-06-283701-1) codes out to the BAM signed edition, which I assume is Books-A-Million; since they have about half as many locations as Barnes & Noble, this edition may be harder to find for someone collecting all the ISBNs. Collection of four novellas: "Sanpshot," "Loaded," "Aloft" and "Rain." $49.

LP2756. Hill, Joe and Gabriel Rodriguez. Locke & Key 4: Keys to the Kingdom. Subterranean/IDW, 2019. First limited edition hardback, one of 250 signed/numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine slipcase, new and unread. The latest collected signed/limited volume of the acclaimed dark fantasy/horror graphic novel series. The IDW edition came out many years back, but as with the other Subterranean volumes, this includes additional material, including the full comic scripts. Signed Hill doesn't tend to last long. $245.

2377. Hillenbrand, Laura. Seabiscuit. Random House, 2001. First edition hardback, an Ex-Library copy with the usual flaws, a bit of spine lean and front hinge cracked; Very Good-/Near Fine Ex-Lib copy. Non-fiction about a famous racehorse, and basis for the movie of the same name. $2.

LP3278. Hirshberg, Glen. The Book of Bunk: A Fairy Tale of the Federal Writers' Project. Earthling Books, 2010. First edition hardback, #64 of 400 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Now out of print from the publisher. $65.

LP3279. Hirshberg, Glen. Motherless Child. Earthling Books, 2012. First edition hardback, #186 of 400 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Now out of print from the publisher. $65.

LP1637. Hodgson, William, Hope. The Collected Fiction of William Hope Hodgson Volume 5: The Dream of X and Other Fantastic Visions. Night Shade Press, 2009. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in decorated boards, sans dj, as issued. Fifth and final volume of the collected Hodgson. The first printings of all the rest are out of print. $30.

LP3572. (Holdstock, Robert) Coxson, Dan, editor (Michael Moorcock, Lisa Tuttle, Justina Robson, etc.). Heartwood: A Mythago Wood Anthology. PS Publishing, 2024. First edition hardback, one of 200 copies signed by the editor and all fiction contributors (but not introduction author Moorcock), a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and a Fine slipcase. Anthology of stories set in Robert Holdstock's Mythago Wood setting, a magical British ur-forest that gets larger (and more savage) the deeper you go. $65.

LP3516. Howard, Robert E. (Edited by P. Gardner Goldsmith). A Little Bronze Book of Weird Tales. Borderlands Press, 2024. First edition hardback, one of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Already out of print. $65.

LP3280. Howard, Robert E. The Ultimate Triumph: The Heroic Fantasy of Robert E. Howard. Wandering Star, 1999. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Part of their illustrated Howard series, and this volume is chock-full of black and white Frank Frazetta art. I think this is the trade edition, but any version seems increasingly hard to find these days. $125.

LP1095. Hughart, Barry. The Story of the Stone. Doubleday/Foundation, 1988. First edition hardback, Fine in a Fine dj. There's the barest trace of dust soiling at head, but it's so minor I can't even drop it down to Fine-; a beautiful, immaculate copy. The second Master Li & Number 10 Ox story. Funny, and brilliant, and highly recommended. $24.

LP3367. Hughes, Matthew. Ghost Dreams. PS Publishing, 2022. First edition hardback, #54 of 100 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in decorated boards and a Fine dust jacket, as issued. A burglar tries to track down an heir for a ghost. $49.

LP2312. Hughes, Matthew. Of Whimsies & Noubles. PS Publishing, 2014. First edition hardback, one of 100 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. International criminal gets more than he bargained for... $45.

LP3368. Hughes, Matthew. One More Kill. PS Publishing, 2018. First edition hardback, #21 of 100 signed, numbered hardbacks, a Fine copy in decorated boards and a Fine dust jacket, with tissue laid in before signature page, as issued. Ex-Army Ranger vigilante suddenly has trouble with the police. Mayhem ensues. $45.

LP3517. Jacobs, Harvey. The Egg of the Glak and Other Stories. Harper & Row, 1969. First edition hardback, a Near Fine- copy with slight softening at head and heel and a 1 1/4" stamped "R" in a square on the front free endpaper, in a Very Good+ dust jacket with a 1" semi-closed tear at top right cover/fold join, 1/4" closed tear and 1/16" abrasion chip at head, plus touches of wear at heel and points. His first short story collection and book. $15.

LP100. Jablokov, Alexander. A Deeper Sea. AvoNova, 1992 First Edition, Hardback Fine-/Near Fine+, with cloth/board join rubbing, a corner crease, slight head bumping, and some faint soiling to bottom page blocks. $8.

LP3281. James, M. R. (edited and illustrated by Stephen R. Jones). A Little Jasmine Book of M. R. James. Borderlands Books, 2022. First edition hardback, one of 500 copies signed by Jones, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Six tales from the master of the ghost story, plus some nonfiction pieces from James, Jones and others, including a select bibliography. James is still extraordinarily popular, and I expect these to sell quickly. $49.

LP102. Jenkins, Dan and Edwin Shrake. Limo. Atheneum, 1976. First edition hardback, Near Fine/Near Fine, with bumping to dj head and light staining to page edges. Weird ass comic novel from two Texas writers. $5.

LP2842. Jeter, K.W. Death Arms. St. Martin's 1987. First U.S. edition (the UK Morrigan edition precedes) hardback, a Fine- copy with slight bend at head and heel in a Near Fine+ dust jacket with slight wear along flap folds and slight edgewear at head, heel and points. Inscribed by Jeter: "To Fred -/Thanks for all the/favors & friendship/over the years -/K.W. Jeter." Fred Duarte was co-chair of Armadillocon 10, at which Jeter was Guest of Honor. Associational copy. $20.

LP1724. Johnson, Dennis. Tree of Smoke. Farrar Straus Giroux, 2007. First edition hardback, a Near Fine+ copy with a touch of dust soiling (and tiny paper flash line) to top page block edge, a few short phantom creases to front free endpaper, and a small lump (binding flaw) to inside front cover, in a Fine dust jacket. National Book Award winner. $8.

Joshi, S. T. See (Lovecraft, H.P.). LP2598. Kay, Guy Gavriel. The Summer Tree. Arbor House, 1985. First American edition, a Fine- copy with slight dust soiling at head in a Near Fine dust jacket with long crease on front flap and a touch of haze-rubbing. First book in The Fionavar Tapestry. Pringle, Modern Fantasy: The 100 Best Books #94. $15.

LP3282. Keene, Brian. A Gathering of Crows. Thunderstorm Books, 2010. First edition hardback, #133 of 260 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Long out of print in this edition. $75.

LP3518. Keene, Brian. A Little Silver Book of Streetwise Stories. Borderlands Press, 2008. First edition hardback, #54 of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Short story collection, long out of print. $95.

LP3283. Keene, Brian. The Rising: Deliverance. Thunderstorm Books, 2010. First edition hardback, #133 of 260 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with a phantom crease on inside front flap (so subtle it's almost not there). Not seeing any other copies online. $95.

LP3284. Keller, David H. The Folsom Flint and Other Curious Tales. Arkham House, 1969. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Near Fine dust jacket with a diagonal section of slight age darkening to the very bottom of the rear dust jacket (3/4" on the left edge running down to 1/4" on the right), a trace of dust soiling to rear dust jacket, and a trace of edge wear at head and front cover. Short story collection, his second from Arkham House. $20.

LP2843. Kelly, James Patrick. King of the Dogs, Queen of the Cats. Subterranean Press, 2020. First edition hardback, one of 1000 signed numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Novella about a circus of uplifted cats and dogs. $32.

LP846. Kelly, James Patrick. Strange But Not a Stranger. Golden Gryphon, 2002. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dj, new and unread. His second Golden Gryphon collection. $16.

LP114. Kilworth, Garry. Angel. Gollancz (UK), 1993. First edition hardback, Fine in a Fine dj. Can it hold up to Werewolves of London or Rats & Gargoyles in the British Metaphysicians derby? Another book I (still) need to read. $25.

LP115. Kilworth, Garry. Archangel. Gollancz (UK), 1994. First edition hardback, Fine in a Fine dj. Sequel toAngel. $25.

LP3045. King, Owen. A Little Bronze Book of Greebles. Borderlands Press, 2020. First edition hardback, one of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. A mixture of fiction, reviews, introductions, essays (including one on his own father's Mr. Mercedes), and even bits on baseball and music. Out of print upon publication. $49.

LP3369. King, Stephen. The Long Walk. Centipede Press, 2023. First edition thus and first separate hardback edition (a previous Turtleback library hardback binding appears to be just a rebind of the Signet trade paperback edition), one of 1,400 trade copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, still in shrinkwrap. Near future SF dystopia, my favorite of the Bachman books, and one of my favorite of King's books, period. Instantly out of print from the publisher. Extremely limited supply. $349 Net.

LP3286. King, Stephen. Secret Windows: Essays and Fiction on the Craft of Writing. Book-of-the-Month Club, 2000. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with slight bumping at head and heel in a Fine- dust jacket with slight bumping at head and heel (with dummy ISBN of 0-965-0064390). $30.

LP3046. (King, Stephen, and Peter Straub) Chizmar, Richard, and Johnathon Schaech. A Little Silver Book: A Screenplay. Borderland Press, 2021. First edition hardback, one of 1,000 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. A screenplay based on Stephen King and Peter Straub's Black House. Now out of print from the publisher. $40.

LP3288. Keneally, Thomas. Schindler's List. Simon and Schuster, 1982. First American edition (numberline starting with 1) and first edition under this title (it was originally published in the UK earlier that year as Schindler's ArkAmerican), an Ex-Library copy, with all the usual flaws, otherwise VG/VG with spine lean and fade to spine dust jacket. Basis of the great Oscar-winning film by Stephen Spielberg. This is a novel (though based on the true story), but for a long time I had this shelved with my non-fiction. Exactly one copy on Bookfinder at $175. Let's try this at about 1/10th that price. $20.

LP3289. Knight, Stephen. Dragonfly. Delirium Books, 2003. First hardcover edition, #6 of 100 numbered copies signed by Knight and artist Alan M. Clark, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with just a trace of wear at points, head and heel, additionally inscribed "To Stephen" on title page. Short story collection. Dark Essentials Series Book #1. The story "Who Killed Little Betty?" is original to this collection. $125.

LP1274. Kress, Nancy. The Golden Grove. Bluejay Books, 1984. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dj. Kress's second novel and first hardback. $14.

LP1909. Kress, Nancy. Nothing Human. Golden Gryphon, 2003. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Novel. $12.

LP1957. Kurtz, Katherine. The Quest for Saint Chamber. Del Rey, 1986. First edition hardback, a Near Fine copy with previous owner's stamp (a teddy bear catching a baseball) on FFE, in a Near Fine dust jacket with slight crimping and creasing at dust jacket heel, a 1 1/2" wrinkle on rear cover near heel, and slight haze rubbing on rear dj cover, must noticeable along spine join. Inscribed by Kurtz: "To Beau-Katherine Kurtz." I've never seen Kurtz at an SF convention, but she has more signed books online than I thought. Let's sell this for...$49.

LP2527. Kuznia, Yanni, editor (Jacqueline Carey, Kevin Hearne, Laura Bickle, Aliette De Bodard). A Fantasy Medley 3. Subterranean Press, 2015. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Trade edition of this short fantasy anthology, now sold out from the publisher, but I'm still offering it at 50% off cover price. $10.

LP3428. Lafferty, R. A. The Devil is Dead. Gregg Press, 1977. First hardback edition, a Near Fine+ copy with slight bumping at head and heel, traces of wear there, slight wear at points and on bottom edge, some light stray lines to bottom page block, and a small circular sticker ghost to inside front cover, otherwise a tight, square copy of this key Lafferty work. Either the first or the second book of The Devil is Dead trilogy, depending on how you count. Magill, Survey of Modern Fantasy Literature page 380-382. Barron, Fantasy Literature: A Reader's Guide 4A-156 ("A Raffishly picaresque tale, full of alcoholic vigor and absurdity and typical of the effusive Lafferty's skewed perception of the world as a stage. A never less than enjoyable if far from strightforward narrative.") $245.

LP1846. Lake, Jay. The Sky That Wraps. Subterranean Press, 2010. First edition hardback, one of 1,000 signed copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Short story collection by the late author of the Hugo-nominated Mainspring. $29.

LP2074. Landis, George. Impact Parameter. Golden Gryphon, 2010. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Short story collection. $12.

LP2194. Lansdale, Joe R. Bad Chili. Mojo Press, 1997. First edition hardback, a PC edition of the 500 copy edition signed by Lansdale and artist John Picacio (one of his first professional works, I think), a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket, new and unread. True first edition of the fourth Hap and Leonard novel, preceding the Mysterious Press edition by about three months. Offered at less than cover price. $35.

LP2759. Lansdale, Joe R. Blood in the Gears. Short, Scary Tales Publications, 2019. First edition hardback, one of 550 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, still wrapped in publisher's sealed tissue paper wrapping. Second in a four volume collection of all Lansdale's short fiction, this one leaning toward dark suspense stories such as "Drive-In Date," "The Steel Valentine," "Incident On And off A Mountain Road," etc. The good news is that I just got a reorder of this from SST. The bad news is that shipping from the UK recently went up a lot, and the price reflects that. $75.

LP3290. Lansdale, Joe R. The Bottoms. Mysterious Press, 2000. First trade edition hardback (preceded by the Subterranean Press signed limited edition), a Fine- copy with slight bend at head and heel, in a Fine- dust jacket with a tiny corner crease to top of inner rear flap, slight curl to very top of front inner flap, and trace of wear at points, signed by Lansdale. Edgar Award winning mystery set in depression-era east Texas. $22.

LP904. Lansdale, Joe R. Bumper Crop. Golden Gryphon, 2004. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dj with slight bumping at head, new and unread. New short story collection, a follow-up to High Cotton, featuring stories that weren't included in that volume as well as some which have appeared since. Signed by Lansdale and cover artist John Picacio. $20.

LP3573. Lansdale, Joe R. The Donut Legion. Short Scary Tales (SST) Press, 2024. First limited edition hardback, one of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket with tissue closure sticker laid in. only have one. $65.

LP3574. Lansdale, Joe R. Dread Island. IDW, 2010. First edition hardback, one of 500 signed copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Huck Finn and Jim go on a tentacle-filled adventure... $75.

LP1275. Lansdale, Joe R. The Drive In: The Bus Tour. Subterranean Press, 2005. First edition hardback, one of 1000 signed "trade" Hardcovers, a Fine copy in a Fine dj, new and unread. The third book in the Drive-In series. $38.

LP2024. Lansdale, Joe R. The Edge of Dark Water. PS Publishing, 2012. First UK edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket (as well as decorated boards), new and unread. This copy specially signed by Joe Lansdale. Got billed as a Young Adult, but it looks a good bit darker than the average YA novel. This edition had a much smaller print run than the American edition. $37.

LP3370. Lansdale, Joe R. The Events Concerning. Subterranean Press, 2022. First edition hardback, one of 1,250 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Short story collection. $45.

LP3371. Lansdale, Joe R. A Fist Full of Stories (and Articles). Cemetery Dance, 1996. First edition hardback, Letter F of 26 lettered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and a Fine- traycase with a slight bump to bottom front edge, with a slip delineating all the ways the lettered edition differs from the trade edition (including two additional stories, full leather binding, etc.) laid in. Isajenko, The World Lansdalean, B06 (but he doesn't list the lettered edition). $350.

LP3048. Lansdale, Joe R. Fishing for Dinosaurs and other stories. Subterranean Press, 2020. First edition hardback, one of 2500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Short story collection. Really nice endpapers. $40.

LP3429. Lansdale, Joe R. Freezer Burn. Mysterious Press, 1999. First trade edition (the Crossroads Press limited precedes), a Fine copy (though the pages are slightly toned) in a Fine dust jacket, with signature plate signed by Lansdale laid in. A would-be fireworks stand thief on the run from the law stumbles into a traveling freak show. Weird and twisted even by Lansdale's usual standards. Recommended. $15.

LP3210. Lansdale, Joe R. Gothic Wounds. Short Scary Tales, 2022. First edition hardback, one of 550 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket with tissue paper sealing sticker laid in. The fourth in the Lansdale collected stories series. Now out of print from the publisher. LAST COPY! $120.

LP2844. Lansdale, Joe R. Hap and Leonard: Blood and Lemonade. Short Scary Tales (SST) Press, 2020. First hardback edition and first signed limited edition (preceded by the Tachyon trade paperback), one of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. $65.

LP3145. Lansdale, Joe R. Hap and Leonard: Of Mice and Minestrone. Short Scary Tales (SST) Publications, 2021. First hardback edition and first limited edition (the Tachyon trade paperback, which I also have, precedes), one of 400 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Linked Hap and Leonard short stories. $55.

LP1962. Lansdale, Joe R. High Cotton. Golden Gryphon, 2000. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Back in stock. Lots of great stories in here. Highly recommended. Signed by Lansdale. $20.

LP2845. Lansdale, Joe R. Jane Goes North. Subterranean Press, 2020. First edition hardback, one of 2,000 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Road trip novel. $40.

LP3211. Lansdale, Joe R. The King. Subterranean Press, 2005. First edition hardback, #656 of 750 signed, numbered copies, a Near Fine+ copy with a bump and light fading at head, a smaller bump at heel, and blunting to points, in a Very Good+ dust jacket with 1/4" of abrasion down to white at head and a 1/4" closed tear and associated 1" triangular crease to front cover, and abrasion bumping at top points. Not horrible, but very noticeable for such a recent limited edition book, so I'm selling this at a significant discount even though it's long out of stock. $15.

LP3520. Lansdale, Joe R. A Little Green Book of Monster Stories. Borderlands Book, 2003. First edition hardback, #55 of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Short story collection, long out of print, perhaps the hardest Lansdale collection to find, and one of the rarest of the Borderlands Little Books. On the rare occasions I've had these to sell, they get snapped up almost instantly. $395.

LP3575. Lansdale, Joe R. (Dean R. Koontz). The Nighrunners. Dark Harvest, 1987. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, inscribed by Lansdale: "To MARC-Best/wishes and thanks for/waiting" and signed by introduction author Dean R. Koontz. Joe's most splatterpunk work, and the first to feature The God of The Razor. Isajanko, A009.a.ii. Person/Orbaugh/Lansdale, "Joe Lansdale: Notes Toward a Bibliography," 10a. Chalker/Owings, page 120 (Jack was not a fan of the novel). A pristine first of a very important Lansdale novel, and I don't see copies of the trade edition signed by Koontz come up for sale very often. $125

LP3292. Lansdale, Joe R. Moon Lake. Short Scary Tales Publications (SST), 2022. First limited edition hardback, one of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket with tissue paper seal laid in. $54.

