Posts Tagged ‘chapbooks’
Wednesday, March 26th, 2025
Another Dragonstairs chapbook:
Swanwick, Michael. A Fantasist’s Guide to Venice. Dragonstairs Press, 2025. First edition chapbook original, #30 of 79 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy. Collection of short essays on various fantastic elements of Venice, in fact and fiction, following the author’s visit there.

Note that this is one of at least four different cover patterns for this title, all done in reds and yellows.
I will have a small number of copies of this available in the next Lame Excuse Books catalog, which should be out in May.
Tags:Books, chapbooks, Dragonstairs Press, Fantasy, Italy, Michael Swanwick, Venice
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Friday, February 28th, 2025
More books from that big Robert E. Howard purchase.
Howard, Robert E. The Adventures of Lal Singh. Cryptic Publications, 1985. First edition chapbook original, a Fine copy. Short story collection.

Howard, Robert E. The Coming of El Borak. Cryptic Publications, 1987. First edition chapbook original, a Fine copy. Short story collection.

Howard, Robert E. The Grey God Passes. Charles Miller, 1975. First edition chapbook original, a Fine copy. Chalker/Owings, page 547.

Howard, Robert E. and Tevis Clyde Smith (“El Gringo” (E. A. Fisher) illustrator). Red Blades of Black Cathay. Real Free Press, 1975. First edition chapbook graphic novel, a Fine copy.

Howard, Robert E. Valley of the Lost. Charles Miller, 1975. First edition chapbook original, #691 of 777 signed by illustrator Bot Roda, a Fine copy (the ragged right edge of the front cover seems intentional). Chalker/Owings, page 547.

Tags:Books, chapbooks, Charles F. Miller, Cryptic Publications, Fantasy, Robert E. Howard
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Wednesday, February 26th, 2025
Still more items from that Robert E. Howard purchase. All of these are illustrated short fiction chapbooks.
Howard, Robert E. Blades for France. George T. Hamilton, 1975. First edition chapbook original, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with faint dust prints to front cover.

Howard, Robert E. Isle of Pirate Doom. George T. Hamilton, 1975. First edition chapbook original, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight wear to top corners.

Howard, Robert E. The King’s Service. George T. Hamilton, 1976. First edition chapbook original, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket.

Howard, Robert E. The Shadow of the Beast. George T. Hamilton, 1977. First edition chapbook original, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight bend to top front right corner.

Howard, Robert E. The Shadow of the Hun. George T. Hamilton, 1975. First edition chapbook original, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with slight crease to top left front corner.

Howard, Robert E. Spears of Clontarf. George T. Hamilton, 1978. First edition chapbook original, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket.
Tags:Books, chapbooks, Fantasy, George T. Hamilton, Robert E. Howard
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Tuesday, February 25th, 2025
Two more items from that large Robert E. Howard purchase, both reference works on Howard.
(Howard, Robert E.) de Camp, L. Sprague. The Miscast Barbarian: A Biography of Robert E. Howard (1906-2936). Gerry de la Ree, 1975. Presumed second printing (no limitation statement on final page, as pr Chalker/Owings) oversize chapbook original, a Fine copy. A short (42 pages, including art, bibliography and notes), impressionistic biography of Howard by de Camp, who was later to do a much more extensive biography of Howard, Dark Valley Destiny, in collaboration with his wife Catherine Crook de Camp. It is an understatement to note that de Camp’s biography, and his long legacy collecting, editing and publishing Howard’s work, is not regarded with universal love by the Robert E. Howard community. Chalker/Owings, page 128.

