Camelot Books had a “Stocking Stuffer Sale” where they offered 50% off if you bought $500 or more (pre-discount), and 60% off if you bought $2,000 or more. The challenge was that the books had to retail for $75 or less.
Naturally I rose to the challenge.
I ended up buying 41 books, some of which will show up in the next Lame Excuse Books catalog. This is the first of several posts documenting which books are going to into my own library. (I’ll take a break on Monday to document something else that came in.)
First up: Joe R. Lansdale. Note that I had most of these titles, but not these states of the title.
Lansdale, Joe R. A Fist Full of Stories (And Articles). Cemetery Dance, 1996. First edition hardback, 420 of 500 signed, limited copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and a Fine slipcase. Supplements a trade copy and a traycased lettered copy. Bought for $26, marked down from $65.
Lansdale, Joe R. Coco Butternut. Subterranean Press, 2017. First edition hardback, 244 of 400 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Hap and Leonard novella. Supplements a trade copy. Bought for $18, marked down from $45.
Lansdale, Joe R. Honky Tonk Samurai. Gauntlet Press, 2017. First limited edition hardback, #60 of 500 signed, numbered copies. Supplements the Mulholland Books trade edition (which precedes). Bought for $24, marked down from $60.
Lansdale, Joe R, editor. The Horror Hall of Fame. Cemetery Dance, 2011. First edition hardback, one of 550 signed (by Lansdale) copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Bought for $26, marked down from $65.
Lansdale, Joe R., editor. The Horror Hall of Fame. Cemetery Dance, 2011. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Trade edition. Bought for $14, marked down from $35.
Lansdale, Joe R, editor. Retro Pulp Tales. Subterranean Press, 2006. First edition hardback, 129 of 250 numbered copies signed by all the contributors, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and a Fine slipcase. Supplements a trade edition copy. Bought for $26, marked down from $65.

Finally, another Lansdale title came in during the same timeframe direct from the publisher:
Lansdale, Joe R, editor. Cosmic Interruptions. Short Scary Tales (SST) Publications, 2018. First edition hardback, #105 of 550 signed, numbered hardbacks, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. New short story collection from this UK publisher, weighing in at a hefty 528 pages. Also have copies for sale through Lame Excuse Books.
Tags: Books, Cemetery Dance, Hap & Leonard, Joe R. Lansdale, Short Scary Tales (SST) Publications, small press publishers, Subterranean Press
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