Several PS Publishing titles that arrived in January, one via a dealer order and the others via a discounted sale.
Coldiron, Katherine. Midnight Movie Monographs: Plan 9 From Outer Space. PS Publishing/Electric Dreamhouse, 2021. First edition hardback, #209 of 300 copies with a signed faux movie ticket laid in (along with a “Watch Bad Movies/Make Good Art” sticker), a Fine copy in decorated boards and a Fine dust jacket. A book-length study of Ed Wood’s infamous magnum opus of the same name, widely hailed (or derided) as the worst movie ever made, as featured in the Tim Burton film Ed Wood. Bought from the publisher at the usual discount. I have copies of this available though Lame Excuse Books.
Di Filippo, Paul. Aeota. PS Publishing, 2019. First edition hardback, trade edition, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. Supplements a signed, limited edition. Bought for £5. I have one copy of this available though Lame Excuse Books.
Dowling, Terry. The Complete Rynosseros (Volumes I, II and III). PS Publishing, 2020. First edition hardback, a PC copy of 300 signed, numbered sets, all Fine copies in decorated boards and Fine dust jackets and a Fine slipcase. All Dowling’s Tom Rynosseros stories. An attractive production with Nick Stathopoulos art. Volume III features Dowling discussing the origins and developments of every story. Volume I even has an introduction by Jack Vance! Bought for £60 for the set, a considerable discount from the £150 offering price.

Ford, Jeffrey. The Best of Jeffrey Ford. PS Publishing, 2020. First edition hardback, a Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. 550+ page volume. Bought for £5. I have one copy of this available though Lame Excuse Books.
Sholly, Pete Von. The PS Book of Fantastic Fictioneers: A History of the Incredible (Volume One Ackerman to Jackson and Volume Two: James To Wood.). PS Publishing, 2019. First edition hardbacks, Fine copies in Fine (One) and Near Fine (Volume Two, due to a 1″ slit along the spine edge) dust jackets. Profusely illustrated non-fiction book set covering creators of the fantastic, from Edgar Allen Poe to Ray Bradbury to Jim Henson to Joel Hodgson. Bought for £20 for the set.
Tags: Bad Movies, Books, Ed Wood, Fantasy, Horror, Jack Vance, Movies, Paul Di Filippo, Plan 9 From Outer Space, PS Publishing, Science Fiction, Terry Dowling
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