LP3146. Lansdale, Joe R. Radiant Apples. Subterranean Press, 2021. First edition hardback, one of 1,500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy. From the continuing adventures of Deadwood Dick, the protagonist of Black Hat Jack and Paradise Sky. My copy seems to be the cheapest copy online by twenty bucks. $40.

LP3521. Lansdale, Joe R. The Senior Girls Bayonet Drill Team. Subterranean, 2023 (stated; received early 2024). First edition hardback, one of 1250 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. The latest Lansdale short story collection. $50.

LP1381. Lansdale, Joe R. The Shadows, Kith and Kin. Subterranean Press, 2007. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight wear at top points, new and unread, signed by Lansdale. $35.

LP3147. Lansdale, Joe R. The Sky Done Ripped. Subterranean Press, 2019. First edition hardback, #147 of 350 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and a Fine slipcase. Third Ned The Seal book, preceded by Zeppelins West and Flaming London. Alien Invaders, the Hollow Earth, H. G. Wells, Shangri-La and the Golden Fleece. Includes bonus sketch section not in the trade edition. Isajanko, A063aii. $95.

LP2849. Lansdale, Joe R. The Sky Done Ripped. Subterranean Press, 2019. First edition hardback, one of 2000 signed copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. New (and final) Ned the Seal adventure. $39.

LP3374. Lansdale, Joe R. The Two-Bear Mambo. Cahill, 1995. First edition hardback, letter E of 26 signed lettered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine traycase (though, as is common for this edition, the paper spine label is starting to peel at top and bottom; I ended up gluing the one on my personal copy back on with a touch of archival paper glue), sans dust jacket, as issued. This is one case where the lettered edition is much more attractive than the numbered edition, featuring beautiful marbled boards. Isajenko, The World Lansdalean, A017aii. $495.

LP3576. Lansdale, Joe R. The Two-Bear Mambo. Cahill, 1995. First edition hardback, a designated "Binder's copy" of 26 lettered copies signed by Lansdale, a Fine copy in a Near Fine slipcase that's a trifle dusty (as it's prone to) and one which the spine label has obviously fallen off (also as it's prone to) and was obviously creased in three or four places before being re-attached, sans dust jacket, as issued. If you can live with the flawed label, this is a much more attractive book than the ordinary numbered edition. Isajanko, A017aii. If you can live with that flaw, I'm selling this for half the price I have on the other lettered edition I have for sale (which appears to be the only other one online right now). $250.

LP3375. Lansdale, Joe R. The Two-Bear Mambo. Cahill, 1995. First edition hardback, #66 of 100 signed copies, a Near Fine+ copy that has a tackhead-sized pull directly below the middle "m" in Mambo; given the slipcase, I'm guessing this was a manufacturing flaw, in a Fine- slipcase that's a touch dusty around the edges, sans dust jacket, as issued. I told you this is a bit "meh" for as limited, and it is, but both editions preceded the trade edition, and Joe has well over 126 hardcore fans. Isajenko, The World Lansdalean, A017ai. Given the flaw, let's list this at $50 off the cheapest copy online. $75.

LP1733. Lansdale, Joe R. Unchained and Unhinged. Subterranean Press, 2009. First edition hardback, one of 750 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Short stories and essays. 750 is a pretty low limitation for a Lansdale book. $37.

LP3577. Lansdale, Joe R. The Unlikely Affair of the Crawling Razor. Subterranean Press, 2024. First edition hardback, one of 1000 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, in publisher's plastic bag. Auguste Dupin investigates a case involving The God of the Razor. $44.

LP2937. Lansdale, Joe R. Waltz of Shadows. Subterranean Press, 1999. First edition hardback, an unnumbered copy of 1000 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. The Lost Lansdale Volume 1. $44.

LP2938. Lansdale, Joe R. Waltz of Shadows. Subterranean Press, 1999. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread, signed by Lansdale. Although the limitation calls for a 1/1000 signature page, it's not in this copy, though it still has the FIRST EDITION/SEPTEMBER 1999 statement, and there's no sign of it being excised, making this a previously unrecorded variant (not listed in the 2002 Chalker/Owings CD). However, I had Joe specially sign this copy. The Lost Lansdale Volume 1. $35.

LP3049. Lansdale, Joe R. Wet Juju. Short Scary Tales (SST) Publications, 2020. First edition hardback, one of 550 signed, numbered hardbacks, a Fine copy in a Near Fine+ dust jacket with a thin, 1" scratch to rear cover, with SST tissue paper closure sticker laid in. Out of print upon publication. Massive collection, so overseas shipping will be more than usual. LAST COPY! $150.

LP1910. Lansdale, Joe R. Zeppelins West. Subterranean Press, 2001. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy in a Fine dust jacket; if you look carefully at the top edge, you can see that there's a very slight bow to the rear board near the spine, though you couldn't tell looking at it on the shelf. Signed by Lansdale First volume of Lansdale's steampunk romp featuring the head of Buffalo Bill Cody preserved in a jar, as well as many other famous historical personages, fictional and otherwise. Long out of print from Subterranean. $49.

LP2317. Lansdale, Joe R. (as Ray Slater). Texas Night Riders. Atlantic Large Print/Chivers Press, 1991. First hardback edition, an Ex-Library copy, clean and without stamps internally, but wear and about 1/2" semi-closed split at head, and one piece of tape left in place at head, with three tiny notations to inside rear cover, and a bit of general wear; call it a VG- Ex-Library copy, in plasticized decorated boards, sans dust jacket, as issued. Signed by Lansdale Right up there with Molly's Sexual Follies Follies as one of the most elusive Lansdale titles; this is only the second copy I've ever chanced across in twenty years of looking. Precedes the Subterranean Press limited edition. $149.

LP2528. Lansdale, Joe R. and John L. Lansdale. Hell's Bounty. Subterranean Press, 2016. First edition hardback, one of 1,000 copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Weird western about demons, bounty hunters and the end of the world. Sold out from the publisher, and only have one of this true first edition. $49.

LP3376. Lansdale, Joe R. and Kasey Lansdale. Dark Kin. Thunderstorm Books, 2023. First edition hardback, one of 250 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Collaborative short story collection, one novella original to this collection, each with introductions by one or both offers. Only edition, and 250 is an awfully small run for a Lansdale book. Now sold out from the publisher, but I still have it at cover price. $125.

LP3430. Lansdale, Joe R. and Kasey Lansdale. Terror is Our Business: The Dana Roberts Casebook of Horrors. Short Scary Tales (SST) Publications, 2023. First edition hardback, one of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, with tissue paper closure sticker laid in. Now sold out from the publisher, and I appear to be the only one with copies online. $49.

LP2939. Lansdale, Joe R. and Keith Lansdale. Big Lizard. Short Scary Tales (SST) Publications, 2020. First edition hardback, one of 1,500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. A botched supernatural ceremony gives the protagonist "the power to transform into a big lizard who can run fast, has incredible strength, and a large tail." Looks like fun. Full color illustrated endpapers and signature page. Note: If you previously bought an SST Lansdale from me, there's a good chance I can match numbers with your other SST copies. $49.

LP3431. Lansdale, Joe R. and Keith Lansdale. Prisoner of Violence. Dark Regions Press, 2023. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in decorated boards, sans dust jacket, as issued, signed by Joe Lansdale with a signature plate signed by Joe and Keith Lansdale laid in. Graphic novel that was announced several years ago, but only recently came out. With Dark Regions Press in bankruptcy, the promised signed/limited edition from them will likely never appear. $75.

LP2940. Lansdale, Joe R. and Sam Glanzman (illustrator). Red Range. It's Alive Press, 2017. First edition thus, a hardback edition collecting the individual comics (and this is the "Kickstarter Edition"), a Fine copy in decorated black boards, sans dust jacket, as issued, signed by Lansdale. Weird western comic featuring the Klan, the hollow earth, and dinosaurs. Introduction by Rick Klaw and afterword by Stephen R. Bissette. Also see Red Range: Pirates of Fireworld on the trade paperbacks page. $29.

LP2600. Lansdale, Joe R. and Jussi Piironen. Hap and Leonard: Savage Season. SST, 2017. First hardback and first limited edition, one of 270 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Graphic novel adaptation of the first Hap and Leonard novel. The IDW trade paperback edition precedes. 270 copies is a pretty small limitation for a Lansdale limited, much less one printed in the UK, and I sold out of this toot quick in the last catalog, but managed to locate another copy. $75.

LP124. Lansdale, Joe R., editor (Neal Barrett, Jr., Chad Oliver, Loren D. Estleman, William F. Nolan, etc.) The Best of the West. Doubleday, 1986. First edition hardback, an ex-library copy, with all the usual flaws, otherwise a nice, square copy. Signed by Lansdale. $15.

LP2761. Lansdale, Joe R. (James Reasoner, Kim Newman, F. Paul Wilson, etc.), editor. Retro Pulp Tales. Subterranean Press, 2006. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Signed by Lansdale. Anthology of pulp tales. These have gotten surprisingly scare, so much so that Joe His Ownself about cleaned me out of my remaining copies a few Dillocons ago. Only have one. $75.

LP3522. Lansdale, Joe & Karen, editors (David Morrell, David J. Schow, etc.). Dark at Heart. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with trace of wear at points, signed by Lansdale. Stories of dark suspense. $20.

LP3377. Lansdale, Joe R. and Pat LoBrutto, editors (Richard Laymon, Neal Barrett, Jr., Howard Waldrop, Ardath Mayhar, Robert R. McCammon, David J. Schow, etc.). Razored Saddles. Dark Harvest, 1989. First edition hardback, #268 of 600 copies signed by all the contributors, a Fine copy in a Fine protected dust jacket and a Fine slipcase. The "Cowpunk" anthology of western crossover stories, and a good one. Isajenko, The World Lansdalean, D03ai. $70.

LP1794. Lansdale, Joe R. and Keith Lansdale, editors. (Joe R. Lansdale, Harlan Ellison, David J. Schow, William F. Nolan, Mike Resnick, Cherie Priest, etc.) Son of Retro Pulp Tales. Subterranean Press, 2009. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Another collection of pulp goodness, and I enjoyed the first one. All of these are new except the Ellison. And how often do you see a new William F. Nolan story these days? This edition didn't come signed, but this copy has been signed by Lansdale at Armadillocon. $37.

LP3523. (Lansdale, Joe R.) Christopher Golden and Brian Keene, editors. Joe R Lansdale's The Drive-In: Multiplex. Thunderstorm Books, 2024. First hardback edition, one of 350 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Preceded by the Pandi Press trade paperback original. Original anthology set in Lansdale's Drive-In universe, including stories by Joe & Kasey Lansdale, Josh Malerman, David J. Schow, Nancy Collins, Gary Braunbeck, Owen King, etc. Out of print from the publisher. LAST COPY! $175.

LP3150. (Lansdale, Joe R.) Fred Isajanko. The World Lansdalean: The Authorized Joe R. Lansdale Bibliography. Short Scary Tales (SST) Publications, 2021. First edition hardback, one of 1000 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and a Fine slipcase. Bibliography of Lansdale's work, that also includes bonus Lansdale fiction in the back. If you read or collect Lansdale, you need it. Reduced price. $55.

LP3378. (Lansdale, Joe R.) Andrew J. Rausch and Mark Slade, editors. Conversations with Joe R. Lansdale. University Press of Mississippi, 2022. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in decorated boards, sans dust jacket, as issued, signed by Lansdale and myself. Collection of interviews with Lansdale, including the one Dwight Brown and I did with Joe for Nova Express. This hardback edition was done in a very small edition aimed at the library market, and I'm offering here specially signed and at cover price. $99.

LP2530. Lansdale, John L. Zombie Gold. Short, Scary Tales (SST) Publications, 2016. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Trade edition of this weird western. $30.

LP3379. Le Fanu, Sheridan (Eric J. Guignard, editor). A Little Fuchsia Book of Fears . Borderlands Press, 2023. First edition hardback, one of 500 numbered copies signed by the editor, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Includes five tales by this classic horror writer, including "Green Tea." $32.50.

LP3293. Lee, Edward. House Infernal. Cemetery Dance, 2008. First edition hardback, one of 1000 signed, numbered copies, a Fine- copy with very slight bumping at head in a Fine- dust jacket with trace of wear at head and points. Out of print from the publisher, but offered here at $11 under cover price. $29.

LP3432. Lee, Edward. The Minotauress. Necro Publications, 2007. First edition hardback, #173 of 400 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Includes the title novel, plus "The Horn Cranker." $75.

LP1850. Leiber, Fritz. Strange Wonders. Subterranean Press, 2010. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Collection various work, some previously unpublished or uncollected. Now sold out from the publisher. $30.

LP1468. Leiber, Fritz. The Wanderer. Dennis Dobson, 1967. First hardback edition, a Fine- copy with some tiny, faint, pinprick spots of staining to page block edges in a NF-, price clipped, first state (no Seacon seal) dust jacket with light pinpricks of dirt staining to white dj and faint dampstaining along bottom of spine. Despite all the forgoing, this is a very presentable hardback first of this Hugo-winning novel. $45.

LP677. Lessing, Doris. Briefing for a Descent into Hell. Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1971. First U.S. hardback edition, an Ex-Library copy with all the usual flaws, otherwise NF-/F-, with light liquid staining to top stained edges of book which doesn't affect the pages themselves at all. Slipstream "inner space" novel of a man's fantastic journeys inside his own head, and of doctors' attempts to "cure" him. Modern Fantasy 100 list. BLOWOUT PRICE. $1.

LP2198. Lethem, Jonathan. Chronic City. Doubleday, 2009. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Novel of a Manhattan social circle fixture whose girlfriend is on a space station and who is drawn to a marijuana-smoking conspiracy theorist pop critic. Looks odd, in a good way. $10.

LP1538. Lethem, Jonathan. Gun, With Occasional Music. Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1994. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. His first novel, from back before he started winning literary awards left and right. $35.

LP129. Lethem, Jonathan. The Wall of the Sky, the Wall of the Eye. Harcourt Brace, 1996. First Edition, Hardback Fine in a Fine dj, New in dj. Uneven but occasionally brilliant short story collection by the author of Gun, With Occasional Music and the National Book Award-winning Motherless Brooklyn. $6.

LP2531. Levy, Edward. The Beast Within. Arbor House, 1981. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with a bit of curl and head and heel and a trace of dust soiling to back cover, in a near Fine dust jacket with haze rubbing along spine join. "A modern day Jekyll and Hyde in the clothes of a werewolf...a lupine incubus." Given when this was published, there's a good chance David Hartwell edited it. $5.

LP3295. Ligotti, Thomas. A Little White Book of Screams and Whispers. Borderlands Press, 2019. First edition hardback, #290 of 600 signed, numbered copies, a Fine- copy with slight bumping at heel, sans dust jacket, as issued. Instantly out of print and hard to find. $249.

LP3380. Ligotti, Thomas. Pictures of Apocalypse. Chiroptera Press, 2023. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, still in shrinkwrap. Also includes a special 24 page Pictures of Apocalypse: Interviews and Sketches chapbook, including new interviews with the author and artist, "Concept to finish" art documentation, outtakes, a thank you card, and a bookmark. A verse cycle. A fairly elaborate small press production for this stylish horror writer whose work regularly sells out. This first edition hardback is now sold out from the publisher, but I still have this at $10 off cover price! $60.

LP1694. Link, Kelly. Magic for Beginners. Small Beer, 2005. Second printing hardback , a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Acclaimed short story collection. Half price? Hell no! How about quarter price? $5.

LP2128. Little, Bentley. The Association. Signet, 2001. Book Club (and first hardback) edition, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight haze rubbing to rear and a trace of wear at extremities. Horror novel of a home-owner's association that seems a tad more restrictive than most... $10.

LP3578. Lovecraft, H.P. (S.T. Joshi, editor) Collected Fiction: A Variorum Edition Volume 4 (Revisions and Collaborations). Hippocampus Press, 2024. First hardback edition (the 2017 trade paperback precedes), a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, still in shrinkwrap. "For this revised edition, the four stories that Lovecraft revised for C. M. Eddy, Jr. are included. In addition, the Index of Proper Names has been updated and augmented." I don't know why Hippocampus originally put out the fourth book as a TPO after putting out the first three as hardbacks, but this finally rectifies the error to properly complete the set for those of us (myself included) picky about such things. $75.

LP3524. Lovecraft, H. P. (S.T. Joshi, editor). A Little Silver Book of Supernatural Stories. Borderlands Press, 2024. First edition hardback, one of 500 copies signed by Joshi, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Sampler of Lovecraft stories, including "Dagon," "Nyarlathotep," and "The Call of Cthulhu." Now out of print from the publisher, but still at cover price. $32.50.

LP3297. (Lovecraft, H.P.) de Camp, L. Sprague. Lovecraft: A Biography. Doubleday, 1975. First edition hardback, a Near Fine copy with slight bumping at head and heel, bumping to bottom points, and dust soiling at head, in a Near Fine- dust jacket with bumping and faint non-breaking creasing at head, slight discoloration at bottom of heel, trace of wear at points, a few traces of dust soiling, and foxing to blind side (now Mylar-protected), inscribed by de Camp: "With best wishes to/Brian Perry, from/L. Sprague de Camp." Pioneering "warts and all" book-length biography from this SFWA Grandmaster and World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement Award winner that deeply irritated many of Lovecraft's admirers. Nominated for "World Fantasy Special AwardÑProfessional." $25.

LP2846. (Lovecraft, H.P.) Joshi, S. T. Lovecraft and a World in Transition. Hippocampus Press, 2014. First edition hardback, one of 500 copies signed by Joshi (the only edition), a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Collection of Joshi's most important essays on Lovecraft (of which there have been many). Back in stock! $65.

LP2199. (Lovecraft, H.P.) Jones, Stephen, editor (Kim Newman, Brain Lumley, etc.). Weirder Shadows Over Innsmouth. Fedogan and Breamer, 2013. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. More Cthulhu Mythos tales. $33.

LP2706. (Lovecraft, H.P.) S. T. Joshi. Black Wings V. PS Publishing, 2016. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. The fifth in this popular series of "New Tales of Lovecraftian Horror." Trade edition. Only have one of this as well. $28.

LP3525. (Lovecraft, H.P.) Pedersen, Nate, editor. The Dagon Collection: An Auction Catalogue of Items Recovered in the Federal Raid on Innsmouth, Mass. PS Publishing, 2024. First edition hardback in decorated boards, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Anthology in the form of a mock auction catalog of Cthulhu Mythos related items from the Esoteric Order of Dagon, with contributions from F. Paul Wilson, Ramsey Campbell, etc. $49.

