“It’s a major award!”

All my hard work as a writer has finally paid off, and I’m now the grand prize winner of a major literary award.

Chosen from over 6300 submissions to the 42nd Annual Lyttonaid, Lawrence Person of Austin, Texas has risen to the top of our (steaming) pile to take the crown:

She had a body that reached out and slapped my face like a five-pound ham-hock tossed from a speeding truck.

Our champion is a published author, blogger, and of course, book lover extraordinaire. Congratulations to Lawrence and a hearty thank you to all the creative (if demented) Bulweriers who kept us chuckling again this year.

Top of the world, ma. Top of the world…

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13 Responses to ““It’s a major award!””

  1. […] congratulations, if that’s the word, to Lawrence for his Grand Prize in this year’s Bulwer-Lytton Fiction […]

  2. Andrew Lloyd says:

    That’s genius. I’ve submitted maybe 25 of those, but never even a blip. That’s fantastic.

  3. Steve Skubinna says:

    Bulwer-Lytton is of course known for “It was a dark and stormy night.” But he is also quoted, generally unknowingly, whenever somebody remarks upon the relative strengths of the pen and the sword.

    And in his day he was a Very Big Deal. Sort of like the Steven King or Tom Clancy of his time.

  4. Rod Jean says:

    The award hit him like her body, which had reached out and slapped his face like a five-pound ham-hock tossed from a speeding truck.

  5. Michael Smith says:

    Why the Daily Texan ever let you go remains a mystery.


  6. Lawrence Person says:

    Well, there’s a name from the deep past! How are you doing these days?

    My graduating college meant the The Daily Texan would have had to let me go not too much longer than they did anyway, drying up that sweet, lucrative $7 an article income stream…

  7. jabrwok says:

    Well done!

  8. jdm says:

    Man, that’s a big ham hock.

  9. Fred the Fourth says:

    Busker-Lytton was actually a surprisingly good writer. There are collections of his work available. Fred sez check him out.

  10. Baf says:

    Your work has truly filled a much needed void.

  11. GRS says:

    Congratulations! As a long-time fan of the Bulwer-Lytton competition, I understand what a big deal this is. And your submission is awesome.

  12. Thomas Miller says:

    I was trolling through the online waterways in my digital barque when I came across this massively impressive fish of a story.
    Congratulations I say, and again Congratulations.

  13. Greg the Class Traitor says:

    Genius. Sheer genius

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