If you were trying to construct The Most Painfully 1970s SF TV Show Ever, you might come up with The Phoenix, and never mind that it debuted in 1981.
I mean, look at the intro footage, and tell me it doesn’t reek of the 1970s:
I mean, ancient astronauts, pyramid power, ESP, big medallions and feathered hair! How much more 70s can you get?
This arrived after my “I’ll Watch Any Damn SF/F/H Show On TV” phase, and it actually came and went so quickly (only five episodes aired, including the pilot) I wasn’t even aware of it.
Someone has put up a fairly crappy quality video of the complete pilot:
Hope you like flute music. The writing isn’t very good, but Judson Scott (who I remember best as Khan’s second-in-command) is surprisingly tolerable as Hunky McSunAlien.
For more on similar subject, see Decade of Weirdness: The 1970s and Retro TV Memories: The Fantastic Journey.
Tags: 1970s, 1980s, Ancient Astronauts, Judson Scott, Science Fiction, The Phoenix (TV Show), TV
I also watched this simply for the SF connection. I was 9.and for reasons I will never know.. I remember him sinking every ball on a pool table on the break. I also remember him playing the Phoenix Arcade game. That and glowing is al that stuck with me.