Posts Tagged ‘signatures’
Wednesday, February 5th, 2025
Two more signed PBOs from that same eBay seller:
Moorcock, Michael. The Fireclown. Compact SF/Roberts & Vintner, 1965. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine- copy with slight spine creasing and wear at points, otherwise nice and square, signed by Moorcock, with a folded flyer for Modern Family Planning laid in (no idea if that was as issued or not). Bilyeu, Tanalorn Archive page 19. Currey, page 370. Bought for $20.51.

Moorcock, Michael. The Twilight Man. Compact SF/Roberts & Vintner, 1966. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with former owner’s name on blurb page and a few nicks of wear, otherwise tight and square, signed by Moorcock. Bilyeu, Tanalorn Archive page 35. Currey, page 373. Bought for $20.59.
Two very early Moorcock PBOs rarely offered for sale over here at all, much less signed.
Also looks like I need to clean the scanner glass again, as those smudges aren’t on the books…
Tags:Books, eBay, Michael Moorcock, PBO, Science Fiction, signatures
Posted in Books, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Thursday, January 30th, 2025
Three more purchases from that eBay dealer selling off signed PBOs:
Ellison, Harlan. The Man With Nine Lives b/w A Touch of Infinity. Ace Doubles, 1960. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine- copy with spine crease and faint crease along each cover’s spine join (exagerated here), both sides identically inscribed by Ellison: “For Carter/Harlan Ellison.” Richmond, Fingerprints on the Sky page 107. Currey, page 178. Supplements a slightly less attractive signed copy. Bought for $26.55.

Ellison, Harlan. No Doors, No Windows. Pyramid, 1975. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine+ copy with slight spine fading, hairline creasing on front and rear join, and slight edgewear, signed by Ellison. Richmond, Fingerprints on the Sky page 54. Currey, page 178. Supplements a better but unsigned PBO and the signed, limited Borderlands Press hardback. Bought for $26.

Farmer, Philip Farmer. Strange Relations. Ballantine Books, 1960. First edition paperback original, (and, unlike many Ballantine SF of the era, there was no simultaneous hardback edition, a Near Fine copy with one wrinkle across middle of spine and a small stray ink mark at head, signed by Farmer. Short story collection, the alien sex anthology before Alien Sex. Currey, page 178. Bought for $10 (the opening bid).

Tags:Books, eBay, Harlan Ellison, PBO, Philip Jose Farmer, Science Fiction, signatures
Posted in Books, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Tuesday, January 28th, 2025
A private seller on an Ed Bryant group on Facebook offered up a bundle of signed Ed Bryant firsts, and I was able to buy them for a pretty modest sum. Ed was a regular Armadillocon and Worldcon attendee, so I knew him and had some stuff signed by him, but the seller had items I’d never seen before. It’s an interesting mix.
Bryant, Edward. The Cutter. Pulphouse, 1991. First edition paperback chapbook edition, a Fine- copy with small spots of rubbing to rear along spine, inscribed by Bryant: “Edward Bryant/6 -20-03/For Jane,/I love the movies/don’t you?/x o X/Ed.” Issue #8 of their Short Story Paperbacks series. Supplements a copy in my complete run of Short Story Paperbacks.

Bryant, Edward. The Dreamer. Wormhole Books, 2003. First edition greeting card chapbook, #June of 500 copies signed by Bryant and other Wormhole Books staffers (Dawn Dunn, Chris Dunn, Joanna Erbach and Thomas Mark), a Fine copy in plain white envelope, presumably as issued. Wormhole Books seems to have been in business from 2001-2004 and produced a handful of chapbooks (most with small hardback runs) by Bryant, Connie Willis, etc. This seems to have been sent out as an Independence Day greeting to customers. Though probably categorized as ephemera, this appears to be an original Bryant story printed nowhere else. Does anyone know how many of these holiday card stories Wormhole published?

Bryant, Edward. Knock. No publisher listed, just “copyright (C) 2004 by Edward Bryant.” Presumed first edition thus, an 8 1/2″ x 11″ broadsheet, #28 of 50 signed copies, a Very Good+ copy with several wrinkles. No idea what this was done for, maybe a convention. Reprints a very short story originally published in Horrors! 365 Scary Stories, which I also have a story in.

Bryant, Edward. Particle Theory. Pocket/Timescape, 1981. First edition paperback original, a Very Good+ copy with spine creasing and former owner’s name stamped on inside front cover, inscribed by Bryant: “For Jane,/Yes, I know you’re not the/sort of person who makes requests/like this…but what the/heck—maybe these are fictions you can repeat/in the morning./Enjoy!/Edward Bryant/ 6/23/82.” Supplements a fine (but unsigned) copy.

