Here’s the “miscellaneous signed fiction” from that Camelot 60% off sale. (There should be one more Camelot roundup, of reference books, tomorrow.)
Bradbury, Ray. The Dragon. Footsteps Press, 1988. First edition chapbook, #187 of 300 signed, numbered copies, Fine. Has wrappers with a transparent red Mylar window. “But wait,” you cry, “didn’t you already pick up a copy of this chapbook?” Yes, but that one had a blue Mylar window! I told you book collectors were crazy…Bought for $20, marked down from $50.

Burgess, Tony. Pontypool Changes Everything. ChiZine Publications, 2010. First hardback edition and first edition thus, #27 of 150 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Novel that was the basis of the 2008 film Pontypool, which I very much enjoyed, as well as additional material not in the 1998 softcover first edition. Bought for $30, marked down from $75.

Bryant, Edward. A Sad Last Love at the Diner of the Damned. Wormhole Books, 2001. First edition hardback, one of (according to Chalker/Ownings 2002) 52 hardback copies, signed by Bryant and numbered 143 (suggesting they just grabbed random chapbook copies to bind rather than a particular number range), a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Chapbook of a story that originally appeared in Skipp & Spector’s The Book of the Dead. Bought for $30, marked down from $75. I was at the Armadillocon midnight reading where Ed read this story…

Card, Orson Scott. Hamlet’s Father. Subterranean Press, 2011. First edition hardback, #130 of 1000 signed, numbered copies. Stopped buying Card a while back, but the controversy over this made me want to pick it up just to piss people off. Bought for $14, marked down from $35.
Hughes, Rhys. Engelbrecht Again!. Dead Letter Press, 2008. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in decorated boards, sans dust jacket, as issued, with signature plate laid in. Since I’m one of the few people who actually owns (and has read) The Exploits of Engelbrecht, the short story collection about the titular dwarf surrealist boxer, obviously I had to pick this up. Bought for $20, marked down from $50.

Powers, Tim. Down and Out in Purgatory. Subterranean Press, 2016. First edition hardback, #192 of 300 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Bought for $24, marked down from $60.
Simmons, Dan. This Year’s Class Picture. Subterranean Press, 2016. First edition hardback, #144 of 250 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Originally appeared in Skipp & Spector’s Still Dead (I guess hardback reprints of stories from Skipp & Spector zombie anthologies is a minor theme for this post.) Bought for $20, marked down from $50.
Thomas, Ryan C. Salticidae. Thunderstorm Books, 2013. First edition hardback, #65 of 75 signed, numbered copies (out of 150 copies total), a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, with a story not in the other edition. Oversized. Not familiar with the author, but I do collect giant spider novels. Bought for $30, marked down from $75.
Looking at the Burgress and Bryant scans, it may be time to get a new scanner…
Tags: Dan Simmons, Ed Bryant, Fantasy, Footsteps Press, Horror, Orson Scott Card, Pontypool, Ray Bradbury, Rhys Hughes, Ryan C. Thomas, Science Fiction, small press publishers, Subterranean Press, Thunderstorm Books, Tim Powers, Tony Burgess, Wormhole Books
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