LP3526. (Lovecraft, H.P., Robert E. Howard, Clark Ashton Smith) Jones, Stephen. The Weird Tales Boys. PS Publishing, 2023. First edition hardback, one of 100 signed (by Jones, introduction author Ramsey Campbell, artist Lee Edwards, and facsimile signatures for Lovecraft, Howard and Smith), numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine slipcase. A triple biography of H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard and Clark Ashton Smith as the most important writers for Weird Tales. No other hardback, and now sold out from the publisher. LAST COPY! $125.

LP2532. Lupoff, Richard. Lisa Kane. Bobbs-Merrill, 1976. First edition hardback, a Fine- with a few dust marks to front board, in a Near Fine- dust jacket with crinkling at head and heel, slight curl at top front edge, slight creases to inner flaps, and slight darkening to top of rear cover. Werewolf novel. $4.

LP3212. "Chambers, Robert W." (i.e., Arthur Machen)(Bentley Little, editor). A Little Brown Book of Unnatural Narratives. Borderlands Press, 2022. First edition hardback, one of 500 copies signed by Little, a Fine copy, sans dust, as issued. Three stories ("The Inmost Light," "The Shining Pyramid" and "The Novel of the White Powder") all reprinted from previous collections. Hilariously, Borderlands accidentally kept the author embossing for Chambers from their previous cover design when they printed this Machen collection, which is probably the funniest mistake since "Karl Edward Wanger" on the first state dust jacket of Gods in Darkness. Now out of print from the publisher. LAST COPY! $34.

LP3434. MacLeod, Ian R. Ragged Maps. Subterranean Press, 2023. First edition hardback, one of 1,000 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and publisher's plastic bag. Short story collection from this Campbell and World Fantasy Award-winning writer. $40.

LP680. MacLeod, Ken. The Stone Canal. Legend (UK), 1996. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dj with a trace of wear here and there, otherwise new and unread. His second (and, IMHO, best) novel, and second in the Fall Revolution sequence, an extravagant, hard science, postcyberpunk space opera. Signed by MacLeod. Highly recommended. $12.

LP3435. Malerman, Josh. Daphne. Short Scary Tales (SST) Publications, 2023. First limited edition hardback, one of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, with tissue paper closure sticker laid in. His limited editions tend to sell pretty well. $60.

LP3436. Malerman, Josh. Goblin. Del Rey, 2017. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. "A novel in six novellas." $25.

LP2764. Martel, Yann. Life of Pi. Harcourt, 2001. Twentieth printing of the hardback first edition, a Fine copy, with Booker Prize winner sticker on front cover. Award-winning mainstream novel of a boy trapped on a boat with a tiger, made into an Ang Lee movie. $5.

LP3051. Martin, George R. R. A Game of Thrones. Bantam Spectra, 1996. First U.S. hardback edition, a Near Fine+ copy with slight bumping at head and slight flash to the top corner of the rear free endpaper, which has lead to a 1/8? tear there and associated wrinkling, in a Near Fine dust jacket with a slight, non-breaking crease to the top half of spine (as though the book were read once), slight wrinkling at head, a few touches of edgewear (most noticeable at top rear join), and one pin-head sized spot of of wear to the reflective silver cover at the bottom of edge of the front cover. Not a perfect copy, but still a very nice one. First book in the enormously popular, multi-award winning A Song of Fire and Ice fantasy series. $350.

LP3213. Martin, George R. R. and Tuttle, Lisa. Windhaven. Subterranean Press, 2019. First limited edition hardback, #416 of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Handsome limited edition (with full color endpapers and several full-color illustration pages by Lauren Saint-Onge) of this science fiction novel set on a light gravity world where people can fly using artificial wings. Out of print from the publisher. $145.

LP2946. Martin, George R. R., editor (Roger Zelazny, Pat Cadigan, etc.). Wild Cards II: Aces High. Bantam/SFBC, 1987 (stated; actually 1988). Book club and first hardback edition, a Fine- copy with a tiny bit of bend at head and heel in a Near Fine dust jacket with a 1 1/2" wrinkle and a 1 1/4" closed tear on top front cover near head and a trace of age darkening to very top of white flaps, in Mylar protector. Second Wild Cards shared universe superhero anthology. $20.

LP3437. Martin, George R. R., editor. Wild Cards IV: Aces Abroad. Bantam Books/SFBC, 1988. Book club and first hardback edition, a Fine- copy with a touch of wear at points in a Near Fine, spine-faded (from mustard to lighter yellow) dust jacket with slight wear at points. Fourth Wild Card mosaic novel, with contributions from Martin, Ed Bryant, Lew Shiner, etc. These book club hardback firsts are not nearly as common as they used to be. $15.

LP2947. Martin, George R. R., editor (Roger Zelazny, Pat Cadigan, Edward Bryant, etc.). Wild Cards V: Down and Dirty. Bantam/SFBC, 1988 (stated; actually 1989). Book club and first hardback, a Near Fine- copy with spine creasing in a Fine- copy with a 1/4" closed tear at heel, trace of wear at points, and trace of age darkening to very top of white flaps, in Mylar protector. Fifth Wild Cards shared universe superhero anthology. $25.

LP1852. Marusek, David. Counting Heads. Tor, 2005. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with smack wrinkle at head. His first novel, which garnered much acclaim and quickly went into second printing. Haven't read it, but David is a good guy. $15.

LP134. Matheson, Richard. By the Gun. Evans, 1993. First edition hardback, Fine in a Fine dj. Gripping collection of Western stories that show Matheson has lost none of his considerable skill. Recommended. $20.

LP2200. Matheson, Richard (Etchison, Dennis). Matheson on Matheson: A Conversation With Dennis Etchison. Bad Moon Books, 2013 (actually 2014). First edition hardback, one of 100 copies signed by Etchison and Richard Christian Matheson, a Fine copy in decorated boards, sans dust jacket, as issued. Out of print from the publisher and I only have one. $40.

LP2201. Matheson, Richard. Other Kingdoms. Tor, 2011. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new an unread. A World War I soldier meets an alluring red-headed witch and stumbles into the realm of faerie a novel of "erotic suspense and enchantment." $12.

LP3151. Matheson, Richard. Shadow on the Sun. Evans, 1994. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with faint fading on spine (only noticeable right next to another unfaded copy). Weird western. $15.

LP136. McAllister, Bruce. Dream Baby. Tor, 1989. First edition hardback, an ex-library copy with all the usual flaws, otherwise Near Fine/Near Fine with slight spine lean. Expansion of his Hugo and Nebula nominated story from In the Fields of Fire. K. W. Jeter calls McAllister one of the most underrated writers in the genre. This disappeared pretty quickly. BLOWOUT PRICE! $1.

LP1695. McAllister, Bruce. The Girl Who Loved Animals. Golden Gryphon, 2007. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Introduction by Barry Malzberg. By the well-respected author of Dream Baby. Signed by cover artist John Picacio. $18.

LP1018. McAuley, Paul [J.]. Whole Wide World. HarperCollins/Voyager (UK), 2001. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dj with a tiny bit of crimping at head and the barest trace of edgewear, otherwise new and apparently unread. They evidently took the J. out of his name in hopes of fooling the computers and making this his breakthrough mainstream technothriller. Actually looks like an SF murder mystery. This UK edition precedes the Tor edition by a year. $12.

LP3298. McBride, Michael. Blood Wish. Delirium Books, 2007. First edition hardback, #96 of 300 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Small trim size, #3 in the Delirium Books Mini-hardbacks series. No solo copies on Bookfinder. $100.

LP3299. McCammon, Robert. Speaks the Nightbird. River City Publishing, 2002. First edition hardback (as per McCammon's website: "The first edition can be identified by the lack of a 'First Edition" 'statement on the copyright page. If there is a second printing of the trade hardcover, it will be identified as a 'Second printing' on the copyright page"), a Fine copy in a Mylar-protected dust jacket. Massive, 726 page novel, and the first Matthew Corbett novel. Reduced price. $75.

LP3300. McCarthy, Cormac. The Road. Knopf, 2006. First edition hardback, a Near Fine copy with bump to bottom front corner and slight bend at head, in a Near Fine dust jacket with bump to bottom front corner, slight wrinkling at head and heel, and slight haze rubbing to gloss back dust jacket (most noticeable along spine joins). His Pulitzer Prize-winning post-apocalyptic novel and basis of the 2009 movie of the same name. $20.

LP3527. McCrumb, Sharyn. Zombies of the Gene Pool. Simon & Schuster, 1992. First edition hardback, a Near Fine copy with a remainder mark in a Fine, Mylar-protected dust jacket. Sequel to Bimbos of the Death Sun. Would be mint save for the remainder mark. $5.

LP3528. McDevitt, Jack. Doorway to the Stars. Subterranean Press, 2024. First edition hardback, one of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Novella about a stargate set in the same universe as Thunderbird. Now out of print from the publisher. $45.

LP2948. McDevitt, Jack. The Engines of God. Ace, 1994. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with just the tiniest bit of wrinkling at the top front edge and the barest trace of age darkening to the very tops of the white flaps, otherwise apparently new and unread. Possibly Jack's best book. $35.

LP3381. McDevitt, Jack. Return To Glory. Subterranean Press, 2022. First edition hardback, one of 1,000 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Now out of print from the publisher. I seem to be the only one on the Internet that has copies. $65.

LP3579. McDevitt, Jack. Standard Candles. Tachyon, 1996. First edition hardback, trade edition, a Fine- copy with slight bumping to points, in a Fine dust jacket, signed by McDevitt. Jack's first short story collection. $125.

LP2645. McDonald, Ian. The Broken Land. Bantam Spectra, 1992. First edition hardback thus (previously published in the UK as Hearts, Hands and Voices), a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, signed by McDonald. Has a great Stephen Youll cover. Not seeing another copy of this title online signed by McDonald. $30.

LP2949. McDonald, Ian. Planesrunner. Jo Fletcher Books, 2013. First UK edition hardback (the Pyr edition precedes by two years), a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with a touch of edgewear, otherwise new and unread. Everness Book 1. $10.

LP3301. McDonald, Ian. Sacrifice of Fools. Gollancz, 1996. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine, Mylar-protected dust jacket, signed by McDonald. Murder mystery set among an enclave of alien refugees living in Ireland, sort of Se7en meets District 9 amidst "The Troubles." $20.

LP141. McIntyre, Vonda. The Moon and the Sun. Pocket Books, 1997. First Edition, Hardback Fine in a Fine dj. Nebula winner. $12.

LP1348. McKenna, Juliet. Turns and Chances. PS Publishing, 2004. First edition hardback, one of 300 hardback copies signed by the author, Fine in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Somehow ended up with an extra one of these, so let's blow it out at $16 less than cover price. $20.

LP504. McMullen, Sean. The Miocene Arrow. Tor, 2000. First edition hardback, Fine-/Fine- with a single dust print to top page block and slight dj wrinkling at head, otherwise pristine and unread. A sequel to Souls in the Great Machine. Signed by McMullen. $20.

LP3438. Merritt, A. and Hannes Bok. The Fox Woman with The Blue Pagoda. New Collector's Group, 1946. First edition hardback, #643 of 1,000 (stated; actually 3,000) copies printed, this one being the state (A) featuring a naked woman on page 19, and I think Currey binding state A (smooth rather than pebbly), but I wouldn't swear to it, a Good+ only copy with ends of spines fraying and middle starting to split, with wear at head, heel and points, slight crease on boards near heel, and general wear, sans dust jacket, as issued; intact, but just barely. A reading or OCR copy. Chalker/Owings, page 308. Currey, page 364. Bleiler, Checklist (1978), page 138. Oversized, so query before ordering from overseas. $5.

LP3529. Mieville, China. The City & The City. Del Rey, 2009. First U.S. edition hardback (the UK McMillan edition slightly precedes), a Fine-/Fine copy with bumping at head and slight bumping at heel. His Hugo, World Fantasy and Arthur C. Clarke Award winning novel of two European city states that exist superimposed one atop the other, whose respective residents have been trained since birth to avoid noticing residents of the "other" city. Basis of a UK miniseries. Recommended. $65.

LP1417. Mieville, China. King Rat. Tor, 1999. First American (and First Hardback) edition, an Ex-Library copy with interior stamps and stickers and dj protector taped to book, otherwise a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket copy that appears to have never been checked out. Mieville's first novel. $15.

LP2533. Mieville, China. This Census-Taker. Subterranean Press, 2016. First limited edition hardback thus (the Del Rey trade edition precedes), #443 of 750 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Now sold out from the publisher, and I only have one. $55.

LP142. Mooney, Ted. Easy Travel to Other Planets. Farrar Straus Giroux, 1981. First edition hardback, Fine in a Fine dj. Slipstream SF novel that coined the phrase "information sickness." Very well written. Sterling slipstream list. $10.

LP2950. Monteleone, Thomas F., editor (Harlan Ellison, Roger Zelazny, George Alec Effinger, etc.). The Arts & Beyond: Visions of Man's Aesthetic Future. Doubleday, 1977. First edition hardback, a Near Fine- copy with purple remainder speckling at heel and slight glue wrinkling to inside rear gutter, in a Very Good dust jacket with price corner ripped and taped back in (quite well aligned), rubbing at head, heel and points, and age-darkening and slight grubbiness to white rear cover, and foxing to blind side. A mostly reprint anthology, though Harlan Ellison's "Shoppe Keeper" is an original. Zelany's "Museum Piece" is a reprint. With black and white illustrations by a variety of artists (though, curiously, not always next to the stories they illustrate). $10.

LP3580. Moorcock, Michael. The Black Corridor. Ace/SFBC, 1969. First hardback edition (gutter code "16 L" on page 181, as per Currey), a Very Good copy with bumping at head, wear at heel, head and points, and slight spine lean, lacking the dust jacket. Interesting novel about a man in a spaceship fleeing a catastrophe and slowly going mad. Recommended. Bilyeu, Tanalorn Archives, page 10 d. Currey, page 368.Pringle, Ultimate Guide to SF page 39 (**). $10.

LP2767. Moorcock, Michael. Blood. AvoNova/Morrow, 1995. First American hardback edition, a Fine- copy with slight bend at head and slight wear at heel, in a Fine- dust jacket with slight edgewear at head and heel, signed by Moorcock. First book in the Second Ether trilogy. $30.

LP2770. Moorcock, Michael. Corum. Millennium, 1992. First edition hardback thus, an omnibus edition containing The Knight of the Swords, The Queen of the Swords, and The King of the Swords, a Fine copy in a Near Fine+ dust jacket with a 1" wrinkle and associated 1/16th" lamination peel, partially showing white (which can be hidden by judicious dust jacket protector application), slight wrinkling at head and heel and trace of wear at front top and bottom points. Signed by Moorcock. Tales of the Eternal Champion Volume 4. Previously printed in hardback by Gregg Press as The Swords Trilogy. One signed copy online overseas. $100.

LP3581. Moorcock, Michael. Doctor Who: The Coming of the Terraphiles. BBC Books, 2010. First edition hardback, a Fine-/Fine- copy with slight bumping at head and heel, signed by Moorcock. $40.

LP2951. Moorcock, Michael. The End of All Songs. Harper & Row, 1976. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with slight bend at head and heel and blunting to points, in a Very Good+ price-clipped dust jacket with a 1/4" chip at head, shallow chipping at heel, slight age darkening to edges of dust jacket (especially along spine folds) and wear at points, signed by Moorcock. Third book in the Dancers at the End of Time trilogy. The publisher managed to misspell his name "MOOROCK" on the spine of the book. Currey, page 370. Tanelorn Archives, page 18(a). $20.

LP2773. Moorcock, Michael. The Eternal Champion. Millennium, 1992. First edition hardback thus, an omnibus edition containing The Eternal Champion, Phoenix in Obsidian, and The Dragon in the Sword, a Fine- copy in a Fine- dust jacket with blunted top points, a very slight dogear at the top of pages 70-92, a BB-sized indention at top spine right above the "M" in "Michael," and a slight bit of wrinkling/crimping at head, heel and top flaps, otherwise apparently pristine and unread. Signed by Moorcock. Yoshitaka Amano cover. Millennium Eternal Champion series Volume 2. Precedes the White Wolf edition by a couple of years. Most of these Millennium collected Moorcocks have gotten hard to find at all, much less signed. $175.

LP1737. Moorcock, Michael. Fabulous Harbours. Millenium. 1996. First edition hardback (precedes the American edition), a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Second book in the trilogy begun with Blood and concluded with The War Amongst the Angels. For some reason, this was the most difficult volume to get here in the states. $49.

LP2774. Moorcock, Michael. Fabulous Harbors. Avon, 1997. First American hardback edition, a Fine- copy with a touch of bend at head and heel in a Fine- dust jacket with a trace of haze rubbing, mostly along spine join. Signed by Moorcock. Second book in the Blood/Second Ether trilogy. $29.

LP2775. Moorcock, Michael. Gloriana, or The Unfulfilled Queen. Allison & Busby, 1978. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Near Fine+ dust jacket with edgewear at head, heel and points, and a tiny strip of slight light tan discoloration are the very top of the rear flap. Signed by Moorcock. Alternate history fantasy. I believe Mike thinks of this as his best novel. Tanelorn Archives, page 20. $50.

LP2776. Moorcock, Michael. Hawkmoon. White Wolf, 1995. First edition hardback thus, an Ex-Library copy with dust jacket flaps glued to inside cover, slight separation of page block from inner cloth (not detached), library pocket with discard stamp to rear free endpaper, small library stamp and small sticker at bottom of title page, slight spots of dirt staining to bottom page block edge, sticker to dj rear cover at top (over the "rcock" in Moorcock) and two stickers on spine, one outside the dust jacket and one inside; call it a Very Good+/Very Good+ Ex-Library copy, flawed but by no means read to death, and signed by Moorcock. There were two early editions, as The History of the Runestaff in the 1970s and a Millennium edition of the same name, but this edition contains material not in either of those, including a new Moorcock introduction and new art and maps by James Cawthorn. $35.

LP2324. Moorcock, Michael. The Hollow Lands. Harper & Row, 1974. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with slight bumping at head and heel in a Very Good+ price-clipped dust jacket with long creases to front flap, invisible closed 1/4" to spine, and wear at points. Second book in the Dancers at the End of Time trilogy. Pringle, SF 100 list #69. Currey (1979), page 370. $5.

LP2778. Moorcock, Michael. King of the City. Morrow, 2000. Second printing of the first American hardback, a Near Fine copy with one spot of spotting on foreedge, and slight bumping at head and heel in a Fine- dust jacket with slight wrinkling at head. Signed by Moorcock. Novel set in contemporary London, a sequel to Mother London. $110.