Bryant, Edward. A Sad Last Love at the Diner of the Damned. Wormhole Books, 2001. First edition chapbook original (simultaneous with the much smaller hardback run), one of 750 copies on which “43” has been crossed out and replaced with “proof,” a Fine copy, signed by Bryant. I heard Ed read this at Armadillocon. Originally appeared in Skipp & Spector’s The Book of the Dead. Chalker/Owings (2002), page 1214 (which erroneously notes this as the original publication). Supplements a copy of the hardback edition.

Bryant, Edward. The Thermals of August. Pulphouse, 1992. First edition hardback, one of 100 signed, numbered hardbacks, a Fine- copy with some extremely minor nicks (greatly exaggerated in the scan), sans dust jacket, as issued. Hugo and Nebula finalists. Supplements a copy of the short story paperback version.

Bryant, Edward. While She Was Out. Wormhole Books, 2001. First edition chapbook original (simultaneous with the much smaller hardback run), #154 of 750 copies, signed by Bryant. Thriller story that was the basis of a 2008 film of the same name. Chalker/Owings (2002), page 1214.
Bryant, Edward. Wyoming Sun. Jelm Mountain Press, 1980. First edition trade paperback (simultaneous with a much smaller hardback run), a Fine- copy with slight wear at points, inscribed by Bryant: “Edward Bryant/6-20-30/For Jane,/Hey, Love Min. Sit/down. Have some tea/This is home,/Enjoy,/Ed.” Short story collection from a regional small press. Supplements a copy of the hardback. I also have an inscribed copy of this available through Lame Excuse Books.

Bryant, Edward and Harlan Ellison. Phoenix Without Ashes. Fawcett, 1975. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with one spine crease, bookstore stamp inside front cover, and a touch of edgewear, signed by Bryant. Richmond, Fingerprints on the Sky page 108. Supplements a fine (but unsigned) copy. Now I need a copy signed by both Ed and Ellison…
Wilson, Robin Scott, editor. Clarion II. Signet, 1972. First edition paperback original, a very Good copy with spine creasing and a few other touches of wear. Anthology of stories by attendees of the Clarion Writer’s Workshop. Ed Bryant has a story in here, but this book is not signed.
All of the above was bought for $50.
Ed was an important science fiction short story writer in the 1970s and 80s, and an important horror short story writer in the 1980s and 90s, though after that he was mostly known as a reviewer and critic. All along the way he was widely loved by the field.
I will have additional signed Ed Bryant firsts in the next Lame Excuse Books catalog.
I have a pretty complete Ed Bryant collection, but again, I wasn’t even aware that a couple of things here existed at all. I wonder what else might be lurking out there…
Tags:Armadillocon, Books, broadsheet, chapbooks, Ed Bryant, Fantasy, Harlan Ellison, Pulphouse, Science Fiction, signatures, small press publishers, Wormhole Books
Posted in Books, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Monday, January 6th, 2025
More signed PBOs off eBay, all these by Jack Vance.
Vance, Jack. The Asutra. Dell, 1973. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with a touch of edgewear, one slight wrinkle near top of spine, and slight foxing to edges of inside covers, signed by Vance. Third book in the Durdane trilogy. Supplements the Underwood/Miller first hardback edition. Hewett, A45. Cunningham, 3.a. Currey, page 497. Bought for $13.50 off eBay.

Vance, Jack. The Face. DAW, 1979. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine- copy with faint crease along front spine join, start of a spine crease, crease along front spine, hairline cracks on front cover, edgewear and some wear to white back cover, and bookstore stamp to inside cover, signed by Vance (a late Vance signature). Fourth of the Demon Prince novels. Supplements the Underwood/Miller first hardback edition. Hewett, A61.b. Cunningham, 32.a. Bought off eBay for the opening bid of $10.

Vance, Jack. Future Tense. Ballantine, 1964. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with slight age darkening to white surfaces and slight foxing to inside cover edges, otherwise nice and square, signed by Vance, in flexible plastic book protector (these have done a good job protecting the book, but the previous owner taped several short, color-code chunks of information to the plastic so they have required considerable clean-up prying old tape off the plastic and cleaning off the sticky residue with Bestine). This was one of the few Vance titles I didn’t have any edition of (and the PBO is the only edition). Collection of four novelettes/novellas. Hewett, A6. Cunningham, 35.a. Currey, page 498. Bought off eBay for $16.50.

Vance, Jack. The Houses of Iszm b/w Son of the Tree. Ace Books, 1964. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with edgewear and some hairline cracks, since by Vance (late signature), in flexible plastic book protector. Supplements Underwood/Miller hardbacks and an unsigned PBO. Hewett A12 and A13. Currey, page 498. Cunningham, 41.a. Bought off eBay for $13.50.

