Library Addition: WingNuts in Time and Space

Quite a bit different than a lot of the items I catalog here:

Harvia, Teddy (David Thayer). WingNuts in Time and Space. Self-published, 2025. First edition comic book fanzine original, #90 of 200 copies, a Fine copy, with letter from the author/illustrator laid in. An eight page comic from the award-winning fan artist featuring his WingNut characters talking about the Big Bang. Given to me free after he asked me if I wanted a copy. Sure!

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2 Responses to “Library Addition: WingNuts in Time and Space”

  1. Teddy Harvia says:


    I offered free copies to 202 friends, fans, and family. I received 147 responses. What is wrong with the other 55?

    Beast wishes,

  2. Lawrence Person says:

    Maybe everyone else’s library is at maximum capacity…

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