LP2325. Moorcock, Michael. The Land Leviathan. Doubleday, 1974. First edition hardback, a Near Fine copy with bumping at head and heel in a Near Fine- price clipped dust jacket with wear at head and heel and a 3/4" closed tear on top front near spine. Oswald Bastable novel. Currey (1979), page 371. $5.

LP2779. Moorcock, Michael. The Matatemporal Detective. Pyr, 2007. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Signed by Moorcock. Collection of Dir. Seaton Begg, metatemporal detective across steampunky multiverse. Looks like great fun. $49.

LP2780. Moorcock, Michael. The Opium General and Other Stories. HAARP, 1984. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with just a trace of wear at points. Signed by Moorcock. Short story collection that says says it includes "the final JERRY CORNELIUS adventure." (According to ISFDB, many have appeared since.) $49.

LP2326. Moorcock, Michael. The Runestaff. White Lion, 1969. First hardback edition, a Fine- with with slight crimping at head and heal in a Near Fine+ dust jacket with wear at points. Currey (1979), page 372. Tanelorn Archives, page 29. $20.

LP2785. Moorcock, Michael. The War Amongst the Angels. Avon, 1997. First American hardback edition, a Fine- copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight bumping at heel. Signed by Moorcock. Third book in the Blood/Second Ether trilogy. $30.

LP421. Morrell, David. The Totem. Evans, 1979. First edition hardback, Near Fine/Fine, with previous owner's blind stamp on FFE, very slightly rolled spine (possible binding flaw), two interior pages with faint creases, very faint dust soiling, and top and bottom of book spine (not dj) slightly faded. Except for the blind stamp these are all exceptionally minor flaws, and upon first glance this looks like a perfect copy. $12.

LP1886. Morris, Mark, editor (Joe R. Lansdale, Lucius Shepard, Alastair Reynolds, etc.). Cinema Futura. PS Publishing, 2010. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Companion volume to Cinema Macabre, with the likes of Joe R. Lansdale, Alastair Reynolds, Mike Resnick, etc. providing commentary on important SF movies from Metropolis to Avatar. If you're a serious movie buff you probably want a copy, and I only have one. $38.

LP3214. Morrow, James. Reality By Other Means: The Best Short Fiction of James Morrow. Wesleyan University Press, 2015. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with a trace of dust soiling to rear. Short story collection. Back in stock! $18.

LP7390. Murphy, Pat. The Shadow Hunter. Tachyon, 2002. First hardback edition and first edition thus, revised from its original paperback appearance and with a new afterword by the author, one of only 125 copies bound in hardback, Fine, sans dj, as issued. Murphy's first book. $40.

LP740. Nagata, Linda. The Bohr Maker. Bantam Spectra (SFBC), 1995. Book club, the first and only hardback edition, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket- with just a trace of wear at heel and corners. Still a very attractive copy of the second novel by this Nebula-winning author. $5.

LP3302. Newman, James. Olden. Delirium Books, 2011. First edition hardback, #102 of 150 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket in decorated boards, as issued. Small trim size. $100.

LP149. Newman, Kim. The Night Mayor. Simon & Schuster (UK), 1989. First edition hardback, Fine in a Fine dj. Author's first novel, a cybernoir set in a virtual city drawn from b&w film. $7.

LP1912. Niven, Larry/Derwin Mak. Eeriecon Chapbook Ten: Doubling Rate/Willpower. Buffalo Fantasy League, 2011. First edition hardback chapbook, one of only 15(!) hardback copies, signed by both authors, Fine in a Fine dust jacket. Only have one. I think it's safe to say that there are more than 15 serious Niven collectors in the world... $150.

LP2203. Novak, Naomi. Tongues of Serpents. Del Rey, 2010. First edition hardback (U.S. edition precedes the UK), a Fine copy in a Near Fine dust jacket with a bump and wrinkle to the front right bottom corner, otherwise new and unread. Sixth Temeraire novel. An imperfect copy, so I'm selling it cheap. $5.

LP3303. Ochse, Weston, and David Whitman. Scary Rednecks and Other Inbred Horrors. Delirium Books, 2006. First hardback edition and first edition thus (expanded from two earlier trade paperbacks), #137 of 220 numbered copies signed by both authors, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with just a trace of edgewear at head, heel, and bottom rear cover, and maybe a trace of haze rubbing to rear cover; I'm being really picky here. Ochse died in 2023. $75.

LP152. O'Leary, Patrick. Door Number Three. Tor, 1995. First edition hardback, Fine in a Fine dj. An amazing debut novel that went through several printings. A bold amalgamation of time travel, aliens, and dream eating monsters still manages to be absolutely original. O'Leary pulls rabbit after rabbit out of his hat until you start to realize it's rabbits all the way down. One of the most important debut novels of the 1990s, right up there with Raphael Carter's The Fortunate Fall, Ken MacLeod's The Star Fraction, and Mary Doria Russell's The Sparrow. Signed by O'Leary. Highly recommended. $40.

LP636. Olson, Ted. Ranch on the Laramie. Atlantic Monthly Press/Little Brown, 1973. First edition (stated), an ex-Library copy with all the usual flaws (see Ex-Library Note), otherwise G+/NF+, with significant wear to bottom boards and at head, and spine slightly concave, but the dj is quite nice. A memoir of ranch life in Wyoming. $1.

LP1696. O'Leary, Patrick. The Black Heart. PS Publishing, 2009. First edition hardback, Fine and new in decorated boards, sans dj, as issued. Short story collection by the author of the brilliant and underrated Door Number Three. $20.

LP155. Park, Paul. The Cult of Loving Kindness. Morrow, 1991. First Edition hardback, Near Fine/Near Fine with red remainder dot to heel, edgewear, and a 1"crease to bottom back cover. Third book in The Starbridge Chronicles. BLOWOUT PRICE. $1.

LP3304. Partridge, Norman. Lesser Demons. Subterranean Press, 2010. First edition hardback, #180 of 250 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with a tiny bit of wrinkling along top of rear cover (again, I'm being very picky), otherwise obviously new and unread, lacking the Red Rover, Red Rover chapbook originally shipped with it. Not seeing any copies signed by Partridge on Bookfinder. $75.

LP2952. Pinborough, Sarah. A Little Magenta Book of Malevolence. Borderlands Press, 2020. First edition hardback, one of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Six stories plus "Blog Posts." Now out of print from the publisher. Reduced price. $35.

LP3305. Pinborough, Sarah. They Say A Girl Died Here Once. Earthling Publications, 2016. First edition hardback, #186 of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. $49.

LP3582. Poe, Edgar Allen (Thomas Monteleone, editor). A Little Gold Book of Grotesqueries. Borderlands Press, 2024. First edition hardback, one of 500 numbered copies signed by Monteleone, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Now out of print from the publisher. $35.

LP2707. Powers, Tim. Alternate Routes with Forced Perspectives with Stolen Skies. Charnel House, 2018-2022. First edition hardback, each #56 of 150 signed, numbered copies, all Fine copy in boards embossed in gold, in polybag, sans dust jackets, as issued. I think the first two books are out of print from the publisher. Only have one set. A beautiful production. $1,250.

LP3053. Powers, Tim. Artificial Light. Charnel House, 2021. First edition hardback, one of 100 signed, numbered hardback copies in Japanese Red Snow Dust silk (the same material used for Charnel Houses' edition of Powers' Collected Stories), a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. A beautiful Charnel House production. LAST COPY! $350.

LP3306. Power, Tim. Dinner at Deviant's Palace. Ace (SFBC), 1985. First hardback edition (code 02540 on back bottom of dust jacket, as per Berlyne, and gutter code P028 on page 218, as per ISFDB), a Fine- copy with two light, pinprick sized spots on page block edges, in a Fine- dust jacket with a trace of edgewear, mostly at points, inscribed by Powers: "For/Steve/Hoping you like/screwball books./Cheers,/Tim/Powers/ 5/17/86." A just shy of perfect signed copy of this Philip K. Dick Award winner. Berlyne, A5B. $35.

LP1799. Powers, Tim. Dinner at Deviant's Palace. Ace (SFBC), 1985. Book club (and first hardback) edition (printing code P028 on page 218), a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight edgewear at the extremities, slight abrasion to first "A" in "PALACE" on front cover, and two tiny faint spots above and below the "T" in "TIM" on front cover. Philip K. Dick Award winner, Nebula Award finalist. $10.

LP3531. Powers, Tim. Earthquake Weather. Legend, 1997. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with slight bumping at head and heel in a Fine, Mylar-protected dust jacket. Berlyne A10a. Third book in the Fisher King trilogy. $25.

LP3583. Powers, Tim. Empty Chamber. Charnel House, 2024. First edition hardback, one of 250 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in embossed boards, sans dust jacket, as issued. New novella, elaborately decorated with gold and black Tarot card-esque illustrations. "Handbound in full Corvon Rust: An acrylic-coated, latex-saturated paper that imitates oxidized metal in all facets. A metal paper with a rusty finish. Printed on Mohawk 80lb. Superfine." An attractive production. $200.

LP3440. Powers, Tim. An Epitaph in Rust. Charnel House 2023. First edition hardback thus, one of 200 numbered copies, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Part of their deluxe limited edition line of all Powers' novels. $250.

LP3441. Powers, Tim. Expiration Date. Tor, 1996. First hardback edition and first American edition (preceded by a UK mass market paperback), a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, signed by Powers. The third book in the Fault Lines/Fisher King trilogy. Nebula and World Fantasy Award nominee. Berlyne, Powers: Secret Histories A.9.b. $20.

LP2030. Powers, Tim. Expiration Date. Tor, 1996. First U.S. (and First Hardback) edition (the UK PBO precedes), a Fine- copy with a few short stray pencil marks to page-block edges in a Fine, Mylar-protected dust jacket. Signed by Powers. Berlyne, Powers:Secret Histories, 9b. Sequel to Last Call. $15.

LP2955. Powers, Tim. More Walls Broken. Subterranean Press, 2019. First edition hardback, one of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. $55.

LP2956. Powers, Tim. More Walls Broken. Subterranean Press, 2019. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Trade edition. $24.

LP3532. Powers, Tim. My Brother's Keeper. Charnel House, 2023 (stated, actually 2024). First edition hardback, one of 200 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. The usual elaborate Charnel House production, with full-color illustrated endpapers. The Baen trade edition precedes. $300.

LP2958. Powers, Tim. The Properties of Rooftop Air. Subterranean Press, 2020. First edition hardback, one of 474 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and a Fine slipcase. An Anubis Gates story. $55.

LP2082. Powers, Tim. Salvage and Demolition. Subterranean Press, 2013. First edition hardback, one of 350 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Powers novella about a rare book dealer and time travel. Now sold out from the publisher, but I'm offering it at $10 off cover price. Reduced price. $45.

LP2083. Powers, Tim. Salvage and Demolition. Subterranean Press, 2013. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Powers novella about a rare book dealer and time travel. This trade edition is also sold out from the publisher, and also offered at cover price. $20.

LP3307. Power, Tim. The Skies Discrowned. Charnel House, 2022. First edition hardback thus, one of 200 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. "Handbound in Indigo Night Cave Paper (Belgium Flax dyed with Indigo & Walnut). This Cave Paper was made by hand for this edition. Each one of a kind sheet guaranties that each book is unique. Exquisitely printed on 80lb Mohawk Superfine." Part of a uniform prestige edition that Charnel House is doing of all Powers' books. Much prettier than the Cahill limited. $300.

LP3308. Queen, Ellery, editor. Ellery Queen's Mini-Mysteries: 70 short-short stories of crime, mystery and detection. World publishing Company, 1969. First edition hardback ("FIRST PRINTING - SEPTEMBER 1969"), a Near Fine copy with slight bumping at head and heel , inked 1/2" "X" to inside rear cover, slight wear at points, and trace of spine printing transfer to blid side of the dust jacket, in a Very Good+ price-clipped dust jacket with 1/8" semi-open tear and associated crease to bottom front near outer edge, one 1/2" and one 1/8" closed tears at top rear, slight bumping at points, and age darkening to top of dust jacket. Anthology of mystery and crime short-shorts, including stories from Robert Bloch, Frederic Brown, Lord Dunsany, Cornell Woolrich, Mark Twain, O. Henry, Charles Dickens, Antov Chekhov, etc. $20.

LP3584. Rajaniemi, Hannu. The Quantum Thief. Tor, 2011. First American hardback (the UK edition precedes), a Fine- copy with slight bumping at head, heel and points in a Near Fine+ dust jacket with 1/2" closed tear at top front cover near flap fold, slight bumping at head, heel and points, and a trace of haze rubbing. Science fiction novel (and first in a series) that got a lot of buzz. $25.

LP1970. Resnick, Mike. Blasphemy. Golden Gryphon, 2010. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. All of Resnick's stories dealing with religion in one place. $10.

LP1698. Resnick, Mike. Dreamwish Beasts and Snarks. Golden Gryphon, 2009. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. New short story collection. $14.

LP1642. Resnick, Mike. Kilimanjaro: A Fable of Utopia. Subterranean Press, 2008. First edition hardback, one of 1000 signed copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Companion volume to his Kirinyaga stories, in which the Maasai try to create their own Utopia. Only have one. $24.

LP3153. Reynolds, Alastair. Blue Remembered Earth. Gollancz, 2012. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with top front tip slightly blunted in a Fine- dust jacket with trace of wear at tips and head. Precedes the U.S. edition. $30.

LP3442. Reynolds, Alastair. Doctor Who: Harvest of Time. BBC Books, 2013. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket. $49.

LP3154. Reynolds, Alastair. On the Steel Breeze. Gollancz, 2013. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with top front tip slightly blunted and slight bend at head in a Fine- dust jacket with trace of wear at tips and head. I remember firsts of this being quite hard to find when it first came out, and it had at least one additional printing. Precedes the U.S. edition. $30.

LP2398. Reynolds, Alastair. On the Steel Breeze. Gollancz, 2013. Second printing of the first edition, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. $10.

LP3312. Riddell, Charlotte (AKA Mrs J. H. Riddell) (Meghan Arcuri, editor). A Little Purple Book of Sharp Wit. Borderlands Press, 2022. First edition hardback, one of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. The latest in their reprints of 19th century authors series. Riddell was a prolific writer in her day, only a portion of which were ghost stories, four of which are collected here. $30.

LP2810. Robinson, Kim Stanley. Stan's Kitchen. NESFA Press, 2020. First edition hardback, one of 600 signed, numbere d copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. A sort of "best of" collection of fiction, non-fiction and poetry, the only edition, now sold out from the publisher. $75.

LP3383. Romero, George A. and Daniel Kraus. The Living Dead. Short Scary Tales (SST) Publications, 2023. First edition hardback, one of 400 copies signed by Suzanne Romero, Daniel Kraus, Vincenzo Natali & Francois Vaillancourt, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, still in publisher's tissue-paper wrapping. Hefty 736 page original novel set in Romero's Living Dead universe. Now sold out from the publisher, and I only have one. $95.

LP3313. Rosenbulm, Mary. Synthesis & Other Virtual Realities. Arkham House, 1996. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, inscribed by Rosenblum: "RobÑ/Hope you enjoy! Good luck with your/writing. Mary Rosenblum." Short story collection. One of the last science fiction collections published under the editorship of Gary Turner before he left to found Golden Gryphon. Rosenblum died in 2018 after the single engine plane she was piloting crashed. Joshi, Sixty Years of Arkham House 186. Nielsen, Arkham House Books, 192. $85.

LP165. Rucker, Rudy. The Hacker and the Ants. AvoNova/Morrow, 1994. First edition hardback, Fine in a Fine dj. $7.

LP1915. Rucker, Rudy. Jim and the Flims. Night Shade Press, 2011. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Novel about aliens from another dimension taking up residence with the protagonist. Only have one. $22.

LP3314. Rucker, Rudy. Seek! Four Walls Eight Windows, 1999. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight edgewear to top edge and a tiny spot on top right front that looks like it should be a speck of dust that should clean off, but doesn't. His non-fiction collection on topics ranging from Philip K. Dick, cyberpunk, cellular automata, semiconductor fabrication plants and The Church of the Subgenius. $20.

LP2085. Rusch, Kristine Kathryn. Stories for an Enchanted Evening. Golden Gryphon, 2001. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. $12.

LP168. Rusch, Kristine Kathryn, editor (George Alec Effinger, Elizabeth Hand). Pulphouse Issue 5 (Fall 1989). Pulphouse, 1989. First edition hardback, Near Fine, sans dust jacket, as issued, with a two-inch milky stain to top edge, otherwise mint. Horror issue of this hardback "magazine," with George Alec Effinger, Elizabeth Hand, and others. $8.

LP169. Rusch, Kristine Kathryn, editor (David J. Schow, Kathe Koja, Charles de Lint, Jack Cady, Don Webb). Pulphouse Issue 7 (Spring 1990). Pulphouse, 1990. First edition hardback, Fine- (sans dust jacket, as issued) with two tiny light-brown stains to top edges. Another horror issue, with stories by David J. Schow, Kathe Koja, Charles de Lint, Jack Cady, Don Webb, and others. Inscribed by Webb: "With good thoughts/from the last of/the Brothers Grimm." $12.

LP1972. Russell, Mary Doria. The Sparrow. Villard, 1996. First Edition hardback, with all first edition points present (First Edition stated, has a printing line reading "9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2" (yes, Villard starts their printing lines at 2--don't ask me why); dj flap bears cover price: "U.S.A. $23.00/Canada $32.00" (there are book club editions which are otherwise identical to the first edition, but lack the price); photo credit on dj flap reads "Dina Ross," corrected "Dina Rossi" on later editions; page 16, third full paragraph, first line, last word is "karstic", later corrected to "karst"; and page 95, second paragraph reads "At 32 feet per second, you'd have," later corrected to "At 32 feet per second per second, you'd have"), a Fine- copy with two tiny, light pinhead sides dots of discoloration at head, in a Fine- dj with a tiny bit of crimping at head and heel, but NO remainder mark. Perhaps the most important SF debut novel of the 1990s by this John W. Campbell award winner. $25.

LP857. Russell, Mary Doria. Children of God. Villard, 1998. First Edition hardback, a Fine- copy in a Fine- dj with faint bumping to head and heel, otherwise apparently new and unread. The sequel to The Sparrow, which concludes the story of Rakhat and is a fine work in its own right. $15.

LP430. Russell, Ray. The Night Sound. Dream House, 1987. First edition hardback, of a signed, limited edition of only 50 hardbacks, F/NF-; because the dj is about 1/4" taller than the book, this copy (like most) has some wrinkling and edgewear at dj top, plus a few marks of rubbing to the matte black cover, otherwise a fine, unread copy. A collection of poems by the author of Sardonicus and Absolute Power. $15.