Vance, Jack. The Pnume. Ace, 1970. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with slight edgewear, signed by Vance. Fourth Planet of Adventure book. Hewett A36. Cunningham, 65.a. Currey, page 500. Supplements a Dobson hardback first. Bought off eBay for $14.50.

Vance, Jack. Space Opera. Pyramid Books, 1965. First edition paperback original, a Fine- copy with slight edgewear, signed by Vance. Hewett A18. Cunningham, 74.a. Currey, page 500. Supplements the Underwood Miller hardback. Bought off eBay for $16.50.

Vance, Jack. Wyst: Alastor 1716. DAW Books, 1978. First edition paperback original, a Near Fine copy with a long wrinkle down spine and slight edgewear, signed by Vance, in flexible plastic book protector. Hewett, A54. Cunningham, 86.a.
Tags:Books, Jack Vance, PBO, Science Fiction, signatures
Posted in Books, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Tuesday, December 31st, 2024
I’ve been buying some signed PBOs off eBay as of late, and here are the first two:
Bloch, Robert. Firebug. Regency, 1961. First edition paperback original, a Very Good copy a spine crease and lean, edgewear, a few tackehead sized abrasions and pages darkening, signed by Bloch. Supplements a signed hardback first of the Scream omnibus, which contains Firebug. Bought for $17.50.

Farmer, Philip Jose. The Green Odyssey. Ballantine Books, 1957. First edition paperback original (simultaneous with the much more difficult hardback), a Very Good+ copy with spine creasing and lean, with crease to bottom rear corner, a few hairline cracks, and edgewear, inscribed “to John/from/Philip Jose Farmer.” Farmer’s first published book (though not the first written). Supplements an unsigned, less attractive PBO copy (and I still need the hardback first). Bought off eBay for $18.50.

Tags:Books, Horror, PBO, Philip Jose Farmer, Robert Bloch, Science Fiction, signatures
Posted in Books, Horror, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Monday, December 16th, 2024
Now that I’ve sent out the latest Lame Excuse Books catalog, I finally have time to list additions to my own library that I found in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. This post includes all the signed hardbacks, and all were bought at various DFW-area Half Price Books.
Allston, Aaron. Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Outcast. Del Rey, 2009. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with the tiniest little crimping at head and heel, inscribed by Allston: “To Chris: May the/Force be with you!/Aaron Allston/2011/10/8.” Bought for $7.99.

Braunbeck, Gary A. In the Midnight Museum. Necessary Evil Press, 2005. First edition hardback, #118 of 450 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Braunbeck is the only writer in this post I don’t (or didn’t) know personally. Bought for $10.

Bryant, Edward. The Baku. Subterranean, 2001. First edition hardback, #221 of 500 signed, numbered copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. I think I passed on this when it first came out because I thought $35 was too pricey for what was essentially a 28 page novelette that had already been published in Night Visions 4 (plus an introduction and teleplay of same). Oh those younger, more innocent times. Bought for $10.

Cadigan, Pat. Patterns. Ursus Imprints, 1989. First edition hardback, 162 of 400 signed, numbered copies, a Fine- copy with slight bumping at head and heel in a Near Fine+ dust jacket with a thin 2″ long scratch on rear near spine and slight edgewear. Supplements a trade edition inscribed to me. Bought for $7.99.

Lethem, Jonathan. You Don’t Love Me Yet. Doubleday, 2007. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, signed by Lethem. Supplements an unsigned copy. Bought for $9.99.

Tags:Aaron Allston, Books, Ed Bryant, Gary Braunbeck, Half Price Books, Horror, Jonathan Lethem, Necessary Evil Press, Pat Cadigan, Science Fiction, signatures, signed, small press publishers, Ursus Imprints
Posted in Books, Horror, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Tuesday, November 26th, 2024
Here are two Kickstarter books I backed on 2023 that just came in.
Monson, Joe, editor. The Horror at Pooh Corner. Hemelein Publications, 2024. First edition hardback, #82 of 100 numbered hardbacks signed by the editor and with a bookplate signed by the contributors laid in, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, with no less than three bookmarks laid in. Horror stories in Winnie-the-Pooh’s Hundred Acre Wood, following the lapse of the copyright in 2022.

(Wolfe, Gene). Cano, Ramon Perales, editor. The Book of Fuligin. Strangers Publishing, no date (2024). First edition hardback graphic novel, a Fine copy, sans dust jacket, as issued. Slightly oversize (10 1/2″ high) graphic novel anthology of stories set in Gene Wolfe’s Book of the New Sun milieu.

