Naomi Novik
Temeraire: Throne of Jade
This is a solid follow-up to the first Temeraire book. In this one Lawrence and his Celestial dragon are forced to take a slow boat to China to see the Emperor, who is evidently most upset that his dragon (a gift to Napoleon) is now enrolled in the English aerial corps. Some have said they found their attention flagging through the long sea voyage (which takes up a bit more than half the book); actually, I didn’t find my attention flagging until right after they first make landfall in China. So I think the book could be trimmed a little (maybe 10%), but it still engaged me.
Tags: Book reviews, dragons, Fantasy, Naomi Novik
[…] (who, in “it’s a small world after all” fashion, is married to fantasy writer Naomi Novik). So Hard Case Crime (which has published a number of extremely interesting titles, including works […]