LP1099. Ryan, Alan (Charles L. Grant, Steve Rasnic Tem, Tanith Lee). Night Visions 1. Dark Harvest, 1984. First edition hardback, one of only 1500 trade copies, a Fine- book with two pinhead spots each of staining to top and side page blocks, in a Fine, Mylar-protected dj. The first book in the Night Visions series, each of which features 30,000 words or so of original fiction from today's best horror writers, and the third book produced by Dark Harvest. Just short of a perfect copy. $60.

LP1183. Ryman, Geoff. The Warrior Who Carried Life. George Allen & Unwin, 1986. First edition hardback, a Fine copy (albeit with some slight "glue bunching" (a side effect of the book binding process) to first few pages) in a Fine dj. Haven't read this, but what Ryman I have read I've enjoyed. $10.

LP2569. Saberhagen, Fred. The Complete Book of Swords. Nelson Doubleday, 1984 (stated; probably the early 1990s). Book club hardback reprint, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with just a tiny bit of wrinkling at head and heel. Omnibus edition of the First, Second, and Third Book of Swords. Tangentially related to the Empire of the East trilogy. $5.

LP1805. Saberhagen, Fred. The Lost Swords: The Second Triad. Guild America Books, 1990. Book (and first omnibus) hardback edition, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with one closed 1/16th" tear at top front dj and a tiny bit of edgewear, otherwise quite nice. 4th-6th Book of Lost Swords. $5.

LP3443. Saki (H.H. Munro) (edited by Stuart David Schiff). A Little Red Book of Wit & Shudders. Borderlands Press, 2023. First edition hardback, one of 500 copies signed by Schiff, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Short story collection by this acclaimed turn-of-the-20th century writer. Now out of print from the publisher. Supernatural detective stories. $45.

LP3384. Sammons, Brian M. Tales From Arkham Sanitarium. Dark Regions Press, 2022. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in decorated boards, sans dust jacket, as issued. Cthulhu Mythos anthology, featuring a few familiar names (Don Webb, W. H. Pugmire, etc.). $35.

LP1973. Sargent, Pamela. Thumprints. Golden Gryphon, 2004. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Signed by Sargent. $15.

LP1287. Sawyer, Robert J. The Terminal Experiment. Easton Press, 2001. First edition hardback thus ("Collectors Edition"), a Fine leatherbound copy, new and unread, sans dj, as issued. Winner of the Nebula Award for Best Novel. This edition contains a new introduction by James Gunn, as well as original artwork. Easton Press "Collector's Notes" laid in. $49.

LP2208. Scalzi, John. Redshirts. Tor, 2012. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with a tiny bit of bend at head and heel, in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Hugo Award winner for Best Novel. Holy moly the prices for this have gotten crazy. The prices on this spiked, then fell back to earth, so I'm lowering the price drastically. $100.

LP1974. Scalzi, John. 24 Frames Into the Future. NESFA Press, 2012. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Non-fiction essays on science fiction films. $25.

LP1645. Scalzi, John. Zoe's Tale. Tor, 2008. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Latest book in the Old Man's War series, and a Hugo and Nebula finalist. Almost as popular as taping bacon to a cat... $20.

LP174. Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann. The Healer's War. Doubleday Foundation, 1989. First edition hardback, Fine in a Fine dj. Nebula winner. $13.

LP2960. Schmidt, Stanley (editor) (Roger Zelazny, Orson Scott Card, Robert A. Heinlein, etc.). Analog Readers Choice. Dial Press/David Publications, 1981. Presumed first edition (no additional printings stated), a Near Fine- copy with purple remainder speckling at heel and slight foxing to inside gutters, in a Very Good+ dust jacket with thin chipping at top right front cover and a 1/4" closed tear at bottom rear near heel, in Mylar protector. Reprint of favorite reader Astounding/Analog stories, from Raymond Z. Gallun's "Old Faithful" from 1934 to Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game" from 1977. Includes Zelazny's "Home is the Hangman." $5.

LP2961. Schmitz, James H. The Witches of Karres. Chilton, 1966. First edition, third printing, a Near Fine copy with Bob Pylant's bookplate on front free endpaper (which I don't see in any of the other books I bought from him), otherwise a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket. Hugo nominee for Best Novel (the year The Moon is a Harsh Mistress won and Flowers for Algernon and Babel-17 were also nominees). Attractive copy of Schmitz's most fondly remembered novel. $20.

LP515. Schow, David J. Eye. Subterranean Press, 2000. First edition hardback, #413 of 1000 signed/limited copies, Fine in a Fine dj (new) in dj. Short story collection, including two original to this volume. He even designed and photographed the dj! $24.

LP1476. Sebold, Alice. The Lovely Bones. Little, Brown and Company, 2002. First edition hardback (First Edition stated and numberline ending in 1), a Fine- copy with slight bumping at head and heel in a Near Fine dj with slight edgewear and a crease along inner flap. Ghost story that went through a zillion printings and the basis of the film by Peter Jackson. $24.

LP3216. Sheckley, Robert. Masters of Science Fiction: Robert Sheckley. Centipede Press, 2022. First edition hardback, #350 of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, still in publisher's shrinkwrap. "Signed by Jim & Ruth Keegan, with facsimile signatures by Robert Sheckley, Christopher Priest, and John Pelan." Now sold out from the publisher. LAST COPY! $125.

LP3217. Shepard, Lucius (edited by Bill Sheehan). The Best of Lucius Shepard Volume 2 with Youthful Folly and Other Lost Stories. Subterranean Press, 2021 (seen 2022). First edition hardbacks, one of 200 numbered sets, Fine copies in Fine dust jackets, new and unread. Best of 2 is a huge, 800+ page collection (and the trade edition of that precedes), while Youthful Folly "contains an additional 400 pages of previously uncollected fiction," only available with the limited edition. I appear to be the only person on the Internet who still has copies. $225.

LP3155. Shepard, Lucius. The Best of Lucius Shepard Volume 2. Subterranean Press, 2021. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Massive, 800+ page collection of Shepard stories and novellas. $48.

LP2791. Shepard, Lucius. The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter. Mark V. Ziesing, 1988. First edition hardback, #180 of 300 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with edgewear at heel. Dragon Grauile novella. Chalker/Owings, Science-Fantasy Publishers (1991), page 490. Recommended. Pick it up at cover price. $35.

LP3586. Shepard, Lucius. Viator. Night Shade Books, 2004. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Novel about a crew of men hired to work on a salvaged wreck on the Alaska coast that start acting strangely. $10.

LP2962. Shetterly, Will. Elsewhere. Jane Yolen Books/Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1991. First edition hardback, a Near Fine- copy with black remainder line across bottom page block (and a little on the bottom board edges as well), in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket. Were it not for the remainder mark this would be a perfect copy. Bordertown novel. $10.

LP2963. Shetterly, Will. Nevernever. Jane Yolen Books/Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1993. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Borderland novel, sequel to Elsewhere. $20.

LP1543. Shiner, Lewis. Black and White. Subterranean Press, 2008. Trade edition, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread, still in publisher's shrink wrap. Historical novel about a murder in a black neighborhood in the South in the 1960s. This had a low stock notice. $20.

LP3315. Silverberg, Robert. Among Strangers. Subterranean Press, 2022. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Massive, 760 page omnibus of three novels (Those Who Watch, The Man in the Maze, and Tom O'Bedlam), plus novelette "The Way to Spook City," each dealing with aliens. $50.

LP3316. Silverberg, Robert. The Book of Skulls. Scribner's, 1972. First edition hardback (code "A-12.71 (C)" on copyright page, as per Currey), a Fine copy in a Fine- Mylar-protected dust jacket with slight fading to red lettering on spine, really only noticeable next to an unfaded copy, signed by Silverberg. His acclaimed novel of four college students seeking immortality by a means they know will kill two of them. Currey, page 436. Barron, Anatomy of Wonder 4, 4-406. $95.

LP1977. Silverberg, Robert. The Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg Volume Six: Multiples 1983-1987. Subterranean Press, 2012. First edition hardback, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. The earlier volumes are gone baby gone... $32.

LP2793. Silverberg, Robert. The Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg Volume 9: The Millennium Express. Subterranean Press, 2014. First edition hardback, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. $30.

LP3317. Silverberg, Robert. Dying Inside. Scribner's, 1972. First edition hardback (code "A-10.72 (V)" on copyright page, as per Currey), a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with one pinhead-sized abrasion between the "Y" and "I" in "DYING" on the spine, plus a trace of wear at points, otherwise a bright, beautiful copy, signed by Silverberg. His acclaimed novel of a telepath who realizes he's slowly losing his powers. Arguably Silverberg's best novel. Recommended. Currey, page 436. Locke, A Spectrum of Fantasy, page 198. Barron, Anatomy of Wonder 4, 4-409. $95.

LP3587. Silverberg, Robert. Early Days. Subterranean Press, 2016. First edition hardback, a PC copy of 1,000 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, in a Mylar dust jacket protector. Collection of early Silverberg stories. $49.

LP2647. Silverberg, Robert. The Emperor and the Maula. First edition hardback, one of 250 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread, in publisher's bag. Far future Scheherazade novella, never published in complete form before. Only have one. $45.

LP3444. Silverberg, Robert. Monsters and Things. PS Publishing, 2023. First edition hardback, one of 100 signed, numbered copies in decorated boards signed by Silverberg, editor Stephen Jones, and illustrator Randy Brocker, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and a Fine slipcase, with erratum sheet laid in noting that one of these stories (many of them written under pseudonyms) actually was from Donald Westlake writing as Richard Stark. Oops! No other hardback editions, and already sold out from the publisher. One hundred copies is a ridiculously small print run for a Silverberg hardback. LAST COPY! $275.

LP2964. Silverberg, Robert (illustrated by Moebius). Project Pendulum. Walker, 1987. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with bend at head and heel and slight waviness to first few pages, in a Fine dust jacket. Science fiction novella illustrated by Moebius. $10.

LP2794. Silverberg, Robert. Rough Trade. PS Publishing, 2017. First edition hardback, a Fine in decorated boards and a Fine- dust jacket with a tiny bit of wear at points and a slight bit of haze rubbing to rear. Collection of Silverberg's early crime short stories, with a fairly hefty introduction by Silverberg. For some reason I'm not seeing any copies on Bookfinder. $35.

LP3445. Silverberg, Robert. Sailing to Byzantium. Underwood Miller, 1983. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, signed by Silverberg. $60.

LP2965. Silverberg, Robert, editor (Roger Zelazny, Robert Silverberg, Poul Anderson, Arthur C. Clarke, etc.). To the Stars: Eight Stories of Science Fiction. Hawthorn Books, 1971. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with one small indention to bottom rear board edge and slight bend at head and heel in a Fine- dust jacket with slight edgewear at heel. Reprint anthology that includes Zelazny's "The Keys to December." $10.

LP3218. Simak, Clifford. The Collected Stories of Clifford D. Simak Volume 1: Eternity Lost. Darkside Press, 2004. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Collection of stories by this Nebula Grandmaster. Back in stock! $35.

LP3219. Simak, Clifford. The Collected Stories of Clifford D. Simak Volume 2: Physician to the Universe. Darkside Press, 2006. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Second (and last published) in a series that was supposed to be twelve volumes. Back in stock! $35.

LP2401. Simmons, Dan. The Guiding Nose of Ulfant Banderoz. Subterranean Press, 2013. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Novella set in Vance's Dying Earth universe, originally from the Songs of the Dying Earth anthology. Simmons pretty much nails the Vancian flavor. Highly recommended. $25.

LP3446. Simmons, Dan. Entropy's Bed at Midnight. Lord John Press, 1990. First edition hardback, #236 of 300 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. $49.

LP2648. Simmons, Dan. Hard Freeze. St. Martin's Press, 2002. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Inscribed by Simmons: "To Fred/Dan Simmons." Another Fred Duarte associational copy. The second Joe Kurtz, which are great hardboiled mystery fun. Recommended. $15.

LP3318. Simmons, Dan. Ilium. Eos, 2003. First edition hardback, "limited and signed first edition" produced by the publisher, a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket. His "Trojan War on Mars" SF novel, followed by Olympos. I remember this being a lot of fun. $30.

LP2209. Simmons, Dan. Muse of Fire. Subterranean Press, 2008. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Original science fiction novella. Out of print from the publisher. $24.

LP1288. Smith, Clark Ashton (edited by Scott Connors and Ron Hilger). Star Changes: The Science Fiction of Clark Ashton Smith. Darkside Press, 2005. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dj, new and unread, still in publisher's shrinkwrap. $32.

LP3319. Smith, Clark Ashton. The Star-Treader and Other Poems. A.M. Robertson, 1912. First edition hardback, a Very Good copy with a long crease running down the middle part of the spine and traces of wear to cloth, front hinge just starting at bottom, slight bumping at head and heel and page blocks dusty, in a Very Good dust jacket with faint soiling to front and rear, a 1/2? x 1/8? chip at rear heel join, shallow chipping at head, and crease to top front corner. Inscribed twice by Smith (the first apparently with a fountain pen, the second with a ballpoint): "Clark Ashton Smith/Auburn, Cal/Nov. 27th, 1912" then "For Harry Rosenberry/with sincere compliments/of Clark Ashton Smith/Apr. 14th, 1961," which was exactly four months before his death. Poetry collection, and Smith's first book. Joshi/Schultz/Conners, Clark Ashton Smith: A Comprehensive Bibliography A.1.a. Bleiler Checklist (1978), page 181. Sidney-Fryer, Emperor of Dreams, page 128. $1,000.

LP2795. Smith, Clark Ashton. The Star-Treader and Other Poems. A.M. Robertson, 1912. First edition hardback original, a Near Fine+ copy with top front point bumped, a few traces of grubbiness to rear boards, and an Ex-Libris sticker inside front cover under flap, in a Very Good+ dust jacket with slight loss at head and top points, a few spots of grubbiness here and there, a crease to inside front flap at bottom, a thin line of abrasion at heel; quite a nice copy for a book more than 100 years old. Not in Currey. Not in Bleiler's Guide to Supernatural Horror. Bleiler Checklist (1978), page 181. Sidney-Fryer, Emperor of Dreams, page 128. $350.

LP3320. Smith, Clark Ashton. Tales of Science and Sorcery. Arkham House, 1964. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with a tiny bit of bend at head and heel in a Fine- dust jacket with a thin line of dust staining along rear spine join and just the barest trace of wear at head, heel and top points. Short story collection. Utpatel jacket. Joshi/Schultz/Conners, Clark Ashton Smith: A Comprehensive Bibliography A.22.a. Joshi, Sixty Years of Arkham House 78. Derleth, Thirty Years of Arkham House 78. Jaffrey, Horrors and Unpleasantries 82. Nielsen, Arkham House Books 84. Chalker/Owings, The Science-Fantasy Publishers, page 34. Bleiler, Guide to Supernatural Fiction 1488. $120

LP1438. Smith, Curtis A., editor. Twentieth Century Science Fiction Writers. St. Martins, 1981. First edition hardback, an Ex-Library copy with all the usual flaws, lacking the dust jacket, otherwise VG+ with wear along edges. Has something of a whose who list of contributors in the back. Solid reference work. $8.

LP3056. Smith, Michael Marshall. The Best of Michael Marshall Smith. Subterranean Press, 2021. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Another big Subterranean career retrospective. Trade edition. Now sold out from the publisher. $45.

LP2138. Smith, Michael Marshall. The Gist. Subterranean, 2013. First edition hardback, #195 of 300 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Interesting art project, featuring a bookselling story by Smith translated into French, then translated back into English by a different translator. $6 off cover price. $54.

LP2139. Smith, Michael Marshall. The Gist. Subterranean, 2013. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Trade edition. Now out of print from the publisher, and I only have one. $24.

LP2967. Snodgrass, Melinda, editor (Roger Zelazny, George R. R. Martin, Jack Williamson, etc.). A Very Large Array. University of New Mexico Press, 1987. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with bend at head and heel in a Fine- dust jacket with slight age-darkening at very top edge of white dust jacket portions. Anthology of stories by New Mexico Science Fiction and Fantasy authors. Includes Zelazny's "For a Breath I Tarry" and Martin's "In the Lost Lands." Recommended. $10.

LP2968. Somtow, S. P. (Somtow Sucharitkul). Vampire Junction. Donning Starblaze, 1984. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket. Pioneering splatterpunk novel featuring immortal, perpetually 14-year old rock star vampire Timmy Valentine. Arguably the first published Splatterpunk book, preceding the PBO first editions of Clive Barker's first three Books of Blood by a few months. Also the first book to be published as S. P. Somtow. $27.

LP3321. Spencer, William Browning. The Ocean And All Its Devices. Subterranean Press, 2006. First edition hardback, #151 of 750 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with one tiny non-breaking scratch on rear panel near spine. Short story collection, including the Mythos-esque title story and the Cyberpunk-tinged "Downloading Midnight." Recommended. Long out of print from the publisher. $95.

LP1701. Spencer, William Browning. Resume With Monsters. The Permanent Press, 1995. First edition hardback, one of only 1000 copies, a Fine- copy with just the tiniest bump to heel, in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Signed by Spencer. A novel that conflates soul-destroying Cthulhoid horrors and soul-destroying bad jobs to comic effect. His most popular novel, and increasingly uncommon, especially signed. $70.

LP2570. Spencer, William Browning. The Unorthodox Dr. Draper. Subterranean Press, 2017. First edition hardback, one of 750 signed, numbered copies. Bill's latest short story collection, and already out of print. Only have one. $40.

LP3322. Spiner, Brent with Jeanne Darst. Fan Fiction: A Mem-Noir Inspired By True Events. St. Martin's Press, 2021. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with a tiny bit of haze rubbing, signed by Spiner. Mystery by Spiner, starring Spiner, revolving around a box he received during the filming of Star Trek: The Next Generation. $49.

LP2402. Spinrad, Norman. Little Heroes. Bantam Spectra, 1987. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Near Fine+ dust jacket with a 1/8" closed tear (and associated wrinkle) to rear, and slight wear along very top and very bottom of dj. Spinrad's cyberpunky rock and roll novel. Spinrad seemed to feel this was one of his best, but I'm not sure readers and critics agreed... $5.

DH2. Spinrad, Norman. The Void Captain's Tale. Timescape, 1983. First edition hardback, a Near Fine- copy with a remainder mark in a Near Fine dust jacket with a few nicks. Another book David Hartwell sent me copies of to sell, and half the money goes to his estate. $5.