I will have a small number copies of The Book of Fuligin in the next Lame Excuse Books catalog, currently in progress.
Tags:Fantasy, Gene Wolfe, graphic novel, Horror, Kickstarter, Science Fiction, signatures, Winnie-the-Pooh
Posted in Books, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Monday, November 25th, 2024
Four of these were bought from a dealer having a 40% off sale, and the fifth (the Rucker) was part of that estate purchase, which I didn’t realize was signed until I went to catalog it for sale because none of the other books in that purchase were.
Baxter, Stephen and Alastair Reynolds. The Medusa Chronicles. Gollancz, 2016. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket, signed by both authors. based on Arthur C. Clarke’s “A Meeting With Medusa.” I collect Reynolds and I used to collect Baxter, but he simply put out too many books for me to read in too short a time period that were too long. I’ve got better signatures for each of these guys obtained at various Worldcons. The signatures here look like they were whipped out at a store signing session for all the remaining copies after patrons had gotten all their stuff signed and right before they headed off to the pub. Bought for $15 marked down from $25.

Bisson, Terry. In The Upper Room and other likely stories. Tor, 2000. First edition hardback, a Fine- copy with slight bumping at heel in a Fine- dust jacket with traces of haze rubbing, inscribed by Bisson to fellow SF writer Neal Barrett, Jr.: “for Neal/with gratitude for/your attention/+envy for you accomplish/ments./your fellow/word-slinger/Terry B./NY 2K.” Since I lacked this Bisson and knew Neal, I was happy to scoop this up for $15 (marked down from $25), which is less than cover price. A neat association copy at a bargain price.

Rucker, Rudy. The Secret of Life. Bluejay, 1985. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine- dust jacket with just a trace of age darkening to white edges, inscribed by Rucker: “& for Larry/Rudy Rucker/3/99.” Supplements an unsigned copy.

Straub, Peter. The Buffalo Hunter. Cemetery Dance, 2012. First edition hardback, one of 450 signed copies, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Novella. Bought for $18 (original price was $50).

Williamson, J. N., editor, and Gary A. Braunbeck. Masques V. Gauntlet Publications, 2006. First edition hardback, #392 of 500 copies signed by Braunbeck and almost all the contributors (including Clive Barker, William F. Nolan, Ray Garton, Richard Christian Matheson, etc. I already owned Masques I-IV, but somehow never picked this one up. Interestingly, it says Braunbeck is the co-editor on the flap and title page, but not the front cover, spine or limitation page, probably because Williamson died in 2005 and presumably Braunbeck finished up. Mostly original horror anthology, with a few reprints scattered in. Originally published at $55. Bought for $36.

Tags:Alastair Reynolds, Arthur C. Clarke, Books, Cemetery Dance, Gary Braunbeck, Gauntlet Press, Horror, J. N. Williamson, Neal Barrett Jr., Peter Straub, Rudy Rucker, Science Fiction, signatures, small press publishers, Stephen Baxter, Terry Bisson
Posted in Books, Games, Horror, Science Fiction, technology | No Comments »
Monday, November 18th, 2024
When this first came out, I thought it was an odd item at a bit too high a price point and too large a limitation (though I think it sold out anyway). But since then, I’ve collected just about every other signed Ellison edition, and this one finally showed up at an attractive price.
Ellison, Harlan (Rick Berry, illustrator). “Repent, Harlequin!” Said The Ticktockman. Underwood Books, 1997. First edition hardback, #851 of 1,000 numbered copies signed by the author and illustrator, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and a Fine slipcase. Oversized (13 1/4″ high) illustrated version of Ellison’s classic story. Richmond, Fingerprints on the Sky, page 116. Chalker/Owings (2002), page 894. Bought for $32 off eBay (original list price was $45).

Note: The book is about an inch too long for the scanner, so the bottom is chopped off.

Tags:Books, Harlan Ellison, Science Fiction, signatures, small press publishers, Tim Underwood
Posted in Books, Science Fiction | No Comments »
Thursday, October 24th, 2024
Someone on eBay was selling off a bunch of Dark Harvest limiteds, and I picked up three of them for a comparative song. This is the first.
Lansdale, Joe R. The Nightrunners. Dark Harvest, 1987. First edition hardback, #60 of 300 numbered copies signed by Lansdale, introduction author Dean R. Koontz, and illustrator Gregory Manchess, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket and a Fine slipcase; a pristine, mint copy. Joe’s most splatterpunk work. Supplements both the lettered slipcrate edition and the trade edition I bought and had Joe sign back when it came out, so I now have all three states. Isajanko, A009.a.ii. Person/Orbaugh/Lansdale, “Joe Lansdale: Notes Toward a Bibliography,” 10a. Chalker/Owings, page 120 (Jack was not a fan of the novel). Bought off eBay for $75.

By way of coincidence, I will have a copy of the trade edition of The Nightrunners signed by both Lansdale and Koontz in the next Lame Excuse Books catalog.
Tags:Books, Dark Harvest, Dean R. Koontz, Horror, Joe R. Lansdale, signatures, small press publishers, splatterpunk
Posted in Books, Horror | No Comments »