Now that I’ve recovered a bit, here’s another set of Worldcon photos.
You may have seen the previous photo sets, and asked “Lawrence, do you think you have enough pictures of Gail Carriger?” And the answer, of course is: No, I don’t. So here’s her Hugo-night outfit. Indeed, I was only able to capture three of the six outfits she wore there. One man can only do so much…
Steven Gould, tipping his jaunty straw boater.
This picture of the Klingon Party Room is one the flash just ruined, as it was actually dark with red and orange flame lighting, but at least it gives you a hint of the work that went into it.
Scott Bobo carrying Brad Foster’s Hugo.
A congoer dressed in a traditional Mexican vaquero outfit.
Karen Anderson.
Deanna Hoak and Gail Carriger flank some lucky bastard that isn’t me.
I should have one more post of Worldcon photos, after which it will probably be time for Armadillocon photos…
Tags: Brad Foster, Deanna Hoak, Gail Carriger, Hugo Award, pics, Reno, Science Fiction, Scott Bobo, Steve Gould, Worldcon
[…] More Worldcon photos: Strangelove; Lawrence Person; Lou […]