LP3156. Stephenson, Neal. Cryptonomicon. Avon Books, 1999. First edition hardback, a Very Good- copy with spine flattened, bumping and rubbing at heel. slight bumping at head, and page block with pages 1-86 slightly misaligned with others, and a split starting at rear bottom cover join at heel, in a Very Good- dust jacket with a 1" semi-open tear at top front head join, 1" closed tear at top rear head join, wear and slight delamination starting on bottom front edge near heel, 1/4" closed tears at three points, two tackhead sized abrasions to blue sky area of author photo on rear, and other touches of wear, inscribed by Stephenson: "To Jerry Parlle/Neal Stephenson." This copy has obviously been read, and falls below what would usually be considered collectable condition for so recent a book, but this is a signed true first of this huge, immensely popular 900+ page Hugo-winning novel about cryptography and a hidden gold treasure, set both during World War II and in modern times, and makes a good candidate for a dust jacket swap with an unsigned copy. Highly recommended. $75.

LP866. Stephenson, Neal. Quicksilver. William Morrow, 2003. First Edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dj, new and unread. The latest mammoth (900+) tome from Stephenson, this one part of the alchemical "Baroque Cycle," and which ties into Cryptonomicon (in fact, Enoch Root is one of the characters...). Signed by Stephenson. $45.

LP3588. Stephenson, Neal. Termination Shock. HaperCollins, 2021. First edition hardback, a copy with the publisher's signed limitation page tipped in, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Looks ecothrillerish, part of which is set in Texas. $29.

LP3323. Sterling, Bruce. The Caryatids. Ballantine Del Rey, 2009. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with bumping at head and heel in a Fine- dust jacket with slight bumping at head and heel and a tiny bit of pull along the top edge and a tiny phantom crease on top inner flap point, signed by Sterling. Science fiction novel set in 2060 following the lives of four female clones living different lives around the world. Full of Sterling's usual weirdness and eyeball kicks. The last novel Bruce published before moving to Europe. Not seeing any signed firsts online. $75.

LP3324. Sterling, Bruce. Crystal Express. Arkham House, 1989. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with just a bit of bend at head and heel in a Near Fine dust jacket with 1/2" closed tear on bottom front dust jacket near spine, moderate edgewear at heel and a tiny bit on bottom edge near outer edge, and a tiny bit of very light discoloration to very tops of white flaps, signed by Sterling. His first short story collection, including his Shaper/Mech stories, plus "Flowers of Edo," "Green Days in Brunei," etc. A central cyberpunk text. Highly recommended. Joshi, Sixty Years of Arkham House 173. Nielsen, Arkham House Books 179. Chalker/Owings, page 46. Not seeing any signed copies on Bookfinder. $75.

LP1546. Sterling, Bruce. Holy Fire . Orion, 1996. First edition hardback (precedes the American edition), a Fine copy in a Fine dj, new and unread. Signed by Sterling. One of Bruce's best novels, and highly recommended. Buy this and I'll throw in the Bruce Sterling issue of Nova Express for free. $15. LAST COPY!

LP3448. Sterling, Bruce. Islands in the Net. Arbor House, 1988. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with slight bend at heel in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket, signed by Sterling. Arguably the novel where Sterling transitioned from Cyberpunk to Postcyberpunk. Hugo Award nominee. $35.

LP3057. Sterling, Bruce. Robot Artists & Black Swans: The Italian Fantascienza Stories. Tachyon, 2021. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, signed by Sterling. His latest short story collection. Introduction by Neal Stephenson. $25.95.

LP3449. Sterling, Bruce, editor (William Gibson, Greg Bear, Pat Cadigan, etc.) Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology. Arbor House, 1986. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket, signed by Sterling. Arguably the most important anthology of the 1980s. While you weren't looking, copies of this have gotten scarce and pricy. $350.

LP770. Stewart, Sean. Galveston. Ace, 2000. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in Fine dj, new and unread. Post apocalyptic slipstream fantasy novel set in the same universe as Resurrection Man and The Night Watch, an alternate future where magic started to leak into reality during World War II, finally resulting in the Dream of 2004, an apocalyptic event where it finally overwhelmed the technological world. Galveston follows the survivors as they try to eke out a meager existence on a that island, which is divided between the remaining shards of the real world and an endless Mardi Gras carnival. Recommended. $8.

LP2141. Stewart, Sean. Mockingbird. Ace Books, 1998. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. World Fantasy Award winning novel about a woman in Houston who receives her mother's ability to be ridden by loa as an unexpected bequest. $15.

LP521. Stone, Del Jr. Dead Heat. Mojo Press, 1996. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with the barest trace of wear to matte dj. A first novel. $5.

LP3327. Strand, Jeff. The Sinister Mr. Corpse. Delirium Books, 2007. First edition hardback, #143 of 250 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with a bare trace of haze rubbing to black rear cover. Guy comes back as a zombie and is suddenly an international celebrity. $95.

LP3058. Straub, Peter. The Complete Short Fiction of Peter Straub Volume One with The Complete Short Fiction of Peter Straub Volume Two. Borderlands Press, 2021. First edition hardbacks, one of 350 signed, numbered sets, Fine copies in Fine dust jackets. Already out of print from the publisher. $235.

LP1855. Straub, Peter. The Juniper Tree and Other Blue Rose Stories. Subterranean Press, 2010. First edition hardback, one of 250 numbered leatherbound copies signed by Straub, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Collection of novellas set in the same world as Koko, Mystery, and The Throat, along with and interview conducted by Bill Sheehan. This edition is sold out from the publisher. $65.

LP3059. Stross, Charles. The Atrocity Archives. Golden Gryphon, 2004. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, with promotional postcard for the book laid in. The first of the Geek/Cthulhu Mythos Laundry Files books. Recommended. $49.

LP2710. Stross, Charles. The Clan Corporate. Tor, 2006. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Near Fine+ dust jacket with a thin, almost invisible scratch running parallel with the top of the dust jacket about a 1/4" below the top edge near the spine. Book Three of the Merchant Princes Series. $10.

LP2337. Stross, Charles. Equoid. Subterranean Press, 2014. First edition hardback, a Fine in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Trade edition. A Laundry Files novella involving some very evil (and odd) unicorn-type creatures, and a guest epistolary appearance by H.P. Lovecraft. Out of print from the publisher, and I only have one. $49.

LP1359. Stross, Charles. The Jennifer Morgue. Golden Gryphon, 2006. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dj, new and unread. Sequel to the Lovecraftian spy thriller The Atrocity Archive, which is my favorite of Charlie's books so far, staring geek-coder-turned-spy Bob Howard. Contains the extra story "Pimpf." It's every bit as tasty as the first novel. Already in a second printing, so snap up a first while you have the chance. $18.

LP2711. Stross, Charles. The Merchant's War. Tor, 2007. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Book Four of the Merchant Princes series. $17.

LP2712. Stross, Charles. The Revolution Business. Tor, 2006. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Book Five of the Merchant Princes series. $17.

LP2142. Sturgeon, Theodore. The Collected Stories of Theodore Sturgeon Volume VII: A Saucer of Loneliness. North Atlantic Books, 2000. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with a trace of haze rubbing to rear cover and slight "flare" at dj top, otherwise apparently new and unread. I don't need to tell you why you want all of these, do I? $35.

LP3060. Sturgeon, Theodore. Alien Cargo. Bluejay, 1984. First edition hardback, a Near Fine copy with bumping at head and heel and slight abrasion of letters on spine with a Good only dust jacket that is complete, but has a 3? tear down the top front cover outer corner right through the Mylar, plus other touches of wear. Short story collection, including great Sturgeon stories "It," "Microcosmic God" and "Bright Segment." Reading copy only. $5.

LP1129. Swainston, Steph. The Year of Our War. Gollancz, 2004. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dj, new and unread. Science fiction. A first novel that John Clute and several others raved about, probably the second best received first novel published last year beside Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, and runner-up to it for Best First Novel in the Locus poll. $17.

LP3450. Swanwick, Michael. The Best of Michael Swanwick Volume Two. Subterranean Press, 2023. First edition hardback, one of 1,000 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and publisher's plastic bag. Supplements the first Best of Swanwick volume Subterranean did back in 2008. $50.

LP2852. Swanwick, Michael. The Postutopian Adventures of Darger and Surplus. Subterranean Press, 2020. First edition hardback, one of 1000 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Swanwick's loveable con artists are back in this short story collection. $39.

LP3590. Swanwick, Michael. The Sleep of Reason. PS Publishing, 2024. First edition hardback, one of 100 signed, numbered copies (the only hardback edition), a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. 80 short stories, each based on a Goya etching. Now out of print from the publisher. $99.

LP3591. Tan, Sue Lynn. Daughter of the Moon Goddess. Harper Voyager, 2022. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Debut fantasy novel. This is the U.S. edition, which ISFDB says precedes the UK edition. $95.

LP1745. Temple, William F. 88 Gray's Inn Road. Sansato Press (AKA Ferret Fantasy), 2000. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with a tiny bit of dust staining to rear yellow cover, read once (by me). Roman-a-clef that features a thinly-disguised Arthur C. Clarke (who provides the introduction) as a character, along with two pulp-era SF tales by Temple. Quite an enjoyable book, actually. $34.

LP693. Tenn, William (pseudonym for William Klass). Of Men and Monsters. Walker and Company, 1968. First edition hardback (stated), an Ex-Library copy, with all the usual flaws, otherwise VG-/VG+ with slight spine lean, moderate wear to heel, black lines from an old style dj protector at top and bottom of book, and some staining at dj head. $10.

LP3592. Thompson, Jim. More Hard-Core: 3 Novels (The Ripoff, The Golden Gizmo, Roughneck). Donald I Fine, 1985. First edition thus, first edition of The Ripoff anywhere, and first hardback editions of the other two, a Fine- copy with slight bend at head in a Fine- dust jacket with slight bend at head and slight age darkening to top edges of white dust jacket. Three novels by this acclaimed hard-boiled pulp mystery writer. $20.

LP2088. Tidhar, Lavie. Osama. PS Publishing, 2011. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in decorated boards, sans dust jacket, as issued. Trade edition. Only have one. $35.

LP3452. Tiptree, James Jr. (Alice Sheldon). Tales of the Quintana Roo. Arkham House, 1986. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine, Mylar-protected dust jacket. Fantastic tales of the Yucatan. Fine/Fine unfaded copies of this seem to have gotten scarcer as of late. Joshi, Sixty Years of Arkham House 166. Nielsen, Arkham House Books A Collector's Guide 172. $60.

LP3453. Tiptree, James Jr. (Alice Sheldon). The Voice That Murmurs in the Darkness. Subterranean Press, 2023. First edition hardback, one of 1,000 numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and publisher's plastic bag. Includes out of print and previously uncollected work, including the essay "How to Have An Absolutely Hilarious Heart Attack" and the story "Beam Us Home."$45.

LP2381. Tolkin, Michael. The Player. Atlantic Monthly Books, 1988. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Hollywood satire that was the basis of the Robert Altman film. $10.

LP2969. Tubb, E.C. A Scatter of Stardust. Dennis Dobson, 1976. First hardback edition (the Ace PBO precedes), a Fine copy in a Near Fine-, price-clipped dust jacket with three 1/16" deep chips at bottom front and a closed 1/4" tear at bottom rear. Short story collection. Currey, page 486. Michael Moorcock: "His reputation for fast-moving and colourful SF writing is unmatched by anyone in Britain." $10.

LP3061. Turtledove, Harry. The Best of Harry Turtledove. Subterranean Press, 2021. First edition hardback, one of 1,000 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. The usual big Subterranean retrospective collection. Now sold out from the publisher. $45.

LP694. Tyler, Anne. The Tin Can Tree. Knopf, 1965. First edition hardback, and Ex-Library copy, with all the usual flaws, otherwise G/G+, with heavy wear to bottom boards, FFE ripped away, spine roiled, front inner hinge moderately cracked, shallow chipping and light but noticeable 1" staining to head. A well worn copy, but this is a true first edition of the second novel from this very popular writer. $2.

LP1025. Updike, John. A Month of Sundays. Alfred A. Knopf, 1975. First edition hardback (stated), a Fine- copy in a Fine- dj with slight bumps at head and heel and the barest tarce of edgewear. Updike's seventh novel. $5.

LP1427. Utley, Steven. Where or When. PS Publishing, 2006. First edition hardback, one of 500 signed, numbered copies signed by Utley; also, although not so called for in this edition, this copy has been specially signed by introduction author Howard Waldrop (so the only difference between this and the slipcase edition is, well, the slipcase), a Fine copy in a Fine dj, new and unread. Linked time travel stories. $28.

LP918. Vachss, Andrew H. Flood. Donald I. Fine, 1985. First edition hardback, a NF-/VG copy with an ink name crossed on the inside front cover, mostly but not completely hidden by the flap) and slight head and heel bumping, with a 1/2" closed tear on the top front dj cover along with an associated 2" triangular crease, patches of light discoloration (possibly very light grease stains) at the very top and very bottom of dj rear near the spine, and a "le of 3/8" closed tears on front dj bottom. A bit better than it sounds and fairly nice spine-out. The first Vachss (and Burke) novel. BLOWOUT PRICE. $1.

LP2970. Vance, Jack. City of the Chasch. Dennis Dobson, 1975. First English language hardback edition (there was a previous French language omnibus hardback edition), a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket. Planet of Adventure 1. The Planet of Adventure books are among Vance's best, the tale of a man stranded on an alien planet filled with various nearly-inscrutable alien species and his attempts to evade capture and somehow escape offworld. Hewett, A32i. Cunningham, 17c. Currey, page 497. Highly recommended. $35.

LP3454. Vance, Jack. Coup de Grace and Other Stories. Vance Integral Edition, 2001. First edition hardback, a Fine quarter-leather bound copy, sans dust jacket, as issued, matching the appearance of the "Reader's Edition" of the Vance Integral Edition. Short story collection done as a "preview" edition to generate interest in the VIE project. Chalker & Owings (2002), page 946. A very hard-to-find volume that took me years to find for my own collection. $450.

LP1746. Vance, Jack. The Dark Side of the Moon. Underwood-Miller, 1986. First edition hardback (Hewett A78), a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. For some reason (perhaps the Pink Floyd-esque title) this is one of the hardest to find of all Jack Vance's Underwood Miller titles. $195.

LP2041. Vance, Jack. Desperate Days: Selected Mysteries Volume 2. Subterranean Press, 2012. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Thick omnibus edition of three Vance mystery novels (The Fox Valley Murders, The Pleasant Grove Murders, The Dark Ocean), and a companion to Subterranean's earlier Dangerous Ways volume. $40.

LP2972. Vance, Jack. The Didir. Dennis Dobson, 1975. First UK edition and first hardback edition, a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket. Planet of Adventure 3. Hewett, A36f. Cunningham, 25b. Currey, page 497. Highly recommended. $49.

LP3455. Vance, Jack. The Dragon Masters. Dobson, 1965. First hardback edition, a Fine copy (save slight age darkening to page edges) in a Fine- first state ("13s6d net", as per Hewett) dust jacket, with the barest tiny traces of dust soiling to dust jacket rear; just shy of perfect. His Hugo-Award winning novella of humans who breed alien "dragons" for war, only to find out the aliens have been (spoiler!) doing the same with humans. Highly recommended. Hewett, A11.d. Currey, page 498. Cunningham, b>Jack Vance: Critical Appreciations and Bibliography A.26.b. $250.

LP3456. Vance, Jack. Green Magic: The Fantasy Realms of Jack Vance. Underwood Miller, 1979. First edition hardback, one of 1392 trade copies (as per Hewett), a Fine- copy with a very slight bump at head and two very faint ink dots on the back of the full-color frontispiece illustration (looks like from the printing process), in a Fine-, Mylar-protected dust jacket, with a slight bump at head, signed by Jack Vance. Not perfect, but the next thing to it. Short story collection. Hewett A60.a. Cunningham, Jack Vance: Critical Appreciations and Bibliography B.39.a. $95.

LP2491. Vance, Jack. The Houses of Iszm. First hardback edition, a Near Fine copy with a few small spots to top and side page block edges in a Near Fine dust jacket with sun darkening to spine with a tiny wrinkle at head. One of the harder Underwood/Miller Vances to find these days. Hewett, A12h. $75.

LP3457. Vance, Jack. The Languages of Pao/The Dragon Masters dust jacket. Vance Integral Edition, no date. A Fine- copy with a couple of small wrinkles. Unpublished paper dust jacket proof for the "Science Fiction Volume" containing those two novels produced by the Vance Integral Edition in 2002. Ultimately they decided not to use dust jackets for either that or the Vance Integral Edition itself. Bought from the Jack Vance estate off eBay, and it includes the Vance estate stamp on the blind side of the dust jacket. $95.

LP3328. Vance, Jack. Light From A Lone Star. NESFA Press, 1985. First edition hardback, #108 of 200 numbered copies signed by Vance and artist Richard Powers, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with a trace of edgewear (an unfortunately common flaw for this limited edition, as the slipcase is quite snug) in a Fine slipcase, and additionally inscribed "To Bob!" and signed by Vance on the title page. Produced to commemorate Vance's Guest of Honor appearance at the 1985 Austin NASFiC. Hewett, The Work of Jack Vance A74. Cunningham, Jack Vance: Critical Appreciations and a Bibliography B.47.a. $200.

LP2974. Vance, Jack. Lyonesse: The Green Pearl. Underwood-Miller, 1985. First Edition hardback, #147 of 600 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and a Fine- slipcase with slight staining at heel (a fairly common hazard for the suede slipcase). The true first edition of the second volume of the Lyonesse trilogy. Hewett, A73. Cunningham, 52a. Chalker/Owings (1991), page 437. $250.

LP3062. Vance, Jack. Night Lamp. Tor, 1996. First edition hardback (Cunningham notes that this trade edition actually precedes the Underwood limited edition), a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, signed by Vance. A really beautiful signed copy of one of the best of Vance's later novels. Recommended. I also have a copy of the Underwood limited edition for sale on the website. Cunningham B61a. $90.

LP3458. Vance, Jack. Night Lamp. Tor, 1996. First edition hardback (Cunningham notes that this trade edition actually precedes the Underwood limited edition), a Fine- copy with a slight bump at head and a few short, thin abrasion lines near top front tip, in a Fine- dust jacket with slight bump at head. Cunningham B61a. $20.

LP3062. Vance, Jack. Night Lamp. Tor, 1996. First edition hardback (Cunningham notes that this trade edition actually precedes the Underwood limited edition), a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, signed by Vance. A really beautiful signed copy of one of the best of Vance's later novels. Recommended. I also have a copy of the Underwood limited edition for sale on the website. Cunningham B61a. $95.

LP2571. Vance, Jack. Night Lamp. Underwood Books, 1996. First edition hardback (and precedes the Tor edition by over six months), #533 of 600 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and Fine- traycase (the outer joins for the right side of the traycase aren't cracked, but it looks like a binding flaw of about 1/8" and a hairline wide where the binding cloth didn't run all the way to the edge of the join; very minor, and you probably wouldn't notice it if I hadn't called it out). To mind the most beautiful of all the Jack Vance limited editions, and novel is pretty good too! Recommended. $200.