(Howard, Robert E.) Lord, Glenn. The Last Celt: A bio-Bibliography of Robert Ervin Howard. Donald M. Grant, 1976. First edition hardback a Fine- copy in a Fine- dust jacket with bumped corners. About a hundred pages of biography of Howard by various people (including H. P. Lovecraft), with the rest taken up with a bibliography. This is one of those books I vaguely thought I already had, and one I’ve already started referencing for these Howard purchases. Chalker/Owings, page 218 (“Good and very useful.”).
Tags:biography, chapbooks, Gerry de la Ree, Glenn Lord, L. Sprague de Camp, reference works, Robert E. Howard
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Monday, February 24th, 2025
A private seller contacted me about selling me a number of the Robert E. Howard books I had on my want list, and we settled on a price of $725 plus shipping for some 40 titles. Some of those will go in the next Lame Excuse Books catalog, but most are are going in my library and will take some time to list. I’ll start with the chapbooks, since they’re less challenging to shelve, and first among the chapbooks are these three, all published by Roy A. Squires. Many of those Robert E. Howard chapbooks were done in editions of a thousand or more, but these, in addition to being higher quality, were done in editions in the low hundreds.
Howard, Robert E. The Road to Rome. Roy A. Squires, 1972. First edition chapbook original, a Fine copy in a Fine- envelope with slight wear at edges. Lord, The Last Celt: A Bio-Bibliography of Robert Ervin Howard, page 128. The Private Press of Roy A. Squires 17. Chalker/Owings, page 589.

Howard, Robert E. A Song of the Naked Lands. Roy A. Squires, 1973. First edition chapbook original, a Fine copy in a Near Fine+ envelope with fold to flap and slight wear at edges. Lord, The Last Celt: A Bio-Bibliography of Robert Ervin Howard, page 130. The Private Press of Roy A. Squires 21. Chalker/Owings, page 589.

Howard, Robert E. Up, John Kane! Roy A. Squires, 1977. First edition chapbook original, a Fine- with one faint surface scratch and faint indentation through pages copy in a Fine- envelope with slight wear at edges. The Private Press of Roy A. Squires 33. Chalker/Owings, page 590.
I have quite a number of Squires chapbooks, I think just under half of the ones listed as actual publications in The Private Press of Roy A. Squires, so perhaps I should pick up the rest. I know I lack three more Howard chapbooks from Squires: Altars and Jesters, Black Dawn, and The Gold and the Grey. I’ve added those to the wanted list.
Tags:Books, chapbooks, Fantasy, poetry, Robert E. Howard, Roy A. Squires
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Monday, February 10th, 2025
Five chapbooks, four from Roy A. Squires, two concerned with small press chapbook publishing, one a modern oddity.
(Lafferty, R. A., Gene Wolfe) Knight, Dan (Amanda Patchin and Brent Towell, interviewers). Hedgehog Press Interviews Dan Knight. Hedgehog Press, 2024. First edition chapbook original, #23 of 50 copies, a Fine copy, with frontispiece tissue guard laid in. Interview with the publisher of United Mythologies Press, small press publisher of several works by R. A. Lafferty and Gene Wolfe. Bought off Abebooks for $15 plus shipping after Knight mentioned the existence off it on a Gene Wolfe group on Facebook. Do I want all the Lafferty and Wolfe critical chapbooks? Yes, yes I do.

Smith, Clark Ashton. Nero. Roy A. Squires, 1964. First edition chapbook original, one of “about 450” copies (Chalker/Owings says 381), a Fine copy of what seems to be the “ordinary” edition in a slightly crease and age-darkened white envelope. Squires’ second Clark Ashton Smith work. The Private Press of Roy A. Squires 3. Joshi/Schultz/Connors, Clark Ashton Smith: A Comprehensive Bibliography, I.A.20. Chalker/Owings, page 588. This and the other four Squires books were bought for $140.

Smith, Clark Ashton. The Potion of Dreams. Roy A. Squires, 1975. First edition chapbook original, copy 124 of 292 copies, a Fine copy in a Near Fine+ envelope with age-darkening to edges. “The Fugitive Poems, Second Series, Third Volume, Xiccarph Edition.” The Private Press of Roy A. Squires 28. Joshi/Schultz/Connors, Clark Ashton Smith: A Comprehensive Bibliography, I.A.38.a. Chalker/Owings, page 589.

Smith, Clark Ashton. A Song From Hell. Roy A. Squires, 1975. First edition chapbook original, copy 124 of 296 copies, a Fine- copy with two thin scratches to front, in a Very Good only envelope whose flap came off when I opened it up. “The Fugitive Poems, Second Series, Second Volume, Xiccarph Edition.” The Private Press of Roy A. Squires 27. Joshi/Schultz/Connors, Clark Ashton Smith: A Comprehensive Bibliography, I.A.38.a. Chalker/Owings, page 589.

Squires, Roy A. The Private Press of Roy A. Squires. Roy A. Squires, 1987. First edition chapbook original, copy #128 of 230 copies of the “standard format” edition, a Fine copy in a Fine- envelope with short tears at either end of the flap fold and a touch of age-darkening to edges. Descriptive bibliography of the press. The Private Press of Roy A. Squires 39 (yes, the bibliography is the last item listed in the bibliography). Chalker/Owings, page 590. Burgess, Reference guide to Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror 258.

Tags:bibliography, Books, chapbooks, Clark Ashton Smith, Dan Knight, Fantasy, Gene Wolfe, Horror, interview, Roy A. Squires, small press publishers, United Mythologies Press
Posted in Austin, crime, Fantasy, Horror, Kickstarter | No Comments »
Tuesday, January 28th, 2025
A private seller on an Ed Bryant group on Facebook offered up a bundle of signed Ed Bryant firsts, and I was able to buy them for a pretty modest sum. Ed was a regular Armadillocon and Worldcon attendee, so I knew him and had some stuff signed by him, but the seller had items I’d never seen before. It’s an interesting mix.
Bryant, Edward. The Cutter. Pulphouse, 1991. First edition paperback chapbook edition, a Fine- copy with small spots of rubbing to rear along spine, inscribed by Bryant: “Edward Bryant/6 -20-03/For Jane,/I love the movies/don’t you?/x o X/Ed.” Issue #8 of their Short Story Paperbacks series. Supplements a copy in my complete run of Short Story Paperbacks.

Bryant, Edward. The Dreamer. Wormhole Books, 2003. First edition greeting card chapbook, #June of 500 copies signed by Bryant and other Wormhole Books staffers (Dawn Dunn, Chris Dunn, Joanna Erbach and Thomas Mark), a Fine copy in plain white envelope, presumably as issued. Wormhole Books seems to have been in business from 2001-2004 and produced a handful of chapbooks (most with small hardback runs) by Bryant, Connie Willis, etc. This seems to have been sent out as an Independence Day greeting to customers. Though probably categorized as ephemera, this appears to be an original Bryant story printed nowhere else. Does anyone know how many of these holiday card stories Wormhole published?

Bryant, Edward. Knock. No publisher listed, just “copyright (C) 2004 by Edward Bryant.” Presumed first edition thus, an 8 1/2″ x 11″ broadsheet, #28 of 50 signed copies, a Very Good+ copy with several wrinkles. No idea what this was done for, maybe a convention. Reprints a very short story originally published in Horrors! 365 Scary Stories, which I also have a story in.

Bryant, Edward. Particle Theory. Pocket/Timescape, 1981. First edition paperback original, a Very Good+ copy with spine creasing and former owner’s name stamped on inside front cover, inscribed by Bryant: “For Jane,/Yes, I know you’re not the/sort of person who makes requests/like this…but what the/heck—maybe these are fictions you can repeat/in the morning./Enjoy!/Edward Bryant/ 6/23/82.” Supplements a fine (but unsigned) copy.

Bryant, Edward. A Sad Last Love at the Diner of the Damned. Wormhole Books, 2001. First edition chapbook original (simultaneous with the much smaller hardback run), one of 750 copies on which “43” has been crossed out and replaced with “proof,” a Fine copy, signed by Bryant. I heard Ed read this at Armadillocon. Originally appeared in Skipp & Spector’s The Book of the Dead. Chalker/Owings (2002), page 1214 (which erroneously notes this as the original publication). Supplements a copy of the hardback edition.