LP2973. Vance, Jack. The Pnume. Dennis Dobson, 1975. First UK edition and first hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket. Planet of Adventure 4. Hewett, A38d. Cunningham, 65b. Currey, page 500. Highly recommended. $49.

LP2498. Vance, Jack. Ports of Call. Tor, 1998. First trade edition hardback, a Near Fine copy in a Near Fine dust jacket with a slight bump and associated wrinkle at heel. Vance's second-to-last novel. $8.

LP2971. Vance, Jack. Servants of the Wankh. Dennis Dobson, 1975. First UK edition and first hardback edition,a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket. Planet of Adventure 2. Hewett, A35g. Cunningham, 69b. Currey, page 500. Highly recommended. $35.

LP3459. Vance, Jack. This Is Me, Jack Vance! (Or, More Properly, This Is "I"). Subterranean, 2009. First edition hardback, one of 1,000 copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Vance's engaging and Hugo-award winning autobiography. Long out of print. $50.

LP3460. Vance, Jack. Throy. Tor, 1993. First trade hardback (the Underwood-Miller limited precedes), a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Third book in the Caldwell Chronicles. Hewett, A.85.b. Cunningham, Jack Vance: Critical Appreciations and Bibliography B.15.b. $30. LP3461. Vance, Jack. To Live Forever. Charles E. Miller, 1995. First limited edition hardback, #195 of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and a Fine slipcase. Cunningham, Jack Vance: Critical Appreciations and Bibliography, B.79.c. $95.

LP3329. VanderMeer, Jeff. Borne. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2017. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. $20.

LP1482. Vinge, Vernor. Rainbows End. Tor, 2006. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy in a Fine- dj with just a tiny bit of curl at head and heel, otherwise new and unread. Winner of the 2007 Hugo Award for Best Novel, and deservedly so. An impressive postcyberpunk work set in the same universe as his (also Hugo winning) novella "Fast Times At Fairmont High." $25.

LP3593. Virdi, R. R. The First Binding. Tor, 2022. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with slight bend at head and heel in a Fine- dust jacket, with slight bend at head and heel and trace of wear at points. Massive 817 page debut fantasy novel, the first book in the Tales of Tremaine series. $49.

LP3464. Waldrop, Howard (George R. R. Martin and Bradley Denton, editors). H'ard Starts. Subterranean Press, 2023. First edition hardback, one of 750 numbered copies signed by Waldrop, Martin and Denton. Collection of early, rare Waldrop stories from a wide variety sources, including a 25 copy self-published story from 1966! (I have a copy and provided George with the text.) Now out of print from the publisher. You need one. Howard was a friend, and he died in January 2024. My memorial for him can be found here. $55.

LP2213. Waldrop, Howard. Horse of a Different Color. Small Beer Press, 2013. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight wear along fold edges, otherwise new and unread. Signed by Waldrop. This was out of stock, but I found some more and dropped by Howard's place and got him to sign some. Recommended. Some of these (like "Ninoslandos") are pretty swell, and all have Howard's usual fascinating afterwards. $29.

LP1607. Waldrop, Howard. Other Worlds, Better Lives. Old Earth Books, 2008. First edition hardback, one of only 300 hardback copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread, signed by Waldrop. A companion volume to Things Will Never Be The Same, this one features some of Howard's longer stories. You need it. I had sold out of all my copies, but bought this one back from a customer selling off part of his collection. No other copies online, signed or unsigned. Highly recommended. $125.

LPHW11. Waldrop, Howard. Things Will Never Be The Same. Old Earth Books, 2007. First edition hardback (preceded by an 80 copy run of a trade paperback uncorrected proof edition with numerous errors sold at the 2006 World Fantasy Convention), one of only 300 hardback copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, this copy specially signed by Waldrop. Something of a best of Waldrop collection. Highly recommended. 300 is a pretty small hardback run. $95.

LP3386. Wallace, Edgar (Stephen Jones, editor). Kong: An Original Screenplay. PS Publishing/Electric Dreamhouse, 2023. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. The original screenplay for King Kong, which evidently differs considerably from the final film. Slightly oversized (10 1/2" high) and profusely illustrated, with a good 90 pages of notes from Jones, who worked from "Wallace's personal copy of his original draft script with his own corrections and interpolations" plus "a boys' story-paper adaptation of the film, preliminary production stills and art-work, and a colour portfolio of King Kong posters from around the world. A couple of production sketches are from the lost spider pit scene. If you're a Kong fan, you need a copy. Now out of print from the publisher. $40.

LP3594. Walton, Jo. Among Others. Tor, 2011. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Hugo and Nebula Award winner for best novel. $85.

LP2976. Warrick, Patricia and Martin Harry Greenberg, editors (Roger Zelazny, Harry Harrison, Arthur C. Clarke, Theodore Sturgeon, Michael Moorcock, etc.). The New Awareness: Religion Through Science Fiction. Delacorte Press, 1975. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with a slight bit of bend at head, in a Near Fine+ dust jacket with three short (1/16") closed tear and associated wrinkle at top front and slight edgewear bottom dust jacket and head, in a Mylar protector. Reprint anthology of religious-themed stories, each with a new thematic introduction (I'm assuming by Warrick). Lots of great stories in here (Zelazny's "A Rose for Ecclesiastes," Moorcock's "Behold the Man," Arthur C. Clarke's "The Nine Billion Names of God," Silverberg's "Good News from the Vatican," Harrison's "The Streets of Ashkelon" etc.) $20.

LP2715. Watson, Ian (Nick Gevers, editor). The Best of Ian Watson. PS Publishing, 2014. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in decorated boards and a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. PS doing the Subterranean-type career retrospective volume, with over 500+ pages of Watson short fiction, including "The Very Slow Time Machine." $35.

LP2716. Watson, Ian (Nick Gevers, editor). The Uncollected Ian Watson. PS Publishing, 2014. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in decorated boards and a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Mixture of fiction and non-fiction by this Scottish writer. $30.

LP3595. Watts, Peter. Echopraxia. Tor, 2014. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with bumping at head, heel and points in a Near Fine dust jacket with bumping/curling/peeling at head and heel to show thin lines of white at the very top and bottom, otherwise quite nice. Sequel to Blindsight. $49.

LP3596. Watts, Peter. Maelstrom. Tor, 2001. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with slight bumping at head and heel in a Near Fine dust jacket with a non-breaking spine crease running the length of the spine, and slight bumping at head and top points. Sequel to Starfish, and the second book in the Rifters trilogy. $35.

LP3597. Watts, Peter. Starfish. Tor, 1999. First edition hardback, a Fine-/Fine- copy with slight bumping at head, heel and points, with slight haze rubbing to dust jacket. A pretty nice copy of Watts' first book. $49. LP204. Webb, Don. The Double. St. Martin's, 1998. First edition hardback, Fine in a Fine dj. Inscribed by Webb: "Travel Well." Weird, weird mystery. $8.

LP869. Webb, Don. The Double: An Investigation. St. Martin's Press, 1998. First Edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dj, new and unread. Signed by Webb. A very weird mystery, and Don's first "straight" novel. $8.

LP3598. Weir, Andy. The Martian. Crown, 2014. First edition hardback ("10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1" numberline and "First Edition" stated), a Near Fine+ copy with slight bumping at head and heel and trace of wear at points, in a Very Good+ dust jacket with moderate rippling at bottom edge, wear to head, heel and points, a few small rubs to spine, and some edgewear. Definitely read a few times, but a true first of this extraordinarily popular novel of a stranded astronaut's struggle to survive on Mars and the basis of the popular 2015 Matt Damon film. $25.

LP2717. Wellman, Manly Wade. Harper's Ferry: Prize of War. McNally of Charlotte, 1960. First edition hardback, an Ex-Library copy with all the usual flaws, including pocket, stamps, stickers, stamps crossed out with black marker at head and heel, rear inner hinge cracked, front starting, wear on bottom boards, spine fading to dust jacket; call it a Good+/Very Good- ex-library copy, reading copy only. Civil War non-fiction. $5.

LP2718. Wellman, Manly Wade. The Kingdom of Madison. The University of North Carolina Press, 1973. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with slight bend at head and heel, in a near Fine, corner-clipped dust jacket (otherwise Fine-). Non-fiction about the North Carolina county of Madison. $20.

LP3387. Wellman, Manly Wade. Not At These Hands. G. P. Putnam's & Sons, 1962. First edition hardback (no statement of printing on copyright page, as per Currey), a Near Fine copy with slight bend at head and heel, slight bumping of points, head and heel slightly dusty, and just a trace of foxing to inside covers and free endpapers where the edge of the dust jacket falls, in a Near Fine- dust jacket with a 1/8" chip at rear near head join, plus an associated crease and 1/8" closed tear at the other side, slight creasing at head and heel, about 1/8" loss at top points (less to bottom), the white of the spine is slightly brighter than the front and back panels (but the colors are exactly the same), just a few traces of dust soiling to white cover, and slight darkening at very top of flaps, inscribed by Wellman: "all best wishes/to/Jim Wilkerson/Manly Wade Wellman." Coming of age/murder/trial novel in the pre World War I south. I think that this may be Wellman's longest novel at just over 300 pages. A nice copy of a novel whose white dust jacket can look much worse than this one. Currey, page 514. No other signed copies online. $95.

LP2719. Wellman, Manly Wade. Not At These Hands. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1962. First edition hardback (no statement of printing, as per Currey), a Near Fine- copy with a small, circular sticker ghost on the top inside front cover near the spine and wear to bottom boards, in a Very Good- dust jacket with 1/4" triangular chip at bottom front cover, along with lesser chipping there and at points, a 1 1/2" cut to heel, crossing diagonally down between the t and n in Putnam, a 1" semi-closed tear and lesser tear at head, and other touches of wear, and a tiny bit of age-darkening around inner edges; only saving grace is that it's otherwise intact and not grubby. A not-terribly-common non-supernatural mystery novel for adults. Currey, page 514. $30.

LP716. Wellman, Manly Wade. To Unknown Lands. Holiday House, 1956. First edition hardback, VG- with soft head and bump at heel, some slight general wear to boards, and the faint trace of what appears to be a beverage ring to the front boards themselves, otherwise sound but, alas, lacking the dj. Normally I wouldn't carry a jacket-less book like this, but it's one of the rarest of Wellman's YA historical novels, following the adventures (based very loosely on a few snippets of historical fact) of an Englishmen and an Irishman left behind from Columbus' expedition to the new world. $4.

LP2217. Wellman, Manly Wade. What Dreams May Come. Doubleday, 1983. First edition hardback, an Ex-Library copy with most of the usual flaws (including excised FFE, crossed out stamps on all three pages edges, remains of a dust jacket band, etc.), but pretty tight and square; call it a VG/VG Ex-Lib copy. $5.

LP3388. Wells, H.G. The Sea Lady: A Tissue of Moonshine. Methuen & Co., 1902. First edition hardback, third state binding (Currey A3, red cloth stamped in gold and 40 page catalog dated SEPTEMBER 1902 inserted at rear, as per Currey's 2002 Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors: A Bibliography of First Printings of Their Fiction and Selected Nonfiction - Revised Edition (this particular state not listed in the 1979 edition)), a Near Fine copy with spine slightly darkened, slight darkening to top book edges, slight abrasion to top rear edge, slight wear at top points, slight crimping at head and heel, but all gilt lettering present foxing to second front free endpaper, and just a bare trace of foxing to inside covers, otherwise a very nice, attractive copy. Novel about a mermaid who comes ashore in England with a desire to join high society. One of Wells' less reprinted novels. Currey (2002), page 422. H. G. Wells: A Comprehensive Bibliography 10. Scheck and Cox, H. G. Wells: A Reference Guide, page xxiii. Bleiler, Checklist of Science Fiction & Supernatural Fiction (1978), page 205. Previously part of the Gary Munson Collection. $200.

LP3389. Wells, H. G. The Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents. Methuen and Co., 1895. First edition hardback (no statement of printing and publisher's catalog at rear dated SEPTEMBER 1895, as per Currey (both 1979 and 2002), a Very Good copy with spine lean, slight wear along spine edges, slight bumping at head and heel, bumping at points, traces of abrasion to bottom boards, edges slightly dusty, foxing to front free endpapers, two small, neat penciled notes to inside rear cover (a number or price for one, and "complete & collated/for BO"); all in all a nice copy. Wells' sixth published book and first short story collection. Currey (1979), 523. H. G. Wells: A Comprehensive Bibliography 6. Scheck and Cox, H. G. Wells: A Reference Guide, page xxiii. P Locke, A Spectrum of Fantasy, page 225 (not a listing, but a mention that he had traded away the only acceptable and affordable copy he had run across). Bleiler, Checklist of Science Fiction & Supernatural Fiction (1978), page 205. Bleiler, The Guide to Supernatural Fiction 1674 for "The Temptation of Harringay" and "The Moth." Previously part of the Gary Munson Collection. $550.

LP3390. Wells, H. G. The War in the Air, and Particularly How Mr. Bert Smallways Fared While It Lasted. George Bell and Sons, 1908. First edition hardback, colonial issue binding (not in Currey), in red cloth, title and (at very bottom of heel) GEORGE BELL & SONS spine stamped in gold, front cover title stamped in blind above repeating vertical ichthys pattern motif (also in blind), with "Bell's Indian and Colonial Library" printed at top of half title page and "This Edition is issued for circulation in India and the Colonies only" printed on back of title page, with undated 16 page catalog at rear with first page headed "The High Thought Series" and page 16 headed HANDBOOKS OF THE GREAT MASTERS IN PAINTING AND SCULPTURE, a Very Good copy with a shallow 1/4" closed cut to middle of spine, slight bend at head, slight bend at heel with GEORGE BELL & SONS partially rubbed away (again, because it is at the very bottom of the spine at heel), darkening to spine, dust staining to head, slight blunting of points points, front hinge just starting, foxing blocks to front and rear free endpapers, and frontispiece tissue guard present, with sales slip noting that this is the colonial edition laid in. If I had to guess, the gilt on the spine may indicate that this binding state is between Currey A and Currey B, or between Currey B and Currey C. Novel that anticipated aerial warfare. Currey, page 526 (though not this binding state). Locke, Science Fiction First Editions, page 58 and pages 93-94. H. G. Wells: A Comprehensive Bibliography 36. Scheck and Cox, H. G. Wells: A Reference Guide, page xxiv. Clarke, Voices Prophesying War (new edition), pages 88-89. Locke, A Spectrum of Fantasy, page 227-228. Bleiler, Checklist of Science Fiction & Supernatural Fiction (1978), page 205. Barron, Anatomy of Wonder 4 1-104. Magill, Survey of Science Fiction Literature, pages 2407-2410. Previously part of the Gary Munson Collection. $250.

LP3391. Wells, H. G. La Machine A Explorer Le Temps (French language version of The Time Machine). Collection de "L'Amour Des Livres"/Rene Kieffer, Relieur-Editeur, 18Rue Seguier, Paris, 1927/1942. First edition trade paperback original thus, #38 of 50 copies on Japon paper, with some 40 illustrations (20 in color, and 20 duplicates of the color illustrations, but in black and white) on cardstock, with what appears to be an original 41st drawn illustration on paper inside a tissue guard, all those wrapped by a long sheet of paper, all of this laid into a two-part gold-and-red patterned slipcase with gold lettering embossed on a tan leather spine, which together completely encases the book and illustrations; the book itself is Near Fine with spine creases (the only other copies I could locate online were similarly afflicted), the slipcase is probably Near Fine-, with the top and bottom edges just starting to split, slight wear at points and along edges, and abrasion wearing through to underlying cardboards at top and bottom rounded lips of outer slipcase. This is a remarkably attractive production. The 1927 date comes from a booksellers note penciled inside the inner slipcase, the 1942 from the dates on the enclosed illustrations; possibly the later date is for the slipcased Japon paper edition with the packet of original illustrations. Previously part of the Gary Munson Collection. $500.

LP1429. Wells, Martha. City of Bones. Tor, 1995. First edition hardback, an Ex-Library copy with all the usual flaws, otherwise VG/NF+ with slight spine lean and a touch of wear. Her second novel. Signed by Wells. $3.

LP3330. Wells, Martha. The Element of Fire. Tor, 1993. First edition hardback, a Near Fine+ copy with slight bumping at top tips and slight bend at head and heel, in a Very Good+ dust jacket with a 2 1/2" mostly closed tear to back cover at bottom spine join, a long, very faint scratch across most of back cover, crinkling edgewear at heel, and slight edgewear at head and points, signed by Wells. Her first novel, and one that's recently gotten harder to find. $75.

LP2854. Westerfeld, Scott. Leviathan. Simon Pulse, 2009. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with the barest bit of bend at head, in a Fine dust jacket. Alternate steampunk World War I adventure novel, with Clankers vs. Darwnists (shades of Bruce Sterling's Shaper vs. Mech universe), and the first book in a trilogy. Looks like great fun. $20.

LP1193. Whitbourn, John. Popes and Phantoms. Gollancz, 1993. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine, Mylar-protected dj, apparently new and unread. Inscribed by the author: "To Pat/with best wishes/from the author/John Whitbourn/ 06/04/96." No U.S. edition. $13.

LP205. Whitbourn, John. To Build Jerusalem. Gollancz (UK), 1995. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Alternate history dark fantasy, set in the same world as A Dangerous Energy, which was very good indeed. No U.S. editions of any of his novels that I've seen. $9.

LP3392. White, Edward Lucas. A Little Green Book of Grue. Borderlands Press, 2023. First edition hardback, one of 500 copies signed by editor Kelly Laymon, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Collection of short stories by this late 19th century/early 20th century horror writer, the most famous of which is probably "Lukundoo." Now out of print from the publisher, but still at cover price (for now). $32.50.

LP3600. Whitehead, Colson. The Underground Railroad. Doubleday, 2016. First edition hardback "1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2" numberline and "First Edition" stated), a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket with "OPRAH'S/2016 SELECTION/BOOK CLUB" sticker (apparently as issued for some copies) and no barcode sticker over original. An alternate history/slipstream novel in which the underground railroad for escaped slaves is a literal railway underground, with stations along the way, and a different timeline from our own. Pulitzer Prize, National Book Award and Arthur C. Clarke Award winner. $25.

LP3465. Whitehead, Henry S. (Thomas Tessier, editor) A Little Orange Book of Voodoo Tales. Borderlands Press, 2023. First edition hardback, one of 500 numbered copies signed by the editor, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Five stories, two of which ("Jumbee" and "West India Lights") were the title stories of his two Arkham House collections. $32.50.