Bryant, Edward. The Thermals of August. Pulphouse, 1992. First edition hardback, one of 100 signed, numbered hardbacks, a Fine- copy with some extremely minor nicks (greatly exaggerated in the scan), sans dust jacket, as issued. Hugo and Nebula finalists. Supplements a copy of the short story paperback version.

Bryant, Edward. While She Was Out. Wormhole Books, 2001. First edition chapbook original (simultaneous with the much smaller hardback run), #154 of 750 copies, signed by Bryant. Thriller story that was the basis of a 2008 film of the same name. Chalker/Owings (2002), page 1214.
Bryant, Edward. Wyoming Sun. Jelm Mountain Press, 1980. First edition trade paperback (simultaneous with a much smaller hardback run), a Fine- copy with slight wear at points, inscribed by Bryant: “Edward Bryant/6-20-30/For Jane,/Hey, Love Min. Sit/down. Have some tea/This is home,/Enjoy,/Ed.” Short story collection from a regional small press. Supplements a copy of the hardback. I also have an inscribed copy of this available through Lame Excuse Books.

Bryant, Edward and Harlan Ellison. Phoenix Without Ashes. Fawcett, 1975. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with one spine crease, bookstore stamp inside front cover, and a touch of edgewear, signed by Bryant. Richmond, Fingerprints on the Sky page 108. Supplements a fine (but unsigned) copy. Now I need a copy signed by both Ed and Ellison…
Wilson, Robin Scott, editor. Clarion II. Signet, 1972. First edition paperback original, a very Good copy with spine creasing and a few other touches of wear. Anthology of stories by attendees of the Clarion Writer’s Workshop. Ed Bryant has a story in here, but this book is not signed.
All of the above was bought for $50.
Ed was an important science fiction short story writer in the 1970s and 80s, and an important horror short story writer in the 1980s and 90s, though after that he was mostly known as a reviewer and critic. All along the way he was widely loved by the field.
I will have additional signed Ed Bryant firsts in the next Lame Excuse Books catalog.
I have a pretty complete Ed Bryant collection, but again, I wasn’t even aware that a couple of things here existed at all. I wonder what else might be lurking out there…
Tags:Armadillocon, Books, broadsheet, chapbooks, Ed Bryant, Fantasy, Harlan Ellison, Pulphouse, Science Fiction, signatures, small press publishers, Wormhole Books
Posted in Books, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Friday, December 27th, 2024
Another Dragonstairs chapbook:
Swanwick, Michael. Father Winter. Dragonstairs Press, 2023 (not sold until 2024). First edition chapbook original, #13 of 120 signed, numbered copies of which 36 were offered for sale, a Fine copy.

I will have one copy of this available in the next Lame Excuse Books catalog, which will probably be May 2025.
Tags:Books, chapbooks, Dragonstairs Press, Fantasy, Michael Swanwick, small press publishers
Posted in Books, Fantasy | No Comments »
Tuesday, December 24th, 2024
Here’s a book that might drive many a Lansdale completist crazy.
Lansdale, Joe R. Tarzan and the Land That Time Forgot. TimeShifter Press, 2018. First edition chapbook original, #22 of 75 numbered copies signed by the book designer and cover illustrator (but not Lansdale), a Fine copy. Published for an annual gathering of “the Edgar Rice Burroughs Clan of Friendship.” Tarzan/Land that Time Forgot crossover. With Zeppelins! Isajanko, The World Lansdalean, pages 298-299 (for two previous publications in books, but not this chapbook). Bought from an online book dealer for $25.
Tags:Books, chapbooks, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Fantasy, Joe R. Lansdale, Science Fiction, Tarzan
Posted in Books, Fantasy, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Tuesday, November 19th, 2024
Another bargain purchase:
Bear, Greg. Sisters. Pulphouse, 1992. First edition hardback, #48 of 100 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. #26 in the Short Story Hardback series. Chalker/Owings (2003), page 272. Bought off eBay for $16.

Tags:Books, chapbooks, Greg Bear, Pulphouse, Science Fiction, small press publishers
Posted in Books, Science Fiction | No Comments »