LP1749. Wilhelm, Kate. Juniper Time. Harper & Row, 1979. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Reportedly one of her better novels, and a Nebula finalist. Beautiful copy. $20.

LP1553. Williams, Walter Jon. Implied Spaces . Night Shade Books, 2008. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Far future space opera that looks like a cross between Jack Vance and Charlie Stross. Having his latest come from a small press might flat-foot some people, and I'm pretty sure the print run on this will be smaller than his books from Eos or Tor... $10.

LP3535. Williamson, Jack. The Collected Stories of Jack Williamson Volume 8: At the Human Limit. Haffner Press, 2011. First edition hardback, one of only 500 copies of the trade edition, a Fine- copy with slight bumping at head and heel, in a Near Fine+ dust jacket with two 3/4? long, non-breaking parallel indentations at head, and bumping at head and heel; not horrible, but you can see it. The last of the eight volumes, the first four of which had 1000 copy print runs, so assembling complete sets can be hard. $49.

LP3599. Williamson, Jack. The Silicon Dagger. Tor, 1999. First edition hardback, a Fine-/Fine- copy with slight bend at head and heel and a trace of wear at points. Looks like a science fiction mystery. $10.

LP1988. Willis, Connie. All About Emily. Subterranean Press, 2011. First edition hardback, one of 400 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Sold out from the publisher. Only have one. $40.

LP3159. Willis, Connie. All Clear. Ballantine Books/Spectra, 2010. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with a phantom crease down the middle of the first few pages a Fine- dust jacket with slight wrinkling at heel and on the middle bottom edge of the back panel, inscribed by Willis: "To Gina,/It's all up/to you!/Connie Willis." Time travel novel set during the London Blitz in World War II. Sequel to or continuation of Blackout, with which it collectively won the Hugo Award for Best Novel. $49.

LP1447. Willis, Connie. D. A. Subterranean Press, 2007. First edition hardback, one of only 400 signed/numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dj, new and unread. Sold out from the publisher. Only have one. $34.

LP3066. Willis, Connie. The Winds of Marble Arch. Subterranean Press, 2007. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with a tiny bit of bend at head and heel and slight bumping at bottom points, in a Fine dust jacket, inscribed by Willis: "To Mark,/May the/winds be/ever at your/back! Connie Willis." Another huge Subterranean career retrospective collection, with tons of Hugo and Nebula winners, long out of print. $125.

LP209. Wilson, F. Paul. Healer. Doubleday, 1976. First edition hardback, ex-library copy, with all the usual flaws, otherwise VG/NF, with wear to bottom boards and head and heel bumping. His first novel. $5.

LP211. Wilson, F. Paul. Wheels Within Wheels. Doubleday, 1978. First edition hardback, ex-library copy, with all the usual flaws, otherwise VG-/NF, with spine lean, wear to bottom boards and spine fading. His second novel. $4.

LP2720. Wilson, Gahan. Everbody's Favorite Duck. Mysterious Press, 1988. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with a faint, thin straight line down the front cover (looks like a binding artifact) in a Fine- dust jacket with traces of wear at head and heel. Adventure/mystery pastiche, featuring thinly disguised versions of Sherlock Holmes, Fu Manchu, etc. Looks like fun. $13.

LP2800. Wilson, Gahan. A Little Purple Book of Phantasies. Borderlands Press, 2019. First edition hardback, one of 500 copies signed by editor Stuart David Schiff, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Sort of a best of his fiction, with illustrations. Out of print upon publication. $90.

LP528. Wilson, Robert Charles. Bios. Tor, 1999 First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with very slight bumps to head and heel. $7.

LP2542. Windsor, Patricia. The Blooding. Scholastic Press, 1996. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Werewolf novel. I see precisely one copy listed online, and it's not as nice as this one. $25.

LP3393. Winter, Douglas E. A Little Brass Book of Full Metal Fiction. Borderlands Press, 2006. First edition hardback, #168 of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Short story collection. $70.

LP3601. Wolfe, Gene. Pirate Freedom. Tor, 2007. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket that has just a touch of haze rubbing to rear cover, otherwise extremely nice. Novel about a modern man transported to the golden age of Caribbean piracy. Recommended. $25.

LP3331. (Wolfe, Gene) Michael Andre-Driussi. The Wizard Knight Companion. Sirius Fiction, 2009. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Critical companion to Gene Wolfe's The Knight and The Wizard, including a forward from Wolfe. $49.

LP3468. Wong, David (pseudonym for Jason Pargin). John Dies at the End. Thomas Dunne/St. Martins, 2009. First hardback edition (a small press trade paperback precedes), a Fine- copy with slight bumping at head and heel, and a very faint, quarter-sized brownish stain to front free endpaper, in a Fine- dust jacket with one pinhead sized abrasion and 1/32" tear at heel, bumping at head and heel, and slight wear at points. His first novel, a funny science fiction/horror about two friends who make the mistake of encountering a drug called "Soy Sauce," which provides windows into other dimensions. Basis of the Don Coscarelli film of the same name. $95.

LP452. Womack, Jack. Heathern. Unwin Hyman (UK), 1990. First edition hardback, VG/NF, with 3/4" cut to heel of book and dj, otherwise unread. $5.

LP1070. Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn. Blood Games. St. Martins, 1878. First edition hardback, an Ex-Library copy with all the usual flaws, otherwise Near Fine/Fine- with thin line at heel, one tiny spot of wear to boards at heel, slight soiling to page block edges, and slight crinkling to dj head. Third book in the Count de Saint-Germain vampire chronicles, set in Nero's Rome. $3.

LP3603. Yarros, Rebecca. Iron Flame. Red Tower Books, 2023. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Second novel in the Fourth Wing dragon series. $49.

LP2802. Zebrowski, George. Brute Orbits. Harper Prism, 1998. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with just a trace of haze rubbing along rear spine join, with review materials laid in. $5.

LP2101. Zebrowski, George. Swift Thoughts. Golden Gryphon, 2002. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, new and unread. Short story collection, something of a Best of from this hard SF writer. Introduction by Gregory Benford. $12.

LP2093. Zelazny, Roger. Bridge of Ashes. Gregg Press, 1979. First hardback edition, a Fine copy in a Near Fine- dust jacket with one tiny (1/32") chip and several small (1/16") closed tears along bottom front, and wear at points. One of Zelazny's less common hardbacks. Levack 2e. $49.

LP2981. Zelazny, Roger. The Doors of His Face, The Lamps of His Mouth, And Other Stories. Doubleday, 1971. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with slight bend and wear at head and heel, in a Near Fine dust jacket with age darkening to white spine and two hairline cracks about 1" long to top front cover, and slight age darkening and traces of dust soiling to white rear cover. Short story collection. Levack, 12a. Kovacs V.9.a. Currey Highly recommended. $350.

LP2982. Zelazny, Roger. The Doors of His Face, The Lamps of His Mouth, And Other Stories. Doubleday, 1971. First edition hardback, an Ex-Library with most of the usual flaws, including pocket removal, small red stamps on inside front cover, front free endpaper, title page, and inside cover, plus some wear at head and heel, in a find-faded dust jacket with stickers on spine near heel, a tackead-sized abrasion tear on front cover about 2" up from heel, and slight wear at points; call it a Very Good/Very Good Ex-Library copy. Short story collection. Levack, 12a. Kovacs V.9.a. Highly recommended. Currey, page 570. $100.

LP2983. Zelazny, Roger. Doorways in the Sand. Harper & Row/SFBC, 1976. First Book Club edition (Gutter code G28 on page 180, as per ISFDB), a Fine- copy with wear at head and heel in a Very Good+ dust jacket with semi-open triangular tear at heel (a dust jacket protector will take care of this), wear at head, heel and points, and some traces of rubbing. Signed by Zelazny. Levack, 13b. Kovacs, I.17.c. $35.

LP2984. Zelazny, Roger. Eye of Cat. Underwood-Miller, 1982. First edition hardback (Levack says it precedes the Timescape edition), a Presentation Copy of 333 signed, numbered copies, a Fine- copy with a very small bump (possibly a binding flaw) top front decorated boards, just below the top edge, sans dust jacket, as issued. With a letter from "Yoganathan" at Underwood-Miller laid in. Levack and Kovacs both say only 17 PC copies were produced. Copies of the regular signed edition are not hard to find. A Presentation Copy? Not so much. Sorta tempted to keep it myself... Levack, 15aii. Kovacs, I.19.b.ii. Recommended. $250.

LP2985. Zelazny, Roger. Eye of Cat. Timescape, 1982. First trade hardcover edition, a Near Fine copy with a Simon & Schuster "walking man" remainder mark at heel with slight bend at heel in a Fine- dust jacket with a trace of wear at heel and points, signed by Zelazny. Levack, 15b. Kovacs I.19.c. Recommended. $35.

LP2406. Zelazny, Roger. Four for Tomorrow. Garland, 1975. First U.S. hardback edition and first hardback edition under the original Ace PBO title (done as A Rose for Ecclesiastes in the UK), an Ex-Library copy with black magic marker "SF" to spine, crossed out stamps on page block edges, sticker removal, writing, and ID sticker to back of Ace copyright page, and slight wear to bottom boards and points; call it a VG- Ex-Lib copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Four classic early Zelazny novellas: "A Rose for Ecclesiastes," "The Doors of his Face, The Lamps of His Mouth," "The Graveyard Heart" and "The Furies." The pages are blown up (slightly) from the Ace PBO pages, which was common practice for the Garland Library of Science Fiction. Currey, page 570. Levack, 17f. Kovacs, V11f. A fairly elusive Zelazny hardback. $35.

LP2986. Zelazny, Roger. Frost and Fire. Morrow, 1989. First edition hardback, a Near Fine copy with some faint blotches of very light brown discoloration to boards; no signs of water damage, so maybe it was just moisture from being read once by someone with sweaty hands, and a trace of bend at heel, in a Fine, Mylar-protected dust jacket. Signed twice by Zelazny, with a signature on the title page and an inscription "To Lysander" on the half title page. Short story collection, including the Hugo-winning "24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai," the rare cyberpunk-Cthulhu Mythos crossover. Recommended. Kovacs, V.12.b. $50.

LP2987. Zelazny, Roger. Gone to Earth. Pulphouse, 1991. First edition hardback, #70 of 300 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket. Author's Choice Monthly Issue 27. Short story collection. A lot of Pulphouse volumes are common as dirt, but this is not one of them. Kovacs, V.13.ii. Chalker/Owings (2002), page 728. $95.

LP2988. Zelazny, Roger (illustrated by Vaughn Bode). Here There Be Dragons with Way Up High. Donald M. Grant, 1992. First edition hardback set, each a Publisher's Copy of 1000 numbered copies signed by Zelazny, each a Fine copy in a Fine, Mylar-protected dust jacket, in a Fine- slipcase with two pinhead spots of discoloration to rear. Two whimsical stories about dragons, each profusely illustrated by Vaughn. Originally a Mirage Press project started in the late 60s (Bode died in 1975), this is the first and only signed edition. Kovacs says there were likely 10 or fewer Publisher's Copies produced. Chalker/Owings (2002), page 438-439. Even non-PC firsts of this set have gotten pricey. Another one I'm tempted to keep for myself. Recommended. Kovacs, VI.6.10.ii/VI.11.b.ii. $750.

LP2989. Zelazny, Roger. Home is the Hangman. SFBC, 1996. First edition hardback, a book club edition, a Fine- copy with non-authorial signature on title page, in a Fine dust jacket. First standalone publication of this Hugo and Nebula winning novella, with a new introduction by David Hartwell and new cover art by Bob Eggleton. Kovacs, VI.7.a. Recommended. $9.

LP2991. Zelazny, Roger. Knight of Shadows. Morrow, 1989. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with very faint sticker ghost on front free endpaper, in a Fine dust jacket. Inscribed by Zelazny: "To Frost,/Every sort of good wish./Roger Zelazny". The ninth Amber novel. Kovacs, I.27.b. $49.

LP2993. Zelazny, Roger. Manna From Heaven. DNA/Wildside Publications, 2003. First edition hardback (Kovacs says that the 0-8095-3095-3 ISBN, present here, is the first), a Good+ copy in decorated boards that has suffered some sort of humidity or temperature fluctuation event, resulting in warped boards and waviness to the pages (no sign of actual liquid staining), plus some bumping at head and heel, lacking the dust jacket. Short story collection. Perfectly acceptable as a reading copy. Kovacs, V.18.a. $15.

LP2995. Zelazny, Roger. A Rose for Ecclesiastes. Rupert Hart Davis, 1969. First hardback edition and first edition under this title (issued earlier in the U.S. as Four For Tomorrow), a Near Fine copy with slight bumping at head and heel, uniform strips of foxing to front and rear free endpapers, as though bookmarks had been laid there, as well as a few nailhead-sized spots of rust colored staining to inside front cover and front free endpaper, in a Near Fine- Mylar-protected dust jacket with splotches of foxing or very light brown staining to both white flaps; maybe somebody had newspaper clippings tucked into the front and rear of the book at one time. However, the exterior of the orange dust jacket is bright and unfaded, including the spine. Zelazny's first short story collection, including the Hugo-nominated title story. Highly recommended. Levack, 17b. Kovacs, V.11.c. Currey, page 571. $200.

LP2997. Zelazny, Roger. This Immortal. Rupert Hart-Davis, 1967. First hardback edition (the Ace PBO precedes), a Fine- copy with slight bend at head and heel, traces of foxing along gutters and first few pages near top gutter, with "Roger Zelazny" on spine faded from red to orange, in a Near Fine dust jacket with slight wrinkling along front fold join, on rear cover near spine (looks like a 1" non-breaking indention), very slight wrinkling along top of rear cover, and a touch of grubbiness along edges and folds. Zelazny's first novel and a Hugo winner for Best Novel (tied with Dune). A pretty nice copy of an important Hugo winner. Levack, 34b. Kovacs, I.40.b. Currey, page 571. $900.

LP3224. Zelazny, Roger. To Die In Italbar. Doubleday, 1973. First edition hardback, would be a Near Fine+ copy (slight bumping at heel and head, a thin line of foxing along front gutter, and a very faint rectangle of foxing in the middle of the front free endpaper where something was obviously laid in) save for one obvious binding flaw: The very last page of the books has been pasted to the rear boards, and is missing the rear free endpaper; this is so evenly done that it looks like a factory flaw, in a Near Fine- dust jacket with 3/4" semi-closed tear (slight loss at the very tip) at top front corner, a 3/4" closed tear and creasing at top rear head join, and a line of dust soiling across top back of dust jacket, and a few other touches of dust soiling, with signature plate by Zelazny affixed to title page. Sequel to Isle of the Dead. Not a great copy, but a signed true first. $30.

LP2999. Zelazny, Roger. To Spin is Miracle Cat. Underwood-Miller, 1981. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with bumping at head and heel in a Near Fine- dust jacket with an age darkened spine, a tiny bit of age darkening along very top of front and rear, and which has picked up some grubbiness to the textured dust jacket paper. Poetry collection. I'm not going to lie to you: As a poet, Zelazny was a fine fiction writer. Levack, 36a. Kovacs, VII.c.i. $25.

LP3000. Zelazny, Roger. Trumps of Doom. Arbor House, 1985. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- Mylar-protected dust jacket with slight age-darkening to top of white flaps. Inscribed by Zelazny: "To my favorite fan, Robert Pylant./Roger Zelazny". First Merlin novel and sixth Amber novel, and the one that introduced the "Shadow computer" Ghostwheel, which was a popular name for servers in the 1990s. Highly recommended. Kovacs, I.43.b. $75.

LP3001. Zelazny, Roger and Gerald Hausman. Wilderness. Tor Forge, 1994. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine Mylar-protected dust jacket, signed by Zelazny. Two-strand Western novel retelling the true stories of John Colter, who outran an Indian war party for 150 miles, and Hugh Glass, who crawled 100 miles after surviving a bear attack (the latter story being the basis of the movie The Revenant). Kovacs, I.44.b. Recommended. I rarely see copies signed by Zelazny offered for sale. $1000.

LP3003. Zelazny, Roger and Philip K. Dick. Deus Irae. Doubleday, 1976. First edition hardback (stated, with gutter code G-27 on page 181), a Fine- copy with slight wear at heel and slight dust soiling at head in a Fine- Mylar-protected dust jacket with slight age-darkening to white portions (spine, rear and flaps) and a trace of wear at front points, signed by Zelazny. Dick started this post-Apocalyptic novel and Zelazny finished it. Nice copies of this signed by Zelazny have gotten harder to find. (Copies signed by Dick have a comma in the price.) Levack, 10a. Kovacs, I.14.a. Currey, page 570. $350.

LP3002. Zelazny, Roger and Jane Lindskold. Lord Demon. Avon Eos, 1999. First edition hardback, a Near Fine copy with a black remainder mark to heel in a Fine dust jacket. Published two years after Zelazny's death, I think the two of them plotted this out before Zelazny died and Lindskold did all (or almost all) the actual writing. Kovacs, I.28.b. $10.

LP454. Zindell, David. Neverness. Donald I. Fine, 1988. First edition hardback, an ex-library copy (not ex-APL) with most of the usual flaws, including protected dj taped to boards, stickers to dj spine, heel bumped, stamp to head, pocket and stamp in rear, some wear to bottom boards, slight gap at top between page block and cloth back, otherwise Near Fine/Near Fine. Despite this list of flaws, this is actually fairly attractive for an Ex-Lib copy. His first novel, quite hard to find these days. $4.

A Note on Ex-Library Books

There are a few ex-library books listed here, all indicated as such. Most are books I picked up at the Austin Public Library annual sale. Alas, these are not "clean" ex-library copies either. An APL Ex-Lib will usually have most or all the following flaws: stamps at head, heel, and fore-edges, bar code stickers inside front and back covers or free endpapers, discard stamp and remnants of pocket removal on front free endpaper, plastic dj protectors taped to inside covers, and (worst of all) an Austin Public Library paper ribbon glued to bottom of dj inside the plastic protector. I have had widely varying success in removing that strip. On some older books the strip has come away without damaging the dj at all, but on others it left pieces behind or took some of the dj with it. As such, unless otherwise noted, the books here are just like I picked them up at the APL sale and are sold as is. You may return them within 10 days in the same condition for any reason, but only if they have not been tampered with. I cannot accept returns after unsuccessful restoration attempts because they didn't clean as well as you hoped they would.

Obviously, an Ex-Library Book isn't what you want if you're a picky collector. However, an Ex-Library copy of the first hardback edition is (IMHO) far more bibliographical desirable than any subsequent edition. Plus, Ex-Library books are a great way to pick up important first editions that are out of the average collector's price range.

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